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Oregon Vote-by-Mail Special Election January 26, 2010
The Oregon Secretary of State's Office will mail the statewide Voters' Pamphlet for the January
26, 2010 Special Election by January 16, 2010. A Voters' Guide for this Special Election is also
available online at http://www.sos.state.or.us/elections.
Voter Information
To register to vote in Oregon, you
Replacement Ballot: must be:
You can request a replacement ballot if you 1. A resident of Oregon.
make a mistake, your ballot is damaged or 2. A United States citizen.
spoiled, your ballot is lost, or for any other 3. At least 18 years old by election day.
reason. Contact the Deschutes County You must update your registration if:
Elections office at 541-388-6547 to request a
replacement ballot. 1. Your residence or mailing address
2. Your name changes.
Reminder: 3. You wish to change your party affiliation.
Your ballot will not be counted if your Important Note:
envelope is not signed! All ballots must be If you have moved or your name has changed
received no later than 8 pm on Tuesday, and you have not yet updated your registration,
January 26. Postmarks do not count. you are still eligible to vote. Contact the
--Deschutes County Elections office, 541-388-
6547 for further information.
Deschutes County Election Results
Election results are available after 8 pm on Voters with Disabilities:
January 26 from the County Elections office or If you are unable to vote your ballot without
on the internet at www.deschutes.org. The assistance because of a physical disability or
results will be updated throughout the night. because you are unable to read or write,
contact the Deschutes County Elections office
To be eligible to vote in the January 26, 2010 at 541-388-6547. We will provide two persons
Special Election, a completed voter registration to assist you in voting. To assure your voted
card must be postmarked by January 5, 2010. ballot is received by election day, contact the
elections office early to arrange for assistance.
You may also select someone else of your own
choice to assist you.
Deschutes County Y
January 26, 2010 Special Election
Official Ballot Drop Site Locations
Deschutes Service Center Redmond City Hall
1300 NW Wall St 716 SW Evergreen Ave
Box located on Parkway side of building Jan 11 —Jan 25: 8 am-5 pm
Available 7 days a week (Usual Business Hours&Days)
Election Day,Tuesday,Jan 26: open until 8 pm Election Day,Tuesday,Jan 26: 8 am-8 pm
Drive-By Drop Site
Corner of Wall Stand Lafayette Ave Sisters
(Parking Area) Sisters City Hall
Friday,Jan 22: 8 am—6 pm 520 E Cascade Ave
Monday,Jan 25: 7 am-6 pm Jan 11 —Jan 25: 8 am-5 pm
Election Day,Tuesday,Jan 26: 7 am-8 pm (Usual Business Hours&Days)
Election Day,Tuesday,Jan 26: 8 am-8 pm
Deschutes County Road Department
61150 SE 27t"St
Available 7 days a week S u n river
Election Day,Tuesday,Jan 26: open until 8 pm Drive-By Drop Site
Sunriver Area Public Library
La Pine Sunriver Business Park
56855 Venture Ln
Drive-By Drop Site Friday,Jan 22: 8 am-5 pm
La Pine Public Library Monday,Jan 25: 8 am—6 pm
16425 First St Election Day,Tuesday,Jan 26: 8 am-8 pm
let St S Huntington Rd
Friday&Monday,Jan 22&Jan 25: 8 am-6 pm
Election Day,Tuesday,Jan 26:8 am-8 pm Terrebonne
Terrebonne Sheriff Substation
Redmond 815411th St,Suite 3
Friday&Monday,Jan 22&Jan 25:
Drive-By Drop Site 8 am- 1 pm and 2 pm-5 pm
Redmond Public Library Election Day,Tuesday,Jan 26:
827 SW Deschutes Ave 8 am- 1 pm and 2 pm-8 pm
Friday&Monday,Jan 22&Jan 25: 8 am—6 pm
Election Day,Tuesday,Jan 26: 8 am-8 pm
County Clerk's office hours: Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
Election Day,Tuesday,January 26,2010,7 am to 8 pm
1300 NW Wall St, Upper Floor, Bend - Privacy Booths Provided
All ballots must be received at an official drop site or the Deschutes County
Clerk's office no later than 8 pm, Election Day, Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Postmarks Do Not Count
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Voters "
Pa p
Oregon special Election
January 26, 2010
. i
• S Kate Brown
Oregon Secretary of State I
This Voters'Pamphlet is provided for assistance {
in casting your vote by mail ballot.
................_-..........._... .........................................._....................................................................-......................-........ .............................................................i
Dear Oregon Voters:
When I took office as Secretary of State in January of 2009, I had no idea that my first letter
to Oregon voters in the state's Voters' Pamphlet would come so soon. However under our
state constitution's referendum system, enough Oregon voters signed petitions to refer to
a statewide vote two measures adopted by the legislature in 2009.
The election before voters on January 26th is significant for two reasons. First,the
initiative and referenda'system is an important,part of our political DNA as Oregonians
and was established as part of Oregon's constitution as one element of a series of
important checks and balances on state.government.The right of Oregonians to petition
their government, and to gain access to the ballot.by signing referendum petitions on
laws passed by the legislature was.exercised this year and so now, you as voters have
important decisions to make.
Second; the questions before voters this January-whether to enact or reject legislation
adopted by the legislature- are worthy of careful study and consideration. Because of
the magnitude of the issues involved, the legislature seta special election,in January,
One of the key benefits of vote-by-mail is the time it provides voters to research the
issues and cast an informed vote.ThisVoters' Pamphlet contains information on
each measure, as well as arguments.submitted by proponents and opponents of the
measures. I hope you will take the time to read them all and then make up your own
mind about how you will vote.
Voting is the bedrock of our democracy and the first step is making sure you are.registered.
You can check your registration status by going to this website: www.oregonvotes.org
and clicking on"am I registered to vote?" If you're not registered,you can download a voter
.registration form and submit;it to your county elections office:The deadline to register for
the January special election is January 5th. I am very,pleased to tell you that by March 2010,
I'll be sharing a new website where you can register or update your registration online,
from the comfort and convenience of.your home computer or a laptop at your favorite
coffee shop.
As your Chief Elections Officer I encourage you all to register and then vote in this and
every election. Make sure your ballot is received by your county elections,office by
8:00 pm on January 26th. If you have questions about registration, filling out your ballot,
or about getting a replacement ballot if you make a mistake, please call our toll-free
hotline, 1-866-ORE-VOTE, or 1-866-673-8683.
Kate Brown
Oregon Secretary of State
Voters' Pamphlet
Oregon Special Election
January 26, 2010
Table of Contents
General information
Voters'Pamphlet Information 4
Oregon Voter Bill of Rights .6
° Voters with Disabilities 86
Voter Registration Information $$
' Measures
Measure 66 7
Measure 67 47
Voting Information,
Vote by Mail 5
£� $ County Elections Officials . 90
Additional Information Pages
How to File,a Complaint 46
Am I Registered to Vote? 51
4 `
Voters'Pamphlet Website
Your official 2010 January Special Election Voters'Pamphlet Most of the information contained in this voters'
provides you with information about State Measures 66 and 67. pamphlet is also available in the Online Voters'Guide
These measures were referred to the ballot by referendum peti- at www.oregonvotes.org.
tion,Additionally,you can find information about vote by mail
and voter registration,as well as contact information for county
elections officials across the state. Espanol
Measure arguments are printed as submitted by the author. Una version.en espanol de algunas panes de la•Guia del Elector
The state does not correct punctuatioh,grammar,syntax errors esta a su disposici6n an el portal del Internet cuya direction
or inaccurate information.The only changes made are attempts aparece arriba.Conscientes de qua este material an linea podria
to correct spelling errors N the word as originally submitted is no Ilegar adecuademente a todos Ios"electores qua necesitan
not in the dictionary. este servicio,se invite a toda persona a imprimis la version an
The Voters'Pamphlet has been compiled by the Secretary of linda.y circularla a aquellos electores qua no tengan acceso a
State since 1903,when Oregon became one of the first states to una computadora.
provide for the printing and distribution of such a publication. -
One copy of the Voters'Pamphlet is mailed to every household Importantl
in the state.Additional copies are available at the Secretary
Of State's office,local post offices,courthouses and all county If your ballot is lost,destroyed,damaged or you make a mistake
elections offices. in marking your ballot,you may call your county elections office
and request a replacement ballot.One will be mailed to you as
long as you request it by January 21.After that,you may pick it
Measures up at the elections office.If you have already mailed your origi-
For each of the measures in this Voters'Pamphlet you will find nal ballot before you realize you made a mistake,you have cast
the following information: your vote and will not be eligible for a replacement ballot.
(1) the ballot title; Your voted ballot must be returned to your county elections office
by 8pm election day,Tuesday,January 26,2010.
(�) the estimate of financial impact; Postmarks do not count)
(3) an explanation of thevstimate of financial impact; County elections offices are open on election day from 7am to
(4) the complete text of the proposed measure; 8pm.
(5) an impartial statement explaining the measure(explanatory
statement);and Voter Information
(6) any arguments filed by proponents and opponents of the For questions about voter registration,ballot delivery and
measure., return,marking the ballot,requesting a replacement ballot,
The ballot title for each measure was written by a joint legisla- absentee ballots,signature requirements,the voters'pamphlet,
tive committee and was further modified by the Attorney Gen- when and where to vote,and other questions about elections
eral's office at the direction of the Oregon Supreme Court. and voting,call the toll-free voter information line
The estimate of financial impact and the explanation of the esti at 1-866-ORE-VOTE(1-866-673-8683).
mate of financial impact for each measure were prepared by a Voter information line representatives can provide services
committee of state officials including the Secretary of State,the in both English and Spanish.TTY services for the hearing
State Treasurer,the Director of the Department of Administra- impaired are also available at 1-800-735-2900.
tive Services,the Director of the Department of Revenue,and
a local government representative selected by the committee
members.The committee estimates only the direct impact on
state and local governments,based on information presented
to the committee.
The explanatory statement is an impartial statement explain-
ing the measure.Each measure's explanatory statement was
written by a joint legislative committee.
Citizens or organizations may file arguments in favor of,or
in opposition to,measures by purchasing space for$500 or
by submitting a petition signed by 1,000 voters.Arguments
in favor of a measure appear first,followed by arguments
in opposition to the measure,and are printed in the order in
which they are filed with the Secretary of State's office.
p "J10
Vote by Mail Frequently Asked Questions What if I forget to sign the return envelope?
What is Vote by Mail? Generally,your elections office will either return it to you for
signing or they will contact you,if possible,to come to the elec-
Vote by mail is a method of conducting elections.Instead of tions office to sign it.If the return envelope does not get signed
using traditional polling places where voters go to cast ballots before 8pm on January 26,the ballot will not be counted.
on election day,a ballot is automatically mailed to each regis-
tered voter.The ballot is then voted and returned to the county Can the public watch the election process?
elections official to be counted. All steps of the process are open to observation by the public.
Contact your county elections official to make arrangements.
As a voter,what do I have to do? '
Your ballot packet will automatically be mailed to you between When will election results be known?
January 8 and 12,2010.Inside the packet you will find the Ballot counting cannot begin until election day.Initial results are
ballot,a secrecy envelope and a return envelope.Once you released at8pm election night and will continue to be updated
vote the ballot,place it in the secrecy envelope and seal it in through election night until all ballots have been-counted.
the pre-addressed return envelope.Be sure you sign the return
envelope on the appropriate line.After that just return the
ballot either by mail or at a designated dropsite. Provisional Ballot Information
You will be issued a provisional ballot if:
What if I am uncomfortable voting my ballot at home? there is a question,about your eligibility as a voter(for
Privacy booths are available for you to cast your ballot.There example,there is no evidence on file that you are an
are privacy booths at your county elections office and there active or inactive voter in Oregon)
may be others at dropsite locations elsewhere in your county. 4 you need to vote at a County Elections Office in a county
For further information,call'your county elections official. other than the one you live in
In order to obtain a provisional ballot,you need to fill out a
What if my ballot doesn't come? Provisional Ballot Request Form in person at the County Elec-
If you are registered to vote and have not received your ballot tions Office.
within a week after they are mailed,call your county elections Your provisional ballot will not be counted until it is determined
office.They will check that your voter registration is current.If it that you are eligible to vote.
is,they will mail you a replacement ballot.
After you have voted the ballot,you can call 1-866-ORE-VOTE
What if I have moved and have not updated my registration? (1-866-673-8683)or the County Elections Office in which you
voted to find out if your ballot was counted.If your ballot was
If you were registered to vote by January 5 but now have a dif not counted,you can also find out the reason it was not counted.
ferent address,call your county elections office for instructions
on how to update your registration and receive a ballot. If it is determined that you are ineligible to vote in this election,
the completed Provisional Ballot Request Form will serve as
Do I have to return my ballot by mail? your voter registration for future elections.
You have the choice of mailing your ballot or returning it to
any county elections office or any designated dropsite in the
state.The times and locations of dropsites are available at your
county elections office.
How.much postage is required to mail the ballot back?
Your voted ballot can usually be returned using a single 44¢
first-class stamp.,In those instances where additional postage
is necessary,it will be clearly indicated on the ballot materials.
When must the voted ballot be returned?
The voted ballot must be received in any county elections office
or designated dropsite by 8pm on election night.Postmarks do
not count)
How do I know if my ballot is received?
You can call your county elections office and ask if they
received your ballot.A record is kept showing each voter
whose ballot has been returned.
Can anyone find out how I've voted once I mall my ballot?
No.All ballots are separated from the'return envelope before
the ballots are inspected.This process ensures confidentiality.
1111 1 WIN!
You have the right to vote if you are a US citizen, live in Oregon, are 18
years old, and have registered.
You have the right to vote if you are homeless.
You have the right to vote if you have been convicted of a felony but
have been released from custody, even if you are on probation or parole.
You have the right to vote even if you have a guardian and even if you
need help reading or filling out your ballot.'
You have the rightto vote or cast your ballot if you are in line by 8 PM
on Election Day.
You have the right to know if you are registered to vote.
You have the rightto choose whether or not you want to register as a
member of a political party.
You have the rightto use a signature stamp or other mark but first you
have to fill out a form. No one can sign for you.
You have the rightto ask for help from elections staff or from,a.friend
or family member.There are some people who cannot help you vote, for
example,your boss or a union officer from your job.
You have the rightto a secret vote.You do not have to tell anyone
how you voted.
You have the right to get a "provisional ballot", even if you are told you
are not registered to vote.
You have the rightto get a new ballot if you make a mistake.
You have the rightto vote for the person you want.You can write in
someone else's name if you don't like the choices on your ballot.
You have the rightto vote "yes" or"no" on any issue on your ballot.
You have the rightto leave some choices blank on your ballot..
The choices you do mark will still count.
You have the rightto use a voting system for all Federal Elections
that makes it equally possible for people with disabilities to vote privately
and independently.
You have the rightto.know if your ballot, including.a "provisional ballot',
was accepted for counting.
You have the right to file a complaint if you think your voting rights
have been denied.
Call toll free - 1-866-673-8683 to get more information about
d$e these and other voting rights.
(Oregon Constitution,Sections 2 and 3;ORS Chapters 137,246,
247,and 254;Vote By Mail Manual;Help America Vote Act of 2002;
OAR 165-001-0090 and 165-007-0030)
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Proposed by referendum petition to be voted on at the Special Election,January 26,2010.
f i��b•� 8N 'era 4� ,4k
s A £5
Result of "Yes" vote Summary
"Yes"vote raises taxes on income at and above,$250,000 for Under current law,a marginal tax rate of 9%applies to taxable
households,,$125,000 for individual filers.Tax rate increases '-household income over$15,200(or$7,600 for individual filers),.
1.8 percentage points on amount of taxable income between taxpayers may deduct federal income taxes pail,1,and unem-
$250,000 and$500,000,2 percentage points on amount ployment Compensation is taxable.Measure eliminates income
above$500;000 for households.For individual filers,the taxes on first$2,400 of unemployment benefits received in
rate increases begin at$125,000 and$250,000 respectively. 2609.For tax years 2009-2011,the measure increases tax
Eliminates income taxes on the first$2,400 of unemployment rate 1.8 percentage points on amount of household income
benefits received in 2009.Raises estimated$472 million to between$250,000 and$500,000,by 2 percentage points on
provide funds currently budgeted for education,health care, amount above$500,000(for individual filers,rate increases
public safety,other services, begin at$125,000 and$250,Q00,respectively).For the tax year
beginning 2012,the tax rate for households with income above
Result of "'no" vote $250,000(above$125,000 for single filers)will drop to 9.9%.
Measure does not increase tax rate on household income
"No"vote rejects tax changes on income at and above$250;000 below$250,000(below$125,000 for individual filers).For
for households,$125;000 for individual filers.Rejects tax households with adjusted gross income at or above$250,000
exemption for first$2,400 of unemployment benefits received (or$125,000 for individual filers),reduces federal income tax
in 2009.Leaves amount currently budgeted for education, deduction.Raises$472 million to provide funds currently bud-
health care,public safety,other services underfunded by esti- gated for education,health care,public safety,other services.
mated$472 million. Because some state money brings in federal matching funds,
Oregon will likely receive more federal money if measure
passes.than if it fails.Other provisions.
Estimate of financial impact
This measure increases General Fund revenues for the state
budget between$217 million and$242 million per year for fiscal
years 2010,2011,and 2012.The measure increases revenues by
approximately$180 million per year thereafter,depending upon.
growth in personal income and federal tax liability.
Revenue from this measure is included in the 2009-11 state
budget.Failure of the measure will reduce revenues expected
to be available for expenditures in the 2009-11 state budget by
$472 million.This could result in reduced state-shared reve-
nues to schools and local governments.Failure of the measure
also may result in a reduction of federal funds that are used-to
pay for some state services.
Failure of the measure may limit the state's ability to borrow
money.It also may have a negative impact on the state's credit
eim bf'futurb ingtyil e
state.and local governments.
Explanation of Estimate of Financial Impact Bonding Authority
Revenue The state of Oregon borrows money by issuing bonds.
Oregon's credit rating affects the cost of borrowing.A good
The measure raises revenue in two ways.The measure adds credit rating lowers borrowing costs.One of the factors that
two new income tax rate brackets for single taxpayers who affects Oregon's credit rating is the amount of state revenues
have more than$125,000 of taxable income($250,000 for available to pay for essential services.If the measure fails,
joint filers).The measure also phases out the federal income Oregon's credit rating could be adversely affected.
tax deduction for taxpayers who have more than$125,000 of
adjusted gross income($250,000 for joint filers). Committee Members
Roughly 3%of personal income tax filers(38,000 to 60,000 Secretary of State Kate Brown
returns)will see higher taxes due to the new tax rates and/or StateTressurer Ben Westlund
the federal tax subtraction phase out.Following are average Scott L.Harr$,Director,Department of Administrative Services
increases for those affected in the first year and in 2013 when Elizabeth Harchenko,Director,Department of Revenue
the changes are permanent. Debra Guzman,Local Government Representative
Adjusted Gross Average Change Average Change (The estimate of financial impact and explanation was provided
Income In IncomeTax for In IncomeTax for by the above committee pursuant to DRS 250.127.)
Single Filers Joint Filers
2009 2013 2009 2013
LessThan$125,000 $0 $0 $0 $0
$125,000- $620 $544 $0 $0
$250,000- $2,9916 $1,825 $1,165 $863
$500,000 and Over $16,229 $8,591 $15,515 $8,344
The measure also exempts the first$2,400 of unemployment
benefits for tax year 2009 only.Approximately 15%of filers
(270,000 returns)will see lower taxes due to the exclusion of
the first$2,400 of unemployment benefits.The average reduc-
tion is roughly$120.
Oregon personal income taxes are about 85%of the state
General Fund.Irf the current two-year state budget(2009-11),
this.fund is used to pay for:
• Ed-ug-ti.4n-including elementary schools,high schools,
-community colleges,and state universities:$6.8 billion
• $Qnt ces for children,the elf rl and the disable -
including medical insurance:$3:5 billion(27%);
• Public ety Saf -including prisons,courts and local jails:
$2.4 billion(18%);
• Other oros�ra171.;x-including business regulation,natural
resource management and state administration:$0.5 billion
The current budget anticipates$472 million from this measure.
If the measure fails,expected resources will be reduced by this
amount-about 3.5%of General Fund resources.State law
requires a balanced budget.Future legislatures may decide
how this reduction will affect spending.Options include spend-
ing cuts,use of reserves,raising revenue,or any combination.
Many state and local government programs are jointly funded
with"matching" money from the federal government.Federal
funds will be reduced if state spending for these programs is
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§x3, 8'f x» fo 4,ma.. .,N axAfx<s.x,.xE., d F4 Y¢3 xi g ex.aif ;},as•.x. ......,. %rg .. ,
Text of Measure 316.037(1)(a)A tax is imposed for each taxable year on
SECTION 7.OHS 316:037 is amended to read: the entire taxable income of every resident of this state.The
amount of the tax shall be determined in accordance with the
316.037(1)(9)A tax is imposed for,each taxable year on following table:
the entire taxable income of every resident of this state.The
amount of the tax shall be determined in accordance with the If taxable income is: The tax is:
following table: Not over$2,000 5%of taxable income
If taxable income is: The tax'is: Over$2,000 but not over $100 plus 7%of the excess
Not over$2,000 5%of taxable income $5,000 over$2,000
Over$2,000 but not over $100 plus 7%of the excess Over$5,000 but not over $310 plus 9%of the excess
$5,000 over$2,000 $125,000 over$5,000
Over$5,000 but not over $310 plus 9%of the.excess Over$125,000[but not][over $11,110 plus[10.8%]9.9%of
$125,000 over$5,000 $150,0001 the excess over$125,000.
Over$125,000 but not over $11,110 plus 10.8%of the [Over$250,000 $24,610 plus 11%][of the
$250,000 excess over$125,000 excess][over$250,0001
Over$250,000 $24,610 plus 11%of the (b)For tax years beginning in each calendar year,the Depart-
excess over$250,000 ment of Revenue'shall adopt a table that shall apply in lieu
(b)For tax years beginning in each calendar year,the Depart- of the table contained in paragraph(a)of this subsection,as
ment of Revenue shall adopt a table that shall apply in lieu follows:
of the table contained in paragraph(a)of this subsection,as (A)Except as provided in subparagraph(D)of this paragraph,
follows: the minimum and maximum dollar amounts for each bracket
(A)Except as provided in subparagraph(D)of this paragraph, for which a tax is imposed shall be increased by the cost-of-
the minimum and maximum dollar amounts for each bracket living adjustment for the calendar year.
for which a tax is imposed shall be increased by the cast-of- (13)The rate applicable to any rate bracket as adjusted under
living adjustment for the calendar year. subparagraph(A)of this paragraph shall not be changed.
(B)The rate applicable to any rate bracket as adjusted under (C)The amounts setting forth the tax,to the extent neces-
subparagraph(A)of this paragraph shall not be changed. sary to reflect the adjustments in the rate brackets,shall be
(C)The amounts setting forth the tax,to the extent.neces- adjusted.
sary to reflect the adjustments in the rate brackets,shall be (D)The rate brackets applicable to taxable income in excess
adjusted. of$125,000 may not be adjusted.
(D)The rate brackets applicable to taxable income In excess (c)For purposes of paragraph(b)of this subsection,the
of$125,000 may not be adjusted. cost-of-living adjustment for any calendar year is the percent-
(c)For purposes of paragraph(b)of this subsection,the age(if any)by which the monthly averaged U.S.City Average
cost-of-living adjustment for any calendar year is the percent- Consumer Price Index for the 12 consecutive months ending
age(if any)by which the monthly averaged U.S.City Average August 31 of the prior calendar year exceeds the monthly aver-
Consumer Price Index for the 12 consecutive months ending aged index for the second quarter of the calendar year 1992.
August 31 of the prior calendar year exceeds the monthly aver (d)As used in this subsection,"U.S.City Average Consumer
aged index for the second quarter of the calendar year 1992. Price Index" means the U.S.City Average Consumer Price.
(d)As used in this subsection,"U.S.City Average Consumer• Index for All Urban Consumers(All Items)as published by the
Price Index"means the U.S.City Average Consumer Price Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of
Index for All Urban Consumers(All Items)as published by the Labor.
Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department.of (e)If any increase determined under paragraph(b)of this
Labor. subsection is not a multiple of$50,the increase shall be
(e)If any increase determined under paragraph(b)of this rounded to the next lower multiple of$50.
subsection is not a multiple of$50,the increase shall be (2)A tax is imposed for each taxable year upon the entire
rounded to the next lower multiple of$50. taxable income of every part-year resident of this state.The
1(2)A tax is imposed for each taxable year upon the entire amount of the tax shall be computed under subsection(1)of
taxable income of every part-year resident of this state.The this section as if the part-year resident were a full-year resi-
amount of the tax shall be computed under subsection(1).of dent and shall be multiplied by the ratio provided under ORS
this section as if the part-year resident were a full-year resi- 316.117 to determine the tax on income derived from sources
dent and shall be multiplied by the ratio provided under ORS within this state.
316.117 to determine the tax on income derived from sources (3)A tax is imposed for each taxable year on the taxable
within this state. income of every full-year nonresident that is derived from
(3)A tax is imposed for each taxable year on the taxable sources within this state.The amount of the tax shall be deter-
income of every full-year nonresident that is derived from mined in accordance with the table set forth in subsection(1)of
sources within this state.The amount of the tax shall be deter- this section.
mined in accordance with the table set forth in subsection(1)of SECTION 3.ORS 3,16.695 is amended to read:
this section.
316.695.(1)In addition to the modifications to federal taxable
$991ION 2.ORS 316.037,as amended by section 1 of this income contained in this chapter,there shall be added to or
2009 Act,is amended to read: subtracted from federal taxable income:
(a)If,in computing federal income tax for a taxable year,the
taxpayer deducted itemized deductions,as defined in section
63(d)of the Internal Revenue Code,the taxpayer shall add the
amount of itemized deductions deducted(the itemized deduc-
--_�_--_ y,by which the itemized deductions
ons less an amount,i an
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(b)If,in computing federal income tax for a taxable year, Code bears to the amount of federal itemized,deductions as
the taxpayer deducted the standard deduction,as defined in defined for purposes of section 68 of the Internal Revenue
section 63(c)of the Internal Revenue Code,the taxpayer shall Code);and
add the amount of the standard deduction deducted. (B)The amount that may be taken into account under section
(c)(A)From federal taxable income there shall be subtracted 213(a)of the Internal Revenue Code,not to exceed seven and
the larger of(i)the taxpayer's itemized deductions or(ii)a one-half percent of the federal adjusted gross,income of the
standard deduction.Except as provided in subsection(8)of this taxpayer,if the taxpayer has attained the following age before
section,for purposes of this subparagraph,"standard deduc- the close of the taxable year,or,in the case of a joint return,if
tion" means the sum of the basic standard deduction and the either taxpayer has attained the following age before the close
additional standard'deduction, of the taxable year:
(B)For purposes of subparagraph(A)of this paragraph,the (i)For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,1991,
basic standard deduction is: and before January 1,1993,a taxpayer must attain 58 years of
(i)$3,280,in the case of joint return filers or a surviving
age before the close of the taxable year.
spouse; (ii)For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,1993,
(ii►.$1,60.0,in the case of an individual who is not a married and before January 1,1995,a taxpayer must attain 59 years of
individual and is not a surviving spouse; age before the close of the taxable year.
(iii)$1,640,in the case of a married individual who files a (iii)For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,1995,
separate return;or and before January 1,1997,a taxpayer must attain 60 years of
age before the close of the taxable year.
(iv)$2,640,in the case of a head of household. (iv)For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,1997, .
(C)(i)For purposes of subparagraph(A)of this paragraph for. and before January 1,1999,a taxpayer must attain 61 years of
tax years beginning on or after January 1,2003,the Department age before the close of the taxable year.
of Revenue shall annually recompute the basic standard deduc- (v)For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,1999,
tion for each category of return filer listed under subparagraph a taxpayer must attain 62 years of age before the close of the
(B)of this paragraph.The basic standard deduction shall be taxable year.
computed by dividing the monthly averaged U.S.City Average
Consumer Price Index for the 12 consecutive months ending (2)(a)There shall be subtracted from federal taxable income
August 31 of the prior calendar year by the average U.S.City any portion of the distribution of a pension,profit-sharing,
Average Consumer Price Index for the second quarter of 2002, stack bonus or other retirement plan,representing that portion
then multiplying that quotient by the amount listed under sub- of contributions which were taxed by the State of Oregon
paragraph(B)of this paragraph for each category of return filer. but not taxed by the federal government'under laws in effect
(ii)If any change in the maximum household income deter- for tax years beginning prior to January 1,1969,or for any
mined under this subparagraph is not a multiple of$5,the subsequent year in which the amount that was contributed to
increase shall be rounded to the next lower multiple of$5. the plan under the Internal Revenue Code was greater than the
amount allowed Under this chapter.
(iii)As used in this subparagraph,"U.S.City Average.Con- (b)Interest or other earnings on any excess contributions of
sumer Price Index" means the U.S.City Average Consumer a pension,profit-sharing,stock bonus or other retirement plan
Price Index for All Urban Consumers(All Items)as published by not permitted to be deducted under paragraph(a)of this sub-
the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department section shall not be added to federal taxable income in the year
of Lobar. earned by the plan and shall not be subtracted from federal
(D)For purposes of subparagraph(A)of this paragraph,the taxable income in the year received by the taxpayer.
additional standard deduction is the sum of each additional (3)(a)Except as provided in[paragraph(b)of this subsection
amount to which the taxpayer is entitled under subsection(7) and]subsection(4)of this section,there shall be added to
of this section. . federal taxable income the amount of any,federal income taxes
(E)As used in subparagraph(B)of this paragraph,"surviving in excess of[$5,500]the amount provided in paragraphs(b)
spouse"and"head of household"have the meaning given to(d)of this subsection,accrued by the taxpayer during the,
those terms in section 2 of the Internal Revenue Code. taxable year as described in ORS 316.685,less the amount of
(F)In the case of the following,the standard deduction any refund of federal taxes previously accrued for which a tax
benefit was received.
referred to in subparagraph(A)of this paragraph shall be zero:
(i)A husband or wife filing a separate return where the other (b)The limits applicable to this Subsection are:
spouse has claimed itemized deductions under subparagraph (A)$5,500,if the federal adjusted grass income of the tax-
(A)of this paragraph; payer for the tax year is less than$125,000,or,if reported on a
(ii)A nonresident alien individual; joint return,less than$250,000. , .
(iii)An individual making a return for a period of less than 12 (B)•$4•400,if the federal adjusted gross income of the
taxpayer for the tax year is$125,000 or more and less than
months on account of a change in[his or her]the individual's $130,000,or,if reported on a joint return,$250,000 or more and
annual accounting period; less than$260,000.
(iv)An estate or trust; (C)$3,300,if the federal adjusted gross income of the
(v)A common trust fund;or taxpayer for the tax year is$130,000 or more and less than
(vi)A partnership. $135,000,or,if reported on a joint return,$260,000 or more and
less than$270,000.
(d)For the purposes of paragraph(c)(A)of this subsection, (D)$2,200,if the federal adjusted gross income of the
the taxpayer's itemized deductions are the sum of: taxpayer for the tax year is$135,000 or more and less than
(A)The taxpayer's itemized deductions as defined in section $140,000,or,if reported on a joint return,$270,000 or more and
63(d)of the Internal Revenue Code(reduced,-if applicable, less than$280,000.
as described under section 68 of the Internal Revenue Cade) (E)$1,100,if the federal adjusted gross income of the
minus the deduction for Oregon income tax(reduced,if appli- taxpayer for the tax year is$140,000 or more and less than
cable,by the'proportion that the reduction in federal itemized $145,000,or,if reported on a joint return,$280,000 or more and.
deductions resulting from section 68 of the Internal Revenue less than$290,000.
fi Pro
(c)If the federal adjusted gross income of the taxpayer is (d)As used in paragraph(a)of this subsection,an S corpora-
$145,000 or more for the tax year,or,if reported on a joint tion refers to an electing small business corporation.
return,$280,000 or more,the limit is zero and the taxpayer
is not allowed a subtraction for federal Income taxes under (7e erred taxpayer shall be entitled to an additional amount,
ORS 316.680(1)for the tax year. $1 referred to in subsection(1)(c)(A)and(D)of this section,of
[(bA(d)In the case of a husband and wife filing separate (A)For[himself or herself]the taxpayer if[he or she]the
tax returns,the amount added shall be in the amount of any taxpayer has attained age 65 before the close of[his or had the
federal income taxes in excess of[$2,750]the amount provided taxpayer's taxable year;and
for individual taxpayers under paragraphs(a)to(c)of this
subsection,less the amount of any refund of federal taxes (B)For the spouse of the taxpayer if the spouse has attained
previously accrued for which a tax benefit was received. age 65 before the close of the taxable year and an additional.
(a)For purposes of this spbsection,the limits applicable to exemption is allowable to the taxpayer for such spouse for
a joint return shall apply to a head of household or a survlw federal income tax,purposes under section 151(b)of the Inter-
ing spouse,as defined in section 2(a)and(b)of the Internal nal Revenue Code.
Revenue Code.. (b)The taxpayer shall be entitled to an additional amount,
[(c)(A)](f)(A)For a calendar year beginning on or after as referred to in subsection(1)(c)(A)and(D)of this section,of
January 1,2008,the Department of Revenue shall make a $1,000:
cost-of-living adjustment to the federal income tax threshold (A)For[himself or herself)the taxpayer if(he or she]the
[amount]amounts described in paragraphs[(a)and](b)and(d) taxpayer is blind at the close of the taxable year;and
of this subsection. (B)For the spouse of the taxpayer if the spouse is blind as
(B)The cost-of-living adjustment for a calendar year is the of the close of the taxable year and an additional exemption is
percentage by which the monthly averaged U.S.City Average allowable to the taxpayer for such spouse for federal income
Consumer Price Index for the 12 consecutive months ending tax purposes under section 151(4)of the Internal Revenue
August 31 of the prior calendar year.exceeds the monthly aver- Code.For purposes of this subparagraph,if the spouse dies
aged index for the period beginning September 1,2005,and during the taxable year,the determination of whether such
ending August 31,2006. spouse is blind shall be made immediately prior to death,
(C)As used in•this paragraph,"U.S.City Average Consumer (c).In the case of an individual who is not married and is not
Price Index"means the U.S.City Average Consumer Price a surviving spouse,paragraphs(a)and(b)of this subsection
Index for All Urban Consumers(All Items)as published by the shall be applied by substituting"$1,200"for"$1,000"
Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of (d)For purposes of this subsection;an individual is blind
Labor. only if[his or her]the individual's central visual acuity does riot
(D)If any adjustment determined under subparagraph(B)of• exceed 20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses,or if[his
this paragraph is not a multiple of$50,the adjustment shall be or her]the individual's visual acuity is greater than 20/200 but
rounded to the next lower multiple of.$50. is accompanied by a limitation in the fields of vision such that
(E)The adjustment shall apply to all tax years beginning in the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle no
the calendar year for which the adjustment is made. greater than 20 degrees.
