HomeMy WebLinkAboutFollow-up on Finance Dept RecommendationsReport# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) Follow-up on Finance Department - Review of Internal Controls over Receipts and Investments (Internal audit report #04/05-5 issued February 6, 2005) Presented to the Deschutes County Audit Committee by the Internal Audit Program David Givans, CPA – County Internal Auditor Report# 05/06 - 6 Dated January 13, 2006 Deschutes Count y, Oregon Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) {This page left blank} Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) To: Audit Co mmittee CC: Mike Daly, Bev Clarno From: David Givans, Count y Internal Auditor Subject: Fo llow-up on audit of Finance Depart ment (Report #04/05-5) Date: January 13, 2006 This fo llow-up report covers the performance review of Finance as covered in Internal Audit Report #04/05-5. The audit covered the internal controls over receipts and invest ments and was issued February 6, 2005. This fo llow-up report was compiled fro m informatio n provided by Finance. Deschutes Count y, Oregon Internal Audit Program David Givans, CPA County Internal Auditor Deschutes County- Administrative Services 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 200 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-330-4674 Fax: 541-385-3202 davidg@co.deschutes.or.us Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) {This page left blank} Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated May 31, 2004) Follow -up on Finance Depart ment – Review of Internal Controls Over Receipts and Investments (Internal audit report #04/05-5 issued February 6, 2005) TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background ……………………………………………………………………….... 1 1.2. Object ives & Scope ……………………………………………………………...… 1 1.3. Methodology ……………………………………………………………………….. 1 2. OVERVIEW of FOLLOW-UP RESULTS …………………………………….. 1-2 3. Highlighted recommendations 3.1. Reco mmendat ions – not implemented …………………………………………... 2-3 3.2. Reco mmendat ions – pending and planned implementation ………………..…....… 4 3.3. Reco mmendat ions – specific accomplishments ………………………………….... 4 4. Appendix 4.1. Appendix I –Finance’s implementation response 12-15-05 ……..…………...... 5-13 Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND Audit Authorit y: The Deschutes County Audit Committee has suggested that follow-ups occur within nine mo nths of the reports. The Audit Co mmittee’s would like to make sure depart ments satisfactorily address recommendat ions. 1.2 OBJECTIVES and SCOPE Object ives: The object ive was to follow-up on recommendat ions ident ified in the audit report performed for the Finance department. Scope: The fo llow-up included all pert inent recommendat ions made in the original internal audit report (#04/05-5). The audit covered internal controls over receipts and invest ments and was issued February 6, 2005. 1.3 METHODOLOGY The fo llow-up report was developed from informatio n provided by Marty Wynne, Finance Director/Treasurer. In cases where the recommendations had not been implemented, these were noted and the explanat ion. The fo llow-up is, by nature, subject ive. In determining the status of recommendations that were fo llowed up, we relied on assertions provided by those invo lved and did not attempt to independent ly verify those assert ions. If a response or lack of a response merited a reply by the auditor those have been added. Since no substant ive audit work was performed, Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General o f the United States were not fo llowed. 2. Overview of Follow-up Results We fo llowed up on 35 recommendations made in the report. Figure I provides a breakdown of the status for recommendat ions. Recommendations have for the most part been implemented or are in the process of being implemented. Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 2 Figure I – How were recommendations implemented? Pending implementation 3% Not implemented 9% Implemented 71% Partially implemented 17% 3. RESULTS The fo llowing informat ion highlights those recommendat ions that were not fully implemented. Items implemented or in the process of implementation are included at the end of the report in Appendix I. 3.1 RECOMMENDATIONS - NOT IMPLEMENTED 1. In the tax area, some staff person other than the one receipt ing the money should be responsible for authorizing any vo ids or reversals and should retain support for the changes made. Tax area comments: It is understood that this issue for the tax area is significant ly mit igated by the fo llow-up on any outstanding tax balances. Auditor Comment: In the tax area there is a significant mitigating control since Finance sends out statements for tax amounts owing and taxpayers would question if their payments were not credited. In addition, Finance is continuing work to develop oversight reports for transactions that should be reviewed. No additional follow-up should be required. 2. It is reco mmended steps be taken to acquire cash register drawers that could be physically mounted to the underside of the counter/desk area. It should have a unique key lock and allow for only one emplo yee’s access at a time. Other desirable features include a slot to allow checks to be added without opening the drawer and a mechanism incorporated into the receipt ing system to open the drawer only when change is required. Tax area comments: After reviewing the workstations, we disagree that the cash drawers need to be mounted to the front counter stations. We current ly use a filing pedestal, in which the second Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 3 drawer is where the cash tray is stored. This drawer is farther from the customers reach and is less visible than if we were to switch to a mounted cash drawer. Mounting a cash drawer would also impede moving the workstations pieces to different heights (lose ergonomic benefit of furniture) and emplo yees could injure themselves bumping into the mounted drawer (this happened frequent ly in our old building and the cash drawers were mounted under the workstation). Auditor Comment: The reply sufficiently addressed the location of cash drawers; however, the response did not address segregating access through locking the cash drawers. Sole custody over cash register drawers is the most effective way to track problems in the event the monies and activity reports do not agree. In discussing this reply further with management, it is acknowledged the department has not had any problems reconciling monies and there are mitigating factors in their favor such as, long tenured employees, little changeover in employees, and adequate supervision. From discussions with management, it is clear they are monitoring this area and will be continuing to do so. If they perceive any issues, they should consider additional safeguards as recommended. No additional follow-up should be required. 3. A report should be developed to tally the supply receipts entered into the tax system, this should be reconciled with the supply slips submitted, and amounts paid from the change mo nies. Tax area comments: Current documentation and audit trail seem sufficient. Auditor Comment: This recommendation was a minor part of the overall recommendation. The suggestion was one for efficiency and ease of monitoring. No issues have been raised by management on reconciling these receipts. No additional follow-up should be required. 4. It is reco mmended the tax area consider whether they are properly co mplying with their legal obligation to obtain written address changes in accordance wit h the Oregon Revised Statutes. Tax area comments: Management has since implemented this recommendat ion. Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 4 3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS - PENDING AND PLANNED IMPLEMENTATION See Appendix I for the completed workplan, which outlines Finance’s response and timing for implementation. 3.3 RECOMMENDATIONS - SPECIFIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. LOCKBOX SERVICES Finance implemented the recommended lockbox arrangement for tax payments starting with 2005/206 tax payments that commenced in November 2005. Deschutes County used US Bank to provide lockbox services. US Bank is the only provider of these services in the state and some 15 Oregon Counties ut ilize these services. Management has indicated the benefits included: i. Receipt ing of tax payments was accelerated and therefore the various taxing districts received their mo nies earlier. ii. Input errors were observed to be much less frequent. iii. Stress to the department for the seasonal build-up in work was significant ly reduced. iv. The electronic payment data furnished can be tied to customer accounts for better servicing. The department has not quantified the impact of the benefits. They are pleased with the init ial outcomes after implement ing the recommendat ion. Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 5 4. Appendix 4.1 Appendix I – Finance’s Follow-up response on 12-15-05 Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 6 Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 7 Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 8 Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 9 Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 10 Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 11 Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 12 Report# 05/06 - 6 (Dated January 13, 2006) 13