HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey 20308^ N CC U Cp 00 Ui N U V) N W 0 N C J �Cn Co 0 0 z LO _ ^ LO Co 0) o U O rn a �- G� 0 N89'50'53"E Parcel Line Table LINE BEARING LENGTH L2(1M) S45000'00"E 14.66' (North Line of the E 1 /2 SW 1/4 SE 1/4) 17-12-05D TL 2000 Before: 16.38 AC After: 16.61 AC (Volume 2020, Page 47176) Old Property Line Held 5/8" Iron Rod w/Cap Marked "SCE&S Held 5/8" Iron Rod Per (R3) w/Cap Marked "SCE&S N89'45'46"E Per (R3) 113.27' (M,R3)22.00'(M) i N89'48'56"E 102.76' ,,, 00 —Held 1 /2" Iron Rod O•O�p���ji New Property Line w/No Cap per (R1) Dh �� Northwest corner of the �o South 220.00 feet of the E 1/2 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 5 zz 99.78' (M, R3) f Held 5/8" Iron Rod � w/Cap Marked "SCE&S Per (R3) 117.06' (M) A 113.26' (M) 329.96' (M, R3), 330.00' (RI) N89'45'46"E 431.96' (M,R3) 432.03' (R1) B A S I S O F BEARINGS 17-12-05D TL 2200 Before: 2.31 AC After: 2.08 AC (Volume 2020, Page 47175) Southeast corner of Parcel 2, Partition Plat No. 2005-51 (CS16496) Found 1 /2" Iron Rod with no cap, BENT Bears N10'56'20"W 0.74' from held calculated (R1) position (CS16496— S35'23'48"W 0.68') (CS02239— S05'19'30'W 0.98) —30.00' (C,R1,R2) 330.00' (C, R 1) N89'45'46 "E N89'45'46"E 432.03' (C, R 1) s Rs0 �"P i 00 af 0 z DESCHUTES COUNTY SURVEYOR FILED q11 7 ,2020 BY: Dur%Wb 662.38' (C. R2 ) 4 TRANSFER PARCEL 0.23 AC (Volume 2020, Page 47174) 1-9�/1 296 (M) 64.27' (M) 37.68' Held 5/8" Iron Rod w/Cap Marked "SCE&S Per (R3) Held 1 /2" Iron Rod w/No Cap per (131) 30.00' 1 72.03' —' 1 Held 1 /2" Iron Pipe w/No Cap per (R1) I ^ I Q I o I 0 c I 0 0 I w W E I w I o V) v I 3 -0 v 0 I af (C,R1) I 30.00' 72.03' (C,R1) (South Line of the E 1 /2 SW 1/4 SE 1/4) 662.03' (C,R1,R2) R 0 G E R S R 0 A D PREPARED BY: SUN COUNTRY ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC., 920 SE ARMOUR RD BEND, OR 97702 (541) 382-8882 N89'4546"E 230.04' (C,R1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 230.00' (C,R1 PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT U �00 �o W V) (n N o' N W 00 � N 0 c _J LO 0 0 z rn LO '0 0 z N_ �o 'o Of 247-20-000285—LL, SEPTEMBER 2020 LOCATED IN THE EAST ONE—HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE —QUARTER OF SOUTHEAST ONE —QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 12 EAST, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON CLIENT: WILEY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, Robin Michael Tye, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 65719 in the State of Oregon, do hereby certify that I or those under my direct supervision have made a survey of the lands shown on this plat of survey and further certify that said lands were correctly surveyed according to State Statutes and the Rules of Common Law. SURVEYOR'S NARRATIVE: The purpose of this survey was to adjust the common property line between 17-12-05D Tax Lots 2000 and 2200, all being a part of the East One —Half of the Southwest One —Quarter of the Southeast One —Quarter of Section 5, Township 17 South, Range 12 East, Willamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon, as requested by our client. Control for this survey was based on the two referenced surveys by Burton Brothers Engineers and Land Surveyors, recorded as CS02226 and CS02244, Property Line Adjustment by Kevin J. Blakley recorded as CS17704, and existing monuments found in the field during the course of this survey from said surveys. Only monuments found on the said adjusted common line were located and are shown on this survey map. All said monuments were held in their found position. All other boundary lines of said tax lots are shown as calculated from said referenced Burton Brothers surveys. The new property line was adjusted as requested by our client. Monuments found and set during the course of this survey are as shown on the subjoined survey map. LEGEND • = FOUND PER NOTED RECORD O = SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP MARKED "SCE&S UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 0 = Calculated corner based on holding record data per (R1) or (R2) (R1) = Survey by Burton Brothers Engineers and Land Surveyors (CS02226) (R2) = Survey by Burton Brothers Engineers and Land Surveyors (CS02244) (R3) = Property Line Adjustment by Kevin J. Blakley (CS17704) (C) = Calculated (M) = Measured SCALE.-1 "=50' REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON JUNE 13, 2008 ROBIN MICHAEL TYE 65719 W.O. # 6831-04 RENEWS:06/30/2022 PLATE ONE OF ONE CS 2osos