(4)(a)In addition to the adjustments required.by ORS 316.130, (8)In the case of an individual with respect to whom a
deduction under section 151 of the Internal Revenue Cade is
a full-year nonresident individual shall add to taxable income
a proportion of any accrued federal income taxes as computed allowable for federal income tax purposes to another taxpayer
under ORS 316.685 in excess of($5,500]the amount provided far a taxable year beginning in the calendar rind s year in which the
In subsection(3)of this sectiomin the proportion provided in
individual's taxable year begins,the basic standard deduction
ORS 316.117 (referred to in subsection(1)(c)(B)of this section)applicable to
such individual for such individual's taxable year shall equal the
(b)In the case of a husband and wife filing separate tax lesser of: ,
returns,the amount added under this subsection shall be
computed in a manner consistent with the computation of (a)The amount allowed to the individual under section ur-
the amount to be added in the case of a husband and wife 15)of the Internal Revenue Code far federal income tax pr-
filing separate returns under subsection(3)of this section.The poses for the tax year for which the deduction is being claimed;
" method of computation shall be determined by the Department or I `
of Revenue by rule.' (b)The amount determined under subsection(1)(c)(B)of this,
(5)Subsections[(3)(b)](3)(d)and(4)(b)of this section shall section.
not apply to married individuals living apart as defined in (;:ECTION 4.Section 5 of this 2009 Act is added to and made a
section 7703(b)of the Internal Revenue Code, part of ORS chapter 316.
(6)(a)For tax years beginning on or after January 1,1981,and SECTION 5.There shall be subtracted from federal taxable
prior to January 1,1983,income or loss taken into account in Income for Oregon tax purposes the difference between the
determining federal taxable income by a shareholder of an S amount allowable as a deduction under section 85 of the
corporation pursuant to sections 1373 to 1375 of the Internal Internal Revenue Code as applicable to the tax year of the tax-
Revenue Code shall be adjusted for purposes of determining payer,and the amount allowable as a deduction under section
Oregon taxable income,to the extent that as income or loss of 85 of the Internal Revenue Code as amended and in effect on
the S corporation,they were required to be adjusted under the December 31,2008,and as applicable to tax years beginning
provisions of ORS chapter 317 on or after January 1,2008,and before January 1,2009.
(b)For tax years beginning on or after January 1,1983,items SECTION 6,The amendments to ORS 316.695 by section
of income,loss or deduction taken into account in determining 3 of this 2009 Act apply to tax years beginning on or after
federal taxable income by a shareholder of an S corporation January 1,2009.
pursuant to sections 1366 to 1368 of the Internal Revenue Code SECTION 7(11)The amendments to ORS 316.037 by section
shall be adjusted for purposes of determining Oregon taxable 1 of this 2009 Act apply to tax years beginning on or after
income,to the extent that as items of income,loss or deduction January 1,2009,and before January 1,2012.
of the shareholder the items are required to be adjusted under
the provisions of this chapter. (2).The amendments to ORS 316.037 by section 2 of this 2009
-- .. ----- -- �_ ---------.. . . .............
(c)The tax years referred to in paragraphs(a)and(b)of this '
- subsection.are-those of the S•corporation,-------- - - ...- -- — ---------------=---------- ------ -. ---.-
SECTION&The Department of Revenue shall waive any Explanatory Statement
penalty or interest that would otherwise apply to taxes
due if the penalty or interest is based on underpayment or Measure 66 establishes new marginal state income tax rates
far households with income over$250,000 a year,and indi
underreporting that results solely from the amendments to
ORS 316,037 and 316.695 by sections 1 and 3 of this 2009 Act. year 2 filers with income over$125,000 a year beginning in tax
year 009.The Measure would not increase taxes on household
SECTION 9.Sections 5 and 8 of this 2009 Act apply to income under$250,000(or$125,000 for individual filers).The
tax years beginning on or after January 1,2009,and before Measure would exempt from income taxes the first$2,400 in
January 1,2010. unemployment compensation received in 2009.The Measure
SECTION 10,This 2009 Act takes effect on the 91st day after would raise approximately$472 million,which would maintain
the date on which the regular session of the Seventy-fifth funds currently budgeted for education,health care,public.
Legislative Assembly adjourns sine die. safety and other services.Approximately 90%of the state
general fund budget goes to education,health care and public
Note:Boldfaced type.indicates new language;(brackets and safety.
,italic)type indicates deletions or comments. Under current law,unemployment compensation benefits are
taxable income.The Measure eliminates income taxes on the
first$2,400 of unemployment benefits received in 2009,so that
individuals who received unemployment compensation in 2009
will not have to pay state income taxes on those benefits.
Under current law,'a marginal tax rate of 9%applies to.taxable
household income over$250,000 a year,•and•individual filers
with income over$12 000 a year.Measure 66 increases the
marginal tax rate by 1.8 percentage points on household
income between$250,000 and$500,006 and by 2 percentage
points on household income above$500,000.For individual
filers,the marginal tax rate•increase of.1.8 percentage points
begins for income over$125,000 and the 2 percentage points
increase begins for income over$250,000.For the tax'year'
beginning 2012,the tax rate for households with income above
$250,000 and$125,000 for individual filers will drop to 9.9%.
The Measure also phases out the federal income tax deduc-
tion for households with adjusted gross income at or above
$250,000 and individuals with income at or above$125,000.
Income tax rates will not increase on household income under
$250,000 and individual income under$125,000.
Because some state money brings in federal matching funds,,
the state is likely to receive more federal money if the Measure
passes than if the Measure fails.
(This impartial statement explaining the measure was provided
by a Joint Legislative Committee.)
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Argument in Favor Both measures are also crucial in helping Oregon's economy
recover-saving thousands of jobs,leveraging hundreds of mil-
lions in Services,Make Oregon sTax System More Fair For lions in federal matching dollars,and generating much-needed
All of Us,and Raise the$10 Minimum Income Tax economic stimulus for local communities.
League of Women Voters.of Oregon urges aYES vote on 66 More than 90 percent of Oregon's general fund pays directly for
and 67. education,healthcare,and public safety.During this recession,
Did you know that two-thirds of the corporations doing busi- our priority should be protecting these services and stimulating
ness in Oregon pay only$10 a year in the corporate minimum our economy,which our children,seniors,families,and com-
income tax? munities are counting on now more than ever.
Compare that to what the average family of four pays--$3,100. It's time we asked corporations to pay more than$10 a year in
That means that just one family of four pays more than 300 income taxes to preserve the essential services we all value
corporations(including large,put-of-state corporations that and make the difference in our collective quality of life and
make a lot of money in Oregon)...combined. economic future.
It's time for a change. Please join AARP Oregon in voting YES.
Because these measures are targeted only on corporations and AARP Oregon HARP Oregon
richest households,more than 98 percent of Oregon taxpayers Gerald J.Cohen Ray Miao
won't see any increases in their taxes.In fact,people who find State Director State Volunteer President
themselves unfortunately unemployed due to the recession will (This information furnished by Gerald J.Cohen,AARP Oregon
get a tax break on their unemployment benefits.And because State Director.)
75 percent of the corporate profits tax will be paid by corpora-
tions that are headquartered out'of state,these measures This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
will bring in crucial funding that would otherwise have been
shipped to other states.. The printing of this argument does not constitute an'endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Measures 66 and 67 protect,funding for education,public accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
safety,and healthcare,which make up more than 90 percent of
Oregon's budget.As need for basic services increases in this
recession,it becomes even more vital that we preserve the Argument in Favor
services that are needed now more than ever. Oregon PTA Urges a YES Vote on Measures 66 and 67
These measures are the step we need toward preserving our, Oregon's parents and teachers sayYES to protecting our class-
schools and essential services and protecting the middle class rooms and our kids.
from carrying more of the burden.
This is an important election for school funding,and Oregon
Vote YES on Measures BB and 67 PTA urges you to vote yes on these two measures.
(This information furnished by Marge Easley,League of Women Right now,two-thirds of the corporations doing business in
Voters of Oregon.) Oregon pay just$10 a year in income taxes.That hasn't been
changed since 1931.With Oregon schools struggling just to
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. keep the doors open,it's time we asked corporations to contrib-
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- ute more than$10 to our education system.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Voting YES on these measures will protect our classrooms by
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. making sure.that two-thirds of the corporations doing busi-
ness here are paying more than$10 a year in Income taxes.
Argument in Favor For Oregon parents and teachers,there's no greater priority
Join AARP Oregon in Voting Yes to Protect Oregon.Seniors, than protecting our children's health,safety,and education.
Families and Communities Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67.is vital in making sure that
we protect our classrooms and give our kids every opportunity
Our non-profit,non-partisan organization with 535,000 to succeed.
members aged 50+across Oregon supports Measures 66
and 67' These measures protect vital funding that will preserve
Oregon's class sizes,protect effective school programs,and
The questions facing us are really quite simple.Do you believe make sure that our children are well-prepared to face the'
that: challenges of tomorrow.
Corporations should pay more than just$10 a year In Income, These measures also protect small businesses,Roughly 90
taxes? percent of the businesses in Oregon will pay just$150 in
Seniors should have access to basic care allowing them to live income taxes—a modest investment in making sure our'chil-
with independence,choice and dignity? dren have a quality,education. .A
Fairness and shared responsibility help ensure our.states Measures 66 and 67 preserve critical services and protect
quality of life and economic vitality? middle-class families from carrying more of
the burden of this economic crisis.
Middle-class families should be protected by keeping the
burden from being shifted to them? Please join Oregon PTA in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67.
AARP saysYES,YES,YES and YES on Measures 66 and 6 Oregon's children are counting on you.
Preserve our classrooms.
VotingYes will protect nearly$1 billion in state'funding that Protect Oregon families.
pays directly for healthcare,human services,education,and YES on 66 and 67.
public safety.
Measures 66 and 67 are critical in protecting the Indepen- Far,more information,please visit www.aregonpta.org
deuce,choice and dignity of seniors to receive In-home and (This.information furnished by Sandra Bell,President Oregon PTA.)
community-based care and to access rlursi.ng.facilities if they
_d m eed.the MgQrtj?ro act Independence, This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251255:
our state's flagship program that helps seniors live in tFier own The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
homes.Doing otherwise just isn't right and will cost taxpayers . ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
far more in the long run. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Argument in Favor Measures 66 and 67 protect funding for public safety,preven
Oregon Teachers Urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67 tion and rehabilitation services that help former crime victims . .
and those who have been convicted of a crime successfully
Help Protect our Schools rebuild their lives and re-enter society.
As classroom teachers,we know firsthand the need to protect These measures will not only continue to support efforts to
students and families,and we know that Oregon's future reduce and prevent crime in our local neighborhoods,they
depends on a strong education system. faring fairness to our tax system by moving the burden off of
Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67 will help keep our schools.
middle class and working families.
strong when our communities need them the most.These Help Keep Oregon Safe
measures will help preserve class sizes,protect effective pro- Join Partnership for Safety and,Justice,
grams,and most importantly keep schools open during these in Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67
tough economic times.
Our communities rely on good schools to help create the big (This information furnished by David Rogers,Partnership for
Safety and Justice.)
thinkers,.skilled workers,and inventive entrepreneurs of tomor-
row.Preserving our schools means protecting our future. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with QRS 251.255.
AYes vote on Measures 66 and 67 will help our schools provide The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
the stability,and quality education that our kids deserve while
protecting Oregon's middle-class families,.who are struggling . men the fate of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
to make ends meet. accuracy acc y or truth of any statement made in the argument.
It's more important than ever that we support our kids and our Argument in Favor
classrooms.We owe it to Oregon's children to make sure that
,we preserve vital funding for every level of education.Voting Support Oregon's Rural Communities
YES on these measures is critical in keeping education a,prior- The Rural Organizing Project Urges aYES vote
ity for the state: on Measures 66 and 67
The legislature passed these bills in order to prevent about$1 The of cls n1 thLE emlabn are being felt most in Oregon's
billion in cuts to schools and critical services.Voting yes will rural communities,While unemployment may be high across
protect these services when we need them most.Voting no will Oregon,in rural Oregon it has skyrocketed.
force an immediate and dangerous series of cuts to education
and human services in the last half of the budget cycle. That's why we need Measures 66 and 67
Oregon's children are our greatest resource.Every child Passing these measures is critical for rural Oregon families for
deserves a classroom where they can learn,and that's why three reasons:
Oregon's teachers support Measures 66 and 67 1..These measures exempt-the first$2400 of unemployment
Oregon's kids are counting on us to do the right thing. benefits from tax,reducing taxes for fam Ua5_who have_
1g9_a job.In August,the unemployment rate in Crook,
Vote Yes on Ballot Measures 66 and 67 Deschutes,Douglas,Grant,Harney,Jefferson,Josephine,
Karen Watters Klamath and Linn Counties was over 15%.
3rd GradeTeacher,Sutherlin 2.These measure mrnnratinng nA--th it f it
Jamie Zartler shacefQr schools,health care and public safgly„,21 cross
English Teacher,Grant High School,Portland OR the stale,Families hardest hit by the recession rely most
Sena Norton
heavily on the vital public services that Measures 66 and 67
6th GradeTeacher,poring Middle School
3.Our schools,—and especially local community colleges—are
Carolyn Jo Cooper economic engines for rural Oregon;providing critical job
Science and Math Teacher at Neahkahnie Middle School training.Our communities s4nply cannot,affQrd further cuts
(This information furnished by Karen Watters.) to our schools if we're going to get the economy back on
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. For too long,Oregon's working families have shouldered the
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- burden of paying for our schools and our basic services,while
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the large corporations have paid just$10 a year.Rural Oregon
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. communities can no longer afford for corporations and the
richest households to be let off the hook,while we pay more
Argument in Favor.
and more. '
Help Keep Oregon Safe The other side will spend millions onTV ads trying to convince
you to vote against these measures—but don't be fooled.This
Partnership for Safety and Justice issue is simple:Should corporations pay more than$10 a year
Urges a"Yes"Vote on Measures 66 and 67 in income taxes?
Oregon is doing something right.According to the FBI, If you believe that schools,healthcare,and public safety are too
Oregon's rate of violent crime dropped over 10%in the last important to give up just so that large corporate lobbyists can
year—the largest decrease in the nation—and property crimes line their pockets,then we think you should vote not just yes...
dropped almost seven percent during the same.time period. ,,,Vote HECK YES,
The Partnership for Safety and Justice credits this trend with Vote YES on Measures 66 and 67 to protect our communities.
a shift toward more effective,prevention-based approaches
for protecting community safety.Oregon's investment in com- (This information furnished byAmy Dudley,Rural Organizing
munity-based addiction treatment and prevention programs Project.)
and drug courts has been critical _
Yet due to these tough economic times,programs that focus This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255,
on prevention and rehabilitation are in trouble,jeopardizing The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Oregon's continued ability to reduce crime rates and create ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
safe communities. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
F .xs F.3,n,.�., ank.. `36 S .'.:,#€$ 5`iss,,liq e4 gxv.•y un:%,n..j�x..g{
Argument in Favor It's time to protect Oregon's children.
Protect Access to Health Care Please vote Yes on Measures Wand 67.
The Oregon Nurses Association Urges a Children First for Oregon
Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67 Robin Christian,Executive Director
As nurses,our number one priority is the safety of our patients. (This information furnished by Robin Christian,Children First
Our state is currently experiencing a severe nursing short- for Oregon.)
age that threatens the quality of care that we provide to our
patients.Voting yes on measures 66 and 67 will help sstup This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
the�la .0 in h &a need h
� The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Qols and community health centers. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
A yes vote on Measures 66 and 67 will help keep patients safe. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Every day,more than 500,000 Oregonians wake up worried
about the future.They live in fear of getting sick,and of having Argument in Favor
to choose between paying their medical bills and paying the The Oregon.Consumer League Urges aYES Vote
mortgage.This is a choice no one should have to make. on Measures 66 and 67
A yes vote on Measures 66 and 67 will protect health care cov- VOTING YES IS A SIMPLE MATTER OF FAIRNESS.
erage for tens of thousands of Oregon's working families.
Big corporations and rich CEOs will try to make this issue
By voting yes on Measures 66 and 67,you will protect nearly$1 complicated,but the issue is really quite simple:corporations
billion in funding for Oregon's most essential services;educa year in income
tion,health care and public safety.Ayes vote will help ensure
that our state's cororations-and wealthiest fair share for the crucial servicas we all rely on. Because two-thirds of corporations pay,Oregon's$10 corporate
A yes vote on Measures 66 and 67 will create a healthier minimum based on a 1930s law,the average Oregonfamily
Oregon...and a fairer Oregon. Oregon all up t together. , ' h do-busir"AJIL
Oregon's nurses are on'the front lines of keeping our families NO MORE BAILOUTS.
and communities healthy,every day.
Voting Yes is the right thing to do for a healthier Oregon.As For too long,rich CEOs,high paid lobbyists,corporate lawyers
nurses,employers and as proud citizens,we urge a Yes Vote on and accountants,have gotten away with shifting the burden
Measures 66 and 67. onto the middle class.While Oregon families have really
• struggled,big corporations and the rich have gotten massive
(This information furnished by Jack Dempsey,Oregon Nurses bailouts.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. We can shift the burden off of the middle class,protect those
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- hit hardest by the economic crisis,and fund the vital services
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Oregonians need.We just have to hdld the big collj QLIQRiF
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. accountable and malsa them pav their fair_share
Argument in Favor Join the Oregon Consumer League and regular Oregonians all
Measwre5 6Q and 67 I protect-the across our state in taking back the power from the big corpora-
when they need our help most. corpora-
tions and high paid lobbyists.
Please join Children First for Oregon in voting YES on Measures
66 and 67 (This information furnished by Dr.Jim Davis,Oregon
Consumer League.)
Children First for Oregon works to make Oregon a place where
all children thrive.We educate and engage Oregonians to This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
promote programs'and policies that get results for kids.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Measures 66 and 67 are critical in making sure that children ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
don't become the biggest victims of the recession.These mea- accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument
sures will help the state prevent cuts in vital services for kids.
These measures: Argument in Favor
• Protect health care for children Human Services Coalition of Oregon Urges aYes Vote
• Prevent cuts to Oregon's foster care system,so that these Voting.YES is about more than...
children are protected and cared for
...asking corporations to pay more than$10 a year in income
• Maintain programs that prevent child abuse and neglect taxes;
• Protect critical programs that provide safe,quality care for ...making Oregon's tax system fairer for working families
children with low-income working parents
The recession has impacted working families and children ..,protecting and creating Oregon jobs.
deeply.At the same time,two-thirds of corporations doing This recession has hit us all hard.Families who never thought
business in Oregon pay just$10,a year in income taxes. they would need to ask for help are now asking.And those who
were struggling to begin with are now finding it nearly impos-
We'can no longer afford for working-and middle-class families sible to make ends meet.
to-carry the burden of paying for the state's basic services.
Voting YES eneana,protecting health cam,and vital ser6
Measures-66-and-67--protect crltirals han—a need micas for those htt hard at fix Jbi acanomic MMAJAP.
them the most. —
When it comes to protecting Oregon's most vulnerable,passing education and the services upon which Oregonians and local
Measures 66 and 67 means preserving health care and human businesses rely.
services for real Oregonians-ourselves,our families,our Join Stand for Children in Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 62
What's at stake?For healthcare and human services alone,the (This information furnished by Dana Hepper,Stand for
state could lose more than$180 million,plus more than$200 Children.)
million in federal matching funds. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
These measures protect funding for: The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
• Healthcare access for tens of thousands of children, ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
seniors,and people with disabilities, accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
• Foster care services for children
• In-home care for thousands of seniors and people with Argument in Favor
disabilities-allowing them to remain independent and in Dear Neighbors,
Ib it homes . We know all too well that families across Oregon-regular
• Nursing home care and assisted living care for thousands middle class families who work hard and play by the rules-
of low-income seniors and people with disabilities. have been hit hard by this economic recession.Ours is just one
• And many more critical services that we all depend on. of those many families.
So while you consider whether to voteYES on Measures 66 And,after carefully studying the issues,we realized that
and hi please remember that while teYE on Is about r66 Measures 66 and 67 are a good and important step In the right
and 6 mesato O direction-not just for Oregon,but for middle class families like
Ing �r gon's tax system.it's also about ours.
a hea thy and bdght future for our families and our
neighbors. Like many other families,ours has faced unemployment this .
Please join the Human Services Coalition of Oregon, year.These measures will help families like ours by cutting
taxes on unemployment payments so that we have more
a statewide group of 60 organizations and
money to spend on our basic needs.
individual members,in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67
www.oregonhsco.org/ Here's the problem with the current system:It's unfair and out-
(This information furnished by John Mullin,Human Services dated,and it allows big,out of state corporations and the rich
to get by paying too little,while regular families like ours end
Coalition of Oregon.) up paying more than our fair Share.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. Big corporations and rich CEOs may try to make this issue
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
seem complicated.but it's really very simple:
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the --When two-thirds of corporations pay just$10 in income
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. taxes,there's something wrong..
--When this$10 income tax is based on a law that hasn't been
Argument in Favor changed since the 1930s,there's something wrong..
Support Schools.Support Students. --When the average Oregon family like mine pays more in
Stand for Children Urges aYes Vote on'Measures 66 and 67 income taxes than 300 big corporations put together-like big
oil,insurance and pharmaceutical companies-there's some-
As schools across the state struggle to find money to keep their thing wrong.
doors open for the full school year and preserve class sizes, --And when middle class families get stuck with most of the bill
Oregonians will face this simple but important question: for funding the vital services we all need and rely on-there's
Should we stop further cuts to public schools,healthcare,and something wrong,
public safety? Measures 66 and 67 will make it right.
For Oregonians who value education,the answer is clear:YESI Don't be taken in by the big corporations,their high paid lob-
VotingYES on Measures 66 and 67 will protect our local schools byists or their expensive advertisements.These measures will
by stopping$733 million in cuts to public services.Currently, change the system for the better,and help take the burden off
two-thirds of corporations pay$10 a year in income taxes— of middle class families who are struggling.
including out-of-state corporations that make millions of We hope you'll join us In voting YES on 66 and 67.
dollars in Oregon.These measures raise the$10 corporate
minimum income tax to$150 per year for most corporations, Darrin,Kebby,Tealy and Kale Dupree Family
and raise the tax rate for the state's wealthiest households (This information furnished by Kebby Dupree.)
-those with taxable income above$250,000.These modest
increases will allow us to fund schools and other critical services. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
We cannot afford to shortchange Oregon's children and the The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
future of our local communities.It's time to fund the basics. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
These measures will prevent our class sizes from growing accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
even larger and our school years from being cut further.These
important protections will improve Oregon's workforce and
economy. Argument in s=avor
Vote yes if you want the promise of a quality education for all kids Planned.Parenthood Advocates of Oregon and
to be real,so they are well prepared for the jobs of tomorrow. NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon
Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67 to keep our promise to our Say
VoteYES for Fairness and to
In fact,925%of taxpayers will NOT see their taxes increase. Protect Access to Health Care
We are just asking corporations and the very rich to pay a
little bit more.It's critical for the future of our students and our As the largest advocates for reproductive health care,family
state's long-term economic health that we be able to invest in planning services and comprehensive sex education,we
know how important these services are to ensuring that all
gas&�atyz��.NOW,a 1,�'z 3.,.
Oregonians.have the ability to make responsible choices. Responsible business owners know that we must pay our bills.
We know firsthand that the recession has made it even harder Measures 66&67 raise funds from those who directly benefit
for regular people to make ends meet. and therefore can afford it.
That's why we urge you to voteYES on Measures 66 and 67. Educated children are the future workers and business people
of Oregon.To remain competitive in commerce,education is a
VotingYES will do two very important things: critical investment.The business community today owes that to
1)By holding corporations accountable for paying more than the business community of the future.
$10 in taxes,and by ensuring that the richest Oregonians Please join me by voting yes on Measures 66 and 67.
pay their fair share,pasging these measuffla Will shift the Joseph L.McKinney
bmuidddle-,clf ashs famfles i iia f h Mki - President
who are almaft struggling maim ends meet. Oregon Roads,Inc.
2►Voting YES on these measures will preserve nearly$1 (This information furnished by Joseph L. McKinney,President
billion in funding for education.public spifft and heatUL- Oregon Roads,Inc.)
care,including services that protect the health of-women
and families.By targeting only those who can afford to This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
pay more in this recession,these measures.protect health
care services for middle class families,just when those The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
services are most needed. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
At stake in this election are services that are vital for the health accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
and safety of all Oregonians,including:
• Family planning services for low-income women; Argument 111
School Principals Across Oregon
• Healthcare access for uninsured low-income pregnant Urge aYesVote on Measures 66 and 67
women and children;
As school principals,we work to ensure that our schools are
• HIV treatment and prevention programs; run efficiently and are responsive to the needs.of our students,
• Programs that prevent the spreads of STDs,especially parents,and our communities.We must guarantee that all
among youth, students have the tools they will need to compete in today's
B i these measures. e'can make.th@ ey$lfgm FAIRER, society,and.we must do so in a way that is fiscally responsible.
� g We strongly support Measures 66 and 67 because they allow
and we can protect-the us to provide a quality education to our students.
Oregonians need.
Measures 66 and 67 will make sure that corporations and the
Please Join NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon and Planned Parenthood richest households are paying their fair share to fund class-
Advocates of Oregon in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67 rooms right here in our community.Our schools can no longer
(This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,Defend afford for two-thirds of corporations to pay just$10 a year in
Oregon.) income taxes.
Schools all across Oregon—like each of ours—are facing chal
This space purchased for$500 in accordance.with ORS 251.255: lenging times.Given the economic crisis,we are doing the
The printing of this.argument does not constitute an endorse- best we can to help our students succeed.Measures 66 and 67
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the are absolutely necessary so that districts can keep class sites
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. small,keep teachers in the,classroom,and protect.important
programs for our,students.
Argument in Favor Supporting our classrooms and providing a strong education
I'm the President of a leasing and finance company and I will be vital to rebuilding our economy.With the U.S.falling
support measures 66&67;modest but important steps toward behind countries like India and China in the number of students
protecting adulation end keeping our communities safe. earning science and engineering degrees,it's important that
our students are given the tools to compete in the global
Oregon currently has the second'lowest business tax structure economy.
in the nation.Businesses benefit from shared public services Help Protect Our Schools.
and if it weren't for these basic and essential services,busi- Please join us in Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67
nesses in Oregon couldn't•function.
Two thirds of the corporations in Oregon pay just$10 a year Oregon Elementary School Principals Association
Oregon Association of Secondary
in-fees,not enough to cover the postage to administer,the ry.School Administrators
program.Business professionals understand our responsibility (This information furnished by Kent Hunsaker,Oregon
to contribute to the shared services that allow us to thrive.We Elementary.School Principals Association.)
find resources to pay for the attorneys and accountants neces-
sary for incorporation,so surely we can budget to reimburse This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
the State that provides business the infrastructure it takes to The printing of this argument does not constitute on endorse-
function and profit. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Businesses utilize infrastructure,including the roads and accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.,
courts,provided by the State.The taxes paid by business are
merely the user fees due the state.Without such investments Argument in Favor +
by our State,commerce would not be possible.
Business subsidies are not consistent with free market prin Preparing for Oregon's Future
ciples.Do the people of Oregon prefer to have their tax dollars Continuing Oregon's Excellence In Health Care
subsidize commerce or be used to educate their children?
Care Association fiuppoft Measures 66 and 67
Corporations enjoy limited liability and legal protections The Oregon Health Care Association is a network of over
arenteed by.-.the. care-providerw4mcludi rrg SklH fiac9tfttss "°-
proprietorships or LLC's.Incorporation is voluntary.It creates assisted living and residential care facilities,and in-home care
an expense for taxpayers and I do not believe that a profit
making enterprise deserves welfare from the taxpayer.
�'�°•'���zj ...... �r &. ow e,:3 .....,.. rJ, .n•.vg°ffi � �r aWya e
e „x w �, & $
.a •.;;a' r�+Y 'aFia:s .ay�.•c:g,'.s.. >4..ea,;a i�,si:f�S.z
agencies.Our members know first-hand the difference quality of Oregonians won't see their taxes increase under these
care can provide for all Oregonians. measures.
Measures 66 and 67 will protect long term and in-home taro 1 urge every Oregonian to protect our schools and support our
for thousands of Oregonians. students.Please vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67.
It is estimated that by 2020,America's population of those Sincerely,
aged 85 and older will double to over 7 million people.By the Susan Castillo
year 2050,this number is projected to grow to between 19 and Superintendent of Public Instruction
27 million people.Planning for long term care is essential to
meeting this growing need. (This information furnished by Susan Castillo,Superintendent
Measures 66 and 67 fund vital long-term and in-home care of Public Instruction.)
services,ensuring Oregon is prepared for the future. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Oregon Health Care Association member facilities provide ser- The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
vices to.over 40,000 Oregonians each day,These facilities also ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
provide employment opportunities for approximately.90,000 accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Oregonians.Many facilities provide specialized services,includ-
ing programs for pediatric patients and victims of serious head
injuries.These are valuable and highly skilled employment Argument in Favor
opportunities,right here in Oregon,that will be threatened if Dear Fellow Oregonians,
we do not vote YES for measures 66'and 67.
My family is like most Oregon families.We care about our
Measures 66 and 67 keep jobs In Oregon,keeping our economy
vibrant. community.We care about our local schools.We care about
our local businesses.That is why we are Voting Yes on Ballot
Oregon Health Care Association's mission is to enhance Measures 66 and 67
health care,housing,and supportive social services for all I work in the library at the Banks High School and I feel so lucky
Oregonians.Measures 66 and 67 directly support the needs of to'be working with students in our'small,rural community.
patients and their families by continuing to fund these essential These kids deserve a full school year,small class sizes and
long term health care services. effective'programs that keep them in school and prepare them
Ensure Care for all Oregonians for the future.Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67 will help
VoteYES on Measures 66 and 67 protect Oregon's classrooms in district's large and small.
Our family also owns a small business.We are proud to have
(This information furnished by Lauren Rhoades,Oregon Health
served our community for years.We recognize the value of
Care Association.) investing in our schools,because Oregon businesses depend
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. on a strong educational system.We cannot afford to disinvest
in our children at a time when they need to be better prepared
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- to compete in today's global economy.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the That's why we urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
As small business owners,we have often felt that Oregon's
Argument in Favor middle-class families and small businesses have been shoul-
dering too much of the burden to pay for our schools and other'
Dear Oregon Voter, vital services.It just doesn't seem fair that nearly two-thirds of
The most important part of my job as Superintendent of corporations doing business in Oregon get away with paying
Public Instruction is making sure that all students in our public only$10 a year in income taxes.With ayes Vote on Measures
schools have an equal opportunity to learn the academic and 66 and 67,we are ensuring that put-of-state and large corpora-
tions or pay their fair share,while at the same time protecting
small businesses.
We are very fortunate in Oregon to have dedicated,quality The vast majority of taxpayers and small business owners will
teachers and educators who want to help,their students learn either benefit or won't be affected by these measures. But all
and reach their maximum potential.Oregonians place a high small businesses will see the things they depend on to succeed
value on our public schools and have a'strong tradition of sup- -good schools,health care,public safety-protected from
porting our teachers and students,That's why I urge you to vote harm.Please VoteYes.
YES on Measures 66 and dz Debra Mott
Measures 66 and 67 will ensure that we can keep our local Small business owner
class sizes manageable,keep teachers in the classroom,and (This information furnished by Debra Mott.)
protect vital education programs for our students.These _
measures ensure that profitable corporations are paying their This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255,
fair share to fund schools in every Community in Oregon.Our The printing of this argument does,not constitute an endorse-
schools can no longer afford for two-thirds of corporations to ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
pay just$10 a year in income taxes. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Measures 66 and 67 are key to rebuilding Oregon's economy.
As Superintendent,I speak to educators all across America. Argument in Favor
Our students need the tools to compete in the global economy
and we cannot afford to fall further behind.Oregon's students Assure Quality Care in Oregon
deserve every opportunity we can give them to succeed; VoteYES on Measures 66 and 67
quality public schools are a critical component of our economic
recovery. Measures 66 and 67 protect the services we need the most.
Measure 66 and 67 protect the things that every Oregonian Like most Oregonians,elders depend on services like public
cares about,like good public schools and safe communities safety and health care,and we know that the communities
and neighborhoods. I fooled by the political scare we're part of depend on safe,vibrant,successful schools.
tactics and misinformation you.,are heildna from onoonents Without Measures 66 and 67,the legislature will have to gu
about these measures.The reality is that more than 97% out of those services.
Much of that money woqld come directly from services that This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
help Oregon's elders;lead fulli independent lives such as The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
assisted living programs and medication.For some seniors ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
and their caregivers,these cuts could mean the loss of Oregon accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Project Independence and other critical services that help allow
older adults maintain choice and dignity in their homes and
communities. Argument in Favor
Support Measures 66 and 67,keep costs for seniors low. The Oregon Center for Public Policy:
Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67
Many of Oregon's elders live on a fixed.income.At the same A Necessary Step Toward Balanced,Effective Economic Policy
time,senior citizens represent a large and growing part of
Oregon's population.By the year 2010,one in three Americans Today,middle-class and low-income Oregonians pay a
will be over age 50.The implications for Oregon's future are larger share of their income in and local taxes than rich
clear:without support for this growing need,the quality of Oregonians.In fact,the rich pay the lowest share of their
life for Oregon's elders will decline,and their spending power income in state and local taxes..In addition to preserving
within the state will diminish. vital services like health care,education and public safety,
Measures 66 and 67 are the first step toward a more balanced
By votingYES for Measures 66 and 67,we will maintain vAaL and effective economic policy that benefits middle-class and
services for Oregon.oldwi,while supporting our economy by low-income working Oregonians.
keeping spending in the state.
Let's make sure Oregon elders,families and communities have Measures 66 and 67 Protect Oregon's Working Families
the care and services they need and deserve. For years,middle-class and low-income working families and
Join the Elders in Action Commission in voting'YES"' small businesses have paid more than their fair share because
g two-thirds of corporations in Oregon pay a corporate minimum
on Measures 66 and 67 income tax of just$10.
(This information furnished by Tara Krugel,Elders in Action Middle-class and low-income families have been dispropor-
Commission.) tionately hurt by the economic recession.These families need
Measures 66 and 67.The measures preserve services that are
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. vital for putting Oregon's economy back on track,such,as K-12
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- 'education and professional training through higher education
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the and community colleges;and they provide an immediate tax
accuracy or�truth of any statement made in the argument. cut for Oregonians who have lost their jobs and are looking for
work.Measures 66 and 67 follow this principle:If your family
Argument in Favor earns less than$250,090 per year,you won't pay a single
penny more.
The bottom line on Ballot Measure 66: Mainstream Economists Suppqrt Measures 66 and 67
You Gotta Be RICHTo Be Impactedl Eminent economists„such as President Barack Obama's budget
The most important fact about Ballot Measure 66: director Peter Orszag and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz,
It's FAIR. agree that in a recession,it is-preferable for states to enact
targeted tax increases on the wealthy than to cut services.
For decades now,Oregon's tax structure has been legislated Three:dozen Oregon economists have gone on record saying
and"initiative-!zed”to death to do one thing —place the great- Measures 66 and 67 are good for Oregon's economy,
est tax burden on the middle class. The Oregon Center for Public Policy urges you to
Measure 66 is one of the few tax measures you'll ever see vote YES on Measures 66 and 62
that's NOT aimed at you.Indeed,Measure 66 will have ZERO Vote"YES"for a necessary.step toward a
impact on 975 percent of all Oregon taxpayers.Only the 2L balanced,effective economic policy for Oregon.
percent ri st Qregonjans would pay more under Measure,66 (This information furnished by Charles Sheketoff,Oregon
— and only a little more. Center for Public Policy.)
Measure 66 does not kick in unless you make over$250,000 as
a household. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
What's more,the extra tax doesn't apply to the entire income The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
- only any amount that's over$250,000.So a couple with an ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
income of$260,000 is only paying a slightly higher rate on that accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
last$10,000,not on the whole amount.
