HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapter 5.12 Legislative History 02-05-251 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY Background This section contains the legislative history of this Comprehensive Plan. Table 5.12.1 Comprehensive Plan Ordinance History Section 5.12 Legislative History 2 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY Ordinance Date Adopted/ Effective Chapter/Section Amendment 2011-003 8-10-11/11-9-11 All, except Transportation, Tumalo and Terrebonne Community Plans, Deschutes Junction, Destination Resorts and ordinances adopted in 2011 Comprehensive Plan update 2011-027 10-31-11/11-9-11 2.5, 2.6, 3.4, 3.10, 3.5, 4.6, 5.3, 5.8, 5.11, 23.40A, 23.40B, 23.40.065, 23.01.010 Housekeeping amendments to ensure a smooth transition to the updated Plan 2012-005 8-20-12/11-19-12 23.60, 23.64 (repealed), 3.7 (revised), Appendix C (added) Updated Transportation System Plan 2012-012 8-20-12/8-20-12 4.1, 4.2 La Pine Urban Growth Boundary 2012-016 12-3-12/3-4-13 3.9 Housekeeping amendments to Destination Resort Chapter 2013-002 1-7-13/1-7-13 4.2 Central Oregon Regional Large-lot Employment Land Need Analysis 2013-009 2-6-13/5-8-13 1.3 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Agriculture to Rural Residential Exception Area 2013-012 5-8-13/8-6-13 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, including certain property within City of Bend Urban Growth Boundary 2013-007 5-29-13/8-27-13 3.10, 3.11 Newberry Country: A Plan for Southern Deschutes County 3 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY 2013-016 10-21-13/10-21- 13 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, including certain property within City of Sisters Urban Growth Boundary 2014-005 2-26-14/2-26-14 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, including certain property within City of Bend Urban Growth Boundary 2014-012 4-2-14/7-1-14 3.10, 3.11 Housekeeping amendments to Title 23. 2014-021 8-27-14/11-25-14 23.01.010, 5.10 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Sunriver Urban Unincorporated Community Forest to Sunriver Urban Unincorporated Community Utility 2014-021 8-27-14/11-25-14 23.01.010, 5.10 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Sunriver Urban Unincorporated Community Forest to Sunriver Urban Unincorporated Community Utility 2014-027 12-15-14/3-31-15 23.01.010, 5.10 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Agriculture to Rural Industrial 2015-021 11-9-15/2-22-16 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Agriculture to Surface Mining. 4 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY 2015-029 11-23-15/11-30- 15 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Tumalo Residential 5-Acre Minimum to Tumalo Industrial 2015-018 12-9-15/3-27-16 23.01.010, 2.2, 4.3 Housekeeping Amendments to Title 23. 2015-010 12-2-15/12-2-15 2.6 Comprehensive Plan Text and Map Amendment recognizing Greater Sage- Grouse Habitat Inventories 2016-001 12-21-15/04-5-16 23.01.010; 5.10 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from, Agriculture to Rural Industrial (exception area) 2016-007 2-10-16/5-10-16 23.01.010; 5.10 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to add an exception to Statewide Planning Goal 11 to allow sewers in unincorporated lands in Southern Deschutes County 2016-005 11-28-16/2-16-17 23.01.010, 2.2, 3.3 Comprehensive Plan Amendment recognizing non- resource lands process allowed under State law to change EFU zoning 2016-022 9-28-16/11-14-16 23.01.010, 1.3, 4.2 Comprehensive plan Amendment, including certain property within City of Bend Urban Growth Boundary 2016-029 12-14-16/12/28/16 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from, Agriculture to Rural Industrial 5 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY 2017-007 10-30-17/10-30- 17 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Agriculture to Rural Residential Exception Area 2018-002 1-3-18/1-25-18 23.01, 2.6 Comprehensive Plan Amendment permitting churches in the Wildlife Area Combining Zone 2018-006 8-22-18/11-20-18 23.01.010, 5.8, 5.9 Housekeeping Amendments correcting tax lot numbers in Non-Significant Mining Mineral and Aggregate Inventory; modifying Goal 5 Inventory of Cultural and Historic Resources 2018-011 9-12-18/12-11-18 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Agriculture to Rural Residential Exception Area 2018-005 9-19-18/10-10-18 23.01.010, 2.5, Tumalo Community Plan, Newberry Country Plan Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, removing Flood Plain Comprehensive Plan Designation; Comprehensive Plan Amendment adding Flood Plain Combining Zone purpose statement. 2018-008 9-26-18/10-26-18 23.01.010, 3.4 Comprehensive Plan Amendment allowing for the potential of new properties to be designated as Rural Commercial or Rural Industrial 6 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY 2019-002 1-2-19/4-2-19 23.01.010, 5.8 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment changing designation of certain property from Surface Mining to Rural Residential Exception Area; Modifying Goal 5 Mineral and Aggregate Inventory; Modifying Non-Significant Mining Mineral and Aggregate Inventory 2019-001 1-16-19/4-16-19 1.3, 3.3, 4.2, 5.10, 23.01 Comprehensive Plan and Text Amendment to add a new zone to Title 19: Westside Transect Zone. 2019-003 02-12-19/03-12- 19 23.01.010, 4.2 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment changing designation of certain property from Agriculture to Redmond Urban Growth Area for the Large Lot Industrial Program 2019-004 02-12-19/03-12- 19 23.01.010, 4.2 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment changing designation of certain property from Agriculture to Redmond Urban Growth Area for the expansion of the Deschutes County Fairgrounds and relocation of Oregon Military Department National Guard Armory. 