HomeMy WebLinkAboutJustice court recommendations follow-upReport# 03/04 - 7 (Dated March 18, 2004)
Follow-up on
Justice Court Recommendations
(Moss Adams management letters
issued 10/10/2002 and 10/10/2003)
Presented to the
Deschutes County Audit Committee
by the
Internal Audit Program
David Givans, CPA – County Internal Auditor
Report# 03/04 - 7 Dated March 18, 2004
Deschutes Count y,
Report# 03/04 - 7 (Dated March 18, 2004)
Report# 03/04 - 7 (Dated March 18, 2004)
To: Audit Co mmittee
CC: Mike Daly, Tom DeWolf
From: David Givans, Count y Internal Auditor
Subject: Fo llow-up on the Just ice Court Recommendations (issued by Moss Adams)
(Report #03/04-7)
Date: March 18, 2004
This fo llow-up report is on the Justice Court recommendat ions prepared by Moss Adams
LLP and issued October 10, 2002 and their fo llow-up letter dated October 10, 2003. These
management letters have been included at the end of this report for reference
Informat ion contained in this reports is primarily from interviews with Caro l Garibay, court
coordinator for the Justice Court. The Justice Court’s response to this fo llow-up is included
in this report..
Deschutes Count y,
Internal Audit Program
David Givans, CPA
County Internal Auditor
Deschutes County-Administration building
1130 NW Harriman
Bend, OR 97701
Phone: 541-330-4674
Fax: 541-388-4752
Report# 03/04 - 7 (Dated March 18, 2004)
Report# 03/04-7 (Dated March 18, 2004)
Follow -up on
Justice Court Recommendations
(Moss Adams management letters issued
10/10/2002 and 10/10/2003)
1.1. Background …………………………………………………………………............ 1
1.2. Object ives and scope …….…………………………………………………............ 1
1.3. Methodology …………………………………………………………………….. 1-2
2.1. Reco mmendat ions – not implemented …………………………………………... 2-3
2.2. Reco mmendat ions – implemented ………………………………………………. 3-4
3. JUSTICE COURT RESPONSE ............................................................................... 5
4.1. Issued October 10, 2002 - Original reco mmendations............................................ 6-9
4.2. Issued October 10, 2003 - Follow-up on recommendat ions ............................. 10-11
Report# 03/04 - 7 (Dated March 18, 2004)
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Follow -up on Justice Court Recommendations
(Moss Adams management letter issued 10/10/2002 and 10/10/2003)
Report# 03/04-7 (Dated March 18, 2004)
Audit authorit y:
This fo llow-up of Just ice Court recommendat ions prepared by Moss Adams LLP and issued
October 10, 2002 and subsequent fo llow-up management letter dated October 10, 2003 was
pursuant to the direction of the Count y’s Audit Committee. The Deschutes Count y Audit
Committee requested the fo llow-up during its January 29, 2003 meet ing with Moss Adams.
The Audit Co mmittee wanted to makes sure these recommendat ions were reso lved
The purpose of this report is to detail the Just ice Courts actions in response to Moss Adams
recommendat ions.
The management letters:
Each year the County undergoes an audit of its financial statements. At the complet ion of
the audit, the auditor provides a management letter including pertinent recommendat ions.
During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002 audit, there were three written recommendations
relat ing to the Justice Court. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, the auditors had
no new recommendat ions and had fo llowed up on the prior year recommendat ions. They
noted one recommendat ion was not resolved.
Object ives:
The object ive was to follow-up on recommendat ions ident ified in the management letters.
The fo llow-up included all reco mmendat ions identified within the management letter dated
October 10, 2003.
The fo llow-up included interviews with Justice Court coordinator, Carol Garibay. The
status and addit ional co mments were from discussions with the Just ice Court. In cases where
the recommendat ion had not been implemented, procedures were developed with Just ice
Court staff to address the recommendat ion. This follow-up is, by nature, subject ive.