How much is"slightly?"In this case,the extra tax would cost Argument in Favor
this couple$180.That's it— 180 bucks.And we're not ashamed The Oregon League of Conservation Voters Urges a
to say this:if your income is over a quarter-million dollars,you YES vote on Measures 66 and 67
can afford an extra$180—especially after all the years that we
in the middle class have been footing more than our share of Preserving Oregon's Unique Quality of Life
the bill. is the ResponsibleThing to Do
In fact,about 90 percent of all Oregon income taxes go to OLCV urges you to vote YES on Measures 66 and 67,to help
education —K12,community colleges and Higher Education ensure that we pass on Oregon's unique quality of life to our
- public safety and health care.We can either cut teachers, children and grandchildren.
police officers and senior services,or we can ask the richest 2.5 Our state has made significant progress toward preserving
percent of all Oregonians to pitch in just a little bit more. natural areas for families to enjoy,protecting critical farmland
We think that's an easy call. and wildlife habitat,ensuring clean rivers and streams and pro-
moting a clean energy economy that provides good jobs with
benefits for Oregon families. ,
(This information furnished by Don Loving,Public Affairs However,it is clear we have much more work to do to leave
Employees(AFSCME).) possible if we come together and vote"YES'on Measures 66
and 67
Measures 66 and 67 preserve funding for Oregon's environ- John S.Foote,Clackamas County District Attorney
mental stewardship through services such as: John M.Harpidson,Benton County District Attorney
• Air quality monitoring Michael T.Dugan,District Attorney,Deschutes County
Wastewater management and toxic water monitoring to
help clean up our rivers and ensure safe drinking water for (This information furnished by Michael D.Schrunk.)
our families .This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
• Developing Oregon's clean energy economy to bring good The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
jobs_to our state ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
• Reducing global warming pollution accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Right now,two thirds of Oregon businesses pay only$10 a
year in taxes.By raising the$10 corporate minimum income Argument in Favor
tax for the first time since 1931,and asking just a bit more Help Keep Higher Education Accessible for All Oregonians
from the richest Oregonians,Measures 66 and 67 help to
ensure that Oregon's unique quality of life-our legacy to The Association of Oregon Faculties represents faculty and aca-
future generations-is preserved. demic professionals from public universities around the state.
It's the responsible thing to do for our families. We take our jobs of educating students and preparing them
to be successful and competitive in a tough job market very
Join Oregon League of Conservation Voters in seriously.That is why we are urging aYes vote on Measures 66
Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67 and 67.
The Oregon League of ConservationVoters is a non-partisan Oregon's universities have served the state well by creating
organization with a simple mission:To elect pro-environment family wage jobs and economic growth in every county of the
candidates and pass responsible laws that protect the environ- state.Strong universities are critical to our children's future and
mental legacy we leave behind for future Oregonians. key to Oregon's economic recovery.For Oregon to thrive,we
(This information,furnished by Katy Daily,Oregon League of need to educate a well-trained workforce and provide students
Conservation Voters.) the tools to win the good paying jobs of tomorrow.
Measures 66 and 67 will help our universities continue to make
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. contributions in the lives of our students,our communities-and
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- to our economy.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Affordable access to our universities is vital to Oregon's eco-
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. nomic future.Voting yes on these measures will help to ensure
that Oregon's people retain that affordable access.Oregon
Argument in Favor faculty members have watched as,too often,students have
had to go into debt to get the education that they need to keep
Oregon District Attorneys Say: family-wage jobs in this state.This is unfair to working families
Keep Oregon Safe who seek a brighter future for their sons and daughters,
Vote YES on Ballot Measures 66 and 67 For Oregon to compete in the global marketplace we need
In order to keep our neighborhoods safe,Oregon needs a Measures 66 and 62
highly functioning and integrated public safety system-from Measures 66 and 67 preserve our communities by maintaining
the police who investigate crimes to the district attorneys who basic funding for essential services like education,health care,
prosecute the offenders. and public safety,and protect the middle class as they struggle
Can corporations afford to pay more than$70 in taxes in order to make ends meet.We need to vote yes in January to help
to protect the safety of Oregon's businesses? Oregon protect our kids'futures and maintain a positive legacy
for the future.
YES. please join the 600-plus members of the Association of Oregon
Can Oregon households making more than$250,000 afford Faculties in Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67
to pay a little more in taxes in order to protect the safety of W Gregory Monahan
Oregon families?
YES. Association of Oregon Faculties
Do you want to see your community protected from criminals, (This information furnished by W. Gregory Monahan,
especially during tough economic times when crime rates tend Association of Oregon Faculties.)
to increase? This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255:
YES' The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Ihen join District Attorneys from across Oregon in voting YES ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
on Measucel 6FI end 7 accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
These measures provide needed funding for police,community
corrections and our courts.Voting against these measures Argument in Favor
could mean a reduction in the number of state troopers on the As a farmer in Lebanon,I know first hand how deeply this
job,and it will threaten our ability to prosecute criminals. recession has affected our rural communities.Because of
Measures 66 and 67 ensure that we have the tools to prosecute decisions made by the Wall Street banks and credit card com-
identity theft and drug-related crimes. panies,hard working rural families like my own are feeling the
We need to add more troopers to the job,not fewer.We need pain.
increased supervision of sex offenders,not less.We need court These measures do what's right in difficult economic times-
doors open and the ability to prosecute dangerous criminals. they protect families who have been victims of the economy
VOTE YES ON 66 AND 67 and help put Oregon on a path to recovery.
TO KEEP OUR COMMUNITIES SAFE This recession has hit Oregon's rural communities especially
Micheal D.Schrunk,Multnomah County District Attorney hard,creating an even greater need for services like quality
health and senior care.That's why Measures 66 and 67 are the
Joshua Marquis,Clatsop County District Attorney
s ..; �r,�x 4ig y Bag 4P$ as'Y ai a A",,,:.t$ 11 a s e'R 5
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f a;a if+a g,a"gaxag sa a5€ e.-mo-I pg' ffi ffi�dP n8'ixns
right thing to do,especially for our rural towns.These mea- Argument in Favor
sures are necessary to fund the vital services when we need Oregon's Children,Families,and Seniors are Counting on You
them the most.
Rural Oregon has more than our fair share of unemployment, WsTime for Corporations to Pay More than$10 in IncomeTaxes
and voting YES on these measures will give desperately needed How we respond to this recession is a test of who we are as a
relief to those who have lost their jobs,because Measure 66 people.In this time of crisis,we believe the right thing to do is
gets rid of taxes on unemployment benefits for this year. to protect the Oregonians who are struggling the most in this
Oregon's farmers work hard,provide for our families,pay our economy.
taxes,and care deeply about our communities.Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67 will help those who need it most:
these measures will protect our schools,care for our seniors, + Seniors and people with disabilities,by protecting the
and will keep our communities safe. in-home care that allows them to live with dignity and inde-
I do my part.I pay my fair share.I pay more than$10 in taxes. pendence in their own homes
Big corporations and rich CEOs should do their part too.
+ Children of struggling families,by-making sure their basic
Lots of times,it can seem like these major decisions that affect needs are met
us are out of our control.But Measpres 66 and 67 let us—the
voters—decide who should pay and how we will recover from + Those who are looking for work,by removing taxes on
this recession. most of their unemployment'benefits for 2009
I hope you'll join me in looking at the facts and then voting YES These measures are the right thing to get us through these
on Measures 66 and 67 tough times.
Jim Just,Owner Wall`Street banks and credit card companies have taken bil-
La Ferme Noire Vineyards lions in federal bailout dollars,yet thanks to Oregon's$10
Lebanon,OR minimum,one customer pays more in overdraft fees and outra-
geous credit card finance charges than these corporations pay
(This information furnished by Jim Just,La Ferme Noire in Oregon taxes.
Vineyards.) This election is an opportunity for us—the people of
This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251.255. Oregon—to decide whether big corporations and the rich
should finally pay their fair share for the services we all rely
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- on.Voting YES will hold the big corporations and their special
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the interest lobbyists.accountable.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. And these measures protect Oregon's"middle class.If your
family eams less than$250,000 a year,you won't pay a single
Argument in Favor penny more.
Small Business Owners Across the State There are over 40,000 SEIU•members in Oregon,frontline.
Urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67, 1 1 workers who help deliver the vital public services we all count
"In times of crisis,Oregonians do what's right to help out their on every day.
neighbors,friends,and family.Getting through this recession VoteYES to protect quality services for local communities.
Is going to require that same commitment to doing what's
right.Measures 66 and 67 help the people who need help the VoteYES to protect Oregon's middle-class families.
most,by cutting taxes on unemployment benefits and keeping VoteYES to make sure that big corporations are paying more
the doors open at our community colleges and universities. than$10 in income taxes.
As proud Oregonians and business owners,we know these
measures are the right thing to do." Linda J.Burgin,President
• Constance Palais Man;Ca-owner Kevin'I?Marc Co-owner SEIU Local 503,OPEU
Motel Del Rogue Motel Del Rogue (This information furnished byArthurTowers,SEW Local 503.)
Grants Pass,Oregon Grants Pass,Oregon
This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251.255.
"I'm voting yes because these measures are designed to
protect schools and other social services.Measures 66 and 67 The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-.
simply ask for corporations and the wealthy to pay their fair ' ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
share for the things we all need.As a small business owner and accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. .
as an Oregonian,I'm voting Yes'
John Schmitt,President Argument in Favor
Ook7mo Digital Oregon Economists Say Voting"Yes"Is the Prudent Choice
Portland,Oregon for Economic Recovery
"The recession has hit Oregon hard,and how we respond to We,are a group of Oregon economists who have considered
it is a test of who we are as a people.These measures help these measures and have concluded that there is a strong eco-
preserve what makes Oregon a great place to live and own a nomic case for voting yes.
business.Strong schools that provide,kids with a bright future
are an integral part of our communities.In my view,voting yes Faced with this recession,it is economically better for the state
is how we maintain our values through these hard times." to raise taxes on corporations and households that make more
than$250,000 per year than it is to cut vital services,or to raise
Rhonda L.Ealy,Owner taxes on the middle class.
Strictly Organic Coffee Co.
Bend,Oregon This is because the bulk of the money that the state spends
on public services— more than 90 percent of which goes to
(This information furnished by Constance Palais Man, education,health and human services and public safety— is
Co-owner,Motel Del Rogue.) spent right here in Oregon.Economists agree that spending on
education,health and human services is the strongest form of
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. economic stimulus spending,delivering the most"bang for the
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the And,because some state money brings in Federal matching
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. funds,Oregon will receive more Federal dollars if the measures
pass,and fewer Federal dollars if they fail.
`. °' •, r y �xaa ag�a CS axle Ap ass +S ,� xa a sa.§i h ask t'isa�a r s,x Aws6§e§t
`..'»r«i`�411. xe.t s&z
Further,because a significant portion of Oregon's corporate This space purchased for$600 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
taxes are paid by put-of-state corporations,Measures 66.and 67 The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
bring money into Oregon's economy that otherwise would be ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
spent elsewhere. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Eminent economists,such as President Barack Obama's budget
director Peter Orszag,and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, Argument in Favor
agree that in a recession,it is preferable for states to enact tar-
geted tax increases than to cut services.The economy recovers Oregon's Religious Leaders forTax Fairness
faster,and investments made in education,health and human Tax fairness is the moral choice for people of faith
services pay off big in terms of future productivity. Vote Yes on 66 and 67
In other words,it is our assessment that passing Measures 66 As religious leaders and citizens,we have considered the argu-
and 67 is the prudent choice for Oregon's economy. ments for and against these two measures and have sought
Mary C.King,Professor to discern the path of justice and righteousness with regard to
Portland State University Economics Department this election.We have come to the following conclusions.
Michael F,Sheehan,Ph.D. Times are tough
Sheehan&Sheehan Economics LLC Too many Oregonians have lost their jobs or experienced
Ronald L.Chastain,Ph.D. pay cuts;many have seen their retirement savings or health
Chastain Economic Consulting benefits vanish.State revenues have fallen sharply,and educa-
tion,law enforcement and many other services have seen their
Patrick M.Emerson budgets cut.
Professor of Economics in Oregon We cannot allow working families and the most vulnerable
Martin Hart-Landsberg,Professor of Economics to bear this burden alone,while many corporations and high-
Lewis and Clark College income taxpayers resist a modest increase in their taxes.Our
congregations are doing all they can to provide help for those
(Universities listed for identification purposes only) in need,but charity alone is not enough.Government must
(This information furnished by Mary C.King,Portland State also provide a safety net for those most afflicted.
University Economics Department.) 931/6 of our state budget is devoted to education,health care,
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. human services,and public safety.These programs make pos-
Isible future economic growth and sustain struggling families in
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- hard times.Further budget cuts would be unconscionable and
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the self-defeating.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. It is fair and just that those who continue to prosper greatly
should give back a little more of their income to support the
Argument in Favor public services that have made their prosperity possible.The
Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67 to Save Vital Senior Services responsibility of the wealthy to the poor and to the common .
good is a principle deeply rooted in the texts and teachings of
Join the Oregon AllianwIRERetired Americans in voting YES on our religious traditions.
these measures. Congregational names listed for identification purposes only.
The Oregon Alliance for Retired Americans works to advance Mary JoTully Rev.Dr.Lorne Bostwick
public policy that protects the health.and economic security of Chancellor,Archdiocese Senior Pastor,Central
older Americans.The Alliance believes that seniors must work of Portland Presbyterian Church
together to preserve all that we have fought for and all that
future generations of Americans deserve.We must.be our own Rev._Dr. Marilyn Sewell Rev.Patricia Campbell-Schmitt
advocates! Rev.Lynne Smouse The Reverend Stephen L.
That is why we are strongly supporting Measures 66 and 67 Lopez,Pastor Schafroth
In this time of economic crisis,we must work to preserve the Ainsworth United Deacon,Episcopal Diocese
Oregon we've all value.When times get tough,Oregonians Church of Christ of Eastern Oregon
come together to do what's right. Rev.W.J.Mark Knutson Rabbi Joey Wolf
These measures protect services for the most vulnerable See over 100 endorsers at wwyyaajrQ ,goreoon�rg
Oregonians,including Oregon's retirees.Protecting our schools,
healthcare,in-home care for seniors and people with disabilities, (This information furnished by Josie Koehne,Tax Fairness
keeping our communities safe-this is the Oregon way, Oregon.)
The large corporations and°out-of-state special interests
opposed to these measures don't care about our communi-
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 261.255.
ties.The corporate lobbyists don't:care about protecting the The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
health of our rural communities or about making sure that ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Oregon's seniors can live with independence and dignity.The accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
opponents only care about protecting their embarrassingly low
$10 income tax. Argument in Favor
It's time for Oregonians to stand up and protect our communi- The Democratic Party of Oregon Says
ties and our future. VoteYES for Middle-Class Families and Tax Fairness
Measures 66 and 67 will continue the investments we've made While personal income tax rates have been going up with
in education,so that our children and grandchildren get the inflation,most corporations doing business in OreoQn_4S911 payL
training they need to compete in the global market.These only$10 year the same amount they've paid since 1931.The
measures will prevent cuts that could shortchange future average Oregon family now pays more income taxes than 300
generations. corporations pay,all put together. r
It's time to stand up for what's right.for Oregon.It's time to Wall Street banks and credit card companies have taken bil-
Vote YES on Measures 66 and 67. lions in federal bailout dollars,yet thanks to the$10 corporate
(This information furnished by Gerald S.Morris,Oregon minimum,a customer pays more in overdraft fees and outra-
Alliance for Retired Americans.) - geous credit card finance charges than most corporations pay
in Oregon taxes,
�, ,
Voting yes is the change we need to help protect middle-class This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS,251.255.
families and have corporations pay their fair share of taxes. The printing'of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Measures 66 and 67 protect Oregonians who have been ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
hardest hit by the recession-seniors,children and the accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
unemployed-and prevent them from being hurt again by
drastic cuts to essential services in health care,education Argument in Favor
and public safety,In fact,these measures cut ia. s for the
gnemployed this veer,and only raise the tax rate on those who Voting yes is about 12rotgIcting the health of the
can afford to pay more-the wealthiest 2.5%of Oregonians. Voting ye$is about doing what's right for'Qregon.
If your family eams less than$250,000 a year,you won't pay a Right now,most corporations pay only$10 in state income
single penny mare. taxes—the same amount they've paid since 1931.
VoteYes on Measures 66 and 67 and protect Oregonians from It's no wonder middle class families think they're paying too
drastic cuts in health care,education and public safety and much.The average Oregon family now pays more income taxes
support tax fairness. than 300 corporations pay,all put together.
And thank you for helping to keep Oregon safe,healthy,and In this economic crisis,it's time for us to do the right thing.
educated. It's crucial that we protect the health of everyone in this state,,
Democratic Party of Oregon particularly those who've been hurt most by the recession.
(This information furnished by Meredith Wood Smith, VotingYES means we value protecting our most vulnerable
Democratic Party of Oregon.) neighbors and family members—seniors,children,and people
with disabilities.These measures will protect thousands of
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. adults and children on the Oregon Health Plan,ensuring that
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- in this time of need,Oregonians still have access to quality
p g healthcare.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or.truth of any statement made in the'argument. These measures will fund nursing home safety,elder abuse
enforcement,lifesaving prescription drugs,and home care that
Argument in Favor helps law-income seniors remain independent.
School Board Membe[a From Across the State Measures 66 and 67 will help those looking for work by remov-
ing taxes on their 2009 unemployment benefits,preserve
our communities by maintaining basic funding for essential
As school board members from around the state,we serve services like schools,health care,and public safety,and protect
communities large and small.Our kids go to school in urban the middle'class as they struggle to make ends meet.
and rural districts,They come from families from many differ We need to vote yes in January to help pratatt access to
ant walks of life. healthcare for Oregonians In need.
One thing that all Oregon kids have in common is that they Join Oregonians for Health Security in voting YES on Measures
deserve a quality education with reasonable class sizes and full 66 and 67.
school years.
Measures 66 and 67 will help Oregon students loam and (This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,Oregonians for
succeed in school. Health Security.)
These measures not only protect schools,they bring fairness to This spaco'purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
our tax system.Right now,two-thirds-of_corporations pay only The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
$10 a year in income taxes,,Corporations and the wealthy need ment by the Stats,of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
to step up to help protect classrooms and services right here accuracy or truth of any statement made in theiargument.
in our communities.These measures move the burden off of
middle-class families and protect our kids'future.
Many of our schools are operating on bare bones budgets Argument in Favor
but remain committed to providing a high-quality education So,who will actually pay more under Measures 66 and 677
for students.Measures 66 and 67 will help keep our schools If your family makes less than$250,000 per year,you won't pay
whole,while avoiding teacher layoffs,Increases in class size or a penny more.
shortened school years. .
Even if you are fortunate enough to earn more then that as a
Support Our Schools family,the nominal increase will only apply to those dollars
Join us InVoting Yes on Measures 66 and B7 earned ABOVE the first$250,000.In other words,if your earn-
David H.Krumbein,Board Chair,Pendleton School District 16-R ings are$260K,your increase would be approximately$180.
Karen Cunningham,Beaverton School District,Board of A couple thatbrings home over$21,600 a month would be
Directors Member asked to pay an additional$15 a month.
Fred Marble Forest Grove School District,Board Member These measures are.reasonable when you look at the real facts,
Linda Brown,member lake Oswego School Board Measures 66 and 67 will protect middle-class families.
Bobbie Regan Portland Public School Board These measures will protect jobs in Oregon when we need
DavidT.Beeson-Director(position 6),Silver Falls School them most.
District/Board of Directors Don't be fooled by the scare tactics employed by the oppo-
nents.The well-funded corporate lobbyists opposing these
RandyTweten,La Grande School District,Board of Directors -measures want you to believe that you will suffer unspeakable
Board of•Directors,Oregon School Boards Association harm with a new burden of excessive tax.
(This information furnished by Bobbie Regan,Portland Public Most Oregonians will pay no additional taxes.These measures
School Board.) only raise taxes on corporations(most of whom have been
paying$10 a year in income taxes)and households that make
Legislators elected to the state legislature in 2008 faced a Argument in Favor
difficult task.Facing a state budget crisis further crippled by Small Business Owners
a sagging economy nationally,legislators sought to find a
budget solution that would be FAIR to Oregonians and save Urge aYes Vote on Ballot Measures 86 and 67
critical jobs and services in education,public safety and health For years,our family has owned a sm.''all business in Douglas
care. County.Small businesses are the backbone of Oregon's
This is a good solution. economy.We need to give small,local business owners the
support and opportunities they need to be successful.That's
This is a fair solution. why we will be votingYes on Measures 66 and 67
Democratic Party of Multnomah County Measures 66 and 67 protect small business.
(This information furnished by Susan Silodor,Democratic Party 93%of small business owners in Oregon will not pay,a dime
of Multnomah County.) more.in personal Income taxes under these measures.What
the measures will provide for our local communities are good
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. schools,access to health care and safe neighborhoods.These
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- are the very things small businesses need to thrive,especially
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the in a tough economy.
accuracy or truth of any statement,made in the argument. Measures 66 and 67 stop large corporations from getting away
with paying just$10 a year in taxes.
Argument in Favor Oregon families and small businesses have been shouldering
Measures 66 and 67 Save Jobs and Protect Families. the burden of paying for our schools,health care and public
safety services.In fact,the taxes we pay provide nearly 95%of
Join Fami y Child Care Providers. the funding for'the services we all rely on.At the same time,
Vote YES on_Measures_Go and 671 two-thirds of corporations doing business in Oregon are paying
With Oregon's economy in crisis,now more than ever we need just$10 a year in taxes.The average Oregon family pays more
critical services like Oregon's Employment Related Day Care than 300 corporations pay in income taxes all putaogether.
Program. Measures 66 and 67 protect our schools and help keep our kids
As a family childcare provider,I have seen firsthand how this safe.
program supports families by helping low-income working In addition to owning and running a small business,I am also
Oregonians pay for child care.And - a special education teacher in`a juvenile detention center in
able child care often makes the difference b Roseburg.Every day I witness heart-wrenching stories of the
to keep a job,andlosin r challenges my kids and their families face.Measures 66 and 67
order,to make ends meet. protect funding for education and services that keep families '
Voting",no"on Measures 66 and 67 would cost jobs in two and.kids off drugs and away from crime.
ways: Help Protect Small Businesses and Kids
1. Family child care providers would lose their jobs,because Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67
they would no longer be able to afford to provide childcare Wicker Works
at`a reduced rate to families in need; M.Robina Malone—owner
2.The hard-working parents who rely on these family child (small business)
care providers would be faced with a terrible choice:give (This information furnished by Mary Robina Malone,Wicker
up their job or put their children at risk. Works.)
"that's why Oregon's family child care proyiders urge You to
vote YES on Measures 66itn&z7 s s This ace purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Programs like this one help hard working Oregonians keep The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
their jobs and continue contributing to our economic recovery, ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
while also ensuring that children are protected,nurtured and accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
well cared for.
The results speak for themselves: Argument in Favor
• 3,500 low-income families with young children receive Small Business Owners
proper child care. Urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67
• 1,800 jobs saved because parents can,go to work safe in the "These measures are necessary to fund vital services when we
knowledge that their children are well-cared for. need them most.I live and do business in Oregon because we
value our schools,universities,and basic services.These are
Big corporations and rich CEOs will try.to make this issue the things that allow businesses to thrive,young entrepreneurs
complicated,but it is really quite simple:should corporations to flourish,and big new ideas to develop.We must continue to
and the rich finally pay their fair share and contribute fo cdti- protect our priorities,and that's why I'm voting YES."
cal services that help keep children safe and parents In the John Mullin,President
Amallegory Productions,Inc.
For r sake,for Portland,Oregon
providers sake,please,join family childrgre i
YES1 "Measures BB and 67 are the right move for our economy.In
order for the state to get back on our feet,we'll need to protect
Sandra Araujo jobs and basic services here in Oregon:These measures will
Family Childcare Worker make sure that middle class families and small businesses
(This information furnished byArther7bwers,SEIU Local 503.) aren't carrying the burden of this recession."
Bill Dickey,Co-owner
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. Witham&Dickey
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Portland,Oregon
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
"For Oregon to thrive,we need to offer businesses a well- Across the state,other senior care professionals employ over
trained workforce and provide our kids the tools to win the 30,000 Oregonians in good paying jobs.These employers and
good paying jobs of tomorrow.It's both irresponsible and employees are vital parts of our local economy,creating eco-
shortsighted to keep cutting education funding.That's why I'm nomic activity that helps other local businesses..
voting yes on Measures 66 and 67." Measures 66 and 67 will help make sure seniors get the high
Albee Kara,President quality care and services they need and provide good-paying
Faster Connections,Inc. jobs for health care professionals and caregivers.
Portland,Oregon These measures do what's right in difficult economic times
(This information furnished by John Mullin,Amallegory —they protect older Oregonians and their families who have
Productions Inc.) been victims of the economy and help put Oregon on a path to
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. •Please join us in voting yes on Measures 66 and 67 Its the
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- right thing to do for our seniors,for Oregon families and for
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the our economy.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Dan Gregory,Owner
WestWind Enhanced Care-in Medford
Argument in Favor Mike Hudman,President
As an employee of the OregonYouth Authority,I know firsthand Gateway Living and Gateway Gardens in Springfield and
the stakes that are on the line with these ballot measures,both Eugene
for troubled kids and for all of our communities. Mark Kinkade,Vice President
I'm supporting a Yes vote on These m A Gateway Living and Gateway Gardens in Springfield and
communities cannot afford to tu tha uni inn Eugene
Todd Woollard,CEO
From Pendleton to Hillsboro to Medford,communities around Woollard Ipsen Management LLC in Coos,Jackson and
Oregon'struggle with gang activity and youth violence.OYA Josephine Counties
staff and community partners work with youth who have been
involved in gangs.It's our job to make sure these kids make a (This information furnished by Lauren Rhoades;Oregon Health
healthy transition back into their communities,reducing gang Care Association.)
violence. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Our programs are affected doubly by the economic crisis.The
downturn creates an environment where more youth are at risk The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
for becoming involved with gangs and violent behaviors.At . accu by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
the same time,the economic crisis threatens the resources we accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
need to provide these services.
Measures 66 and 67 will help prevent closures of multiple OYA Argument in Favor
facilities and elimination of beds around the state.At these It's time to level the playing field.Oregon's working and
facilities,my colleagues and I work to ensure public safety and middle-class families
provide accountability and reformation opportunities to youth urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and'67
who represent an unacceptable risk in the community.
Our communities can't afford to lose the vital services that Measures BB and 67 will protect:
OYA provides.yotjpgYea to protect vital services will help keep. --Oregon jobs
more and more youth from turning to the streets and a life of --Oregon families
crime. --Oregon communities.
I'm urging you to join me in voting YES on Measures 66 and Right now,while working and middle-class families are strug-
67,so we can continue to protect our communities and give' gling just to make ends meet in this recession,large out-of-
troubled kids a second chance at a healthy,crime-free life. state corporations who make millions of dollars in Oregon are
Franklin Ron Weaver paying just$10 a year in income taxes.
Multicultural Services Coordinator The recession may continue,and many more people could lose
OregonYouth Authority their jobs.Many of the unemployed could have trouble finding
new livelihoods,particularly if they are over forty years old.
(This information furnished by Arthur Towers,SE/U Local 503.) These measures will protect the basic services and keep the
This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251.255. burden from being shifted to those who can least afford it.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Supporting public services provides a critical and minimal
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the safety net to those who are already stressed and using all their
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. available resources.We need to look after'each other.
These measures will help protect Oregon jobs and are neces-
Argument in Favor sary preserve the critical services that are needed now more
than ever.These measures will help those who've been hurt the
Vote yes on Measures 66'and 67 most by this recession by protecting vital services and remov
Protect Oregon's Most Vulnerable Citizens ing taxes on the first$2,400 in unemployment benefits.
Support Local Jobs 66 and 67 will start to hold corporations accountable by making
sure that corporations are paying more than$10 a year in
Protect Oregon's Economy income taxes and asking for those who've benefited most from
As nursing home owners and operators who provide high our state to contribute just a bit more.
quality services to seniors and families in our,communities,we The measures protect services that we all depend,on.By voting
support Measures 66 and 67. YES on 66 and 67,we'll be keeping our communities safe and.
. making lt.clear that corporate greed is NOT an Oregon_value.
albw-.older-T.� �.:f.:m:.�.._._ ,.-. _ —.........,_.
Oregonians to live safely and with dignity,independence, Join in Voting YES to protect Oregon's future.
and respect.We also provide good jobs for 600 Oregonians.
Central Oregon Jobs with Justice Love MERCY .
Eugene Springfield Solidarity Network/Jobs with Justice Jesus said to demonstrate mercy to children,the disabled,
broken,hurting,sick,and poor,in both His words and actions
Mid-Willamette Valley Jobs with Justice (Luke 4:18-19).In the story of the Good Samaritan(Luke
Portland Jobs with Justice 10:25-37),Jesus asked,"[who]do you think was a neighbor to
the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"The expert of the
Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice law replied,"The one who had mercy on him."Jesus told.him,
(This information furnished by Brenda Sifuentez,Portland Jobs "Go and do likewise".
with Justice.) Voting YES will show mercy to our neighbors by supporting:
• Oregon's children,youth,teachers,and programs in K-12
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with OR$251.255. education
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- • College students who depend on affordable higher education
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the • Public safety in our communities.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Walk HUMBLY with God
In humbling ourselves to serve the humble,we reflect God's
Argument in Favor attributes(Proverbs 29:7;Philippians 2:1-8)as we love our
Voting Yes is the RightThing to Do for Those in Need neighbor.
Our reflection on Scripture and examination of Oregon's
CareOregon urges a Yes Vote on 66 and 67 to protect the current fiscal situation and tax structure have led us to support
victims of this recession. Measures 66�and 67 We humbly invite you to join Oregon
These measures do what's right in difficult economic times- Center for Christian Values in voting YES on Measures 66
they protect families who have been.victims of the economy and 67
and help put Oregon on the road to recovery. (This information furnished by Stephanie Mathis,Oregon
As the recession has deepened,more and more families have Center for Christian Values.)
found themselves in need.How we respond to this crisis will
be a test of who we are as a people. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
CareOregon believes that Measures 66 and 67 are the fair The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
way to fund necessary and vital services at a time when we ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
need them most.In our greatest time of need,we believe accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Oregonians should come together to protect those hit hardest—
uninsured children,seniors,and struggling families. Argument in Favor.
Here's just one example:the measures fund nursing home Measures 66 and 67
safety,elder abuse enforcement,lifesaving prescription Important for Oregon,Critical For Rural Oregon
drugs,and home care that helps low-income seniors remain At Northwoods Nursery,we know that our state's rural counties
independent. have been hit especially hard by the economic crisis.Measures
We need to vote yo in January to help Oregon protect our 66 and 67 are necessary to protect the services our communi-
communities and maintain our values through these hard ties--and our small businesses—depend on.
times. Measures 66 and 67 Protect Jobs
Please join us in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67.
By opting"Yes"on Measures 66 and 67,we will fund the vital
CareOregon is a not-for-profit organization committed to services that all Oregonians depend on,and that are critical to
improving and protecting the health of low-income and protecting the health of our citizens and the economic future of
vulnerable Oregonians. Oregon's rural communities.
(This information furnished by Martin Taylor,CareOregon.) Schools,senior care,assisted living facilities,and community
colleges provide both important services and needed jobs.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. In rural communities like mine,these are among the largest
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- employers.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the By voting"Yes"on'these measures,we will protect the educa-
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. tion and training that we need to move Oregon forward.Our
business needs qualified employees and these measures
Argument in Favor protect class sizes,keep tuition stable for higher education,and
maintain access to on-the-job and vocational training programs
"Do justice,Love mercy,and Walk humbly with God°(Micah 6:8) through Oregon's community colleges.
Vote YES on Measures 66&67 Measures 66 and 67 Protect Our Nurseries and Farms
The Oregon Center for Christian Values(OCCV)is dedicated to Nursery owners and farmers in Oregon depend on Oregon
advocating for public policies in Oregon addressing care for
the poor,the oppressed,the sick,and the environment tflat are State University's Agricultural Experiment Stations and the
biblically grounded and reflect the values of Jesus Christ. Extension Service,which are protected by Measures 66 and 67
The Department of Agriculture's plant pest.and disease control
Do,IIJ;$TICE program is especially important to agricultural businesses and
In a just society,Scripture states that those who have abun- nurseries like Northwoods.
dant resources are responsible(Luke 12:48)to allocate what Please join me In Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67
God has given them to those who are poor and suffering... g
and those who may depend on the mercy of others(Leviticus Jim Gilbert,owner
19:9-10;Leviticus 25). Northwoods Nursery/One Green World
Voting YES will protect an estimated$1 billion that will Molalla,Oregon
support: (This information furnished by Jim Gilbert Northwoods
• Unemployed and underemployed who rely on temporary Nursery/One Green World.)
assistance for needy families,food stamps and other
• Health care for children and low-income adults
• Seniors and the disabled who depend on state in-home
care programs
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. And in-home care is less costly than institutional care,saving.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- taxpayer dollars.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the That's why 1 urge you to vote YES on Measures 66 and 67,in
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. order to preserve the critical homecare services Oregon's most
vulnerable,seniors,and the disabled depend on.
Argument in Favor Not only is state funding in jeopardy if these measures fail,
but we could lose,hundreds of millions of dollars in_federal
Oregonians Deserve FairTaxes and Good Schools matching funds tbal help Medicaid and othgr federal
Vote Yes on Measure 66 money that supports OreagnJ in-home care.Instead of helping
Measure 66 is necessary to fund Oregon's schools,community to save jobs and preserve critical services in Oregon,these
federal dollars would instead go to other states,like California
colleges and other vital public services when we need them
or Idaho.
Measure 66 makes our tax system fairer,and eases the burden VotingYES on Measures 66 and 67 is the right thing to do.
on middle-class families by asking the rich to pay their fair These measures are a good solution to protecting critical
share.For too long,Oregon's working and middle-class families services for those most in need,because they simply ensure
have been shouldering too much of the tax burden.Measure that everyone-including big corporations-is paying their fair
66 helps ensure that the richest households,flourishing even
in this economy,pay their fair share for critical services like our As one of 10,000 home health care workers in Oregon who
children's schools. is on the frontlines every day working to make the lives of
Measure 66 protects Oregonians relying on community cal- seniors and those with disabilities better,l urge you to vote
leves for the training they need to get back on their feet. YES on Measures 66 and 67.
People who have lost jobs in the recession must build their Herlinda Breitenstein
skills to be competitive when the job market turns around. Homecare Worker
Community colleges are already strained by the increased
demand for their services.Measure 66 will protect them from (This information furnished byArthurTawers,SEIU Local 503.J.
another round of huge cuts. This space purchased for$500 iri accordance with ORS 251.255.
Measure 66 Is a critical piece of a strong economic recovery.A The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse
strong economy depends on a high quality education system at ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
all levels.Measure 66 will allow our education system to con- accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument
tinue to serve our students as we rebuild our economy.That's
the best way to achieve economic vitality.
Measure 66 helps those who need it most by providing a break Argument In Favor
for more than 270,000 unemployed Oregonians.People who Small Businesses.For 66 and 67
have lost their jobs are struggling to provide basic necessities. As business owners and community leaders,we recognized the
like food and shelter for their families.Measure 66 helps these importance'of funding vital services at a time when Oregonians
families by removing taxes on the first$2400 of unemployment need them most.
benefits received in 2009.
The 33,000 members of the American Federation of Teachers Measures 66 and 67 are the right thing to do.
in Oregon know both a vital economy and people depend on a These measures do what's right in difficult economic times-
high.quality education. they protect families who have been victims of the economy
Vote Yes on Ballot Measure 66 and help put Oregon on a path to recovery.Measures 66 and 67
preserve funding for education,healthcare,and job training for
Oregon School Employees Association Oregonians.
