HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey 20373I DEC UTFES COUNTY SURVEY® FI LE® ! 23 Za20 BY:.Dv n III ' 17-14-27-C .I I I TAX LOT 300PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT I ' I � I .I I;I III ' .I 247 -20-000453-LL, NOVEMBER 2020 -- -- - -- ---- --__--_____i TAX LOTS 400 AND 500 I. - - I 17-14-27-C LOCATED IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 27, I 00 I I TAX LOTS t 17-14-27-C TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 14 EAST, W.M. I I TAX LOT 200 1 I DESCHUTES COUNTY. OREGON I;I ' I ' II , i I p co - _ _ S88' 19'43"E 2639.00'(R 1) i 0 __ __ __ -` -- Held _ J I I 5/8" Iron Rod I With Cap Marked I i I "DEJARNATT LS 2208" ' Q per (R1)oo I I , M Loa 30' U').4 ti i UJI 00 TRANSFER PARCEL I I 0.91 Acres ���X .., IRR. 0.36 Acres � M ,t 't I (Vol. 2020, Pg. 62751) N N N I MNN 00 1 M (o LO i O M I ADJUSTED LINE S88'27'27"E ' to 344.87'(M) I 17-14-27-C -- __—__ 00 "t N / 72.93'(C) i o 0 o I TAX LOT 400 s88.27'27"E _0. ---- 00 O Before: 74.87 Acres 1' 1 330.00'(R4,D2) /1 Z z z o I After: 73.96 Acres I z IRR. Before: 50.6 Acres UR4 IRR. After: 50.24 Acres � � LINE TO I I 1 BE ADJUSTED 1 I (Vol. 2020, Pg. 62753) � I o 17-14-27-C ' ^ I ;TAX LOT500 Before: 4.99 Acres w16 After: 5.90 v I`o Acres w I _ I A0 1 I " Co 2 1 I FOUND 2-1/2 BRASS IRR. Before: 0 1 M fL127 CAP PER OCRR#1748 oI � 1.5 Acres 0 0 �° � 1 M IRR. After: Cn 0 1.86 Acres z Vol. 2020 ( , 20' Pg. 62752) 281 N88'2727"W 2258.54' (M) 1 ( 1 _ _ _ _ - _ WALKER ROAD 27.88 (C) 330.00' 41-33 34 - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - ---' (R4)(D2) -- 12 7 JT I ' I S88.27'27"E(M,R1,R2,R3,R4) 20' 2616.42'(M) 2616.35'(R1) 2616.34'(R2,R4) 2616.40'(R3) Ti 34 N88 27 27 W 357.88 (M) i l i BASIS 0 FI B EA R I N G S I 17-14-34-B TAX LOT 300 FOUND 2-1/2" BRASS- ICAP PER CS O4997 1972 I17-14-34-B 27 T17S TAX LOT 200 rl 3 34 R14E PREPARED BY: SUN COUNTRY ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC., 920 SE ARMOUR RD BEND, OR 97702 (541) 382-8882 CLIENT: TYE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I, Daniel T. Burton, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 65719 in the State of Oregon, do hereby certify that I or those under my direct supervision have made a survey of the lands shown on this plat of survey and further certify that said lands were correctly surveyed according to State Statutes and the Rules of Common Law. SURVEYOR'S NARRATIVE: The purpose of this survey was to adjust and monument the common line between that tract described in Instrument No. 2006-70942 (Tax Lot 171427C-400) and that tract described in Instrument No. 2000-2147 (171427C-500), Deschutes County, Oregon. The Basis of Bearings is the South line between the Southwest Section corner and South One —Quarter corner of Section 27, with the bearing taken from (R1). Control for this survey was based on the record monuments found as shown, per OCRR #1748, CSO4997 and CS12067. These found monuments were held in their found position for this survey. I then adjusted the common property line between the subject properties per planning number 247-20-000453—LL, and as requested by the client. Monuments found and set during the course of this survey are as shown on the subjoined survey map. LEGEND • = FOUND PER NOTED RECORD 0 = SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP MARKED "SCE&S", UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (R1) = LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT BY GARY DEJARNATT (CS 12067) (R2) = RECORD OF SURVEY BY E. G. MANSFIELD (CS O4996) (R3) = PARTITION PLAT 1998-58 BY BILL TYE (CS 13452) (R4) = MINOR LAND PARTITION MP-77-184 BY GEORGE COOK (CS 03333) (D1) = Instrument No. 2006-70942 (D2) = Instrument No. 2000-2147 (C) — Calculated (M) = Measured SCALE: 1 "=200' REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR J OREGON JANUARY 15, 1987 DANIEL T. BURTON 2248 RENEWS 12/31 /21 W.O. # ROB —WALKER PLATE ONE OF ONE CS 2o3 73