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In determining the status of recommendat ion that were fo llowed-up, we relied on assertions
provided by the Just ice Court and did not attempt to independent ly verify those assert ions.
Since no audit work was performed, Government Auditing Standards issued by the
Comptroller General of the United States were not fo llo wed.
We fo llowed up on seven recommendations ident ified in the most recent management letter
(dated October 10, 2003). Four of these recommendat ions had been discussed verbally wit h
the Justice Court and were not included in the original management letter (dated October 10,
2002). There were two recommendat ions ident ified that have not been implemented. See
discussio n below for addit ional discussio n on implement ing recommendations. The Justice
Court staff have been very responsive to suggestions and in implement ing
recommendat ions.
1. Reco mmended an individual independent of the Justice Court should periodically
review the court coordinator’s work through review of adjust ments and should
reconcile the “payment report” to the actual deposits made.
Internal Audit - Discussion and Recommendation:
The Just ice Court has not implemented this change. The provided reco mmendat ion
was not one the judge could easily acco mplish nor could other departments step in
and provide this routine supervisio n.
Through discussio n with the Just ice Court, it is recommended that the court
coordinator arrange for the County’s Informat ion Techno logy Department to make
some software improvements. These improvements would provide for a monthly
report of all overrides/edits made by the court coordinator. This report would be
provided to the Justice Court judge for review. The court coordinator should provide
the judge with support for all overrides. The judge should review the support and
evidence this by his init ials on the report.
Implementing the above procedures should significant ly address Moss Adams’
concerns by providing oversight to possible adjustments made by the court
coordinator. It would not be appropriate for the internal audit program to provide
this ongo ing supervisio n as indicated by Moss Adams.
2. Reco mmended that the court coordinator not have a cash drawer and not receive
Report# 03/04 - 7 (Dated March 18, 2004)
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Internal Audit - Discussion and Recommendation:
This was discussed verbally wit h the Just ice Court and dismissed fro m the final
written management letter by Moss Adams since there was limited staffing at the
Just ice Court. The court coordinator continues to receive cash since she is
responsible for cash collection during night court as well as filling-in when they are
short on staff.
The Just ice Court is currently considering the need for an addit ional staff posit ion. It
is reco mmended that they strongly consider this, if it will make it possible to remove
the cash handling duties of the court coordinator. Unt il then, the court coordinator
should limit her receipt and handling of cash.
1. Reco mmended that someone independent of the cash receipts cycle be given
responsibilit y to sign checks and remove authorit y for the court coordinator to sign
The Judge is the primary signature on this account. In situations where the judge is
unavailable, there are two backup signers wit hin the Finance Department. Signing
authority has been remo ved fro m the court coordinator.
2. Reco mmended that two staff open the mail together, init ial log, and compare the
totals to the daily bank deposit.
Just ice Court has substant ially co mplied wit h this recommendation. The court
coordinator randomly verifies that receipts performed by staff are credited to the
appropriate case and in the right amount. All receipts greater than $250 are
3. Reco mmended an individual independent of the cash receipts cycle review the bank
reconciliat ion.
The Just ice Court judge is now responsible for reviewing the internal bank
reconciliat ion they perform for their account and evidences this review wit h his
init ials. In addit ion, the Finance depart ment does mo nthly bank reconciliat ions for
this account.
4. Reco mmended that supporting documentation be provided for checks issued and the
documentation should be init ialed by the Judge.
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The Just ice Court is providing support during check issuance and the Judge is
init ialing off on the check issuance report that accompanies the checks. The judge is
aware that init ialing off on the documentation indicates a review of the underlying
support for reasonableness.
5. Reco mmended the bank statements be sent to an individual independent of the cash
receipts cycle and review the returned items for reasonableness.
As noted above, Finance prepares monthly bank reconciliat ion and independently
receives bank statements direct ly fro m the bank.
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4.1 October 10, 2002 – Original recommendations
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4.1 October 10, 2003 – Follow-up on recommendations
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