American Federation ofTeachers-Oregon Our economy cannot afford cuts to schools and higher educe-
(This information furnished by Robert A.Wagner,American tion,undermining our public education system.Skilled workers
and a strong educational system are essential to attracting
Federation of Teachers-Oregon.)
business investment in Oregon.As Oregon's economy begins
to rebound,we need to support local businesses by investing
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. in education and workforce training.,
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- AYes Vote on Measures 66 and 67 protect funding for our
ment by the State of Oregon;nor does the state warrant the schools and support a healthy economy.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
In order for Oregon to thrive,we need to offer businesses a
Argument in Favor well-trained workforce,and provide our kids the'tools to win
the good paying jobs of tomorrow.
Oregon s Home Care Workers AskYou to Vote Yes Oregon's young people,entrepreneurs and start-up companies
on Measures 66 and 67
cannot succeed in a state that does not provide good school's,
My name is Herlinda Breitenstein.I live in Independence,OR safe communities and basic services.
and I'm a homecare worker.I'm part of a trained workforce Measures 66 and 67 protect the services businesses need most.
of caregivers who serve thousands of Oregon families and
seniors every day. By voting yes on Measures 66 and 67 we protect the very
Frontline caregivers,like myself,are extremely committed to things Oregon's businesses count.on-a strong public educe-
the work that we do and to those we care for.We do for them tion system and a public safety system that keeps neighbor-
what they can no longer do for themselves,enabling our hoods and business districts safe.
clients to live in their own homes. Please join us in votingYes on Measures 66 and 67.
In-home care gives the elderly and people with disabilities a Mike Roach,Co-Owner.
greater sense of dignity and independence,better access to Paloma Clothing
family and friends,and the peace of mind that comes with Hillsdale,Oregon
attentive and affordable care in safe,familiar environments.
--. Kim.Osgoszd.—Co_Owner�.___ _--- -
Paloma Clothing
David L.Vernier,CEO,Vernier Software&Technology and 67 are available at www.commoncause.org[nregon at the
Beaverton,Oregon research center.
Brian Setzler,CPA-Owner In mid-November,when this statement was prepared,"yes"
TriLibrium and"no"campaign money was just starting to flow so the fol-
Portland,Oregon lowing contribution information is only preliminary.
(This information furnished by Mike Roach,Co-Owner,Palome The top three donors to Oregonians Against Job-Killing Takes
Clothing.) after the signature turn-in deadline through mid-November
were$50,460 from Associated General Contractors of America,
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. $25,700 from the Oregon Restaurant Association and its affili-
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- ated political committee,and$17,900 from the Portland
-meet by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Business Alliance and its political committee.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument The top three donors to VoteYes for Oregon,as reported .
through mid-November,were$75,000 from the Oregon Public
Argument in Favor Employees Union,SEIU Local 503,$50,000 from the American
Federation of Teachers-Oregon Issue PAC,and$25,000 from the
FromThe Gospel According to St.Luke,chapter eighteen: Oregon Wealth.Care Association.
22 Now when Jesus heard these things,he said unto him, Updated"yes"and"no"campaign contribution information'
Yet lackest thou one thing:sell all that thou hast,and will be at WWW cQmmoncause:org/orenon at the research
distribute unto the poor,and thou shalt have treasure in center when you receive your Voters'Pamphlet.Common
heaven:and come,follow me. Cause Oregon appreciates your interest in"following the
23 And when he heard this,he was very sorrowful:for he money"in these ballot measure campaigns.
was very rich.
(This information furnished by Janice Thompson,Common
(This information furnished by James Allen Marshall.) Cause Oregon.)
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Argument in Favor Argument in Favor
Measure 66 creates a minor tax increase on personal house- Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67
hold taxable income greater than$250,000(individual taxable
income greater than$125;000).Thistax increase was put into Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Supports Making thsTax
place by your legislators this past summer to balance Oregon's System Fairer for Working and Middle-Class Families
state budget.The Association of Engineering Employees Politi- As a voice for many in the faith'community and as a provider of
cal Action Committee strongly urges you to vote in favor of social services,,we add our support to Measures 66 and 67 We
this tax to support education,.health care and public safety and all have a solemn responsibility to care for those who cannot
preserve federal matching money. do so for themselves,especially in challenging economic times.
(This information furnished by Evan Burroughs,Treasurer, like these.We believe it is fair and just to ask corporations and
Association of Engineering,Employees Political Action the most prosperous Oregonians to do their part in helping us
Committee.) through these tough.times.
Those of us who operate faith-based charities and non-profit
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251:255. organizations know that,we cannot meet the needs that exist in
The printing of this argument do'es not constitute an endorse- Oregon without a strong government role'in providing health
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the care,affordable housing,job training and other services that
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument provide hope and opportunity.Support from private donors
and business partners do not provide enough resources to
Argument in Favor serve all of society's most vulnerable populations.We need
all of us to come together to ensure a healthy and prosperous
Common Cause Oregon is neutral on Measures 66 and 67,but future for all Oregonians.
is tracking campaign contributions.. Ballot Measures 66 and 67 help protect the most vulnerable
The two chief petitioner committees that collected signatures to Oregonians and secure adequate funding for public education,
qualify Measures 66 and 67 raised$960,196 as reported by the health care and public safety programs.The national economic.
signature turn-in deadline of September 25.Most of this money crisis has had a profound impact on all of us.But it has hit soci-
came from two political committees.Oregonians Against ety's most vulnerable—the working poor,seniors and children
Job-Killing Taxes gave 64 percent or$610,072,whHeTaxpayer —particularly hard.
Defense Fund gave$194,2$0 or 20 percent of total chief peti- Measures 66 and 67 protect services like early childhood educa-
tioner fundraising. tion,residential care for seniors,Oregon Project Independence,
The largest single donation to Oregonians Against Job-Killing and health care for working families.They also help to provide
Taxes was$100,000 from Oregon Bankers Association. the solid foundation for quality public education that all of our
Associated Oregon Industries and its political committee gave children deserve.
$125,300,Weyerhaeuser gave$51,194,Common Sense for We urge you to VoteYes on Measures 66 and 67-the tax fair-
Oregon,Inc.gave$50,000 and Roseburg Forest Products gave Hess,package that secures Oregon's future and protects those
$45,000. in need.
The top two donors to Taxpayer Defense Fund were Nevada- Join with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and faith leaders in
based Loren Parks,who gave$75,000,and$22,752 from voting Yes on Ballot Measures 66 and 67
FreedomWorks,Inc.in Washington,D,C.These contributions
comprised 61 percent of Taxpayer Defense Funds total fundrais- For more information on EMO's positions on ballot measures,
ing of$190,446. go to www.emoregon.org.
Detailed charts on the contributions to qualify Measures 66 (This information furnished by Kevin Finney,Public Policy
Director,Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.)
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This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251:255. Argument in Favor
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Now is the time to protect Oregon's critical services.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Measures 66 and 67 are simple.They protect about$1 billion
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. in funding for schools,healthcare,and public safety by raising
the$10 corporate minimum income tax(for the first time since.
Argument in Favor 1931)to$150 and raising the marginal tax rate on households
Measure 66 is a step toward balance when we need it most that earn more than$250,000:
Only 2.5%of fliers(households above$250,000)will see any These measures are vital to protecting the essential services
increase in their taxes.But more than 270,000 struggling that all vibrant communities depend on:good schools,quality
Oregonians will get a tax break. health and senior care,and the safety of our families and
homes.These three areas make up more than 90 percent of the
Why is Oregon such a special place?Because we care about state's general fund budget.A small but critical portion of these
each other.We care about our parents,our children-and our revenues will also go to state and local planning services that
entire community.That's why we need to invest in their future, help keep Oregon's economy moving and promote our unique
by votingYES on Measure 66. quality of life.Tbe money n
To pay for the public structures that serve and protect us all,we alreadY been-LOgeted,so failure thlese moasureri WQUId
need to restore balance to our tax system.Wealthy,Oregonians directly ca e k
currently pay a smaller percent of their income in'taxes than all care and r s
other taxpayers,especially lower-income Oregonians.Families By votingYES on these measures in January,you will ensure
with taxable income of less than$250,000($125,000 for indi- continued state assistance for important local job-producing
viduals)will not see their income tax change one penny. functions,including planning for and construction of state and
At the same time,unemployed Oregonians will get a tax cut. local transportation projects,planning for economic recovery
The first$2,400 in benefits for the unemployed will be exempt and continued efficient and cost-effective permitting.Further-
from state taxation in 2009,providing tax relief for over 270,000 more,nearly$1 billion will continue to circulate in Oregon's
Oregonia.�s who have been affected by the recession. economy,which will be spent at local businesses an.d will help
Oregon on the path to economic recovery.
Measure 66 will begin to make Oregon's taxes fairer for
working and middle-class families,who now pay more of their Make your voice be heard by votingYES on Measures 66 and
income than wealthiest Oregonians. 67 to protect what makes our communities special.
Measure 66 is fair.It is necessary.And it is the right thing to do. Mission of the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning
Association includes promoting the art and science of plan-
Join Tax Fairness Oregon in votingYES on Measure 66; ning,promoting sustainable development objectives through
To find out more,visit T xF ' O comprehensive planning for economic development,social
and environmental objectives,fostering social and environ-
(This information furnished by Jody Wiser,Tax Fairness mental equity,and advocating for every citizen's opportunity to
Oregon.) participate.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. American Planning Association,Oregon Chapter
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- (This information furnished by Jeannine Rusted,American
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Planning Association,Oregon Chapter.)
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Argument in Favor The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse
WORKING FAMILIES SUPPORT MEASURES 66&67 ment by the State of Oregon,nor does'the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
The 7000-plus members of SEIU local 49 are healthcare
workers who transport patients,cook meals,draw blood,clean Argument in Favor
hospital rooms,provide emergency care and answer patient
calls;we are janitors who keep our schools,universities,air Join Empower Oregon in Voting Yes
ports,sport facilities and downtown buildings clean and safe. To Protect Services for Oregon's Most Vulnerable
We work hard every day to earn a living and provide for our Empower Oregon is a group of workers dedicated to provid
families.We pay our taxes and support our local communities. ing quality human services and opportunities to live with
independence and dignity for the Individuals we serve:'People
But too many Oregon corporations are not paying their fair with mental,emotional or behavioral disorders;adults with.
share. developmental disabilities;individuals struggling to overcome
Last year;the a4erage Oregon family of four paid over$3,000 substance abuse addictions and people who are homeless.
in taxes,but more than two-thirds-of corporations doing'busi- The essential services we provide help our clients become
ness in Oregon paid just$10 in the corporate minimum tax. healthier,more productive members of our community.
That's not fair for working families. Measures 66 and 67 are necessary to fund these critical ser-
vices to Oregonians who need them most.Oregonians with
Measures 66 and 67 will protect almost$1 billion in funding for mental illness,addiction,developmental disabilities or who'
the services working families need.By raising the corporate are experiencing homelessness count on state funding and
minimum and the tax rates on households with income above services that Measure 66 and 67 provide.These services help
$250,000;we can preserve essential services like K-12 educe- many Oregonians live with the independence and dignity they
tion,in-home care for seniors,and the Oregon Health Plan. deserve.
The working families of SEIU Local 49 urge you to VOTE YES to At the same time,Wall Street banks and credit card companies
make taxes more fair and protect essential services. have taken billions in federal bailout dollars,yet thanks to the
(This information furnished by Felisa Hagins,SEIU Local 49.) $10 dollar minimum,one customer pays more in overdraft fees
and outrageous credit card finance charges than these corpora-
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. tions pay in Oregon taxes.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
mant by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
,._.,,,w as ,. .... r.... ... ^� X.......... ....., r.,e ma..�"•...... .._. w,. .ux:Mx r ax!a ta ,d .,..,.,s�..u�, ;nkusw. �. `'1�1'
While our share of taxes keep going up,most corporations This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
still pay only$10 dollars-the same amount they've paid since The printing of this argument doss not constitute an endorse
It's wonder middle-class families think they're paying
too much.. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the The average Oregon family now pays more income
taxes than 300 corporations pay,all put together. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
These measures do what's right in difficult economic times- Argument in Favor
They protect families who have been victims of the economy
and help put Oregon-and Oregon's most vulnerable-on As financial advisors in the western United States,it's our job
a path to recovery.Measures 66 and 67 eliminate taxes on to help our clients maintain good access to the capital markets
unemployment benefits,preserve funding for education and and to help them find the best possible financial solutions.We
health care,and other vital services-the services needed most work with our clients to assess the long-term financial strength
by those hit hardest by the economic crisis. of their organizations arising from a sound financial strategy.
Please join us in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67 We've taken that same approach to analyzing these ballot mea-
sures,and we think the choice is clear:Voting Yes on Measures
Find out more at www.empoweroregon.org, 66 and 67 is the right thing to do for Oregon's economy in
(This information furnished by Meghan Moyer,Empower these tough times.
Oregon.) The health and prosperity of Oregon depends on the smart
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 257.255. investments we make today.If we want to compete in'the global marketplace of tomorrow,we must make decisions
The printing of this argument does not'constirute an endorse-_ today that protect our investment in education,from K12
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the through community.colleges and universities.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67 will protect Oregon's educa-
tion,including job training and higher education,when we
Argument in Favor. need it most.
Do you can:about Oregon's natural legacy? Oregon's small businesses depend on a,well-trained,educated
VoteYES on Measures 66 and 671 workforce.Large businesses depend on basic services in order
to keep their doors open.The investments we make in Mea
The Oregon Conservation Network is a coalition of more than sur'es 66 and 67 will pay off dividends for Oregon's economy.
40 conservation groups around the state that works to pass Ap business owners,we believe that we are most successful
laws that provide a legacy of clean air and water and protect when we are engaged,committed members of the hommuni-
our land and economy for future generations.Together,we ties we serve:We're supporting these measures because they
represent more than 200;000 Oregonians who agree that con- are the right thing to do,because they are necessary to fund
servation is an Oregon priority. critical services,and because they are a smart investment in
As Oregonians,we have a state to be proud of:Abundant the future of our state. Please join us and other Oregon busi-
farmland,lush forests,pristine public beaches,clean rivers,, nesses in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67
and special places that provide fish and wildlife habitat as well Sincerely,
as some of the most beautiful and diverse recreation in the
nation. Patrick Clancy,Managing Member
Oregon has a history of protecting what makes our state Western Financial Group
special.Measures 66 and 67 will help preserve Oregon's unique Lake Oswego,Oregon
quality of life for future generations. (This information furnished by Patrick Clancy,Western Financial
Measures 66 and 67 will protect funding for critical programs Group.)
that will help preserve a natural legacy we can pass on to
our children and grandchildren.This includes programs that This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
monitor air quality and keep our waters free of toxic chemicals. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
In addition,without Measures 66 and 67,programs that encour- ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
age investment in local,clean energy could be eliminated accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
entirely.At a time when Oregon needs stable jobs and energy
independence,we can't afford to go backward. Argument in Favor
Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67 is the responsible thing to Vote Yes on Ballot Measures 66 and 67
do for our families. to give everyone in Oregon a chance at a better future.
Measures 66 and 67 ask corporations and Oregon's.richest Across the state,Oregon's 17 community colleges provide
2%to pay their fair share for the services we all benefit from. opportunity for people to get the training and skills they need
Most big corporations in Oregon pay only the minimum$10 to get back to work.Today,350,000 Oregonians receive educa-
corporate tax,which hasn't been raised since the 1930s.That's tion and vital skills training through their local community
just not fair. college.
Protect Oregon. AYes Vote on Measures 66.and 67 will help give displaced
Join the Oregon Conservation Network in voting YES workers a second chance,by getting them the training and
on 66 and Network education they need to get back into the workplace and
provide for their families..
Paid for by the following OCN member groups: Now more than ever,Oregonians are relying on community
Climate Solutions Oregon Environmental Council golleges.This year alone,community college enrollment has
Confluence Consulting Oregon League of Conservation
jumped by 10%,adding nearly 44,000 students.
Voters Measures 66 and 67 will ensure that every student has access
Friends of the Columbia Sierra Club to an affordable education.
Gorge If Measures 66 and 67 were to fail,Oregon's community col-
leges would be faced with untenable choices.Eliminate pro-
grams.Deny students.Close campuses.With the economy just
(This information furnished by Katy Daily, Oregon Conservation beginning to improve,we can't afford those cuts.
PP �
Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67 will help avoid hefty tuition unthinkable decisions,like choosing between paying for life-
increases,cuts to course offerings,and massive layoffs of saving medication and paying for food.
instructors and staff. Measures 66 and 67 will protect seniors by preserving the
Community colleges bolster the economy by training students basic services we need in these tough times,including;
in skills that local businesses need.As Oregon strives to meet • Nursing home safety
the challenges and opportunities of the global economy,a • Elder abuse enforcement
strong community college system is crucial to deliver a highly Lifesaving prescription drugs
skilled,well-trained workforce. . Affordable health care
Measures 66 and 67 will provide Oregon the well-trained work- Home care that helps law-income seniors remain independent
force needed for our economy to recover and grow. If your family eams less than$250,000 a year,you won't pay a
Help Oregonians Find Work and Provide for their Families. single penny more.
VoteYes on Measures 6$and 671 These measures are designed to protect middle class families
Chuck Clemons;member Clackamas Community College Board and seniors on fixed incomes.�y those who can afford t0 do so ill more,like corporations and rich households who
Dr.Ernest R.Keller-Member Columbia Gorge Community are still doing well in this economy.
College Board Most Oregonians-•especially senior citizens—won't see any
Beverly Russell,Board Chair,Mt.Hood Community College Increase in our taxes under these measures.
Board of Education Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67 is the.right thing to do.
Marilyn Lane,Clatsop Community College Board Chair Together we can ensure that Oregon's most vulnerable citizens
..(This information furnished by Chuck Clemens.)
aren't hurt even more by this recession.
D on't baligme thWwmnLta0Fc_*_-
This space purchased for.$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. TMgAh k
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the I Inited Seniors of Oregon
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Save Oregon Seniors
Argument in Favor (This information furnished by Dr.Jim Davis,Oregon State
Council for Retired Citizens.)
A Message From Attomey General John Kroger
When I fill out my ballot in.January,I will be voting yes or This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255..
Measures 66 and 6 The reason is simple;public safety. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
As Attorney General,my highest priority is fighting.crime.If ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
these measures do not pass,the legislature will have to make accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
significant cuts to public safety(along with health care and
education)in order to balance the state budget. Argument in Favor
Those cuts would likely include a major reduction in number of^ The Oregon AFL-CIO is Oregon's strong voice for the middle class..
state troopers on the road.This would be particu la rly.danger- We urge you to voteYES on Measures,66 and 62
ous in rural Oregon,where troopers are often our first respond- The unions of the Oregon AFL-CIO represent over 225,000
ers to crime scenes and accidents, a middle class Oregonians from every part of the state.And it is
The cuts would also result in the early release of large the middle class that will benefit with aYES vote on Measures
numbers of prisoners from our-prison system.Early release 66&67
of criminals—arbitrarily cutting their sentences—because we A recent study showed that CEO pay has grown to 364 times
cannot fund our corrections system is a step in the wrong higher than what the average American makes,the widest gap.
direction. in the world by far.
Because recidivism rates are high,many released prisoners And while the middle class shrinks,bonuses-and bailouts go .
will commit new crimes—ones we would have prevented if the to Wall Street Banks,credit card companies,their CEOs and
criminals were still behind bars.It also sends a horrible signal lobbyists--those who created this recession in the first place.
to criminals when we ignore their original sentence and let Here in Oregon,thanks'to the$10 minimum,on&customer
them out early.Under our system of law,a judge's sentence pays more in overdraft fees and outrageous credit card finance
should be respected. charges than these corporations pay in Oregon taxes.
For these reasons,I will vote yes on 66 and 67. The rich get tax breaks and corporations pay only$10,the
John R.Kroger same amount they've paid since 1931.
Attorney General It's no wonder middle class families think they're paying too
(This information furnished by John R.Kroger.) much.The average Oregon family now pays more income taxes
than 300 corporations'pay,..combined.
This space purchased for$500.In accordance with ORS 251.255. By passing Measures fib and 67,we can finally begin to make it
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- right.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Measures 65 and 67 are simple.They;
accuracy or truth of any statement trade in the argument.
Finally raise the corporate minimum tax of$10;
Argument in Favor --Tax the richest households making over$250,000 a year;
--Provide'imMediate tax relief for 270.000 unempigyed
Don't believe the scare_ta_6ti Oregonians;
Vote YES to Project OregQn's Seniors. --Fund the education and job training that will get our
economy back on track.
This recession has been tough on all of us,but the pain has
w ito-live-o14
fixed incomes.The crisis means many of us are'forced to make
If your family earns less than$250,000 dollars a year,you won't Argument in Favor
pay a single penny more.
Measures 66 and 67 Protect Oregon Schools
VotingYES will protect middle class families who have been The 48,OpOTeachers and Education Professionals
hurt by the economy..Voting YES means a small,fair tax of the Oregon Education Association
increase on the richest Oregonians and big corporations,and Urge You to Vote"Yes"
tax relief for 270,000 unemployed Oregonians.
Please vote YES on Mft;lsures 66 and 67 The members of the Oregon Education Association are com-
mitted to assuring a quality public education for every student
w�11p0 egonstrongvoice.cnm' -from pre-Kindergarten,to college.While we work hard every
(This information furnished by Tom Chamberlain,President, day to do more with less,we need Oregonians toistand with us
Oregon AFL-CIO.) in ensuring that our schools have the resources they need to
help students achieve.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255: Measures 66 and 67 are both necessary and fair.They will help
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- protect your local school's ability to keep class sizes manage-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the able;preserve a full school year,and attract and retain the best
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. teachers.
Here is how students in four districts across Oregon could be
Argument in Favor impacted if these measures were to fail:
AYes Vote on Measures 66 and 67: Beisverton School District:a cut of$18.5 million-the
Necessary,and the RightThing to Do . equivalent of reducing the school year by nearly 19 days or
laying off 223 teachers;
It's been a tough year for a lot of folks Oregon.As a local con • Salem-Keizer School District:a cut of$20.6-the equivalent
tractor in Bend,I have seen firsthand the impact of the national of laying off 249 teachers;
economic crisis.
The good news is ayes Vote odfWlaasures 68 and 67 can protect lent of laying off 92 teachers;
' Bend-La Pine School District:a$7.6 million cut-the equiva-
small businesses and middle-class families from being further
victimized by the recession. • Roseburg Public Schools:a$6.1 million cut-the'equivalent
Small business owners have long understood that quality
of laying off 73 teachers.
schools,access to health care and an effective public safety. Oregon's schools cannot afford more teacher and school
system are key to the success of local businesses. employee layoffs.
Measures 66 and 67 protect about$1 billion in funding for our We can protect our classrooms and vital services and.shift the
schools and other essential services.Plus,they'll keep hun- burden away from middle-class families by asking corporations
dreds of millions of dollars circulating in Oregon—this money and the rich to pay their fair share.
will be spent at Oregon businesses,putting us on the road back For too long,,middle-class and working Oregonians have been
to economic recovery, shouldering the burden of supporting our schools and other
Measures 66 and 67 will help ensure that Oregons students, vital services.The,average Oregon family pays$3,100 a year
from districts large and small,get the education they deserve. in taxes-while two-thirds of corporations doing business in
As a parent and PfiA volunteer,I know that strong schools are Oregon pay just$10.It's time for a change!
critical to our child'ren's future and key to.Oregon's economic Support Your Local School.
recovery.For Oregon to thrive we need to offer businesses a Join 48,000 teachers and education professionals
well-trained workforce,and provide our kids the tools to win in voting Yes on Measure 66 and 67
the good paying jobs of tomorrow. Gail Rasmussen
These measures do what's right in difficult economic times. President
The unemployment crisis has hit harder in rural counties like Oregon Education Association
Deschutes than most places in the country.These measures (This information furnished by Gail Rasmussen,Oregon
protect families who have been victims of the economy and Education Association.)
help put Oregon on a path to recovery.Measures 66 and 67
eliminate I m n benefi e5erye funding This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
for education and keep r ' i The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
going.Ainur_local community colleges-the services needed ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
most by those hit hardest by the economic crisis. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Please join me in standing up and votingYga on measures 66
and 62 Argument in Favor
Bart Mitchell,President Oregon Fire Fighters-and Po.16 Urge a YES.Vote
Deschutes Painting,Inca on Measures 68 and 67
Measures 66 and 67 provide critical funding to keep our com-
(This information furnished by Bart Mitchell,Deschutes munities safe.
_ The security of our communities depends on fire fighters,
This space purchased for$500 In accordance wlth ORS 251.255. local police,parole officers,sheriffs and state police working
together to protect Oregon families.In order to curb crime and
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- punish offenders,we need adequate funding for all facets of
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the our integrated public safety system.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
In difficult economic times,our communities see an increase
In crime.
As Oregonians struggle to make ends meet,the last thing
we can afford is to cut funding for the services that protect
Oregonians,their families,businesses and homes.
ys I ��+
W, aa'; 6$'t Y$&q{ ygy'$ ... ON C: .,r#+ i �i xa�.. �.'. "$$� u., �A x . u �A
.. 3 .,, " 1,2F e,� 3xa �'a,.w.' ;�A� �d�a.a:�# sak.8<t w. %`� e ... 3 �, A ea.». 't
Over 90%of the state budget goes to fund public safety,educa- This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251-255..
tion and health care. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Without the money generated by Measures 66 and 67,Oregon ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
would be forced to make harsh cuts,which could include: accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Lo6ino 35 state trQop 3rs and criminal i ,plus
Argument in Favor
several of the dispatchers who ensure that police are able 9
to quickly respond to emergencies; Join the Vote Yes For Oregon coalition in voting YES'
• Fewer prison beds and more prison closures,which means As educators,small business owners,healthcare providers,
more convicted felons on ouLatMQ= public safety officers,community organizations and advocates
• Making a bad situation worse,the failure of these measures dedicated to doing what's right In tough economic times,we
means fewer parole and probation officials,making it urge you to vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67.
hprde to 11upervise sex offenders an moth dealers who Proms Education,Health Care and Public Safety
are released into our communities. HARP Oregon
Measures 66 and 67 are fair and necessary.They simply ask The Addiction Counselor Certification Board of Oregon
those who can most afford to pay a little more-»the richest Adelante Mujeres
Oregonians and big corporations-to do their part to keep Advocacy Coalition of Seniors and People with Disabilities
Oregon safe,secure and heading in the right direction. Ainsworth United Church of Christ,Justice Commission
Vote YES,to keep criminals in jail and our communities safe. Alliance for Democracy
Amallegory Productions,Inc.
in Fire Eigbtetq I in American Association of University Professors-Portland State
of P Ing Oregon families. University(PSU-AAUP)
VoteY S on Measures 66 and R American Association of University
— Women-Oregon(AAUW-Oregon)
Kelly Bach,President Dan Weber,ProTem President American Federation of Teachers-Oregon
Oregon State Fire Oregon Council of Police Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs
Fighters Council Associations Association of Oregon Faculties
(This information furnished by Kelly Bach,Oregon State Fire Basic Rights Oregon
Fighters Council.) Benton County Democratic Central Committee .
9 Bus Project
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. CareOregon
Carpenters Local 247
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- CAUSA Oregon
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Central Oregon Labor Council
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Children First for Oregon
Christine Rains Graphic Design
Argument in Favor CJGraphix
Coalition for a Healthy Oregon
Small Business Owners Across the State Coalition for a Livable Future
Urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67 The Cobbler's Bench
"For me,voting yes is a matt er of my values.What kind of Columbia County Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council
Oregon do I want for myself,my family and my business7The Communications Workers of America Local 7901
answer is simple.I want to live in the kind of Oregon that does Community Action Partnership of Oregon
what's right to preserve our unique quality of life,protects Community ActionTeam,Inc.
those hit hardest by the recession,and invests in our young Community Alliance,of Tenants
people's future so they succeed in getting the good jobs of Community&Parents for Public Schools
tomorrow" Confederation of Oregon School Administrators
Cottage Grove Blackberry Pie Society
JudiTichenor,Owner Democratic Party of Clackamas County
Educational Travel Services,Inc. Democratic Parry of Multnomah County
Portland,Oregon . Democratic Party of Oregon
"It's no wonder the middle class feel like they're paying more, Deschutes County Democrats
than their fair share.While taxes keep going up for all of us, . Deschutes Painting,Inc.
most corporations still pay only$10—the same amount they've Economic Justice Action Group of First Unitarian
paid since 1931.When I learned that the average,family is Church of Portland
paying more than 300 big corporations combined,I knew it Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
was time for a change.Passing these measures is the right Educational Travel Services,Inc.
thing to do." Elders in Action Commission
Empower Oregon
Peter Braun,Owner
The Cobbler's Bench To find out more and join.the coalition,visit
Bandon,Oregon www.VotaYesForomgon.org
"Business owners know that you don't get something for (This information.furnished by Jessica Stevens,Campaign
nothing.Yet Wall Street banks,credit card companies and rich Manager,Vote Yes for Oregon.)
corporate CEOs have taken billions in federal bailout dollars,
while they continue to pay just$10 in Oregon taxes thanks to This space purchased for$5001n accordance with ORS 251.255:'
the$10 minimum.I'm.voting yes on both measures because The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
our.schools and basic services are worth more than$10 a.year:' ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
George Brown,Co-owner 'Melissa Brown,Co-owner accuracy or truth of any statement made in the.argument.
Kiva Grocery Kiva Grocery
Eugene,Oregon Eugene,Oregon
(This information furnished by Peter Braun,Owner,The
Cobbierrs den.)
Argument in Favor Protect Education,Health Care and Public Safety
Join the Vote Yea For Oregon coalition in voting YES Oregon Nurses.Association
As educators,small business owners,healthcare providers Oregon Opportunity Network
Oregon Primary Care Association
public safety officers,community organizations and advocates Oregon PTA
dedicated to doing what's right in tough economic times,we Oregon Public Health Association
urge you to vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67. Oregon Rehabilitation Association
Protect Education,Health Care and Public Safety Oregon Safe Schools and Communities Coalition
Faster Connections,Inc. Oregon School Boards Association Board of Directors
Full Access Oregon School-Based Health Care Network Oregon School Employees Association
Grant County Democratic Central Committee Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens
Healthy Kids Learn Better Coalition Oregon State Fire Fighters.Council
Human Services Coalition of Oregon Oregon Student Nurses'Association
Impact Northwest Oregon Wild
Justice&Witness MinistryTeam,Central Oregon Wild Conservation Leaders Fund
Pacific Conference,UCC Oregonians for Health Security
Juvenile Rights Project,Inc. Our Oregon
Kiva Grocery Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters
La Ferme Noire Vineyards Pacific Rainforest Wildlife Guardians
League of Women Voters of Oregon Paloma Clothing
McMinnville Education Association Parkinson's Resources of Oregon'
Marion County Democratic Party Partners for Hunger-Free Oregon
Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates Partnership for Safety and Justice
Motel Del Rogue Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste(PCUN)
Mt.Hood Community College Board of Education Planned Parenthood Advocates of'Oregon
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon Portland Jobs with Justice
National Alliance on Mental Illness Multnomah Portland Metro Chapter of the Pacific Green Party of Oregon
National Alliance on Mental Illness of Oregon Rural Organizing Project
National Association of Social Workers(NASW), Save Oregon Seniors
Oregon Chapter SEIU Local 49
Neighborhood House SEW Local 503
Nonprofit Association of Oregon,a program ofTACS Social Justice Council of First Unitarian Church
Northwest Center for Educational Southeast District Senior Advisory Council,Portland
Options(public charter schools) Stand for Children
Northwest Health Foundation Strictly Organic Coffee Co.
Northwoods Nursery/One Green World Tax Fairness Oregon
OakTree Digital United Seniors of Oregon
ONE Voice for Child Care Upstream Public Health
Onward Oregon Voz Hispana Cause Chavista
Oregon Action Wasco County Democratic Central Committee
Oregon AFL-CIO Washington County Democratic Parry
Oregon AFSCME Council 75 Witham&.Dickey
Oregon Alliance for Retired Americans. Working America
Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children Yamhill County Democrats
Oregon Board of Rabbis
Oregon Conservation Network To find out more and join the coalition,visit
Oregon Conqumer League www.VoteYesForOregon.org
The Oregon Developmental Disabilities Coalition (This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,Campaign
Oregon Education Association Manager,Vote Yes for Oregon.)
Oregon Environmental Council
Oregon Health Action Campaign This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251.255.
Oregon Health Care Association
Oregon League of Conservation Voters The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse
Oregon,New Sanctuary Movement ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
To find out more and join the coalition,visit accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Argument in Favor
(This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,Campaign
Manager,Vote Yes for Oregon.) Yes on66 and 67:The_RightThing to Do
The recession has hit Oregon hard.How we respond is a test
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. of who we are as a people.These measures do whats right in
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- difficult economic times—protect families and put Oregon on a
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the path to recovery.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Together,we can preserve education and job training to get
our economy back on track,and provide immediate relief for
Argument in Favor Oregonians who have lost their jobs and are looking for work.
Join the Vote Yes For Oregon coalition In voting YES Yes and and 67:Protect Middle Class Families
As educators,small business owners,healthcare providers, Under these measures,if your family earns less than$250,000
public safety officers,community organizations and advocates a year,you won't pay a single penny more.It's no wonder
dedicated.to doing what's right in tough economic times,we middle class families think they're already paying too much.
urge you to vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67 The average Oregon family now pays more income taxes than
300 corporations pay--all put together.
111' �' �;, R� gPS k` � ¢ Y .aa4%p saa r� yep A.x7'A fer.� ,.�q f{F
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,4 11R
WHO 1%dk,.,, ai'n� ,� aa�a,a' ..
Yes on§fi and Argument in Opposition
pJgved,and avoid drastic cuts to health care,education-and YOUR VOTE MEANS BEFOREYOU CASTYOUR BALLOT
public safety. Unfortunately,it's all too easy to get confused about what it
Strong schools are critical to our children's future and our eco- means to be for or against a referendum. Before you vote;
nomic recovery.For Oregon to thrive,we must offer businesses please be sure to read the measures carefully and understand
a well-trained workforce,and provide our kids the tools to win what the result of a"YES" and"NO"vote would be.
the good-paying jobs of tomorrow. VOTE YES if you want to:
Yes *Raise the$10 corporate minimum income tax for the first time
For too long,special interest lobbyists have succeeded in since 1931.
getting their corporate clients off the hook for paying their fair _ *Protect funding for our schools,public safety and social
share in taxes. services.
Wall Street banks and credit card companies have taken bil ■Cut taxes on unemployment benefits for hundreds of thou-
lions in federal bailout dollars.Yet thanks to the$10 minimum, sands of Oregonians.
one customer pays more in overdraft fees and outrageous ,
credit card finance charges then these corporations pay in *Make sure Oregon gets its share of federal matching funds
Oregon taxes.With Measures fib and 67,you decide who to help pay for healthcare and social services during the
should pay. recession—money that would otherwise go to other states
Votey S in JMnuam Hold corporations and the rich account- instead of Oregon.
able for paying their fair share.Protect our communities and *Protect Oregon's middle-class families and small businesses
our values through these difficult times. while making sure that out-of-state corporations pay more than
Ws the right thing to do. $10 for doing business in Oregon.
VOTE NO if you want to:
www.VoteYe s Fo rO reg o n,o rg
*Keep the 1930s law that allows corporations to pay just$10 a
VoteYes for Oregon year in the corporate minimum income tax.
(This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,l/oteYes for *Force additional cuts of nearly$1 billion dollars from schools,
Oregon.) public safety and essential services in a special February
This space purchased for.$600 in accordance with ORS 251.255. session of the legislature.
*Reject federal matching funds for Oregon's healthcare and
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse social services.
ment by the State,of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. *Make out-of-work Oregonians pay taxes on their unemplay-
ment benefits.
