HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey 20220LEGEND 9 = Found 5/8" Iron rod as noted. 0 = Set 5/8" Iron rod with yellow plastic cap marked "SCE&S", unless noted otherwise (R1) = PARTITION PLAT NO. 1999-47 (CS13874) (R2) = PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SURVEY BY EASTMAN (CS18452) (C) = Calculated (M) = Measured PP = PARTITION PLAT P �0 N89031'34"E 121.87' (R2) N89031'34"E 121.75' (R2) PARCEL 2 & A PORTION OF PARCEL 1, PP 1999-47 zo 0 (TAX LOT 4201, r MAP 15 13 16CB) co coDOCUMENT NO. 2018-015301 o BEFORE: 15,336 S.F. o AFTER: 14,961 S.F. z P P N0°08'53"W 1.00, (R1)_ Or n'?, __ \\(), N N89031'37"E 85.00' (R1) N89031'34"E 0.12' (R2) o N A PORTION OF PARCEL 1, Ci PP 1999-47 0 co (TAX LOT 42009 z MAP 15 13 16CB) co o DOCUMENT NO. z 2018-015301 N815 006"E S89028'46"W 206.87' (R1) \) 5 R E. �0 PG BEFORE: 6,547 S.F. AFTER: 6,922 S.F. (R1) LINE TO BE ADJUSTED M� r 00 O otj U) o O Lfj r OO z N 5/8" IR W/CAP BASIS OF BEARINGS (R2) z N N89°2846"E o (R2) N8902846"E 70.12' (R2) & (M) _1 15.00' (M) 6 (R1) ih 5/8" IR W/CAP �^ o L CD NEW LINE P o z 0 oL6 zN PREPARED BY: SUN COUNTRY ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC., 920 SE ARMOUR RD BEND, OR 97702 (541) 382-8882 I W P� v d I V I 5/8" IR NO CAP (R1) AREA OF ADJUSTM NT 325 S.F I - 30.00' 30.00' 5/8" IR NO CAP CS13659 SE CORNER PARCEL 2, PP 1999-47 I RECORD OF SURVEY PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT MAY 2020 PLANNING # 711-16-000097—LLA TRACTS OF LAND (PARCELS 1 & 2, PARTITION PLAT N0. 1999-47) LOCATED IN THE NAP 1/4 OF THE SAP 1/4 OF SECTION 16 TOWNSHIP 15 SOUTH, RANGE 13 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CITY OF REDMOND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, Daniel T. Burton, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 2248 in the State of Oregon, do hereby certify that I or those under my direct supervision have made a survey of the lands shown on this plat of survey and further certify that said lands were correctly surveyed according to State Statutes and the Rules of Common Law. SURVEYOR'S NARRATIVE: The purpose of this survey was to monument a property line adjustment per my clients' direction and as approved by the City of Redmond. Control for this survey was based on the referenced surveys shown on this survey map and existing monuments found during the course of this survey. Basis of bearings for this survey was CS18452 where monuments were found and held per the referenced (R2) survey. All found monuments fit very well with record data and therefore were held in their found position and the boundaries of said subject properties were reestablished by holding shown record or measured data. The common line between said properties was then adjusted as requested by our client. Monuments found and set during the course of this survey are as shown on the subjoined survey map. SCALE: 1 "-20.9 20 0 20 CLIENT: WELL —PLUMBED LLC — KEN STILWELL DESCHUTES COUNTY SURVEYOR FILEDs zozo BY: _DunL91.b&0 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON JANUARY 15, 1987 DANIEL T. BURTON 2248 RENEWS 12/31 /21 W.O. # 8215-4 PLATE ONE OF ONE �S 20220