HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-27-2021 862-TA Notice of Public Hearing (Planning Commission)-Ad Proof- Ad ID: 146824 Start: 09/29/21 Stop: 09/29/21 Total Cost: $526.16Columns Wide: 1 # of Inserts: 2 Ad Class: 1001 Phone # Email: rliening@bendbulletin.com Amount Due: $526.16 Date: 09/27/21 Account #: 3132 File #: Company Name: DESCHUTES COUNTY COMMUNITY DEV. Contact: Address: 117 NW Lafayette Ave ATTN: TRACY GRIFFIN BEND Telephone: (541) 617-4707 Fax: This is the proof of your ad, scheduled to run on the dates indicated below. Please proofread carefully, and if changes are needed, please contact Rachel Liening prior to deadline at orrliening@bendbulletin.com. Run Dates The Bulletin 09/29/21 bendbulletin.com 09/29/21 Legal NoticeNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGMEETING FORMATIn response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued Executive Order 20-16 (later enacted as part of HB 4212) di-recting government entities to utilize vir-tual meetings when-ever possible and to take necessary measures to facili-tate public participa-tion in these virtual meetings. Since May 4, 2020, Deschutes County public hear-ings have been con-ducted primarily in a virtual format. Ad-ditionally, on August 13, 2021, the Public Health Division of the Oregon Health Authority adopted into Administrative Rule requirements that all persons 5 years of age or old-er must wear face coverings and/or masks in indoor spaces (OAR 333-019-1025).The Deschutes Coun-ty Planning Com-mission will conduct the public hearing described below by video and telephone. If participation by video and telephone is not possible, in-person testimony is available. Options for participating in the public hearing are detailed in the Public Hearing Par-ticipation section.PROJECT DESCRIP-TIONFILE NUMBER: 247-21-000862-TAAPPLICANT: De-schutes County Community Devel-opment DepartmentPROPOSAL: Text Amendments (“Housekeeping Amendments”) to clarify existing stan-dards and proce-dural requirements, incorporate changes to state and federal law, and to correct errors found in var-ious sections of the Deschutes County CodeHEARING DATE: Thursday, October 28, 2021HEARING START: 5:30 pmSTAFF CONTACT: Kyle Collins, Asso-ciate Planner Kyle.Collins@deschutes.org, 541-383-4427DOCUMENTS: Can be viewed and downloaded from: www.buildingper-mits.oregon.gov and http://dial.deschutes.orgPUBLIC HEARING PARTICIPATION• If you wish to provide testimony during the public hearing, please contact the staff planner by 5 pm on October 27, 2021. Testimony can be provided as de-scribed below.• Members of the pub-lic may listen, view, and/or participate in this hearing using Zoom. Using Zoom is free of charge. To login to the electron-ic meeting online us-ing your computer, copy this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84287305740?p-wd=bUlw-cEpvUkR4L3F-GM0ExUX-BaS093QT09 Using this option may require you to down-load the Zoom app to your device.• Members of the pub-lic can access the meeting via tele-phone, dial 1-253-215-8782. When prompted, enter the following: Webinar ID: 842-8730-5740 and Password: 697889.• If participation during the hearing by video and telephone is not possible, the public can provide testimo-ny in person at 5:30 pm in the Barnes and Sawyer Rooms of the Deschutes Services Cen-ter, 1300 NW Wall Street, Bend. Please be aware County staff will enforce the 6-foot social dis-tancing standard in the hearing room. Additionally, all par-ticipants attending in person must wear a face covering at all times.Copies of the staff re-port, application, all documents and evi-dence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and ap-plicable criteria are available for inspec-tion at the Planning Division at no cost and can be pur-chased for 25 cents a page. The staff re-port should be made available 7 days pri-or to the date set for the hearing. Docu-ments are also avail-able online at www.deschutes.org.Deschutes County encourages persons with disabilities to participate in all pro-grams and activities. This event/location is accessible to peo-ple with disabilities. If you need accommo-dations to make par-ticipation possible, please contact the staff planner identi-fied above.