Our Oregon Is a non-partisan non-profit organization
dedicated to promoting economic and tax fairness for all
Oregonians;protecting schools;public safety and healthcare;
and stopping unfair giveaways and loopholes that shift the
burden to the middle class.
(This information furnished by Kevin Looper,Our Oregon.)
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251,255.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse
ment by the State of Oregon;nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Argument in Opposition
Measure 66 is harmful to Oregon farmers.
Five generations of our family have worked at ourTillamook
dairy.It's our life and our business,Milk prices are plunging.
and it's now harder than ever to keep our business afloat.We're
worried that the new,permanent tax increases legislators
passed in June will hurt our farm and the families it supports.
Economists estimate these tax increases will cost 70,000
Oregonians their jobs.We can't afford taxes that will cost.more
jobs.I can't vote to send more pink slips to Oregonians.
Legislators say their plan only taxes the rich,They're wrong.
We'll all end up paying more for groceries,gas,and other
services,and that will impact all Oregonians,especially the
poor.Facing higher taxes,small businesses like ours would be
forced to lay off workers,reduce wages and benefits,or close
their doors.
Worse yet,the higher taxes would be retroactive to
January 1,2009,and no money to cover this increase has
been withheld from Oregonians'paychecks in all of 2009.
Retroactive tax bills will hurt businesses,too.
The personal income tax incr" usiness
taxes-66%of Oregonians who will be impacted by the
personal income tax increase are small business owners that Farmers and ranchers are especially susceptible to economic
report their business profits on their personal tax returns. downturns.
It bothers me that the,$733 million in hew taxes will help fund Here's how Measure 66 affects Oregon's farmers.
the$269 million budgeted for state employee salary increases. Many Oregon farms have closed because of the recession..
Instead of pinching pennies like the rest of us,legislators Measure 0 would wuse even more farms to close.
increased overall state spending by$4.7 billion—9%higher
than the previous budget. Countless farmers have laid off long-term employees for
Public employee unions say the sky will fall if the new taxes the first time in decades.A now tax'wQuid f2rce even mom
do not pass.I'm here to tell,you that the sky is already falling . layoffs,
on Oregon families like mine. • Even the most innovative,efficient,and creative farms
Help me send legislators a message that voters already are struggling to make payroll and find work for their
have rejected job-killing income tax increases twice before.No employees.Th don't have extra money for higher taxes.
means no!Vote NO 6n Measure 66. • In many cases family farms are struggling for their very
-Sincerely, survival against low prices,low demand,and high costs of
Carol Marie Leuthold production.Measure QA will make that struggle harder.Tillamook _T_he_h1gg29 economic-downturn in a generation is no tlme to
saddle farm families with a-retroactive_permanent tax increase
(This information furnished by,Carol Marie Leuthold.) that takes away their ability to manage for the ups and downs
that are part of every farm.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. Farms,ranches,and nearly every other kind of family business
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- in Oregon are hurting.A new permanent retroactive tax on
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the family businesses is not a prescription for a recovery.These tax'
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. increases are a body blow to Oregon's most reliable engine of
prosperity:family businesses.
Argument in Opposition Oregon has lost 130,000 private sector jobs since the recession
These Taxes WILL HUj3T Small Businesses In Oregon started in November 2007 Rather than passing laws that stimu-
late.the economy,the legislature passed tax increases that will
TAke it from, -The National Federation of Independent Busi- eliminate an estimated 70,000 more jobs.
nesses represents almost 8,000 small businesses in Oregon. Ballot Measure 661s a direct assault on Oregon family farms
It's true that all small businesses will be affected by these taxes and the economic well-being of all Oregonians.
in one way or another.And small businesses will be forced to please join us in voting NO do Measu 86.
pass on that pain to regular Oregonians. re
More than 70%of the proposed personal income tax increase (This information furnished by Barry Bushue,President
applies to small businesses that are owned by individuals. Oregon Farm Bureau Federation.)
Small business owners use the same money to pay their bills This s urchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
and their employees. p p
THESE TAXES WILL AFFECT YOU: The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
• Businesses will treat taxes as a cost of doing business,so accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument
we'll all end up paying more for groceries,gas and other
services. Argument in Opposition
• Businesses will have to make a choice between paying the Even President Obama knows it:
taxes and keeping their employees,so the taxes will mean
people will lose their jobs. "The last thing we want to do Is raise taxes
In fact,economists estimate the taxes would cost 70,000 in the middle_of a recession."
Oregonians their jobs.That's on top of the almost 130,000 jobs -President Barack Obama,August 5,2009 on NBC
that have already been cut since the recession started.Mean-
while,government sector employment has continued to rise.
How can the legislature tax the www.stoplobklllingtaxes.com
g• very people who create jobs in
Oregon? (This information furnished by Erica Hagedorn,Oregonians
Please VOTE NO on Measure 66.Help more than 8,000 small Against Job-Killing Taxes.)
businesses save Oregon jobs. This space purchased for$500 in accordance-with ORS 251.255.
(This information furnished by Claudia Staton,Stator The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Companies.), ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Argument in Opposition
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any'statement made in the argument. Ask theTax Professional:A CPA says this measure is bad for
Argument in Opposition As a certified,public accountant,I have spent my career study-
Farmers N ing Oregon' s tax system,analyzing facts,and providing advice
to individuals,families,and small businesses.I have exten-
During this recession,Oregon's family farmers and ranchers, sively studied Measures 66 and 67 and will share with you the
along with the rest of Oregonians,have tightened their belts. factual information I am sharing with my clients:
Disappointingly,the legislature's"cure"for the economic •A"yes vote"on Measures 66 and 67 is a vote for the largest
crisis is more taxes.Ballot Measure 66 is a permanent and tax increase in Oregon history.
retroactive tax that will impact Oregon's farmers and ranchers
exceptionally hard and is just plain wrong.
S•Lf .6$ W '.F Fr % F� #'} # p'd "S`$t$&Smdd� �gye� 6b §•..a
?gr`sang�Kly� '`�S �l'N�a...., •s{.. (�;..,. „ • e,M. c.�• ...
*A"yes vote”on Measures 66 and 67 is a vote to give This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Oregon the second highest income tax rate in the nation. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse,
*A"yes vote"on Measures 66 and 67 is a vote to retroac- ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
tively increase taxes on some Oregonians to January 1,2009, accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
even though no money to cover this tax increase has been
withheld from their paychecks all this year. Argument in Opposition .
*A"yes vote"on Measures 66 and 67 is a vote which may
An unemployed gastruction Industnt_Wp*ffAWb—WhXAhA-
force many small businesses to lay off their workers,reduce onooses Meassr[Et N
wages and benefits and close their doors.
I'm one of the 130,000-plus Oregonians who've lost a job since
I'm an accountant,not a politician.I have not told my clients the recession started.I'm here to tell you it'hasn't been easy.
how to vote on Measures 66 and 67.1 have•just given them My husband and I recently lost our house.I wouldn't wish this
the above factual information and let them make up their own on anyone,which is why I'm urging Oregonians to vote no on
mind.There is no doubt I will be voting.I have seen enough Measure 66.The legislature's permanent personal income-tax
tax returns to know that Oregon families and businesses are increase tax will wipe out more private sector jobs and will
hurting. only delay the day I can get back to work.
Now is not the time for the largest tax increase in Oregon As the bookkeeper for Bend Fire Protection,I watched the
history.Vote NO on Measures 66 AND 67 company's bottom line go down as unemployment went up.
Sincerely, First the owner had to reduce�ay�blrUaftM•guf-
Daniel Kosmatka,.CPA/PFS/CFF that was e t li
from ZUQ four
r .
(This information furnished by Daniel A.Kosmatka,CPA/PFS/
CFF Kosmatka Donnelly.&Co.LLP,CPAs.) The people behind Measure 66's tax increase say only the rich
will pay.Don't you believe it.We'll all pay so legislators can
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. keep spending with reckless abandon.(Its 2009-11 budget is
$4.7 billion or 9%higher than the 2007-09 budget?)
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Two-thirds of the"the rich"that Measure 66 forgets for higher
.accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. taxes are small-and family-owned businesses or farts.l knew.
worked for a small businesses Whose profits pass through to
the owner's personal income tax return.
Argument in Opposition
Vote i on Measure 66 What do you think these businesses will do when the bill for
higher taxes comes due?Reduce salaries and benefits more,
The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce represents a wide and maybe even cut additional workers to pay Measure 66's tax
cross section of private sector businesses.The Board of Direc- increases.
tors includes small,medium,and large businesses that are Measure er nt tax increases don in to
committed to the Salem area community and the people of new jQlzs that will,1 keep hoping,provide a decent living for
Oregon. me and my family soon.On the contrary;economists estimate
'• Proponents of the measure say,it is time for wealthy that Measures 66 and 67's tax hikes will together cost Oregon
Oregonians to pay their fair share of income taxes.The another 70,000 lost jobs.
facts are clear.Fairness is not.the issue.2007 tax return Tell the legislature to tighten its own belt before it asks the rest
data from the Oregon.Department of Revenue(the latest of us to send them our already-tightened belts.
available)shows that 2,27%of Oiygon taxpayers(fewer
then 40,900 i f Vote no Measure 66 so we can all get back to work.
collected for 2002 (This information furnished by Lynelle Buehner.)
• It is estimated that 70%of those paying the increased
income tax would be small business owners.Small This space purchased for$590 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
businesses filed as sole proprietorships,partnerships, The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
s-corporations,and limited liability companies pay their ment by the.State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
business taxes through their personal income taxes.Asa accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
result,business profits would be taxed at a higher rate.
Will cause morg bl
Argument in Opposition
* An increase in personal income tax from 9%to 10.8%for vi h 0 0 INCREASE W1AXE4%PA_1WpL gregon economists these Oregonians is a °
• The increases are RETROACTIVE.If.Measure 66 is We are consulting economists who have studied the eco-
approved,Oregonians impacted by these taxes will have to nomic impact of the legislature"s corporate and personal tax
pay more taxes for all of 2009 and money to pay for these increases.Measure 66 and 67s tax increases will cost more
increases was never withheld from paychecks. than 70,000 Jobs if you combine our separate calculations for
the corporate and personal income tax increases.
Please say NQ to taxes on.Oregonians that provide jobs,give.
to charities,and invest in our local economies.Increasing taxes Pozdena concludes that the corporate tax rate increase would
on the private sector only creates more problems as Oregon cost the state between 22,000 and 43,000 jobs in 10 years.
struggles with one of the highest unemployment rates,in the Conerly concludes the personal tax increase would cost 36,000
'nation. in 10 years..No prediction is exact,but we both believe these
tax hikes will cause growing job losses for Oregon.
Vote NO on Measure 66 and protect Oregon jobs.
The background for our opinions is on the web at:
Mike McLaran,CEO www.CascadePoli6y.org.You will find that our views are
Salem Area Chamber of Commerce shared by the OECD,a 30-country organization that studies
(This information furnished by Mike McLaran,Salem Area factors affecting economic development.But.our conclusions
Chamber of Commerce.) are also simple,common sense.
Capital and people are mobile—especially for the corporations
and high-income households targeted 6y the egis ure.
they move,we lase jobs that their businesses,spending and
investment create.Even for those staying,the higher rates sap (This information furnished by Paul Hribernick and Rich
the motivation to work harder and create more jobs. Angstrom,Oregon Concrete&Aggregate Producers
Pozdena's estimates of corporate tax effects are based on Association(OCAPAM
analyses of country-to-country movements of capital,but state-
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
to-state movements are even easier for companies.His job loss
estimates,therefore,are probably low. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
People also do not want the benefits of their, ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
extta.emov taxed accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
may.Already,Oregonians selling businesses often move to
Washington to avoid Oregon's taxation of personal capital
gains.Others can take their job anywhere the Internet con- Argument in Opposition
netts. Recruiting and motivating workers is harder with high A message from Independence and the White House
income taxes.Targeting our economy's heroes-successful
business people and workers who've achieved success in 21st I manage a farm in Independence.I think of myself as a plain-
century industries--is job suicide. spoken man.But I couldn't express my opposition to Measure
Higher tax rates will cost Oregon jobs now,and slower growth 66's permanent tax increase any clearer than President
will hamper Oregonians'job prospects long into the future. Otiama's words to NBC News last August."The last thing you
Please vote noon Measures 66 sped want _da is raise taxes in the middle of recession.because
that would jet.-take_more demand out of the economy and
Randall Pozdena,PhD put business in a further hole."
William Conerly,PhD That's precisely why I became a petitioner to overturn the
(This information furnished by Bill Conerly,Conerly.Consulting legislature's income tax increase.Oregon is the middle of the
(This Randall information furnished worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.More than
180,000 private-sector jobs have vanished.Almost a quarter
million Oregonians are out of work.We cannot afford to take
This space purchased,for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.265. more demand out of Oregon's economy and put out state's
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- businesses in a further hole.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the According to the.Legislative Revenue Office,66%of the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. mailers Measure 66 targets for a tax increase are small
and fern. owned businesses or farms.What will they do if
Argument in Opposition Measure 66 passes?Increase prices,reduce salaries and ben-
Thl'ae Measures will-DELAY efits or cut workers.Those lost jobs will be among the 70,000,
Y,�eonomic Recovery jobs economists estimate will be wiped out by the legislature's
Oregonians may be focused on whether it's fair to increase two tax increases.
public employee jobs by nearly 2,700 at the expense of losing We'll all suffer.
an estimated 70,000 private labor jobs in this year's Measure
66 and 67 debates. The Legislature was so eager to raise taxes in order to raise
But the threat to Oregon from increasing taxes on Oregon's spending-by$4.7 billion overall -that it made Measure 66's .
businesses in this economic climate is that it will delay recov- tax increase retroactive to January 1,2009.That's right,this
ery from this recession. legislative proposal would actually increase taxes on income
earned before its bill passed-and before the 2009 Legislature
The reality is that this recession has been devastating to all even convened.
Oregonians,including the Oregon business communityt/0 State Worse,the money to pay.M @a&td C9 66's retroactiYQI57S Increase
wide unemployment is 12 .Unemployment in the constru e
tion industry is running above 18%. hasn't been withheld from Oregonians'paychecks.What will
happen if Measure 66 passes and Oregonians have to scramble
Over 220,000 Oregonians are without work,even before we to make these retroactive payments?As President Obama
consider the employment impact from these two tax measures. knows,it's going to take more demand out of the Oregon
The family suffering has to be considerable,and the people economy and put out state's businesses in a further hole.
affected deserve our prayers. I'm with President Obama.Vote no on Measure 66.
Taxing Oregon's corporations and small businesses will,
without question,further weaken the state's economy.It will (This information furnished by John Thomas.)
cost us more jobs,weaken business enterprise and assure This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
that recovery will be,at best,anemic for years to come.What
Oregonians are faced with is the reality that increasing-govern- The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment at the expense of private business will never lead us out ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
of this recession. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Only new money coming into the economy will begin to move
Oregon's economy forward.What that means is that Oregon Argument in Opposition
needs a healthy and robust business community.Capital Fellow Oregonians:
should be readily available to Oregon businesses to restruc-
ture,retool and reinvest.Restricting capital on our business Albany is a wonderful community in the heart of the
community at this crucial juncture will have the opposite effect. Willamette Valley.We think it is a great place in which to live,
work,and raise a family.While there are a few large employers
The result:Oregonians will continue to'find themselves in the in Albany,ours is a community that is made up of small busi-.
unemployment line;some businesses will look for states with nesses.The Albany Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to be
a better tax structure;businesses in the state will see limited the voice of those small businesses.
growth;and for those state employees reading this-state
revenue will decline,Ultimately,even the public employees It is no secret that times are very tough for small businesses.
supporting these two measures will lose. Many are just barely surviving economically each month.Tbe
e on M .It is bad for lastibing small businesses need now is a tax increase.
business,bad for jobs,and bad for Oregon. The Albany Area Chamber has extensively studied Measures
Rich Angstrom
66 and 67,and we have concluded that passage of these
Paul Hribernick
r fiy+•q
f �{a,
measures will force many small businesses to close their Argument in Opposition
doors,to lay off employees and/or to increase prices,meaning EXTRAI EXTRAI What Newspaper Editorial Boards Had to Say
that everyone in the community will end up paying more
for groceries,gas,and other goods and services. r theses About the only way they would pay the minimum$10 is if
y�g I v they lost money.So the question becomes:Why would a state
and 1l charge more for the privilege of losing money in Oregon?"
Of course,the tax increases contained in Measures 66 and -Albany Democrat Herald editorial,November 3
67—the largest tax increases in Oregon history—won't just "Democrats picked a fight with business,recklessly spent
harm small businesses in Albany.They will harm small busi- reserves and risked their majorities...They dared to raise taxes,
nesses in every comer and in every.community in Oregon,They hundreds of millions of dollars on business and upper-income
will lead to fewer jobs in every comer and In every community Oregonians,even as the state's unemployment climbed past
of Oregon.They will lead to higher prices for goods and ser` 10,11,12 percent,to the nation's second highest"
vices in every comer and every community of Oregon. -The Oregonian editorial,June 30
Please join with the members of the Albany Area Chamber of "Democrats ignored please from a unified statewide business
Commerce in voting NO on Measures 66 and 67 community by enacting massive,permanent tax hikes,and
(This information furnished by Janet Steele,President,Albany they over-protected their private and public union supporters at
Area Chamber of Commerce.) the expense of all tax-paying Oregonians."
Yamhill Valley News-Register editorial,July 3
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. "The legislature gave business a rude shock.It taxed gross
income and made the
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse tax increases permanent.That ups the will rebuke the tax increases at the ballot
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the odds that taxpayers
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. box"
-The Bend Bulletin editorial,July 8
Argument in Opposition "1n important and symbolic ways lawmakers displayed breath
taking indifference to businesses,which provide jabs and,indi-
The Portland Business Alliance urges a NO vote rectly,the income taxes upon which Salem relies so heavily"
on Ballot Measures 66 and 67 -The Bend Bulletin editorial,July 1
The Portland Business Alliance,a coalition of nearly 1,400 small, "In contrast to Oregon's actions,Washington state plugged
medium and large employers in the Portland-metropolitan area, its$9 billion•budgetgap without a general tax increase,to the
urges you to vote na on Ballot Measures 66 and 67. credit of Gov.Chris Gregoire and the 2009 Legislature.The
The Alliance and its merr►bers support schools and needed resulting biennial budget was tough on college students,public
public services,For-mpre thah.five years,when Portland-area, employees and Washingtonians in general,but it didn't single
school5'faCetl kjha ptable budget challenges,the Alliance'' out and punish the better off residents or the business
backed temporary business tax increases,as well a temporary . community"
local income tax,to keep schools open.In 2007,the Alliance, -the Columbian editorial,July 29
with other business organizations,agreed to give up the cor- Vote No on Measure 66.It's bad for business.
porate kicker to fund the state's first-ever Rainy Day Fund,and wwwstopiobkillingtaxes.com
in 2009 the Alliance was prepared to support temprsry tax
increases to bridge the tern budget gap. (This information furnished by Erica Hagedorn,Oregonians
But the legislators in Salem ignored the pleas of Oregon's Against Job-Killing Taxes.)
employers not to hurt jobs in the middle of one of the deepest
recessions in history.They took advantage of a short-term This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
budget shortfall to dramatically and permanently increase The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
taxes on business and individuals. ment by the State of Oregon,not does the state warrant the
Two-thirds of taxpayers affected by the personal income tax accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
increase are employers,many of them small--all of them
struggling to keep Oregonians employed.Some businesses Argument in Opposition
will pay a new gross sales tax of up to$100,000,even if they Oregon Business Community Opposes
are making no profit,laying off workers and fighting to survive. Permanent Job-Killing Taxes
Economists estimate these retroactive taxes would cost This didn't have to happen.In order to help the Oregon legis-
According to the State Economist, lature address its revenue shortfall,the business community
Oregon ranked 47th among the states for job creation i s pre proposed a modest,temporary 2-year tax increase to help state
and it may be 2013 before Oregon's employment reaches pre government through these lean years.
recession numbers.,
The small,medium and large employers of the Portland But-the legislature rejected this proposal.Why?Because they
Business Alliance are ready to work with legislators to find a wanted to raise.taxes even higher,and they wanted their new
reasonable and responsible approach to solving state budget tax increases to be permanent.
issues:But Measures 66 and 67 are neither reasonable nor In short,the Oregon legislature exploited our state's worst
responsi ble. economic crisis in more than 70 years to pass permanent
Please join Portland-area employers in voting NO on Ballot tax increases on Oregon taxpayers and small businesses.As
Measures 66 and 67. Oregon's unemployment rate soared above 12 percent-among
the worst in the country-the legislature chose to pass$733
(This information furnished by Bernie Bottomly,Portland _ million in.new,permanent,job-killing taxes.
Business Alliance.) The Measure 66 tax increases give Oregon the second-highest
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. income tax rates in the nation-higher than both Newyork and
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- What's more,the Measure 66 tax hikes will hit small business.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the the hardest.More than 70 percent of the proposed tax increases
accuracy or truth of any statement,made in the argument. in Measure 66 apply to small businesses that are owned by
'-� individuals.This means that all regomans will end up paying
more for groceries,gas and other services.It also means that The largest single donation to Oregonians Against Job-Killing
these small businesses will be forced to lay off workers or Taxes was$100,000 from Oregon Bankers Association.
reduce wages and benefits in order to day the increased tax Associated Oregon Industries and its political committee gave
burden. $125,300,Weyerhaeuser gave$51,194,Common Sense fora
That's why economists predict that the Measure 66 tax Oregon,Inc.gave$50,000 and Roseberg Forest Products gave
increases;in combination with the Measure 67 tax hikes,will $45,000.
kill over 70,000 Oregon jobs. The top two donors to Taxpayer Defense Fund were Nevada-
What's worse,the Measure 66 tax increases are retroactive to based Loren Parks,who gave$75,000,and$22,752 from
January 1,2009,and no money to cover this,tax inceease has FreedomWorks,Inc.in Washington,D.C.These contributions
been withheld from Oregonians'paychecks during all of 2009. comprised 51 percent ofTaxpayer Defense Funds total fundrais-
This will further dampen Oregon's prospects for job recovery. mg of$190,446.
At a time when entire families are out of work,we can't afford Detailed charts on the contributions to qualify Measures 66
taxes that will cost even more Oregon jobs. and 67 are available at www,Qommoncause,org[g_re..'gon at the,
research center.
Vote NO on Measure 66.
In mid-November,when this statement was prepared,"yes"
(This information furnished by Jay M.Clemens,Associated and"no"campaign money was just starting to flow so the fol-
Oregon Industries.) lowing contribution information is.only preliminary.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. The top three donors to Oregonians Against Job-Killing Taxes
afterthe signature turn-in deadline through mid-November
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- were$50,460 from Associated General Contractors of America,
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the $25,700 from the Oregon Restaurant Association and its affili- -
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. ated political committee,and$17,900 from the Portland
Business Alliance and its political committee.
Argument in Opposition The top three donors to Vote Yes for Oregon,as reported
Oregon Restaurants Urge a NO Vote on Measure 66. through mid-November,were$75;000 from the Oregon Public
Employees Union,SEW Local 503,$50,000 from the American
More than 66%of the taxpayers affected by Measure 66 are Federation ofTeachers-Oregon Issue PAC,and$25,000 from the
small business owners,the primary people who create jobs Oregon Health Care Association.
throughout Oregon.This is not a"millionaires"tax.
Economists predict if these tax measures pass,it could cost Updated"yes"and"no"campaign contribution information will be at Www.commonca=,org/oreaon at the research
Oregon 70,000 more lost jobs--on top of the 130,000 private center when you receive your Voters'Pamphlet.Common
sector jobs Oregon has lost since this recession began. Cause Oregon appreciates your interest in"following the
Measure 66 is a retroactive and permanent tax increase. money" in these ballot measure campaigns.
No money to pay the extra tax has been withheld from (This information furnished by Janice Thompson,Common
Oregonians'paychecks. Cause Oregon.)
Income earned by most businesses in Oregon isn't taxed under
Oregon's corporate excise tax system.That's because'owners of This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
most businesses pay state and federal taxes an their business The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
income through their personal income tax payments.So for ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
two-thirds of those affected by Measure 66,the higher income accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument..
tax rate is an increase on their business taxes.
Supporters of these tax increases argue that rich people,can Argument in Opposition
afford more taxes.We say that most small business owners
who will pay these taxes can't afford it. Oregon Chambers of Commerce:Measure 66 is bad for business
Don't be fooled that this-is a tax on big employers.In reality, Thousands of businesses in Oregon are facing a terrible eco-
most of the taxpayers targeted by Measure 66 are struggling to nomic employees.
They've had to downsize their businesses and
keep their doors open and trying to keep people employed. layoff employees.
Help Oregon employers save jobs.Higher taxes won't help At a time when business owners and working Oregonians have
Oregon's double-digit unemployment! had to tighten their belts,the state government increased its
spending by 9%.
Vote NO on Measure 66.
In the midst of the worst economic crisis in more than 70 years,
Vote NO and Help Save Jobsl the legislature voted to permanently Increase income taxes on
(This information furnished by Bill Perry,Oregon Restaurant businesses and high-income Oregonians.
Association.) More than 70%of the proposed personal income tax increase
will be paid by small business owners through their personal
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. income tax.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state Warrant the Wol chamber In-mating NO on Moasure—ft
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. LIST OF CHAMBERS
Argument in Opposition Albany Area Chamber of Commerce
Common Cause Oregon is neutral on Measures 66 and 67,but Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
is tracking campaign contributions. Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce
The two chief petitioner committees that collected signatures to Brookings-Harbor Chamber of Commerce
qualify Measures 66 and 67 raised$960,196 as reported by the
signature turn-in deadline of September 25.Most of this money Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce
came from two political committees.Oregonians Against Greater Hillsboro Area'Chamber of Commerce
Job-Killing Taxes gave 64 percent or$610,072,whileTaxpayer
Defense Fund gave$194,280 or 20 percent of total chief peti- The Chamber of Medford/Jackson County
tioner fundraising. North Clackamas County.Chamber of Commerce
3 �7aASy aigr<rbg .y B aazfi5i ;5 s 3 y' ,gg� �p p� 5
% b��g YbzF Sep ' S F k$ �'.!g 3i4ib� $^@AS &Rj kP 'sd 8f';•.t4i ,t � ,:w;fig 'A
Portland Business Alliance to keep food on their tables.They need to keep their employees
Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce working.
Even with no profit,many will have tax burdens similar to the
Salem Area Chamber of Commerce cast of one month of health insurance for their employees.
The Dallas Area Chamber of Commerce -simplistic Because our Legislature has given into th
Linda Moholt,CEO,Tualatin Chamber of Commerce notion that the solution.to a budget deficit is to pile more taxes
onto the backs of Oregon businesses regardless of whether
Wilsonville Champer of Commerce those businesses are turning a profit. .
(This.information furnished by Debra L.Fromdahl,Chair-elect, Measures 66 and 67 engage in the kind of generalized think-
Oregon State Chamber of Commerce.) ing that holds Lip-businesses as poster children for corporate
greed,that decides that firms providing jobs and selling goods
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. in Oregon should be held accountable for the government's
The printing of this argument does riot constitute an endorse- inability to balance its books.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant,the Where does that money come from for a company with no
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. profit?Do they cut jobs or health care or just close down
entirely?One can only imagine the choices that small business
Argument in Opposition owners will have to make in order to.meet this new tax liability.
A Bend doctor explains why The mission of the Oregon Small Business Coalition is to protect
all Oregonians should oppose Measure 66 and enhance Oregon's small business environment.To some
extent;that should be the mission of our Legislature,as well.
I came to central Oregon three years ago to practice medicine
and become part of the Bend community.I'd like to stay,but Instead,if Measures 66 and 67 pass,Oregon stands to lose
passage of Measure 66's permanent tax increase could alter 70,000 more jobs,in addition to the 130,000 we've already lost.
many doctors'plans. -jerk that enough?Vote NO on knee reactions to complex
I'm one of the high-income filers Measure 66 proponents problems that risk jobs in your community.Join small busi-
targeted for this tax increase.All Oregonians should know that nesses across Oregon in voting NO on Measures 66 and 67
66%of those singled out are small and family-owned busi- (This information furnished by Jeff Stone,Oregon Small
nesses or farms.I'm,one of these.Profits from my partnership
with four doctors flow to my personal income tax return.If the Business Coalition.)
state taxes more of these profits,my partnership and other -
Oregon small businesses will have less to spend on salaries, This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
benefits and staff. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
One medical colleague has said he'll have to fire four employees ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
if Measure 66 passes.They'll be among the 70,000 jobs that accuracy or truth of any statement,made in the argument.
economists estimate Oregon will lose if Measures 66 and 67
Argument in Opposition
Some of these businesses will simply leave Oregon altogether. F will nav tax%, ie ne
I'm happy to pay my share.I already do.(The 2.27%of taxpayers with Measure M.
that Measure 66 targets already pay 32.4%all income taxes col- I'm a third-generation cherry grower,in The Dallas.I'm also a
lected.)But paying a disproportionate share-greater than that member of the Oregon Cherry Growers,the largest producer
paid in the socialized countries of Europe-is just too much. and processor of maraschino cherries in the world.This grower
What would Oregon lose if we were to Ieave7The.incvme tax owned cooperative formed in 1992 and supports approximately
70 cherry farms inThe Dallas and the Willamette Valley.Yet,
revenues that we andour employees generate.I'm now the only as an individual and as a part of this industry,I can attest that
ear surgery specialist east of the Cascades.Patients with severe we're facing hard times. ,
ear disease would have to go to Portland,and many won't make
.that-trip.Bend would lase a doctor who-sees patients on Medi- Measure 66 is just wrong.Taxing businesses based on gross
care and provides free care to needy Oregonians. revenues rather than profit ensures one thing-I'll be paying
I'm not irreplaceable,but would the doctors Oregon loses the Oregon Department of.Revenue,whether or not 1 can repay
my annual operating loan at the bank.This tax philosophy
because of Measure 66 be,replaced?I'll answer with another seems to say,"We'll take the money,whether your farm is
question:Why would any doctor,especially a young doctor going to make it or not:'
with huge medical scpool bills,come to a state with the
nation's highest income-tax rates?Please join me in voting NO This season,the market price for my fresh-pack cherries didn't
on Measure 66. even cover the cost of picking and packing the fruit.But my
(This information furnished by Dr.David Woad,) farm did receive revenue.It's not right that I pay taxes on that
revenue before I pay my operating expenses.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255, On the process side,the world price this year was 20%less
printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse= than 2008.Yet,my labor costs increased.Fertilizer and fuel
P 9 9 costs increased.But,my farm'did receive revenue.Negative
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the margins or not,under Measure 66 my farm will pay additional
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. taxes-in a loss yearl
Argument in Opposition Unfortunately I am not unique in struggling to feed my family
and keep my farm running.Now,these predatory taxes might
Oregon Small Business Coalition asks you to support small force me to sell the very faun that's allowing me to put food on
businesses- my table and yours..
VOTE NO ON MEASURES 66&67 , When farms and small businesses
QtIAg We at the Oregon Small Business Coalition represent 40,000 like mine hang it up,Oregon's economic base and the jobs it
Oregon businesses.Many of those businesses will lose money creates will disappear as surely as my orchard.
this year. y Orchard.)
This information furnished b Greg Johnson,Renken Orcha
Why-would so-manycompanies Operate s--a In these
ficult economic times;they may not have a choice.They need
This space purchased for$5001n accordance with ORS 251.255. We have experienced many ups and downs over the years
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- but this current economic recession is very frightening.We
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the hale already been forced to cut back and we have seen many
accuracy or truth-of any statement,msde in the argument. of our customers do the same.Now many of us don't know
someone who has lost a job in recent months?Instead of
helping businesses to expand and create jobs,the Legislature
Argument in Opposition has put in place four different tax increases that will make our
Fellow Oregonians: current economic condition worse.
It was the privilege of my life to serve two terms as Governor The tax increases contained in Measures 66 and 67 are the
of this great state.I remain indebted to the people of Oregon, largest in Oregon history.Oregon cannot get back on track
and I look back at my eight years in the Governor's office with if the Legislature continues to recommend policies that will
great pride. lead to further job losses in the private sector.Private sector
employment growth must outpace government employment
While I was Governor,Oregon was faced with one of to have any stability in tax revenue.
the greatest economic recessions in our state's history.A
Republican Governor and a Democrat legislature compromised Oregon is my home.I want our business to remain here in
to cut state spending and enact a,temporary,short-term tax • the hands of our family members and employees.1 plan to help
increase.Because we put partisanship aside to do what this happen with my"NO"vote on Measures 66 and 67 and I
deeded to be done,Oregon survived the recession and soon hope you will join me with your"NO"vote In defeating job-
returned to many years of economic growth. killing taxes.
Oregon is in the midst of,another serious recession,but this CharlieTindall
legislature is responding very differently. (This information furnished by Charlie Tindall,Blue Line
Instead of cutting spending,the legislature increased overall Transportation.)
state spending by 9%,or$4.7 billion.
This space purchased for,$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Instead of enacting a temporary tax increase to help get
the state budget through a shortfall,the legislature enacted a The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
permanent$733 million tax increase—the largest tax increase ment by the State of.Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
in Oregon history. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
And instead of reaching across party lines,the Democrat Argument in Opposition
party that controlled the legislature refused to work with the
Republicans on a.compromise plan that all legislators could The Legislature ignored thoughtful tax advice aided with
support. special interests,
I love Oregon.I've lived here all my life.Dolores and I raised' In 2007,the governor and legislature joined forces to create a
our children here,and now our grandchildren are being raised bipartisan group dedicated to finding solutions to the revenue
here.I cannot support policies that I believe would harm problems that loomed over Oregon's future.
Oregon.I believe Measure 66 would cause many employers to That committee,theTask Force on Comprehensive Revenue
eliminate jobs or move out of Oregon,and would lengthen our
economic recession. Restructuring,faced a daunting challenge.Their goal was to
suggest ways to promote stability for state and local govern-
Il urae_yqjLJgioin me in voting'no'on measure 66.1 know it ments,create positive economic benefits for Oregon,and build
won't be easy for the leadership when these fail. It was not a financial foundation that would increase Oregon's competi-
easy for us.It was painfully difficult,But it is not easy for those tiveness in a global economy.
who today are unemployed.It will not be easy for those now Over.the course of a,year,the task force read and discussed
working to take a cut in income because of the proposed hundreds of pages of studies,data and economic analysis.It
permanent tax increase. issued a massive report that contained both short-and long-
Sincerely, term recommendations on vital issues.
Vic Atiyeh Not a single one of these recommendations was acted on by.
Oregon Governor, 1979-87 the 2009 legislature,
(This information furnished by Vic Atiyeh.) Instead,the legislature ignored the hard work and advice given
_ by theTask Force that they created just two years earlier.They
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251,255. gave into special interests by passing the largest tax increase
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse in Oregon's history,and they did it in the middle of the worst .
economic crisis in 80 years.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. In doing so,they have set in motion events that will cost
Oregon jobs,increase the instability of our tax system and
Argument in Opposition make Oregon less competitive in the world economy.
