HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey 2077040.00' PORTLAND AVENUE , 40.00' Found 5/8" Iron Rod With Cap marked "SCE&S" per (R3) 1.00' South on Line EAST 60.00'(R2) Found 5/8" Iron Rod N89"59'43"E 60.00'(M,R1,R3) _ S89'59'43"W 60.00'(M.R3) With No Cap per (R1) - -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ------ -- f j 30.00'(C,R1) 30.00'(C,R1) t Found 5/8" Iron Rod 1 1 I With Cap marked f "SCE&S" per (R3) i TRACT B o i 7 Before: 3,417 S. F. I I c) After: 2,640 S. F. i Pg.i LINE TO 1 20221 I 1 (Vol. , BE ADJUSTED 1 W , 09069, Exhibit B, Tract B) ADJUSTED LINE °� W 3 �1 Inc t9 c C _ _ 1 I S89'59'43"WT60.00'(M�7�—� Z r , VJ I rn 1 1 1 C� t W m a-r 00 U7 P-T 2-0 P U � 0') Lo C 15 i �� i �0� 17 i �Q Flo OT LOT LOT U W C° I i TRACT A i o Q i Na , I Before: 3,417 S. F. o w co ` After: 4,194 S. F. o I 1 (Vol. 2022, Pg. I 1 1 09069, Exhibit B, 1 i Tract A) Found 5/8" Iron Rod I With No Cap per (R1) Found 5/8" Iron Rod f With No Cap per (R1) 30.00'(C,R1) 30.00'(C,R1) I 4 N90'00'00"E 60.00'(M,R3) _ 12.00' ALLEY WEST 60.00'(R2) 1 I I 1 1 I � �[ 6 LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1 , i i i i i 40.00 40.00 —, I , 1 I I I I I PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT PZ 20-0657 MARCH 2O22 LOTS 19 AND 20, BLOCK 13, KENWOOD LOCATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 12 EAST, W.M., CITY OF BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: 1, Robin Michael Tye, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 65719 in the State of Oregon, do hereby certify that I or those under my direct supervision have made a survey of the lands shown on this plat of survey and further certify that said lands were correctly surveyed according to State Statutes and the Rules of Common Law. SURVEYOR' S NARRATIVE: The purpose of this survey was to adjust the common lines between Lots 19 and 20, Block 13, Kenwood, Deschutes County, Oregon per City of Bend approvals PZ 20-0657.The Basis of Bearings for this survey is the East line of said Lot 20 between record found monuments. Control for this survey was based on the referenced surveys hereon and existing monuments found during the course of this survey. All found monuments were held in their found position for the boundaries of this survey. I then adjusted the common property line between said properties as requested by our client. Monuments found and set during the course of this survey are as shown on the subjoined survey map. LEGEND • = FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP MARKED "SCE&S" PER NOTED RECORD, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 0 = SET 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP MARKED "SCE&S", UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (R1) = PLAT OF "KENWOOD" BY F.H. MAY (CS 07700) (R2) = SURVEY BY MICHAEL W. TYE (CS 07738) (R3) = SURVEY BY DANIEL T. BURTON (CS 19264) (C) = Calculated (M) = Measured 1 ,Ci-1UTES C LINTY SUMEYORI 9FILEDIlZo2-2- By4 SCALE.- 1 "20' 3-U%-Za7Z REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON J U N E 13, 2008 ROBIN MICHAEL TYE 65719 REN EWS:06/30/2022 PREPARED BY: SUN COUNTRY ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC., 920 SE ARMOUR RD BEND, OR 97702 (541) 382-8882 CS 10770 CLIENT: ADLER W.O. # 9221-04 PLATE ONE OF ONE