2019-011 05-01-19/05-16/19 23.01.010, 4.2 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to adjust the Bend Urban Growth Boundary to accommodate the refinement of the Skyline Ranch Road alignment and the refinement of the West Area Master Plan Area 1 boundary. The ordinance also amends the Comprehensive Plan designation of Urban Area Reserve for those lands leaving the UGB. 7 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY 2019-006 03-13-19/06-11- 19 23.01.010, Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Agriculture to Rural Residential Exception Area 2019-016 11-25-19/02-24- 20 23.01.01, 2.5 Comprehensive Plan and Text amendments incorporating language from DLCD’s 2014 Model Flood Ordinance and Establishing a purpose statement for the Flood Plain Zone. 2019-019 12-11-19/12-11- 19 23.01.01, 2.5 Comprehensive Plan and Text amendments to provide procedures related to the division of certain split zoned properties containing Flood Plain zoning and involving a former or piped irrigation canal. 2020-001 12-11-19/12-11- 19 23.01.01, 2.5 Comprehensive Plan and Text amendments to provide procedures related to the division of certain split zoned properties containing Flood Plain zoning and involving a former or piped irrigation canal. 8 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY 2020-002 2-26-20/5-26-20 23.01.01, 4.2, 5.2 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to adjust the Redmond Urban Growth Boundary through an equal exchange of land to/from the Redmond UGB. The exchange property is being offered to better achieve land needs that were detailed in the 2012 SB 1544 by providing more development ready land within the Redmond UGB. The ordinance also amends the Comprehensive Plan designation of Urban Area Reserve for those lands leaving the UGB. 2020-003 02-26-20/05-26- 20 23.01.01, 5.10 Comprehensive Plan Amendment with exception to Statewide Planning Goal 11 (Public Facilities and Services) to allow sewer on rural lands to serve the City of Bend Outback Water Facility. 2020-008 06-24-20/09-22- 20 23.01.010, Appendix C Comprehensive Plan Transportation System Plan Amendment to add roundabouts at US 20/Cook- O.B. Riley and US 20/Old Bend-Redmond Hwy intersections; amend Tables 5.3.T1 and 5.3.T2 and amend TSP text. 2020-007 07-29-20/10-27- 20 23.01.010, 2.6 Housekeeping Amendments correcting references to two Sage Grouse ordinances. 9 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY 2020-006 08-12-20/11-10- 20 23.01.01, 2.11, 5.9 Comprehensive Plan and Text amendments to update the County’s Resource List and Historic Preservation Ordinance to comply with the State Historic Preservation Rule. 2020-009 08-19-20/11-17- 20 23.01.010, Appendix C Comprehensive Plan Transportation System Plan Amendment to add reference to J turns on US 97 raised median between Bend and Redmond; delete language about disconnecting Vandevert Road from US 97. 2020-013 08-26-20/11/24/20 23.01.01, 5.8 Comprehensive Plan Text And Map Designation for Certain Properties from Surface Mine (SM) and Agriculture (AG) To Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) and Remove Surface Mining Site 461 from the County's Goal 5 Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Resource Sites. 2021-002 01-27-21/04-27- 21 23.01.01 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) To Rural Industrial (RI) 2021-005 06-16-21/06-16- 21 23.01.01, 4.2 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) To Redmond Urban Growth Area (RUGA) and text amendment 2021-008 06-30-21/09-28- 21 23.01.01 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Designation for Certain Property Adding Redmond Urban Growth Area (RUGA) and Fixing Scrivener’s Error in Ord. 2020-022 10 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY 2022-001 04-13-22/07-12- 22 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) 2022-003 04-20-22/07-19- 22 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) 2022-006 06-22-22/08-19- 22 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) to Bend Urban Growth Area 2022-011 07-27-22/10-25- 22 (superseded by Ord. 2023-015) 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) To Rural Industrial (RI) 2022-013 12-14-22/03-14- 23 (supplemented and controlled by Ord. 2024-010) 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) 2023-001 03-01-23/05-30- 23 23.01.010, 5.9 Housekeeping Amendments correcting the location for the Lynch and Roberts Store Advertisement, a designated Cultural and Historic Resource 2023-007 04-26-23/6-25-23 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) 11 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY 2023-010 06-21-23/9-17-23 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) 2023-018 08-30-23/11-28- 23 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) 2023-015 9-13-23/12-12-23 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Industrial (RI) 2023-025 11-29-23/2-27-24 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) to Bend Urban Growth Area 2024-001 1-31-24/4-30-24 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) to Bend Urban Growth Area 2023-016 5-8-24/8-6-24 23.01(BM) (added), 4.7 (amended), Appendix B (replaced) Updated Tumalo Community Plan 2023-017 3-20-24/6-20-24 23.01(D) (repealed), 23.01(BJ) (added), 3.7 (amended), Appendix C (replaced) Updated Transportation System Plan 12 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN – 2011 CHAPTER 5 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTIONS SECTION 5.12 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY 2024-003 2-21-24/5-21-24 23.01.010, 5.8 Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, changing designation of certain property from Surface Mining (SM) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA); Modifying Goal 5 Mineral and Aggregate Inventory 2024-007 10-02-24/12-31- 24 23.01(A)(repealed) 23.01(BK) (added) Repeal and Replacement of 2030 Comprehensive Plan with 2040 Comprehensive Plan 2024-010 10-16-24/01-14- 25 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) 2024-011 11-18-24/02-17- 25 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) to Redmond Urban Growth Area (RUGA) 2024-012 1-8-25/4-8-25 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan Map Designation for Certain Property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential Exception Area (RREA) 2025-001 2-5-25/2-5-25 23.01.010 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendment updating the Greater Sage- Grouse Area Combining Zone boundary.