My n of the family owned This tax increase was not necessaM Leadership and hall
huamness,Blue Line Transportation.Blue Line has been an choices were•
Oregon business since the 1940's.We transport:animal feeds, Vote NO on Measure 66 and 67.Tell the legislature to work for
fertilizers,de-icers,gas,diesel,jet fuel and asphalt for road meaningful,long-term changes in Oregon's taxing and budget
construction and maintenance.We have a proud history of laws.Tell them to work to create jobs and opportunity and to
,servicing our customers.Awesome employees provided these provide a fair and stable basis for paying for necessary public
services.We provide family wage jobs,full medical,vision, services.
dental and profit sharing benefits for employees and families., (This information furnished by Jon Chandler,Oregonians
Running a heavy regulated small business has been fun but Against Joo-Killing Taxes.)
challenging.Unfortunately,if Measures 66 and 67 are approved,
it will add to these challenges.The additional taxes would This space purchased for$500 in accordance with-ORS 251.255.
force us to cut benefit packages and lay off employees.We will
also be forced to join other small businessmen and women to The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
collect these new taxes and pass these expenses on to YOU I ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
ie"zAY P \ 4p 'k>FF
z r�+•z 'Y �'N
Argument in Opposition growth.As Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz states,"Of
course,individuals pay the corporate income tax:'
Nursery growers urge voters to reject Measure 66
Higher personal income taxes reduce incentives for employees
Nursery and Greenhouse operators are largely small businesses to work and entrepreneurs'to take the risks leading to job cre-
Measure fib is not confined to raising taxes on the rich;it ation.Nobel Prize-winning economist Edward Prescott states,
permanently raises taxes on many small businesses that file as "if we establish rules that punish the winners,entrepreneurs
S corporations,limited liability corporations or limited liability will take fewer risks and we will have less innovation,less
partnerships.It is retroactive and could prove harmful to sus- output,less job growth.The whole economy suffers under such
taining jobs in a challenging economic climate.Measure 66 is a a scenario—not just those few individuals who are taxed at a
19%increase in tax liability to families and small businesses. higher rate."
The voters tax items that they wish to go away-Measure Measures 66 and 67's permanent tax increases will prolong
66 will hurt business,employment and ultimately the state's Oregon's recession.All Oregonians will feel their negative
bottom line. impacts.
Oregon must tighten its belt before raising taxes Oregon cannot afford the short-and long-term harm these tax
Small business are tightening their belt.We see that all across increases will do to Oregon's economy.We recQmMend tip
the economic landscape.The Legislature had the ability to vote on Measure 66.
utilize cash reserves and keep spending at the same level as Ralph R.Shaw,Anthony Rufolo,John W.Mitchell and other
the last budget and chose not to. economists listed at:
Measure 66 would harm industries that compete with other states www,s gpmobkiIIJ[)gtaxes,
Oregon has many industries that compete on a.national scale-- (This information.furnished by Pat McCormick,Oregonians
the nursery industry is one of those,Investment decisions are Against Job-Killing Taxes.)
often made based on the tax climate.We will see less invest-
ment in plant material and tax paying employees if Oregon This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
passes this retroactive,permanent tax increase-it will place our The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse
state in the top five worst rates for personal and small business ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
income tax in the country.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Oregon needs to work its way out of this recession
Measure 66 places a burden on small business owners who are Argument in Opposition
working harder,making less,and providing the bulk of the non
governmental employment of this state.Do not tax the very . The i i f rtq tl1 a Or
l get
people and industries that will assist the state out of the poor —includl ng Doug1as_CvALnV,
economic climate we find ourselves in. Unemployment in Douglas County exceeds 16%.Many small
70%of the proposed personal income tax increase applies to businesses have been forced to shut down,putting people out
small businesses that are owned by individuals.Less invest- of work.Many more are barely surviving.
ment will occur in Oregon's economic recovery if a bad tax Despite the tough times,members of the Roseburg Area
structure is made worse. Chamber of Conwnerce continue-to generously donate to our
Vote no on Measure 66 community.Chamber members are proud to live,work,and
(This information furnished by Jeff Stone, Oregon Association raise families in Roseburg.We love living close to the beautiful
of Nurseries.) Umpqua River.We love the spirit of"neighbor helping neigh-
bor"that can be found in Roseburg and so many other rural
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. towns and cities.We like the schools our kids attend,and want
them to be even better and stronger.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- We believe the hest way to build a strong Roseburg is to work
merit by the State of Oregon,nor dyes the state warrant the for a community that is economically strong —with growing
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
businesses that offer good paying jobs.More people working
and paying taxes means more money for our schools,roads
Argument in Opposition and police.
.Leading Economists Recommend No Vote on Measure 66 The Roseburg Chamber agrees with many experts that
As economists,we believe the legislature's permanent personal Measure 66 will lead to fewer people working,which will keep
and corporate tax increases will slow Oregon's recovery from our economy in a recession for a longer time.
the current recession and permanently damage job growth in Many'small businesses file tax returns as something that is
the state. called a"sub chapter S.corporation:'What this means is that
Oregon has lost more than 130,000 private-sector jobs in this profits for the small business are reported on the business
recession.We cannot afford tax increases that will mean more owner's personal income tax returns.
lost jobs. By raising the personal income tax rate,Measure 66 will raise
"The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of a taxes on small businesses in Douglas County and across
recession,President Obama said this summer,"because that Oregon.More r4oney for taxes means less money to buy goods
would...take more demand out of the economy and put busi- and services,pay wages,and to hire new employees.More
nesses in a further hole."His view is supported by dozens of money for taxes means small businesses will have to raise the
academic studies tying higher income taxes to lower employ- prices of their products.
ment and economic output. Measure 66 is bad for the owners of small businesses,bad
Edmund Phelps,awarded a Nobel Prize for his study of eco- for employees of small businesses,bad for consumers and bad
nomic impacts of government policies,states,"Big increases in for Oregon.
payroll and personal-income taxes in most countries have been Pigilse moin With b r
mass job-killers." xMina no
Corporate income taxes are passed on to,employees in lower (This information furnished by Debra L.Fromdahl;Roseburg
compensation or reduced employment,to consumers in Area Chamber of Commerce,)
higher prices and to& r retirement and college savings
_-_ _--
_accounts)irrtower-Aack� ces:-S axes 6130 stifle eee;^mim
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. And it does so retroactively to the beginning of 2009.Busi-
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- nesses that struggled through the year to pay employees and
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the the bills don't have extra money for taxes.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Tax changes-especially unnecessary ones-should not apply
retroactively.Changing the system now,in the middle of an
Argument in Opposition economic catastrophe,is not only unfaiG[twill eliminate.
thousands of jobs as businesses reduce their costs to pay the
Measure 6B will make,a bad situation worse for small state's increased taxey.
Oregon loggers Home building.has been a mainstay of Oregon's economy for
I represent family loggers as the Executive Vice President of many years but the industry is barely treading water.
Associated Oregon Loggers.Logging has been the lifeblood
of thousands of Oregon families for decades.My logging With these taxes,the legislature threw us an anvil
company members have seen bad times and worse times. instead of a rope.
We now face a depression in the logging industry as bad as Please vote NO on Measure f6.
any time since the 1930s.Mills can't buy our logs,and our (This information furnished by Jon Chandler,Oregon Home
multi-million dollar equipment sits idle while the bank contin- Builders Association.)
ues,to want monthly payments.
Now,logging families are faced with increase personal income This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
taxes from Measure 66.Loggers pay personal income taxes The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
for their small business logging companies.Raising taxes,is a ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
bad idea at a time when small loggers throughout Oregon are accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
losing money.
These loggers compete with other parts of the Pacific North Argument in Opposition
west,the Southern U.S.,and foreign countries like Canada,. We Can't Afford and Do Not Need Tax Increases
New Zealand acid Brazil.They can't simply increase their prices
to cover the cost of new taxes. In 2005 Oregon had a 6.3%unemployment rate.Today the
The tax increase would be retroactive w are unemployment rate has skyrocketed to one of the nation's highest at more than 10%.While families in Oregon were,e.Paying that
extra bill will be hard right now,when we are hoping to get cutting back,the state of Oregon went on a spending spree.
back to work next spring. Since 2005 state spending is up 37%.
Legislators have said that their plan will only tax the rich.They're These pages are filled with doom and gloom about what will
wrong.Loggers are small businesses that pay taxes based on happen if voters do not approve tax increases.Don't believe it.'
personal income tax rates.As President,Obama said, The last Lawmakers have other options.
thing we want to do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession."
For the logging industry,it's worse-it's a depression! A New Approach to the Budget
Facing a tax increase during the worst economy since the Last session Senate'and House Republicans proposed anew
Great Depression will force loggers to lay off more workers, way to approach the state budget.Rather than just building
part of the 70,000 lost jobs as a result of Measures 66 and 67 in automatic budget increases,our Back to Basics approach
What other choice do loggers have7They are losing Ingnev to (www.backtobasicsbudget,cQm)took the previous budget and
keen Shelf crews and equipment.If their personal taxes go up. asked agencies to justify any additional increases.Spending,
where will the money come from7You can't get blood out of a especially an increase,should never be automatic.Our budget
turnipl avoided cuts to schools,funded state police,and allowed for
Please vote N0.9-n1dommm-M targeted increases where necessary.It also implemented Ballot
Measure 67(2008)passed by voters.Our ideas were ignored
(This information furnished by James C. Geisinger,Associated and legislative leadership delivered a budget built on unsus-
Oregon Loggers,Inc.) tainable tax increases.
this space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. We urge you to vote"no"on this measure and we can balance
the state budget by setting priorities for state services.Without
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- these tax increases lawmakers will need to reduce state spend-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the ing by six tenths of one percent(0.130/6).accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Real.Budget Prioritization
Argument in Opposition To balance the budget we will push for real prioritization.We
will end unsustainable spending while we focus on services to
The residentiaLconstruidion indmittY is drowning our most vulnerable citizens.Among other options,we will take
recession. a hard look at places like the State Risk Assessment Account in
• Housing starts are at their lowest levels in decades which more that$50 million sits unused.
• Over 35,000 construction jobs have been lost a veto,
We do nQt need tax lncmal*s• Thousands more jobs in related fields-lumber mills,real
estate,banking,title companies,home furnishings,lumber SenatorTed Ferrioli Representative Bruce Hanna
yards-have been eliminated (This information furnished by Senator Ted Ferrioli& .
• Most new homes being sold are being sold at or below the Representative Bruce Hanna.)
cost of construction
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Yet,the legislature Imposed taxes that will make things worse.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an.endorse-
Measure 66 purports to raise taxes on rich people,but that's ment by the State of Oregon,nor do.'es the state warrant the
not all it does-it actually raises taxes on small businesses accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
owners who report their business income on their personal tax
returns-about 70%of all_filers_subjeM9 this tax.
Argument in Opposition First,the leaders denied requests to send the measures out for
a'vote.Then they tried to change the law so a"yes"vote would
The Associated General Contractors Oregon-Columbia Chapter mean no and a"no"vote would mean yes if the taxes made
Urges Your No Vote on Measures 66 and 67 it to the ballot.Then they said nothing as Gov.Ted Kulongoski
Mike Salsgiver,Executive Director, delayed signing the measures so citizens would have less time
AGC Oregon-Columbia Chapter to gather signatures to put them on the ballot.They even spent
taxpayer dollars to hire private investigators to spy on signs
The Associated General Contractors,Oregon-Columbia ture gatherers.
Chapter,is a full-service construction trade association
with over 1,100 members serving Oregon and Southwest It seems like an awful lot of effort to hurt the very people the
Washington since 1920. Legislature is supposed to be serving.Makes you wonder what
was so rotten with the measure in the first place that they had
Of AGC's membership,86 percent is composed of small,family to go to all that trouble to cover it up.
run businesses with 10 employees or less.It is those union and
non-union employees that build the roads,bridges,freeways, Vote no on Measures 66 and 67.Vote no on dishonest govern
office buildings,schools and other structures we all use every rent.Vote no on unnecessary,hurtful taxes:
day. Sincerely,
With those family run businesses and valued employees in Sharon Livingston
mind,AGC Oregon-Columbia Chapter members urge your Chief Petitioner
strong opposition to Measures 66 and 67. .(This information furnished by Sharon Livingston.)
Simply put,the legislature's$733 million in permanent tax
increases is a job-killer,particularly for employees in the This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
already struggling commercial construction industry. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Virtually all AGC members are suffering losses this year.Many ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
are struggling to sustain businesses that were founded in accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Oregon generations ago.These companies are seeing their
gross receipts drop by between 30 and 70 percent compared Argument in Opposition
to just 18 months ago.In Oregon alone,construction jobs are Vote No on Measure 66
down by 35,000,from 110,000 in December 2007 to just under.
75,000 today. Oregonians have a right to expect a fair,transparent policy
The legislatively approved taxes require our members to pay making process in their State Legislature:Unfortunately these
up to$100,000 even when they are losing money.Businesses tax increases come to you in no such manner.
struggling with the worst economy since the Great Depression From the very beginning,the process was greased by propo-
can ill afford any added expenses,let alone a$100,000 tax bill nents of these tax Increases who used whatever,political tools
when they're not earning a profit. and maneuvers they could muster.
The new permanent taxes will leave many of our members - There was little debate and discussion in the House and
little choice but to curtail benefits,consider additional layoffs, Senate Revenue Committees.
or,sadly,close down entirely.Most of these companies have - Those in charge did not want voters to have an opportunity
nowhere left to cut and for the commercial construction busi to vote on the tax increases.
ness,the end of this recession may be,two or more years away. - The Governor delayed signature gathering to get these tax
Please vote no on Measures 66 and 67 and save your friends increases before the voters.
and neighbors from failing prey to the 70,000 last jobs econo- * Powerful politicians took the responsibility for writing ballot
title language away from our Attorney General and gave it
mists believe the$733 million In permanent tax increases will
cost Oregonians. - A themselves.
And atone point proponents even tried something as
(This information furnished by Michael Salsgiver,Associated ridiculous as making a"no"vote mean"yes"and a"yes"
General Contractors Oregon-Columbia Chapter.) vote mean"no."
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. Proponents of these tax increases worked hard
to confuse and mislead voters.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Why?Because they know the taxes cannot stand on their own
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the merits.While we appreciate•the willingness of those in control
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. in Salem to hear our concerns about the ballot titles and
explanatory statements they wrote,we are disheartened that
Argument in Opposition they took no real steps to be impartial.
Oregonians have the right to know key facts You deserve to know the truth about any measure on which you're
about Measures 66 and 67 voting.You deserve elected officials that will present you with bal-
YOU have a right to know the Legislature's tax increases are anced information that has.gone through a•transparent process.
permanent.Voters are given no clue that legislators exploited a You deserve better.Vote NO,
short-term economic crisis to pass permanent tax increases.
� Senator ChrisTelfer Representative Sherrie Sprenger
YOU have a right to know that the tax increases are retroactive.
Proponents of the measures fail to clearly explain that the tax (This Information furnished by Senator ChrisTelfer&
increases reach back to Jan.1,2009,and that no money has Representative Sherrie Sprenger.)
been withheld from Oregon taxpayers to cover these retroac-
tive tax increases. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with OR$251.2557
YOU have a right to know that the tax package includes a new The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
tax of up to$100,000 on businesses that do not-make a profit. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
YOU have a right to know that defeat of these measures will
NOT mean automatic cuts to current budgets.Legislators have
$1 billion in other options they can use.
g through shortsighted tax the leg
islative l
eadership s pattern of delay,denial and deceit.
Argument in Opposition
Please be sure to read the measures carefully and understand
what the result of a"YES"and"NO"vote would be so your
vote counts in the rigFit column.
VOTE YES if you want to:
• Raise the$10 corporate minimum income tax for the first How to file a
time since 1931.
• Ensure that only the richest households making over Co m,p l a i nt
$250,000 are paying more,not middle class families,
• Preserve funding already budgeted for our schools,public Any registered voter may file
safety,health care and senior services.
• Cut taxes on unemployment benefits for hundreds of thou- a Written complaint with the
sands of Oregonians. Secretary Of State alleging that a
• Protect Oregon's middle-class families and small busi-
nesses while making sure that big corporations—including Violation of an election law Or rule
Wall-Street banks and credit card companies—pay more
than$10. adopted by the Secretary of State
VOTE NO If you want to: has occurred. The complaint should
• Keep the 1930s law that allows corporations to pay just$10
a year in the corporate minimum Income tax. state the reason for believing that
• Force additional cuts of nearly$1 billion from schools, the violation occurred and provide
public safety,senior care and other essential services in a p
February special session of the legislature. evidence relating to it.The complaint
• Make out-of-work Oregonians pay taxes on their unemploy-
mentbenefits. must be signed by the elector;
THE RIGHTTHINGTO DO IS UPTOYOU. anonymous complaints will not be
Our Oregon is a non-partisan non-profit organization
dedicated to promoting economic and tax fairness for all accepted. The complaint should be
Oregonians;protecting schools,public safety and healthcare;
and stopping unfair tax giveaways and loopholes that shift mailed to, or filed at:
the burden to the middle class_
(This information furnished by Kevin Looper,Our Oregon.) Secretary of State Elections Division
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. 25555 Capitol St. NE, Suite 501
The printing of tkis argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the r
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
for more information about
voting in Oregon
call 1 866 ORE VOTE/673 86$3
se habia espanoi
visit www.oregonvotes.org
TTY 1 800 735 2900
for the hearing impaired
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Proposed by referendum petition to be voted on at the Special Election,January 26,2010.
Result of "yes" vote Summary
"Yes"vote raises$10 corporate minimum tax,establishes$150 Under_current law,corporations conducting business in Oregon
minimum tax for most businesses or minimum tax of approxi- pay$10 minimum tax;tax has not changed since 1931.Some
mately 0.1%of total Oregon revenues for some corporations corporations pay a profits tax of 6.6%.All other businesses
with over$500,000 in Oregon revenues.Raises tax rate some pay no minimum or profits tax.Beginning in tax year 2009,
corporations pay on profits by 1.3 percentage points.Increases the Measure increases$1Qminimum corporate tax to$150;
certain business filing fees.Raises estimated$255 million to some corporations with over$500,000 in Oregon revenues will
provide funds currently budgeted for education,health care, pay minimum tax of approximately 0.1%of Oregon revenues.
public safety,other services. Limits tax to$150 for S corporations and partnerships.Sole
proprietors are not impacted by this measure.Raises tax rate
some corporations pay on profits by 1.3 percentage points
Result Of -no vote until 2011;increase then drops to 1 percentage point and as of
"No"vote retains$10 corporate minimum tax,rejects$150 2013,applies only to profits over$10 million.Corporations pay
minimum tax,rejects.raising corporate profits tax,other minimum tax or profits tax,not both.Increases filing fees by
changes.Leaves amount currently budgeted for education, $50 for Oregon businesses,'by$225 for out of state businesses.
health care,public safety,other services underfunged by esti- Raises estimated$255 million to provide funds currently bud-
mated$255 million. geted for education,health care,public safety,other services.
Because some state money brings in federal matching funds,
Oregon will likely receive more federal money if measure
passes than if the Measure fails.Other provisions.
Estimate of financial impact
This measure increases revenues for the state budget between
$118 million and$138 million per year for fiscal years 2010,
2011,and 2012,primarily for the General Fund.The measure
increases revenues by approximately$123 million per year
thereafter,depending upon growth in corporate profits and
Revenue from this measure is included in the 2009-11 state
budget.Failure of the measure will reduce revenues expected
to be available for expenditures in the 2009-11 state budget by
$255 million.This could result in reduced state-shared revenues
to schools and local governments.Failure of the measure also
may result in a reduction of federal funds that are used to pay
for some state services.
Failure of the measure may limit the state's ability to borrow
money.It also may have a negative impact on the state's credit
rating-wh cb ould increase the cost of future borrowing by the
state-arrd loco
governments.....- ..._ _.... ___. .._..._..
Explanation of Estimate of"Financial Impact Bonding Authority
Revenue The state of Oregon borrows money by issuing bonds.
Oregon's credit rating affects the cost of borrowing.A good
The measure raises revenue by:, credit rating lowers borrowing costs.One of the factors that
• raising the corporate income tax rate; affects Oregon's credit rating is the amount of state revenues
• establishing a flat$150 minimum tax for S cor orations, available to pay for essential services.If the measure fails,
g p Oregon's credit rating could be adversely affected.
limited liability companies and partnerships,and
C-corporations.with under$500,000 in Oregon sales;and Committee Members:
• adopting a minimum tax of approximately 0.1%of sales for Secretary of State Kate Brown
C-corporations with over$500,000 in Oregon sales. StateTreasurer Ben Westlund
Scott L.Harre,Director,Department of Administrative Services
The corporate income tax rate will initially increase from 6.6`yO Elizabeth Harchenko,Director,Department of Revenue
to 79%for net taxable income exceeding$250,000.Starting in Debra Guzman,Local Government Representative
2013,the rate increase'will apply to net taxable income exceed-
ing$10 million,and will drop to 76%. (The estimate of financial impact and explanation was provided
by the.above committee pursuant to ORS 250.127)
Type of 2009-11 General Fund Revenue Component:
Businesses Increase in Corporate MinimurnTax
Affected: Filing.Fees Income ($127 million
($20 million tax($108. raised)
raised) million
Partnerships Affected Not affected Total set at
(and some $150
S-Corpora- Affected Not affected Total set at
tions(and $150
some LLCs)
C-Corpora- Affected 5%affected Based on sales
tions(and in 2009 (see measure
some LLCs) 0.5% text)
affected in
The new minimum tax will affect approximately 74%of
C-corporations,most S-corporatiohs and businesses filing as
partnerships.S-corporations and partnerships will pay the$150
minimum tax.
Beginning in 2013,taxes that come from the new income tax
rate will go into the Oregon Rainy Day Fund.
Corporate taxes are about 6%°of the state General Fund.In the
current two-year state budget(2009-11),this fund is used to pay for:
• Education-including elementary schools,high schools,
community colleges,and state universities:$6.8 billion
• 5grvice6 for children,thq elderly;and the disabled-
including medical insurance:$3.5 billion(27%),
• Public Safe tv-including prisons,courts and local jails:
$2.4 billion(18%);
• Other programs--including business regulation,natural
resource management and state administration:$0.5 billion
The current budget anticipates$255 million from this measure.
If the measure fails,expected resources will be reduced by
this amount-about 2%of General Fund resources.State law
requires a balanced budget.Future legislatures may decide
how this reduction will affect spending.Options include spend-
ing cuts,use of reserves,raising revenue,or any combination.
Many state and local government programs are jointly funded
with"matching"money from the federal government.Federal
funds will be reduced if state spending for these programs is cut.
k i d. Y "� S k k Betas n i'af °x's9' .a
Text of Measure (2)Seven and nine-tenths percent of any amount of taxable
income in excess.of$250,000.
5f CJJQN11.ORS 317090 is amended to read: SMLQN The amendments to ORS 317.061 by section 5
317.090.(1)As used in this section,"Oregon sales"means: of this 2009 Act apply to tax years beginning on or after
(a)If the corporation apportions business income under
January 1,2009,and before January 1,2011.
ORS 314.650 to 314.665 for Oregon tax purposes,the total SECTION Z ORS 317061,as amended by section 5 of this
sales of the taxpayer in this state during the tax year,as 2009 Act,is amended to read:
determined for purposes of ORS 314.665; 317061.The rate of the tax imposed by and computed under
(b)If the corporation does not apportion business income this chapter is:
for Oregon tax purposes,the total sales in this state that the (1]Six and six-tenths percent°bf the first$250,000 of taxable
taxpayer would have had,as determined for purposes of income,or fraction thereof;and
ORS 314.665,if the taxpayer were required to apportion
business income for Oregon tax purposes;or (2)Seven and[nine-tenths]six-tenths percent of any amount
(c)If the corporation apportions business Income using a
of taxable income in excess of$250,000.
method different from the method prescribed by ORS 314.650 SECTION LThe amendments to ORS 317.061 by section 7
to 314.665,Oregon sales as defined by the Department of of this 2009 Act apply to tax years beginning on or after
Revenue by rule. January 1,2011,and before January 1,2013.
(2)Each[taxpayer named in ORS 317056 or 317070]corpora- SECTIONk ORS 317.061,as amended by sections 5 and 7 of
tion or affiliated group of corporations filing a return under this 2009 Act,is amended to read:
ORS 317.710 shall pay annually to the state,for the privilege 317.061.The rate of the tax imposed by and computed under
of carrying on or doing business by it within this state,a this chapter is:
minimum tax[of$10.1 as follows:
(1)Six and six-tenths percent of the first[$250,000].
(a)If Oregon sales properly reported on a return are:
% $10 million.of taxable income,or fraction thereof;and
(A)Less than$500,000,the minimum tax is$150. (2)Seven and six-tenths percent of any amount of taxable
(B)$500,000 or more,but less than$1 million,the minimum income,in excess of[$250,000]$10 million.
tax is$500. SEC1I0N__1_QThs amendments to ORS 317.061 by section 9
(C)$1 million or more,but less than$2 million,the minimum of this 2009 Act apply to tax years beginning on or after
tax is$1,000. January 1,2013.
(D)$2 million or more,but less than$3 million,the minimum BUSINESS REGISTRY FILINGS
tax is$1,500, ES�TJ9N I 1F ORS'56.140 is amended to read:
(E)$3 million or more,but less than$5 million,the-minimum 56.140,(1)The Secretary of State shall collect a nonrefand-
tax is$2,000. 1 able fee of$100 for each of the following documents delivered
,(F)$5 million or more,but less than$7 million,the minimum to the Secretary of State for filing:
tax is$4,000.
(a)Articles of in delivered fcyr filing under
,(G)$7 million or more,but less than$10 million,the ORS 58.085.
minimum tax is$7,500.
(b)Articles of incorporation delivered for filing under
(H)$10 million or more,but less than$25 million,the ORS 60.051.
minimum tax is$15,000. (c)Articles of Incorporation delivered for filing under
(1)$25 million or more,but less than$50 million,the ORS 62.511.
minimum tax is$30,000. (d)Articles of organization deliveredfor filing under
(J)$50 million or more,but less than$75 million,the ORS 63.051.
minimum tax is$50,000.
(e)Applications for registration delivered for filing under
(K)$75 million or more,but less than$100 million,the ORS 62590.
minimum tax is$75,000.
(f)Certificates of limited partnership delivered for filing under
(L)$100 million or more,the minimum tax is$100,000- ORS 70.075.
(b)If a corporation is an S corporation,the minimum tax is (g)Trust documents delivered for filing under ORS 128.575.
$150. (h)Articles of incorporation delivered for filing under
(3)The minimum tax[shall not be]is not apportionable ORS 554,020,
(except in the Case of a change of accounting periods),[but (2)The Secretary of State shall collect a nonrefundable fee of
shall be]and is payable in full for any part of the year.during
which a corporation is subject to tax. $100 for annual reports delivered for filing by an entity subject
to a fee under subsection(1)of this section,dnd for any other
SECTION_2.Section 3 of this 2009 Act is added to and made a related document that the entity-is allowed or required to,file
part of ORS chapter 314. with the Secretary of State.
SECTIONS Each partnership transacting business in this (3)The Secretary of State shall collect a nonrefundable fee
state shall,for the privilege of carrying on or doing business by of$275 for.each of the following documents delivered to the
it within this state,include with the filing of the return required Secretary of State for filing:
under ORS 314.724 payment of a minimum tax of$750. (a)Applications for authority to transact business in this
SECTION 4 Section 3 of this 2009 Act and the amendments . state delivered under ORS.58.134,60.707,63.707 or 67.710.
to ORS 317.090 by section 1 of this 2009 Act appl y to tax years (b)Applications for registration under ORS 70.355.
beginning on or after January 1,2009.
SECTION ORS 317.061 is amended to read: (c)Annual reports delivered for filing by an entity subject to
a fee underparagraph(a)or(b)of this subsection,and for any
317.061.The rate of the tax imposed by and computed under other related document that the entity.is allowed or required
this chapteris _ _ --to-file with-the-SecretarYof State. _....--°-
(1)Six and six-tenths percent of the first$250,000 of taxable ((1)](4)For documents other than those specified in
income,or fraction thereof;and
subsections(1),(2)and(3)of this section,the$ecretary of filing described in paragraph(a)of this subsection shall be
State shall collect a nonrefundable fee of$50 for each docu- transferred to the General Fund and shall become available for
ment delivered for filing to the Secretary of State as part of the general governmental expense's.)
secretary's business registry functions described in ORS 56.022..
[(5)As of July 1 of each year,any unexpended and unobli-
[01(5)The Secretary of State by rule may establish fees,in gated balance in the Operating Account that is in excess of the
addition to those provided for in[subsection(1)]subsections amount that is necessary to.administer the functions and duties
(1)to(4)of this section,for: of the Secretary of State as described in subsection(3)of this
(a)Copying any public record maintained by the secretary section for two months,as certified by the Secretary of State,
and relating to the secretary's business registry functions,and shall be transferred to the General Fund and shall become
for certifying the copy;and available for general governmental expenses.]
(b)Certifying to other facts of record,including certificates SECBON 14.The amendments to ORS 56.041 by section 13
of existence,relating to the secretary's business registry of this 2009 Act first apply to fees for business registry filings
functions. collected on or after the effective date of this 2009 Act.
[(3))(6)The Secretary of State shall collect a nonrefundable UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FILINGS
fee of$20 each time process that is related to the Secretary of iKGPD 15.,ORS 79.0525 is amended to read:
State's business registry functions is served on the Secretary
of State[and the process relates to the secretary's business 79.0525.(1)Except as otherwise provided in subsection(4)
registry functions]. of this section,the nonrefundable fee for filing and indexing a
record under ORS 79.0501 to 19.0528 may not exceed[$101$15.
[(4))(7)The Secretary of State may waive collection of any i
fee,charge or interest[,]or portion of a fee,charge or interest[,] (2)The number of names required to be indexed does not
that is collectible by the Secretary of State as part of the secre- affect the amount of the fee in subsection(1)of this section.
tary's business registry functions. (3)The nonrefundable fee for responding to a request for
[(5))(8)The Secretary of State by rule shall establish and information from the filing office,including for communicat-
collect reasonable fees for the following services relating to the mg whether there is on file any financing statement naming a
secretary's business registry functions: particular debtor,may not exceed:
(a)Computer generated lists on electronic data processing (a)$10 for each distinct debtor name to be searched;
media. (b)$5 for copies of Uniform Commercial Code documents
(b)Terminal access to the files of the office. relating to each distinct debtor name to be searched;in addi-
Microfilm records of the files of the office. tion to the fee in paragraph(a)of this subsection;and
(d)Microfilm processing and development services. (c)$5 for each request by document number for copies of
Uniform Commercial Code documents.
(e)Copies.of the programs and files on paper or electronic (4)This section does not require a fee with respect to a record
data processing media. filed or recorded in the filing office described in ORS 79.0501
SEQTIQN 12,The amendments to ORS 56.140 by section 11 of (1)(a).However,the recording and satisfaction fees that other-
this 2009 Act apply only to documents filed with the Secretary wise would be applicable to the record apply.
Df State on or after the effective date of this 2009 Act. (5)The Secretary of State shall adopt rules prescribing fees '
SECTION 13 ORS 56.041 is amended to read:. for providing summaries and compilations that are not debtor
56.041.(1)The Operating Account is established in the specific and for providing copies of records,as described in .
ORS 79.0523(6),that are not debtor specific:
3eneral Fund of the State Treasury.
(2)The net amount-accruing to the Secretary of State from all of this 2009 Act apply 1 only toerecords filed under ORS 79.05015
ees,charges,interest,fitles,penalties and miscellaneous rev- to 79.0528 on or after ths,effective date of this 2009 Act.
tnues from all sources relating to business registry functions,
,nd moneys received by the Secretary of State under ORS NOTARY COMMISSION APPLICATIONS
hapters 79 and 194 and ORS 80.100 to 80-130,87.246,87767 $RCT[ON 77 ORS 194.020 is amended to read:
nd 87806 to 87831 shall,after deduction of refunds,be paid
ver to the State Treasurer and deposited at least monthly in 194.020.(1)To defray costs incurred by the Secretary of State
ie Operating Account, to process the application made under ORS 194.014,each appli-
cant for appointment as a notary public shall pay in advance to
(3)Moneys deposited to the credit of the Operating Account the Secretary of State a nonrefundable application fee not to
re continuously appropriated to the Secretary of State for the exceed[$201$40.
Kpenses of carrying out the functions and duties of the Secre-
try of State relating to business registry,and the functions and (2)Any fee received by the Secretary of State under subsec-
ities of the Secretary of State under,ORS chapters 79 and 194 tion(1)of this section shall be deposited in the State Treasury
id ORS 80.100 to 80.130,87246,87767 and 87806 to 87831.. and credited to the Operating Account under ORS 56.041,and
(4)At the end of each month,the Secretary of State shall is in lieu of any fee charged under ORS 177130.
etermine the number of business registry filings during the SECTHWI The amendments to ORS 194.020 by section 17
onth for which the Secretary of State collected the fees of this 2009 Act apply only to applications made under ORS
iscribed in ORS 56.140(1)to(4).An amount equal to$20 for 194.014 on or after the effective date of this 2009 Act.
ch of those filings shall be deposited by the Secretary of
ate in the Operating Account.The Secretary of State shall MISCELLANEOUS
an deposit all other moneys from the fees collected during SECIELMAJ The unit captions used in this 2009 Act are
R month under ORS 56.140(1)to(4)in the General Fund. provided only for the convenience of the reader and do not
nounts deposited to the General Fund under this subsection become part of the statutory law of this state or express any
i available for general governmental expenses. legislative intent in the enactment of this 2009 Act.
(4)At the end of each month.) $ECT ION2k.This 2009 Act takes effect on the 91st day after
the date on which the regular session of the Seventy-fifth
(a)The Secretary of State shall determine for that month the Legislative Assembly adjourns sine die.
tuber of business registry filings for which the Secretary of
ite collected the fee described in ORS 56.140,•and] Note:Boldfaced type indicates new language;[brackets and
'b)An amount equal to$30 for each business registry italic]type indicates deletions or comments.
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Explanatory Statement
Measure 67 raises the corporate minimum tax for the first time
since 1931.Beginning in tax year 2009,S corporations and part-
nerships will pay$150.The Measure increases the tax C corpo-
rations will pay on profits.Some filing fees with the Secretary
of State also will be increased.Sole proprietors are not subject
to the minimum tax.The Measure will raise an estimated$255
million to maintain funds currently budgeted for education,
health care,public safety and other services.Approximately
90%of the state general fund budget goes to education,health
care and public safety.Because some state money brings in
federal matching funds,Oregon will likely receive more federal
money if the measure passes than if the Measure fails.
Beginning in tax year 2009,the Measure raises the corporate
minimum tax from$10 to$150.C corporations with over
$500,000 in Oregon revenues will pay a minimum tax of
approximately 0.1%of Oregon revenues.The tax rate for Am I registered to vote?
profits over$250,000 paid by C corporations wilt increase by
1.3 percentage points for 2009 and 2010.The rate increase is
reduced to 1.0 percentage point for tax years 2011 and 2012.For
tax years after 2012,the profits tax rate returns to 6.6%for all C
corporation profits below$10 million,and the marginal tax rate Now you earl. Check your
of 7.6%will apply to C corporation's 'profits over$10 million.C 7
Corporations pay minimum tax or profits tax,not both. registration online:
For business entities other than C corporations,such as S cor-
porations and partnerships,the Measure sets the taxes those
businesses will pay at$150.
The Measure also increases the filing fees that businesses will wwwworegonvotes,org.
pay to the Secretary of State.Filing fees will increase from$50
to$100 for Oregon businesses,and from$50 to$275 for out
of state businesses.Fees for filing uniform commercial code
financing statements will increase by$5 and the application fee
to be a notary public will increase from$20 to$40.
(This impartial statement explaining the measure was provided
by a Joint Legislative Committee.)
for more information about
voting in Oregon
cell 1 866 ORE VOTE/673 8683
se habla espanol
visit www.oregonvotes.org
TTY 1 800 735 290.0 ___--- .
for the hearing impaired
Argument in Favor Both measures are also crucial in helping Oregon's economy
Protect Vital Services,Make Oregon'sTax System More Fair For recover—saving thousands of jobs,leveraging hundreds of mil-
All to Us,and Services,
the M10 Minimum lax System lions in federal matching dollars,and generating much-needed
economic stimulus for local communities.
League of Women Voters of Oregon urges aYES vote on 66 More than 90 percent of Oregon's general fund pays directly for
and 67. education,healthcare,and public safety.During this recession,.
Did you know that two-thirds of the corporations doing busi- our priority should be protecting these services and stimulating
ness in Oregon pay only$10 a year in the corporate minimum our economy,which our children,seniors,families,and com
income tax? munities are counting on now more than ever.
Compare that to what the average family of four pays--$3,100: It's time we asked corporations to pay more than$10 a year in
That means that just one family of four pays more than 300 income taxes to preserve the essential services we all value
corporations(including large,put-of-state corporations that and make the difference in our collective quality oflife and
make a lot of money in Oregon)...combined. economic future.
Wstime for a change. Please join AARP Oregon in votingYES.
Because these measures are targeted only on corporations and AARP Oregon AARP Oregon
richest households,more than 98 percent of Oregon taxpayers Gerald J.Cohen Ray Miao
won't see any increases in their taxes.In fact,people who find State Director State Volunteer President
themselves unfortunately unemployed due to the recession will (This information furnished by Gerald J. Cohen,AARP Oregon
get a tax break on their unemployment benefits.And because State Director.) -
75 percent of the corporate profits tax will be paid by corpora-
tions that are headquartered out of state,these measures This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
will bring in crucial funding that would otherwise have been
shipped to other states. The.printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Measures 66 and 67 protect funding for education,public
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
safety,and healthcare,which make up more than 90 percent of
Oregon's budget.As need for basic services increases in this Argument in Favor
recession,it becomes even more vital that we preserve the g
services that are needed now more than ever. Oregon PTA Urges aYES Vote on Measures 66 and 67
These measures are the step we need toward preserving our, Oregon's parents and teachers say YES to protecting our class-
schools and essential services and protecting the middle class rooms and our kids.
from carrying more of the burden,
This is an important election for school funding,and Oregon
Vote YES on Measures 66 and 67 PTA urges you to vote yes on these two measures.
(This information furnished by Marge Easley,League of Women Right now,two-thirds of the corporations doing business in
Voters of Oregon.) Oregon pay just$10 a year in income taxes.That hasn't been
changed since 1931.With Oregon schools struggling just to
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with OR$251,255. keep the doors open,it's time we asked corporations to contrib-
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse ute more than$10 to our education system.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Voting YES on these measures will protect our classrooms by
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument making sure that two-thirds of the corporations doing busi-
ness here are paying more than$10 a year in income taxes.
Argument in Favor For Oregon parents and teachers;there's no greater priority
Join AARP Oregon in Voting Yes to Protect Oregon Seniors, than protecting our children's health,safety,and education.
Families and Communities Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67 is vital in making sure that
we protect our classrooms and give our kids every opportunity
Our non-profit,non-partisan organization with 535,000 to succeed.
members aged,50*across Oregon supports Measures 66
and 67 These measures protect vital funding that will preserve
Oregon's class sizes,protect effective school.programs,and
The questions facing us are really quite simple.Do you believe make sure that our children are well-prepared to face the
that: challenges of tomorrow.
Corporations should pay more than just$10 a year in income These measures also protect small businesses:Roughly 90
taxes? percent of the businesses in Oregon will pay just$150 in
Seniors should have access to basic care allowing them to live income taxes—a modest investment in making sure our chil-
with independence,choice and dignity? dren have a quality education.
Fairness and shared responsibility help ensure our states Measures 66 and 67 preserve critical services
quality of life and economic vitality? and protect middle-class families from carrying more of
Middle-'class families should be protected by keeping the the burden of this economic crisis.
burden from being shifted to them? Please join Oregon PTA in voting YES on Measures 66 and 62
AARP says YES,YES,YES and YES on Measures 66 and 62 Oregon's children are counting on you.
VotingYes will protect nearly$1 billion in state funding that Preserve our classrooms.
Protect Oregon families.
gon famil
pays directly for healthcare,human services,education,and YES o and it
public safety.
Measures 66 and 67 are critical in protecting the indepen- For more information,please visit www.oregonpta.org
dente,choice and dignity of seniors to receive in-home and (This information furnished by Sandra Bell,President;Oregon PTA.)
community-based care and to access nursing facilities if they
need them,and in preserving Oregon Project Independence, This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251.255.
our state's flagship program that helps seniors live in their own' The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
homes.Doing otherwise just isn't right and will cost taxpayers ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
far more in the long run. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
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Argument in Favor Oregon's continued ability to reduce crime rates and create
safe communities.
Oregon teachers Urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67
Measures 66 and 67 protect funding for public safety,proven-
Help Protect our Schools tion and rehabilitation services that help former crime victims
As classroom teachers,we know firsthand the need to protect and those,who have been convicted of a crime successfully
students and families,and we know that Oregon's future rebuild their lives and re-enter society.
depends on a strong education system. These measures will not only continue to support efforts to
Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67 will help keep our schools reduce and prevent crime in our local neighborhoods,they
strong when our communities need them the most.These by Mgying.the burden
measures will help preserve class sizes,protect effective pro .
grams,and most importantly keep schools open during these Help Keep Oregon Safe
tough economic times. .
• Join Partnership for Safety and Justice
Our communities rely on good schools to help create.the big In Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67
thinkers,skilled workers,and inventive entrepreneurs of tomor This information furnished by David'Rvgers,Partnership for
row.Preserving our schools means protecting our future.
Safety and Justice.)
AYes vote on Measures 66 and 67 will help our schools provide
the stability and quality education that our kids deserve while This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251.255.
protecting Oregon's middle-class families,who are struggling
to make ends meet. .The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon;nor does the state warrant the
It's more important than ever that we support our kids and our accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
classrooms.We owe it to.Oregon's children to make sure that
we preserve vital funding for every level of education.Voting Argument in Favor
YES on these measures is critical in keeping education a prior-
ity for the state. Oregon Small Business for Responsible Leadership Urges a Yes
The legislature passed these bills in order to prevent about$1 Vote on Measure 67
billion in cuts to schools and critical services.Voting yes will Let's look at the facts on Measure 67
protect these'services when we need them most,Voting np will Oregon Small Business for Responsible Leadership is a non-
force an immediate and dangerous series of cuts to education' partisan organization of small business owners committed to
and human services in the last half of the budget cycle. improving healthcare,education,social justice and other issues
Oregon's children are our greatest resource.Every child vital to all Oregonians.That's why we support the corporate tax
deserves a classroom where they can learn,and that's why measure,and we want you to know the important facts before
Oregon's teachers support Measures 66 and 67 you vote:
Oregon's kids are counting on us to do the right thing. Fact:Measure 67 was crafted to be fair to small businesses.
Vote Yes on Ballot Measures 66 and 67. Oregon Small Business for Responsible Leadership helped
write the bill in order to keep the tax burden from being shifted
Karen Watters onto small businesses.
3rd GradeTeacher,Sutherlin Fact:The corporate minimum tax is being updated to$150 frorr
Jamie Zartler the 1931 figure of$10,along-needed update that pays for basic
EnglishTeacher,Grant High School,Portland OR record keeping on businesses by the State. ,
Sena Norton Fact:Businesses headquartered elsewhere transacting busi-
6th GradeTeacher,Boring Middle School ness in Oregon will finally pay their fair share with a very low
Carolyn Jo Cooper and reasonable rate of tax on Oregon business activity.Until
Science and MathTeacher at Neahkahnie Middle School now,their share has been unfairly shifted to the Oregon small
businesses and local mom-and-pop shops.
(This information furnished by Karen Waders.) Fact:Success of Oregon's'economy is small business driven.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255, Success of small businesses depends on strong schools,safe
communities,and healthcare services that protect,working-an(
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- middle-class families.This measure protects Oregon.class-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the rooms and essential services,and prepares the next generatior
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. of entrepreneurs for the challenge.
Fact:Sole Proprietorships are not affected by this measure;so
.Argument in Favor they won't see any tax increases.
Help Keep Oregon Safe Fact:This measure protects Oregon jabs by keeping hundreds
Partnership for Safety and Justice of millions of dollars.in Oregon's economy,being spent at loca'.
Urges a"Yes"Vote on Measures 66 and 67 businesses.It will also help Oregon attract new businesses
here by offering strong schools and protecting quality of life.
Oregon is doing something right.According to the FBI,
Oregon's rate of violent crime dropped over 1Q%in the last Oregon Small Business for Responsible.Leadership is voting
year--the largest decrease in the nation and property crimes YES on Measure 67,and we think you should too.
dropped almost seven percent during the same time period. (This information furnished by Christine Chin Ryan,Oregorf
The Partnership for Safety and Justice credits this trend with Small Business for Responsible Leadership,)
a shift toward more effective,prevention-based approaches
for protecting community safety.Oregon's investment in This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.25E
community-based addiction treatment and prevention The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
programs and drug courts has been critical. mantby the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Yet due to these tough economic times,programs that focus accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument
on prevention and rehabilitation are in trouble,jeopardizing
Argument in Favor A yes vote on Measures 66 and 67 will protect health care cow
Support Oregon's Rural Communities erage for tens of thousands of Oregon's working families.'
The Rural Organizing Project Urges aYES vote By voting yes on Measures 66 and 67,you will protect nearly$1
g j billion in-funding for Oregon's most essential.services;'educa-
on Measures 66 and 67 tion,health care and public safety.A yes y9te wi(LbQIp ensure
ThA effects of this recession are being felt most in Oregon's that our state's corporations a�1d wee their
rural communities.While unemployment may be high across fair shtice for the cruciajIarvices we all rely on.
Oregon,in rural Oregon it has skyrocketed. A yes vote on Measures 66 and 67 will create a healthier
That's why we need Measures 66 and 67. Oregon...and a fairer Oregon.
Passing.these measures is critical for rural Oregon families for Oregon's nurses are on the,.front lines of keeping our families
three reasons: and,communities healthy,every day.
1. These measures exempt the first$2400 of unemployment VotingYes is the right thing to do for a healthier Oregon.As
benefits from tax;reducing taxes for families who have nurses,employers and as proud citizens,we urge a Yes Vote on
( 5t a job,In August,the unemployment rate in Crook, Measures 66 and 67.
Deschutes,Douglas,Grant,Harney,Jefferson,Josephine, (This information furnished by Jack Dempsey,Oregon Nurses
Klamath and Linn Counties was over 15%. Association.)
,2:These_r[Iea5urPg will_ensure that corporations pay their fair
share for This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251.255.
the state.Families.hardest hit by the recession rely most The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
heavily on the,vital public services that Measures 66 and 67 ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
protect. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
3.Our schools-and especially local community colleges-are
economic engines for rural Oregon,providing critical job Argument in Favor
training.Our communitie$simply cannot afford further cuts
IQ-our schools,if we're going to get the economy back on Measures 66 and 67 will protect-the needs of Qrggon'S children
track. when they need our help the most.
For too long,Oregon's working families have shouldered the Please join Children First for Oregon in voting YES on Measures
nurden of paying for our schools and our basic services,while 66 and 67
arge corporations have paid just$10 a year.Rural Oregon
:ommunities can no longer afford for corporations and the Children First for Oregon works to make Oregon a place where
•ichest households to be let off the honk,.while we pay more all children thrive.We educate and engage Oregonians to
ind more. promote programs and policies that get results for kids.
the other side will spend millions onTV ads trying to convince Measures 66 and 67 are critical in making sure that children
(ou to vote against these measures—but don't be fooled.This don't become the biggest victims of the recession.These mea-
ssue is simple:Should corporations pay more than$10 a year surer will help the state prevent cuts.in vital services for kids.
n income taxes? These measures:
f you believe that schools,healthcare,and public safety are too • Protect health care for children
rrlportant to give up just so that large corporate lobbyists can Prevent cuts,to Oregon's foster care system,so that these
ire their pockets,then we think you should vote not just yes... children are protected and cared for
✓oteYES on Measures 66 and 67 to protect our communities. Maintain programs that prevent child abuse and neglect
+ Protect critical programs that provide safe,quality care for
'This information furnished byAmy Dudley,Rural Organizing children with low-income working parents
The recession has impacted working families and children
phis space.purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. deeply.At the same time,two-thirds of corporations doing
business in Oregon pay just$10 a year in income taxes.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
went by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the We can no longer afford for working-and middle-class families
rccuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. to carry the burden of paying for the state's basic services.
Measures 66 and 67 protect critical services when we need
4gument in Favor them the most.
Protect Access to Health Care It's time to protect Oregon's children.
The Oregon Nutses Association Urges a Please voteYes on Measures 66 and 67.
Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67 Children First for Oregon
\s nurses,our number one priority is the safety pf our patients. Robin Christian,Executive Director
)ur state is currently experiencing a severe nursing short
i (This information furnished by Robin Christian,Children First
ge that threatens the quality of care that we provide to our
)atients.V Ajng)!ea to measures 66 and 67 will help us stop for Oregon.)
he Igyoffs of nurses we h This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255,
s,hoolsand community bAafth_centers.
1 yes vote on Measures 66 and 67 will help keep patients safe. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
:very day,more than 500,000 Oregonians wake up worried accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
bout the future.They live in fear of getting sick;and of having
D choose between paying their medical bills and paying the
nortgage.This is a choice no one should have to make.
j o4oiiY 0 � �'€z•x,... z'� ,., ad is w,.s
Argument in Favor • Nursing home care and assisted living care for thousands
of low-income seniors and people with disabilities.
,The Oregon Consumer League Urges aYES Vote
on Measures 66 and 67 • And many more critical services that we all depend on.
VOTING YES IS A SIMPLE MATTER OF FAIRNESS. So while you consider whether to voteYES on Measures 66
and 67,please remember that while voting YES is about stor
Big corporations and rich CEOs will try to make this issue Ing f i
complicated,but the issue is really quite simple:corporations �y safe-and bright future for our families and our
should pay more than$10 dollara g year in i 4n10_1:W net ors.
MIDDLE CLASS FAMILIES PAYTOO MUCH. Please join the Human Services Coalition of Oregon,
Because two-thirds of corporations pay Oregon's$10 corporate - a statewide group of 80 organizations and
minimum based on a 1930s law,the average m' individual members,in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67.
m n300 gotporations n Www.oregonhsco.org/
Oregon all put together. (This information furnished by John Mullin,Human Services
NO MORE BAILOUTS. Coalition of Oregon.)
For too long,rich CEOs,high paid lobbyists,corporate lawyers This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
and accountants have gotten away with shifting the burden
onto the middle class.While Oregon families have really The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
struggled,big corporations and the rich have gotten massive ment by the,State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
bailouts. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
We=shift the burden off of the middle class,protect those Support Schools.Support Students.
hit hardest by the ecanomic`crisis,and fund the vital services
Oregonians need. v ,t hol or Stand for Children Urges aYes Vote on Measures 66 and 67
and make theal pay their fair
As schools across the state struggle to find money to keep their
IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE. doors open for the full school year and preserve class sizes,
Join the Oregon Consumer League and regular Oregonians all Oregonians will face this simple but important question:
across our state in taking back the power from the big corpora- Should we stop further cuts to public schools,healthcare,and
tions and high paid lobbyists. public safety?
VOTE YES ON MEASURES 66 AND 67. For Oregonians who value education,the answer is clear:YESI
(This information furnished by Dr.Jim Davis,Oregon Voting YES on Measures 66.and 67 will protect our local schools
Consumer League.) by stopping$733 million in cuts to public services.Currently,
two-thirds of corporations pay$10 a year.in income taxes--
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. including out-of-state corporations that make millions of
The printing of this argument does not,constitute an endorse- dollars in Oregon.These measures raise the$10 corporate
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the minimum income tax to$150 per year for most corporations,
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. and raise the tax rate for the state's wealthiest households
-those with taxable income above$250,000.These modest
increases will allow us to fund schools and other critical services.
Argument in Favor
We cannot afford to shortchange Oregon's children and the
Human Services Coalition of Oregon Urges aYes Vote future of our local communities.It's time to fund the basics.
VotingYES is about more than... These measures will prevent our class sizes from growing
asking corporations to a more than$10 a year in income even larger and our school years from being cut further.These
9 P pay Y important protections will improve Oregon's workforce and
taxes; economy.
...making Oregon's tax.system fairer for working families Vote yes if you want the promise of a quality education for
_'protecting and creating Oregon jobs. all kids to be real,so they are well prepared for the jobs of
This recession has hit us all hard.Families who never thought
'they would need to ask for help are now asking.And those who Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67 to keep our promise to our
were struggling to begin with are now finding it nearly impos- children.
sible to make ends meet. In fact,97.5%of taxpayers will NOT see their taxes increase.
health r vital tgk We are just asking corporations and the very rich to pay a
hot hardest by the,economic recession, little bit more.It's critical for the future of our students and our
state's long-term-economic health that we be able to invest in
When it comes to protecting Oregon's most vulnerable,passing ` education and the services upon which Oregonians and local
Measures 66 and 67 means preserving health care and human businesses rely.
services for real Oregonians-ourselves,our families,our
neighbors.' Jain Stand for Children in Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67
What's at stake?For healthcare and human services alone,the (This information furnished by Dana Hepper,Stand for
state could lose more than$180 million,plus more than$200 Children.)
million in federal matching funds.
This space purchased for$5001n accordance with ORS 251.255.
These measures protect funding for:
• Healthcare access for tens of thousands of children,. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
seniors,and people with disabilities ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
• Foster care services for children
• In-home care for thousands of seniors and people with
their homes
Argument in Favor 2)VotingYES on these measures will preserve noody$1
Wilion in funding for education,public safety and health-
Dear Neighbors, care including services that protect the health oiwbmen
We know all too well that families across Oregon-regular and By targeting only those who can afford to
middle class families who work hard and play by the rules-- pay more in this recession,these measures protect health
have been hit hard by this economic recession.Ours is just one care services for middle class families,just when those
of those many families. services are most needed.
And,after carefully studying the isspes,we realized that At stake in this election are services that are vital for the health
Measures 66 and 67 are a good and important step in the right and safety of all Oregonians,including:
direction-not just for Oregon,but for middle class families like - Family planning services for low-income women;
- Healthcare access for uninsured low-income pregnant
Like many other families,ours has faced unemployment this women and children;
year.These measures will help families-like ours by cutting
taxes on unemployment payments so that we have more - HIV treatment and prevention programs;
money to spend on our basic needs. - Programs that prevent the spread of STDs,especially
Here's the problem with the current system:it's unfair and-out- among youth.
dated,and it allows big,out of state corporations and the rich these FAIRER,
to get by paying too little,while regular families like ours end and we can proteol the.vital services,like health r that
up paying more than our fair share. Oregonians need.
Big corporations and rich CEOs may[y to make this issue . Please join,NARAL.Pro-Ch oice Oregon and Planned Parenthood
seem'complicated.but*fg rg�lly ygry simple: Advocates of Oregon in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67
.--When two-thirds of corporations pay just$10 in income (This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,Defend
taxes,there's something wrong. Oregon.J
--When this$10 income tax is based on a law that hasn't been
changed since the 1930s,there's something wrong. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
--When the average Oregon family like mine pays more in The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
income taxes than 300 big corporations put together=like big ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
oil,insurance and pharmaceutical companies.-there's some- accuracy or truth.of any statement made in the argument.
thing wrong.
--And when middle class families get stuck with most of the bill Argument in Favor
for funding the vital services we all need and rely on-there's I'm the President of a leasing and finance company and I
something wrong. support measures 66&67;modest but important steps toward
Measures 66 and 67 will make It right. protecting education and keeping our communities safe.
Don't be taken in,by the big corporations,their high paid lob- Oregon currently has the second lowest business tax structdre
byists or their expensive advertisements.These measures will in the nation. Businesses benefit from shared public services
change the system for the better,and help:take the burden off and if it weren't for these basic and essential services,busi-
of middle class families who are struggling. nesses in Oregon couldn't function.
We hope you'll join us in voting YES on 66 and 67. Two thirds of the corporations in Oregon pay.just$10 a year
in fees,not enough to cover the postage to administer the
Darrin,Kebby,Tealy and Kale Dupree Fa'm'ily program.Business professionals understand our responsibility
(This information furnished by Kebby Dupreed to contribute to the shared services that allow us to thrive.We
find resources to pay for the attorneys and accountants neces
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. sary for incorporation,so surely we can budget to reimburse
the State that provides business the infrastructure it takes to
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- function and profit.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument, Businesses utilize infrastructure,including the roads and
courts,provided by the State.The taxes paid by business are
Argument in Favor merely the user fees due the state.Without such investments
g by our State,commerce would not be possible.
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon and Business subsidies are not consistent with free market prin-
NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon ciples.Do the people of Oregon"prefer to have their tax dollars
Say, subsidize commerce or be used to educate their children?
Votey for Fairness and to Corporations enjoy limited liability and legal protections
Protect Access to Health Care guaranteed by the State.Businesses may trade as partnerships,
proprietorships or LLC's.Incorporation is voluntary,It creates
As the largest advocates for reproductive health care,family an expense for taxpayers and I do not believe that a profit
planning services and comprehensive sex education,we making enterprise deserves welfare from the taxpayer.
know how important these services are to ensuring that all Responsible business owners know that we must pay our bills.
Oregonians have the ability to make responsible choices. Measures 66&67 raise funds from those who directly benefit
We-know firsthand that the recession has made it even harder and therefore can afford it.
for regular people to make ends meet. Educated children are.the future workers and business people
That's why we urge you to vote YES on Measures 66 and 67. of Oregon.76 remain competitive in commerce,education is a
Voting YES will do two very important things: critical investment.The business community today owes.that to
the business community of the future.
1)By holding corporations accountable for paying more than Please-join me by voting yes on Measures 66 and 62
$10 in taxes,and by ensuring that the richest Oregonians
pay their fair share,passing these measures will lhift the Joseph L.McKinney
burden of the economic crisis away from the mmddng-and Pro sident
middle-class families who are already struggling to me a Oregon Roads,Inc.
ends meet. . Eugene,OR
AF kdS y4 8 d k 4y 0 � 41i01
l a' Y 1 ) •t. 131 i
(This information furnished by Joseph L.McKinney,President, Oregonians.Many facilities provide specialized services,includ-
Oregon Roads,Inc.) ing programs for pediatric patients and victims of serious head
injuries.These are valuable and highly skilled employment
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. opportunities,right here in Oregon,that will be threatened if
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse we do not vote YES for measures 66 and 67
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Measures 66 and 67 keep jobs In Oregon,keeping our economy
accuracy or truth of any statement made in thb argument. vibrant.
Oregon Health Care Association's mission is to enhance
Argument in Favor health care,housing,and supportive social services for all
School Principals Across Oregon Oregonians.Measures 66 and 67 directly support the needs of
Urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67 patients and their families by continuing to fund these essential
long term health care services.
As school principals,.we work to ensure that our schools are Ensure Care for all Oregonians
run efficiently and are responsive to the needs of our students,
parents,and our communities.We must guarantee that all Vote YES on Measures 66 and 67
students have the tools they will need to compete in today's
society,and we must do so in a way that is fiscally responsible. (This information furnished by Lauren Rhoades,Oregon Health
We strongly support Measures 66 and 67 because they allow Care Association.) "
us to provide a quality education to our students.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Measures 66 and 67 will make sure that corporations and the The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
richest households are paying their fair share to'fund class ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
rooms right here in'our community.Our schools can no longer accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
afford for two-thirds of corporations to pay just$10 a year in
income taxes.
Schools all across Oregon—like each of ours—are facing chal Argument in Favor
lenging times.Given the economic crisis,we are doing the Dear Oregon Voter,
best we can to help our students succeed.Measures 66 and 67 The most important part of my job as Superintendent of
are absolutely necessary so that districts can keep class sizes. Public Instruction is making sure that all students in our public
small,keep teachers in the classroom,and protect important schools have an equal opportunity to learn the academic and
programs for our students. life lessons that will prepare them for work or to go on to
Supporting our classrooms and providing a strong education college.
will be vital to rebuilding our economy.With the U.S,falling We are very fortunate in Oregon to have dedicated,quality
behind countries like India and China in the number of students teachers and educators who want to help their students learn
earning science and engineering degrees,it"s important that and reach their maximum potential.Oregonians place a high
our students are given the tools to compete in the global value on our public schools and have a strong tradition of sup
economy. porting our teachers and students.T . urge you Jo vote
Help Protect Our Schools. YES on Measures 66 and 67'
Please join us in Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67 Measures 66 and 67 will ensure that we can keep our local
Oregon Elementary School Principals Association class sizes manageable,keep teachers in the classroom,and
Oregon Association of'Secondary School Administrators protect vital education programs for our students.These
(This information furnished by Kent Hunsaker,Oregon measures ensure that profitable corporations are paying their
Elementary School Principals.Association.) fair share to fund schools in every community in Oregon.Our
schools can no longer afford for twa°thirds of corporations to
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. pay just$10 a year in income taxes.
Measures 66 and 67 are key to rebuilding Oregon's economy.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Superintendent, speak educators all across America.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Our students s nde need d the tools t to compete in the global economy
and we cannot afford to fall further behind.Oregon's students
deserve every opportunity we can give them to succeed;
Argument in Favor quality public schools are a critical component of our,economic
Preparing for Oregon's Future recovery.
Continuing Oregon's Excellence in Health Cana Measure 66 and 67 protect the things that every Oregonian
cares about,like good public schools and safe communities
Oregon Heafth s 7 and neighborhoods. scare
The Oregon Health Care Association is a network of over taraiGs and misinformation you are hearing o
570 health care providers including skilled nursing facilities, abgut these r The reality is that more than 97%
assisted living and residential care facilities,and in home care of Oregonians won't see their taxes increase under these
agencies.Our members know first-hand the difference quality measures.
care can provide for 611 Oregonians. I urge every Oregonian to protect our schools and support our
Measures 66 and 67 will protect long term and in-liome care students.Please.voteYes on Measures 66 and 67.
for thousands of Oregonians. Sincerely,
It is estimated that by 2020,America's population of those Susan Castillo
aged 85 and older will double to-over 7 m..illio..n.people..By the Superintendent of Public Instruction .
year 2050,this number is projected to grow to between 19 and (This information furnished by Susan Castillo,.Superintendent
27 million people.Planning for long term care is essential to of Public Instruction.)
meeting this growing need.
Measures 66 and 67 fund vital long-term and In-home care This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
services,ensuring Oregon is prepared for the future..
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Oregon Health Care Association member facilities provide ser- ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
vices to over 40,000 Oregonians each day.These facilities also accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
�rnvlde emptoyment opportunities for approximately 30,000
Argument in Favor By votingYES for Measures 66 and 67,we will maintain vital .
service &
s for Oregon-akle ,while supporting our economy by
Dear Fellow Oregonians, r keeping spending In the state.
My family is like most Oregon families.We care about our Lets make sure Oregon elders;families and communities have
community.We care about our local schools.We care about the care and services they need and deserve.
our local businesses.That is why we are VotingYes on Ballot
Measures.66 and 67 Join the Elders In Action Commission in voting"YES"
on Measures 66 and 67
1 work in the library at the Banks High School and I feel so lucky
to be working with students in our small,rural community. (This information furnished by Tara Krugel;Elders in Action
These kids deserve a full'school year,small class sizes and Commission.)
effective programs that keep them in school and prepare them
for the future.Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67 will help This space purchased for$600 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
protect Oregon's classrooms in districts large and small. The printing of'this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Our family also owns a small business.We are proud to have ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
served our community for years.We recognize the value of accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument
investing in our schools,because Oregon businesses depend
on a strong educational system.We cannot afford to disinvest Argument in Favor
in our children at a time when they need to be better prepared
to compete in today's global economy. There's a lot of information in this Voter's Pamphlet about
Measure 67 So first,let's talk about something that Measure 67.
That's why we urge aYes Vote on Measures 66 and 67. will NQT do.
As small business owners,we have often felt that Oregon's If passed,Measure 67 will:
middle-class families and small businesses have been shoul- * No drive small businesses into bankruptcy;
dering too much of the burden to pay for our schools and other
vital.services.It just doesn't seem fair that nearly two-thirds of e W cause small businesses to move out of state;or
corporations doing business in Oregon get away with paying 1 force small businesses to lay off employees.
only$10 a year in income taxes.With aYes Vote on Measures .
66 and 67,we are ensuring that out-of-state and large corpora- If Measure 67 passes,the minimum corporate income tax
tions pay their fair share,while at the same time.protecting rate will rise from$10 to$150.Two-thirds of corporations pay
small businesses. Oregon's$10 corporate minimum.
The vast majority of taxpayers and small business owners will The corporate minimum tax rate hasn't been upped since 1931,
either benefit or won't be affected by these measures. But all so these businesses have been getting off easy for many'years.
small businesses will see the things they depend on to succeed Now they face a tax increase of.$140.That$140 Isn't going to
good schools,health care,public safety-protected from force anyone into bankruptcy,nor will$140 cause layoffs.
harm.Please Vote Yes.
Heres what Measure 67 WILL do--create tax fairness.Again,
Debra Mott the corporate minimum was last raised in 1931,so that means
Small business owner for the past eight decades the percentage of.the tax burden
(This information furnished by Debra Mott.) on corporations has dwindled while the burden on the middle
class and low-income families has increased.Measure 67
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. pushes the pendulum back just a little.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- This measure also increases what's called the"marginal tax
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the rate on corporate profits"above$250,000.What's that mean
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. in English?It means that large nationally based corporations
that do a lot of business in Oregon will have to pay some
Ar ument in Favor taxes here.These are huge corporations that paid their CEOs.
g millions in compensation and bonuses,but according to the
Assure Quality Care In Oregon most recent reports filed with the SEC they paid no state or
local taxes.Measure 67 means they would pay their fare share
Vote YES on Measures 66 and 67 of taxes on income earned in Oregon— nothing more,nothing
Measures 66 and 67 protect the services we need the most. less.
Like most Oregonians,elders depend on services like public That's fair.
safety and health care,and we.know that the communities VoteYES on Ballot Measure 67 forTax Paimessl
we're part of depend on safe,vibrant,successful schools.
Without Measures 66 and 67,the legislature will have to cut (This information furnished by Don Loving,Public Affairs
almost a billion dollars out of those services. Director,American Federation of State,County&Municipal
Much of that money would come directly from services that Employees(AFSCME).)
help Oregon's elders lead full,independent lives such as This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
assisted living programs and medication.For some seniors
and their caregivers,these cuts could mean the loss of Oregon The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Project Independence and other critical services that help allow ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
older adults maintain choice and dignity in their homes and accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Support Measures 66 and 67,keep costs for seniors low. Argument In Favor
Many of Oregon's elders live on a fixed income.At the same The Oregon Center for Public Policy:
time,senior citizens represent a large and growing part of Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67
Oregon's population. By the year 2010,one in three Americans A Necessary StepToward Balanced,Effective Economic Policy
will be over age 50.The implications for Oregon's future are Today,middle-class and low-income Oregonians pay a
clear:without support for this growing need,the quality of larger share of their income in state and local taxes than rich
life for Oregon's elders will decline,and their spending power Oregonians.In fact,the rich pay the lowest share of their
within the state will diminish. income in state and local taxes.In addition to preserving
vital services like health care,education and public safety,
tv, .e fb% %Y�'sS Z 0 a.., 1��{.�y v it �e$ �F ',�
Measures 66 and 67 are the first step toward a mo nced from the richest Oregonians,Measures 66 and 67 help to
and effective economic policy that benefits middle-, nd ensure that Oregon's unique quality of life-our legacy to
low-income working Oregonians. future generations-is preserved.
Measures 66 and 67 Protect Oregon's Working.Fan It's the oysponsible thing to do -our families.
For years,middle-class and low-income working familie, Join Oregon League of Conservation Voters in
small businesses have paid more than their fair share bet Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67
two-thirds of corporations in Oregon pay a corporate minis The Oregon League of Conservation Voters is a non-partisan
income tax of just$10. organization with a simple mission:To elect pro-environment
Middle-class and low-income families have been dispropor- endidates and pass responsible laws that protect the environ-
tionately hurt by the economic recession.These families need antal legacy we leave behind for future Oregonians.
Measures 66 and 67.The measures preserve services that are s information furnished by Katy Daily,Oregon League of
vital for putting Oregon's economy back on track,such as K-12 grvation Voters.)
education and professional training through higher education
and community colleges,and they provide an immediate tax ice purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
cut for Oregonians who have lost their jobs and are looking for
work.Measures 66 and 67 follow this principle:If your family Th ing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
earns less than$250,000 per year,you won't pay a single me# )e State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
penny more. accu, -truth of any statement made in the argum'en't.
Mainstream Economists Support Measures 66 and 67 Argui in Favor
Eminent economists,such as President Barack Obama's budget ,
director Peter Orszag and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, Oregon District Attorneys Say:
agree.that in a recession,it is preferable for states to enact Keep Oregon Safe
targeted tax increases on the wealthy than to cut services. ES on Ballot Measures 66 and 67
Three dozen Oregon economists have gone on record saying
Measures 66 and 67 are good for Oregon's economy. In order to kek neighborhoods safe,Oregon needs.a
The Oregon Center far Public Policy urges you to highly function d integrated public safety system-from
the police who i, rate crimes to the district attorneys who
voteYES r Measures 66 and urges
prosecute the oft,
Vote"YES"for a necessary step toward a
balanced,effective economic policy for Oregon: Can corporations s p pay more than$10 in taxes In order
(This information furnished by Charles Shekatoff,Oregon to protect the safety igon"s businesses?
Center for Public Policy.) YES.
Can Oregon household eg more than$250,000 afford
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with OAS 251.255. to pay a little more in ta, order to protect the safety of
The printing of this argument does not constitute an.endorse- Oregon families?
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the YES.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Do you want to see your con `y protected from criminals,
Ar ument In Favor especially during tough econc °nes when crime rates tend
g to increase?
The Oregon League of Conservation Voters Urges a YES.
YES vote on Measures 66 and 67
The Preserving Oregon's Unique Quality of Life i District A m z Y
is the Responsible Thing to.Do on Measures 66 and
OLCV urges you to vote YES on Measures 66 and 67,to help These measures provide needed fun, •police,community
ensure that we pass on Oregon's unique quality of life to our corrections and our courts.Voting age, ise measures
children and grandchildren. 'could mean a reduction in the number a troopers on the
job,and it will threaten our ability to pro criminals.
Our state has made significant progress toward preserving Measures 66 and 67 ensure that we have,, Is to prosecute
natural areas for families to enjoy,protecting critical farmland identity theft and drug-related crimes,
and wildlife habitat,ensuring clean rivers and streams and pro-
moting a clean energy economy that provides good jobs with We need to add more troopers to the job',no. We need
benefits for Oregon families. increased supervision of sex offenders,not le, need court
However,it is clear we have much more work to do to leave doors open and the ability to prosecute danger `urinals.
behind a legacy we can be proud of.That work will only be VOTE YES ON 66 AND 67
possible if we come together and vote"YES"on Measures 66 TO KEEP OUR COMMUNITIES SAFE.
and 67. MichaeLD.Schrunk,Multnomah County District ey
Measures 66 and 67 preserve funding for Oregon's environ- Joshua Marquis,Clatsop County District Attoi
mental stewardshipthrough services such as:
• Air quality monitoring John S.Foote,Clackamas County District Attorn
• Wastewater management and toxic water monitoring to John M.Haroldson,Benton County DistrictAttorrn
help clean up our rivers and ensure safe drinking water for Michael T.Dugan,District Attorney,Deschutes Count
our families (This,information furnished by Michael D.Schrunk.)..
• Developing Oregon's clean energy economy to bring good
jobs to our state This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251.2L
• Reducing global warming pollution The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Right now,two thirds of Oregon businesses pay only$10 a ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
year In taxes..By raising the$10 corporate minimum income accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.,
tax for the first time since 1931,and asking just a bit more
11 11 C
NO 111,11 1 Siffil 01
Argument in Favor I do my part.1 pay my fair share.I pay more than$10 In taxes.
Big corporations and rich CEOs should do their part too.
Help Keep Higher Education Accessible for All Oregonians
Lots of times,it can seem like these major decisions that affect
The Association of Oregon Faculties represents faculty and aca- us are out of our control.But Measures 66 and 67 let us—the
demic professionals from public universities around the state. voters—decide who should pay and how we will recover from
We take our jobs of educating students and preparing them this recession.
to be successful and competitive in a tough job market very .
seriously.That is why we are urging ayes vote on Measures 66 1 hope you'll join me in looking at the facts and then voting YES
and 67 on Measures 66 and 67
Oregon's universities have served the state well by creating Jim Just,Owner
family wage jobs and economic growth in every county of the La Ferme Noire Vineyards
state.Strong universities are critical to our children's future and Lebanon,OR
key to Oregon's economic recovery.For Oregon to thrive,we . (This information furnished by Jim Just,La Ferme Noire
need to educate a well-trained workforce and provide students Vineyards,)
the tools to win the good paying jobs of tomorrow.
Measures 66 and 67 will help our universities continue to make This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
contributions in the lives of our students,our communities and The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
to our economy ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the'
Affordable access to our universities is vital to Oregon's eco- accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
nomic future.Voting yes on these measures will help to ensure
that Oregon's people retain that affordable access.Oregon Argument in Favor
faculty members have watched as,too often,students have Small Business:Owners.Across the State
had to go into debt to get the education that they need to keep Urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67
family-wage jobs in this state.This is unfair to working families
who seek a brighter future for their sons jand daughters. "In times of crisis,Oregonians do what's right to help out their
For Oregon to compete in the global marketplace we need neighbors,friends,and family.Getting through this recession
Measures 66 and 67. is going to require that same commitment to doing what's
right.Measures 66 and 67 help the people who need help the
Measures 66 and 67 preserve our communities by maintaining most,by cutting taxes on unemployment benefits and keeping
basic funding for essential services like education,health care, the doors open at our community colleges and universities.
and public safety,and protect the middle class as they struggle As proud Oregonians and business owners,we know these
to make ends meet.We need to vote yes in January to help measures are the right thing to dof
Oregon protect our kids'futures and maintain a positive legacy Constance Palaia Man;Co-owner Kevin P.Marr,Co-owner
for the future. I I Motel Del Rogue Motel Del Rogue
Please join the 600-plu5 members of the Association of Oregon Grants Pass,Oregon Grants Pass,Oregon
Faculties in Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67 "I'm voting yes because these measures are designed to
W.Gregory Monahan protect schools and other social services.Measures 66 and 67
Association of Oregon Faculties simply ask for corporations and the wealthy to pay their fair
share for the things we all need.As a small business owner and
(This information furnished by W. Gregory Monahan, as an Oregonian,I'm votingYW
Association of Oregon Faculties.) John Schmitt,•President
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255, Portly a Digital
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- "The recession has hit Oregon hard,and how we respond to
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the it is a test of who we are as a people.These measures help
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. preserve what makes Orego.n.a great place to live and own a
business.Strong schools that provide kids with a bright future
Argument in Favor are an integral part of our communities,In my view,voting yes
As a farmer in Lebanon,I know first hand how deeply this is how we maintain our values through these hard times."
recession has affected our rural communities.Because of Rhonda L.Ealy,Owner
decisions made by the Wall Street banks and credit card com- Strictly Organic Coffee Co.
panies,hard working rural families like my own are feeling the Send,Oregon
(This information furnished by Constance Palaia Marr,
These measures do what's right in difficult economic times- Co-owner,Motel Del Rogue.)
they protect families who have been victims of the economy
and help put Oregon on a path to recovery. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251,255.
This recession has hit Oregon's rural communities especially The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
hard,creating an even greater need for services Iike.quality ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state.warrant the
health and senior care.That's why Measures 66 and 67 are the accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
right thing to do,especially for our rural towns.These mea-
sures are necessary to fund the vital services when we need Argument in Favor .
them the most.
Rural Oregon has more than our fair share of unemployment, Oregon's Children,Families,and Seniors are Counting on You
and votingYES on these measures will give desperately needed It's Time for Corporations to Pay More than$10 in IncomeTaxes
relief to those who have lost their jobs,because Measure 66 How we respond to this recession is a test of who we are as a
gets rid of taxes on unemployment benefits for this year. people.In this time of crisis,we believe the right thing to do is
Oregon's farmers work hard,provide for our families,pay our to protect the Oregonians who are struggling the most in this
taxes,and care deeply about our communities.Voting YES on economy.
these measures will protect our schools,care for our seniors,
and will keep our communities safe.
o �aa' r�s '"''.. �, �g:.•� 5^;� �� � � � xa, r¢ st
v�xa�a 8+i ss., s Ya �sca axnk�ts' �,�,V sna
bursr�{Eaf,,j kR,i' ''a.
Measures fib and 67 will help those who need it most: agree that in a recession,it is preferable for states to enact tar-
geted tax increases than to out services.The economy recovers
• S
in-home Seniors care that allows them to live with dignity and inde- faster,and investments made in education,health and human
pendence in their own homes services pay off big in terms of future productivity.
• Children of struggling families,by making sure their basic In other words,it is our assessment that passing Measures 66
needs are met and 67 is the prudent choice for Oregon's economy.
• Those who'are looking for work,by removing taxes on Mary King,Professor
most of their unemployment benefits for 2009 Portlann d State University Economics Department
These measures are the right thing to get us through these Michael F Sheehan,Ph.D.
tough times.
Sheehan&Sheehan Economics LLC
Wall Street banks and credit card companies have taken bil- Ronald L.Chastain, ons
lions in federal bailout dollars,yet thanks to Oregon's$10 Chastain Economic Consulting
minimum,one customer pays more in,overdraft fees and outra- Patrick M.Emerson
geous credit card finance charges than these corporations pay Professor of Economics in Oregon
in Oregon taxes. Martin Hart-Landsberg,Professor of Economics
This election is an opportunity for us---the people of Lewis and Clark College
Oregon—to decide whether big corporations and the rich (Universities listed for identification purposes only).
should finally pay their fair share for the services we all rely
on.VotingYES will hold the big corporations and their special (This information furnished by Mary C.King,Portland State
interest lobbyists accountable. University Economics Dept.)
And these measures protect Oregon'middle class.if your This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
family earns less than$250,000 a year,you won't pay a single
penny more. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
There are over 40,000 SEIU members in Oregon,frontline ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
workers who help deliver the vital public services we all count accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
on every day.
Argument in Favor
Vote YES to protect quality services for local communities.
Vote YES to protect Oregon's middle-cuss families. Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67 to Save Vital Senior Services
Join the Oregon Alliance for Retired Americans in votingYES on
Vote YES to make sure that big corporations are paying more these measures.
than$10 in income taxes.
The Oregon Alliance for Retired Americans works to advance
Linda J.Burgin,President public policy that protects the health and economic security of
SEW Local 503,OPEU older Americans.The Alliance believes that seniors must work
(This information furnished byArthurTowers,SEIU Local 503.) together to preserve all that we have fought for and all that
future generations of Americans deserve.We must be our awn
This space purchased for$506 in accordance with ORS 251.255. advocates)
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- That is why we are strongly supporting Measures 66 and 67
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the In this time of economic crisis,we must.work to preserve the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Oregon we've all value.When times get tough.Oregonians
come together to do what's right.
Argument in Favor These measures protect services for the most vulnerable
Oregon Economists Say Voting"Yes"is the Prudent Choice Oregonians,including Oregon's retirees.Protecting our.schools,
for economic Recovery healthcare,in-home care for seniors and people with disabilities,
keeping our communities safe—this is the Oregon way.
We are a group of Oregon economists:who have considered The large corporations and out-of-state special interests
these measures and have concluded that there is a strong eco opposed to these measures don't care about our communi-'
nomic case for voting yes. ties-The corporate lobbyists don't care about protecting the
Faced with this recession,it is economically better for the state health of our rural communities or about making sure that
to raise taxes on corporations and households that make more Oregon's seniors can live with independence and dignity.The
than$250,000 per year than it is to cut vital services;or to raise opponents only care about'protecting their embarrassingly low
taxes on the middle class. $10 income tax..
This is because the bulk of the money that the state spends It's time for Oregonians to stand up and protect our communi-
on public services—more than 90 percent of which goes to ties and our future.
education,health and human services and public safety—is Measures 66 and 67 will continue the investments we've made
spent right here in Oregon.Economists agree that spending on in education,so that our children and grandchildren get the
.education,health and human services is the strongest form of training they need to compete in the global market.These
economic stimulus spending,delivering the most"bang for the measures will prevent cuts that could shortchange future
And,because some state money brings in Federal matching it's time to stand up for what's right for Oregon.its time to
funds,Oregon will receive More Federal dollars if the measures Vote YES on Measures 66 and 62
pass,and fewer Federal dollars if they fail. -
Further,because a significant portion of Oregon's corporate (This information furnished by Gerald S.Morris,Oregon
taxes are paid by out-of-state corporations,Measures 66 and 67 Alliance for Retired Americans.)
bring money into Oregon's economy that otherwise would be .This space purchased for$506 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
spent elsewhere.
Eminent economists,such as President Barack Obama's budget The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse
director Peter Orszag,and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
,.. .gym,..00 NOR,
. W � a .„ R .a. .,.:,•..... .: a
Argument In Favor Measures 66 and 67 protect Oregonians who have been
hardest hit by the recession-seniors,children.and the
Oregon's Religious Leaders forTax Fairness unemployed-and prevent them from being hurt again by
Tax fairness is the moral choice for people of faith drastic cuts to essential services in health Care,education
Vote Yes on 66 and 67 and public safety.In fact,thP§e measures cut taxes for the
r,and only raise the tau rate on those who
As religious leaders and citizens,we have considered the argu- can.afford to pay more-the wealthiest 2.5%of Oregonians.
ments for and against these two measures and have sought
to discern the path of justice and righteousness with regard to If your family eams less then$250,000 a year,you won't pay a
this election.We have come to the following conclusions. single penny more.
Times are tough VoteYes on Measures 66 and 67 and protect'Oregonians from
Too many Oregonians have lost their jobs or experienced drastic cuts in health care,education and public safety and
pay cuts;many have seen their retirement savings or health support tax fairness.
benefits vanish.State revenues have fallen sharply,'and educa- And thank you for helping`to keep Oregon safe,healthy,and .
tion,law enforcement and many other services have seen their educated. r
budgets cut.
Democratic Party of Oregon
We cannot allow working families and the most vulnerable
to bear this burden alone,while many corporations and high- (This information furnished by Meredith Woad Smith, .
income taxpayers resist a modest increase in their taxes.Our Democratic Party of.Oregon.)
congregations are doing all they can to provide help for those
in need,but charity alone is not enough.Government most This space purchased for$500 in accordance'with ORS 251:255.
also provide a safety net for those most afflicted. . The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
93%of our state budget is devoted.to education,health care, ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
human services,and.puolic safety.These programs make pos accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
sible future economic growth and sustain struggling families in
hard times.Further budget cuts would be unconscionable and Argument in Favor
self-defeating. School Members From r
It is fair and just that those who continue to prosper greatly Urge aYesYQtg_qn M 6 7
should give back a little more of their income to support the As school board members from around the state,we serve
public services that have made their prosperity possible.The
responsibility of the wealthy to the poor and to the common communities large and small.Our kids go to school in urban
good is a principle.deeply rooted in the texts and teachings of and rural districts.They come from families from many differ-
our religious traditions. ent walks of life.
Congregational names listed for identification purposes only. One thing that all Oregon kids have in common is that they
deserve a quality education with reasonable class sizes and full
Mary JoTully Rev.Dr.Lorne Bostwick school years.
Chancellor,Archdiocese Senior Pastor,Central. Measures 66 and 67 will help Oregon students.loam and
of Portland Presbyterian Church succeed in school.
Rev.Dr. Marilyn Sewell Rev.Patricia Campbell-Schmitt These measures not only protect schools,they bring fairness to
Rev.Lynn Smouse The Reverend Stephen L. our tax system.jiight now two-thirds c fr.Qrpar9tions uay_onl�
Lopez;Pastor Schafroth Corporations and the wealthy need
Ainsworth.United Deacon,Episcopal Diocese to step up to help protect classrooms and services right here-'
Church of Christ of Eastern Oregon in our communities.These measures move the burden off of
Rev.W.J.Mark Knutson Rabbi Joey.Wolf middle-class families and protect our kids'future.
See over 100 endorsers at w.taxfairoossoregon,org Many of our schools are operating op bare bones budgets
but remain committed to providing a high-quality education
(This information furnished by Josie Koehne,Tax Fairness for students.Measures 66 and 67 will help keep our schools
Oregon.) whole,while avoiding teacher layoffs,Increases in class size.or,
shortened school years.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. Support Our Schools
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Join us in Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. David H.Krumbein,Board Chair,Pendleton School District 16-R
Karen Cunningham,Beaverton School District,Board of
Argument in Favor Directors Member
The Democratic Party of Oregon Says Fred Marble Forest Grove School District;Board Member
Vote YES for Middle-Class families andTax Fairness Linda Brown,member Lake Oswego School Board
While personal income tax rates have been going up with Bobbie Regan^Portland Public School Board
inflation,most corporatigns din in Oregon gitill..
mar-the same amount they've paid since 1931.The DavidT.Beeson-Director(position 6),Silver Falls School
average Oregon'family now pays more income taxes than 300 District/Board of Directors
corporations pay,all put together. RandyTweten,La Grande School District,Board of Directors
Wall Street banks and credit card companies have taken bil- Board of Directors,Oregon School Boards Association
lions in federal bailout dollars,yet thanks to the$10 corporate (This information furnished by Bobbie Regan,Portland Public .
minimum,a customer pays more in overdraft fees and outra- School Board.)
geous credit card finance charges than most corporations pay
in Oregon taxes. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Voting yes is the change we need to help protect middle-class The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
families and have corporations pay their fair share of taxes. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Argument in Favor. The results speak for themselves:
• 3,500 low-income families with young children receive
Voting yes is ab ut doing what's right for Oregon proper child care.
• 1,$00 jobs saved because parents can go to work safe in the
Right now,most corporations pay only$10 in state income knowledge that their children are well-cared for.
taxes—the same amount they've paid since 1931.
Big corporations and rich CEOs will try to make this issue
It's no wonder middle class families think they're paying too complicated,but it is really quite simpl®:should corporations
much.The average Oregon family now pays.more income taxes and the rich finally pay their fair share and contribute to criti-
than 300 corporations pay,all put together. cal services that help keep children safe and parents in the
In this economic crisis,it's time lor us to do the right thing.' workplace?
It's crucial that we protect the health of everyone in this state, For our sake,for our children's sake,for Oregon's families'
particularly those who've been hurt most by the recession. sake. I�join}am J.y r,}t1&aro_p1Qm.id=_lil&MV,1gyoutbg
VotingYES means we value protecting our most vulnerable ML
neighbors and family members—seniors,children,and people Sandra Araujo
with disabilities.These measures will protect thousands of Family Childcare Worker
adults and children on the Oregon Health Plan,ensuring that
in this time of need,Oregonians still have access to quality (This information furnished byArthurTowers,SEIU Local 503.)
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
These measures will fund nursing home safety,elder abuse
enforcement,lifesaving.prescription drugs,and home care that 'The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
helps low-income seniors remain independent. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Measures 66 and 67 will help those looking for work by remov-
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
ing taxes on their 2009 unemployment benefits,preserve
our communities by maintaining basic funding for essential Argument in Favor
services like schools,health care,and public safety,and protect Small Business Owners
the middle class as they struggle to make ends meet. Urge a Yes Vote on Ballot Measures 66 and 67
We need to vote yes in January to help protect access to For years,our family has owned a small business in Douglas
healthcare for Oregonians in need. County.Small businesses are the backbone of Oregon's
Join Oregonians for Health Security in voting YES on Measures economy.We need to give small,local business owners the
66 and 67 support and opportunities they need to be successful.That's
why we will be voting yes on Measures 66 and 67
(This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,Oregonians for
Health Security.) Measures 66 and 67 protect small business.
93%of small business owners in Oregon will not pay a dime
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. more in personal income taxes under these measures:What
The.printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- the measures will provide for our local communities are good
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the schools,access to health care and safe neighborhoods.These
accuracy or truth of any§tatementmade in the argument. are the very things small businesses need to thrive,especially.
in a tough economy.
Argument in Favor Measures 66 and 67 stop large.corporations from getting away
with paying just$10 a year in taxes.
Measures 66 and 67 Save Jobs and Protect.Famlilies.
Qt�y Child Care Providers. Oregon families and small businesses have been shouldering
the burden of paying for our schools,health-care and public
VotsYES go Measures 66 and 67L safety services.In fact,the.taxes we pay provide nearly 95%of
With Oregon's economy in crisis,now more than ever we need the funding for the services we all rely�on.At the same time,
critical services like Oregon's Employment Related Day Care two-thirds of corporations doing business in Oregon are paying
Program, just$10 a year in taxes.The average Oregon family pays more
than 300 corporations pay in income taxes all put together.
As a family childcare provider,I have seen firsthand how this
program supports families by helping low-income working Measures 66 and 67 protect our schools and help keep,our,kids
Oregonians pay for child care.And the&Iity to access afford- safe•
child able care'often makes the difference between being able In addition to owning and running a.small business,l am also
4ob.and a special education teacher in a juvenile detention.center in
order n e t. Roseburg.Every-day I witness heart-wrenching stories of the
Voting"no"on Measures 66 and 67 would cost jobs in two' challenges my kids and their families face.Measures 66 and 67
ways: protect funding for education and services that keep families
and kids off drugs and away from crime.
1.Family child care providers would lose their jobs,because
they would no longer be able to afford to provide childcare Help Protect Small Businesses and Kids
at a reduced rate to families in need; Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67-
2.lTtfe hard-working parents who rely on these family child Wicker Works
care providers would be faced with a terrible choice:give M.Robina Malone—.owner
u their job or pultheir iLdren at risk. . . (small business)
That's why plegolis family child care providers urge wou to (This information furnished by Mary Robina Malone,Wicker
YottLYES on M 7 Works.)
Programs like this one help hard working Oregonians keep This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
their jobs and continue contributing to our economic recovery,
while also ensuring that children are protected,nurtured and The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
well cared for. ment by the'State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Argument in Favor From Pendleton to Hillsboro to Medford,communities around
Oregon struggle with gang activity and youth violence.OYA
We paid as much for this page--$500-as 50 corporations paid staff and community partners work with youth who have been
last year in Income taxes...combined. involved in gangs.It's our job to make sure these kids make a
Last year,more than two-thirds of corporations doing business in healthy transition back into their communities,reducing gang
Dragon paid just$10 In income taxes.That includes big corpora- violence.
tions that do hundreds of millions of dollars of business in Oregon. Our programs are affected doubly by the economic crisis.The
While taxes keep going up for all of us,most corporations still. -downturn creates an environment where more youth are at risk
pay only$10 dollars-the same amount they've paid since•1931. for becoming.involved with gangs and violent behaviors.At
Corporations used to pay 16%of the taxes in Oregon.Now they the same time,the economic crisis threatens the resources we
pay only 6%.Meanwhile,the average middle-class family in need to provide these services.
Oregon pays more in income taxes than 300 corporations pay- Measures 66 and 67 will help prevent closures of multiple OYA
combined.It's time to hold those corporations accountable. facilities and elimination of.beds around the state.At these
Measure 67 is fair.It is necessary.And it Is the right thing to do. facilities,my colleagues and'I work to ensure public safety and
provide accountability and reformation opportunities to youth
Join Tax Fairness Oregon in voting YES on Measure 67. who represent an unacceptable risk in the community.
To find out more,visit www.TaxFaimessOregon.org. Our communities can't afford to lose the vital services that
(This information furnished by Jody Wiser,Tax Fairness OYA provides.yoting)Ces to protect vital services will help keep
Oregon.) more and more youth from turning to the streets and a life of
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. I'm urging you to join me in voting YES on Measures 66 and
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- 67,so we can continue to protect out communities and give
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the troubled kids a second chance at a healthy,crime-free life. .
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Franklin Ron Weaver
Multicultural Services Coordinator
Argument in Favor OregonYouth Authority
Small Business Owners (This information furnished,byArthurTowers,SEIU Local 503.)
Urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67
This space purchased for$500 in accordance
"These measures are necessary to fund vital services when we with fiS 251.255.
need them most.I live and do business in Oregon because we The printing of this argument does not constitute'ane endorse-
need the
value our schools,universities,and basic services.These are ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
.the thing's that allow businesses to thrive,young entrepreneurs _ accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
to flourish,and big new ideas to develop.We must continue to
protect our priorities,and that's why I'm voting YES" . Argument in Favor
John Mullin,President Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67
Amallegory Productions,Jnc. Protect Oregon's Most Vulnerable Citizens
"Measures 66 and 67 are the right move for our economy.In Support Local Jobs
order for the state to get back on our feet,we'll need to protect Protect Oregon's Economy
jobs and basic services here in Oregon.These measures will As nursing homeowners and operators who provide high
make sure that middle class families and small businesses g
aren't carrying the burden of this recession:". quality services to seniors and families in our communities,we
support Measures 66 and 67
Bill Dickey,Co-owner
Witham&Dickey Our businesses provide vital services that allow older
Portland,Oregon Oregonians to live safely and with dignity,independence,
and respect.We also provide good jobs for 600 Oregonians.
"For Oregon to thrive,we need to offer businesses a well-
trained workforce and provide our kids the tools to win the Across the state,other senior care professionals employ over
good paying jobs,of tomorrow.It's both irresponsible and 30,000 Oregonians in good paying jobs.Th'ese employers and
shortsighted to keep cutting education funding.That's why I'm employees are vital parts of our local economy,creating eco-
voting yes on Measures 66 and 67" nomic activity that.helps other local businesses.
Albee Kara,President Measures 66 and 67 will help make sure seniors.get the high
Faster Connections,Inc. quality cafe and services they need and provide good-paying
Portland,Oregon jobs for health care professionals and caregivers..
(This information furnished by John Mullin,Amallegory These measures do what's right in difficult economic times
Productions Inc.) -they protect alder Oregonians and their families who have
been victims of the economy and help put Oregon on a path to
Tris space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. recovery.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Please join us in voting yes on Measures 66.and 67 ft's the
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the right thing to do for our seniors,for Oregon families and for
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. our economy.
Dan Gregory,Owner
Argument in favor WestWind Enhanced Care in Medford
As an employee of the Oregon Youth Authority,I know firsthand Mike Hudman,President
the stakes that are on the line with these ballot measures,both Gateway Living and Gateway Gardens in Springfield and
for troubled kids and for all of our communities. Eugene
I'm 5upporting a Ytj vote gotherpe measures.becawge QuL Mark Kinkade,Vice President
communities cannot aff dioturnourbacksonthew. Gateway Living and Gateway Gardens in Springfield anal
people in ou[ m wh h t. Eugene
Y r a�as9 a msb# �t a3isIIreB sR$a E$ � IR Y aAS ad's
[Assoc oollard;CEO As the recession has deepened,more and mare families have
rd Ipsen Management LLC in Coos,Jackson and found themselves in need.How we respond to this crisis will
ine Counties be a test of who we are as a people.
formation furnished by Lauren Rhoades,Oregon Health CareOregon believes that Measures 66 and 67 are the fair
iation.) way to fund necessary and vital services at a time when we
need them mast.In our greatest time of need,we believe
Espace purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. Oregonians should come together to protect those hit hardest
tinting of this argument does not constitute an endorse- uninsured children,seniors,and struggling families,
by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Here's just one example:the measures fund nursing home
acy or truth of any statement made in the argument. safety,elder abuse enforcement,lifesaving prescription
drugs,and home care that helps law-income seniors remain
ument in Favor independent
's time to level the playing field.Oregon's working and We need to vote yes in January to help Oregon protect our
middle-class families communities and maintain.our values through these hard '
urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 62 Please join us in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67
Measures 66 and 67 will protect:
CareOregan is snot-for-profit organization committed to
--Oregon jabs improving and protecting the health of low-income and
--Oregon families vulnerable Oregonians.
--Oregon communities.
(This information furnished by Martin Taylor,CareOregon.)
now,while working and middle-class families are strug-
just to make ends meet in this recession,large out-of- This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
corporations who make millions of dollars in Oregon are
g just$10 a year in income taxes. The printing of this'argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
ecession may continue,and many more people could lose accuracy r truth of an statement made in the argument.
Y Y 9
jobs.Many of the unemployed cpuld have trouble finding
ivelihoods,particularly if they are over forty years old. argument In Favor
measures will protect the basic services and keep the
n from being shifted to those who can least afford it. 'Do justice,Love mercy,and Walk humbly with God."(Micah 6:8)
orting public services provides a'critical and minimal Vote YES on Measures 66&67
net to those who are already stressed and using all their The Oregon Center for Christian Values(OCCV)is dedicated to
ble resources.We need to look after each other. advocating for public policies in Oregon addressing care for
measures will help protect Oregon jobs and are neces- the poor,the oppressed,the sick,and the environment that are
reserve the critical services that are needed now more biblically grounded and reflect the values of Jesus Christ.
ver.These measures will help those who've been hurt the pQ,lUSTICE
by this recession by protecting vital services and remov- In a just society,Scripture states that those who have abun-
xes on the first$2,400 in unemployment benefits. dant resources are responsible(Luke 12:48)to allocate what J
d 67 will start to hold corporations accountable by making God has given them to those who are poor and suffering...
hat corporations are paying more than$10 a year in and those who may depend on the mercy of others(Leviticus
e taxes and asking for those who've benefited most from 19:9-10;Leviticus 25).
ate to contribute just a bit more. Voting YES will protect an estimated'$1 billion that will
easures protect services that we all depend on.By voting support:
n 66 and 67,we'll be keeping our communities safe and Unemployed and'underemployed who rely on temporary
g it clear that corporate greed is NOT an Oregon value. assistance for needy families,food stamps and other
programs I
n Voting YES t4 protect Oregon's future. • Health care for children and low-income adults
I Oregon Jobs with Justice • Seniors and the disabled who depend on state in-home
care programs
e Springfield Solidarity Network/Jobs with Justice Loge MERCY
illamette Valley Jobs.with Justice Jesus said to demonstrate mercy to children,the disabled,
nd Jobs with Justice broken,hurting,sick,and poor,in both His words and actions
(Luke 4:18-19).In the story of the Good Samaritan(Luke
ern Oregon Jobs with Justice 10:25-37),Jesus asked,"[who)do you think was a neighbor to
Information furnished by Brenda Sifuentez,Portland Jobs the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"The expert of the
law replied,"The one who had mercy on him"Jesus told him,
ustice.) "Go and do likewise 7
Iment ace purchased for$5001n accordance with ORS 251.255. Voting YES will show mercy to our neighbors by supporting:
ting of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Oregon's children,youth;teachers,and programs in K-12
y the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the education
cy or truth of any statement made in the argument. College students who depend,on affordable higher education Public safety In our communities J
in Favor WldkJILIMBL.Y with God
tnTiumiiTin"g of irse ve to seweWhe Fiuml�le we reflect God's
Yes is the RightThing to Do forThose in Need attributes(Proverbs 29:7;Philippians 2:1-8)as we love our
regon urges a Yes Vote on 66 and 67 to protect the neighbor.
s of this recession. Our reflection on Scripture and examination of Oregon's
measures do what's right in difficult economic times— current fiscal situation and tax structure have led us to support
rotect families who have been victims of the economy Measures 66 and 67.We humbly invite you to join Oregon
,on an#*-read-to-reeeveFr
Center for Christian Values in voting YES on Measures 66. Measure 67 updates the antlquated corporate minimum tax
that lets two-thirds of corporations operating,in Oregon pay
and B7
(This information furnished by Stephanie Mathis;Oregon just$10 in taxes per 1931, n corporate minimum tax has not
been changed since 931 'ad huge multi-national corporations
Center for Christian Values.) have been getting by with paying only$10 while the average
family of four pays$3100 per year in taxes.Its time these cor-
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. porations pay their fair share for critical services we all need.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Measure 67 protects.Oregonians relying on community col-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the loges and universities for the training they need to get back on
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. their feet.People who've lost jobs in the recession must build
their skills to be competitive as the economy recovers,Commu
Argument in Favor nity colleges already strained by increased demand for services
Measures 66 and 67 can't stand another round of cuts.
Important for Oregon,Critical For Rural Oregon Measure 67 stabilizes funding so our kids get a quality educa-
tion and our workforce is highly trained,making our economy
At Northwoods-Nursery;we know that our state's rural counties competitive in the global marketplace.We must make sure that
have been hit especially hard by the economic crisis.Measures overcrowded classrooms and shortened school years do not
66 and 67 are necessary to protect the services our communi- undermine the economic success of this generation and the next.
ties—and our small businesses=depend on.
Measures 66 and 67 Protect Jobs The 33,000 education and heath care members of the
American Federation of Teachers in Oregon believe that
By voting"Yes"on Measures 66 and 67,we will fund the vital every Oregonian should have access to quality educational.
services that all Oregonians depend on,and that are critical to opportunities.
protecting the health of our citizens and the economic future of Vote Yes on Measure 67
Oregon's rural communities.
Schools,senior care,assisted living facilities,and community Oregon School Employees Association
colleges provide both important services and needed jobs. American Federation ofTeachers-Oregon
In rural communities like mine,these are among the largest (This information furnished by Robert A.Wagner,American
employers. Federation of Teachers-Oregon.)
By voting"Yes"on these measures,we will protect the educe- _
tion and training that we need to move Oregon forward.Our, This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
business needs qualified employees and these measures The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
protect class sizes,keep tuition stable for higher education,and ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
maintain access to on-the-job and vocational training programs accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
through Oregon's community colleges.
Measures 66 and 67 Protect Our Nurseries and Farms Argument in Favor
Nursery owners and farmers in Oregon depend on Oregon Oregon's Home Care Workers AskYou toVoteyes.
State University's Agricultural Experiment Stations and the on Measures 66 and 67
Extension Service,which are protected by Measures 66 and 67.
The Department of Agriculture's plant pest and disease control My name is Herlinda Breitenstein.I live in Independence,OR
program is especially important to agricultural businesses and and I'm a homecare worker.I'm part of a trained workforce
of caregivers who serve thousands of Oregon families and
nurseries like Northwoods.
seniors every day.
Please join me in Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67
Frontline caregivers,like myself,are extremely committed to
Jim Gilbert,owner the work that we do and to those we care for.We do for them
Northwoods Nursery/One Green World what they can no longer do for themselves,enabling our
Molalla,Oregon clients to live in their own homes.
(This information furnished by Jim Gilbert,Northwoods In-home care gives the elderly and people with disabilities a
Nursery/One Green World.) greater sense of dignity and independence,better access to
family and friends,and the peace of mind that comes with
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. attentive and affordable care in safe,familiar environments.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- And in-home care is less costly than institutional care,saving
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the taxpayer dollars.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
That's why 1 urge you to vateYE3 on Measures 66 and 67,in
'Argument in Favor order to preserve the critical homecare services Oregon s most
vulnerable,seniors,and the disabled depend on.
Oregonians Deserve FairTaxes and Good'Schools Not only is state funding in jeopardy if these measures fail,
Vote Yes on Measure 67 but we I n r
f t h r jaM
Measure 67 protects funding for,Oregon's schools and other n h i _ Instead of helping
vital public services when we need them most. to save jobs and preserve critical services in Oregon,these
Measure 67 makes our tax system fairer and protects middle- federal dollars would instead go to other states,like California
class families by asking corporations to pay their fair share. or Idaho.
For too long,Oregon's working and middle-class families have VotingYES on Measures 66 and 67 is the right thing to do.
been shouldering too much of the tax burden.Measure 67 asks These measures are a good solution to protecting critical
those corporations that are flourishing even in this economy to services for those most-in need,because they simply ensure .
pay their fair share for critical services like education,care for that everyone—including big corporations-,is paying their fair
seniors,and public safety. share.
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As one of 10,000 home health care workers in Oregon who
is on the frontlines every day working to make the lives of Argument In Favor
seniors and those with disabilities better,I urge you-,o .,,,to Dear Oregon Voter,
YES on Measures 66 and 67 Like you,I'm an Oregon voter.I'm also a son,father,husband.
Herlinda Breitenstein and taxpayer.
Homecare Worker I graduated from North Bend(Oregon)High School,Southwesl
(This information furnished byArthurTowers,SE1U Local 503.) ern Oregon Community College and the University of Oregon.
I'm a licensed attorney at law,authorized to practice law before
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
the Supreme Court of Oregon.I've run a small business.I've
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- volunteered as a prosecutor at the Lane County District Attor-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the nay's Office and as Chair of a the Board of Education at Lane
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Community College.I've served as an Oregon State Senator
and I've been a Lane County Commissioner since 1997.
Argument in Favor This letter should acquaint you with the reasons why I am
Small Businesses For 66 and 67 voting YES on Measure 67:
First and foremost,this measure is well-balanced.The Oregon
As business owners and community leaders,we recognize the Legislative Assembly had many options when confronted with
importance of funding vital services at a time when Oregonians the collapse of our nation's economy.They could have raised
need them most. taxes and not made cuts.They could have made massive cuts
Measures 66 and 67 are the right thing to do. and not raised taxes.Instead,they did the best they could,and
proposed a These measures do what's right in difficult economic times— they made some modest
aary cuts orporate income taxes and
they protect families who have been victims of the economy Second,the opponents of these measures make claims that
and help out Oregon on a path to recovery.Measures 66 and 67
preserve funding or education,healthcare,and job training for the taxes are unfair.This is simply not true.Oregon's corporate
Oregonians. minimum tax has been set at$10 since 1931.Currently,2/3 of
corporations doing business in Oregon pay just$10.Measure
Our ecpnomy cannot afford cuts to schools and higher educa- 67 raises this minimum to$150,allowing Oregon to retain the
tion,undermining our public education system.Skilled workers lowest corporate minimum on the west coast.
and a strong educational system are essential to attracting
business investment in Oregon.As Oregon's economy begins Finally,if these measures fail,you can expect drastic cuts o
to rebound,we need to support local businesses by investing education,health care,public safety and senior services:Join
in education and workforce training., me in standing up to special interests(mostly from outside
A Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67 protect funding for our Oregon)and require that corporations pay there fair share.
schools and support a healthy economy; If you want to learn more about this measure,please write,
I email or call m :I'd be In order for Oregon to thrive,we need to offer businesses a. important to oteYES onaMea sure 7.6 you understand why it's
well-trained workforce,and provide our kids the tools to win
the good paying jobs of tomorrow. Thank you,
Oregon's young people,entrepreneurs and start-up companies Pete Sorenson
cannot succeed in a state that does not provide good schools,
safe communities and basic services. PO Box 10836
Eugene,OR 97440
Measures 66 and 67 protect the services businesses need most. petegpetesorenson.com
By voting yes on Measures 66 and 67 we protect the very (This in furnished by Pete Sorenson.)
things Oregon's businesses count on—a strong public educa-
tion system and a public safety system that keeps neighbor- This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
hoods and business districts safe.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment voting Yes by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Mike Roach,Co-Owner accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Paloma Clothing
Hillsdale,Oregon Argument in Favor
Kim Osgood,Co-Owner Measure 67 creates a minor tax increase on corporations.This
Palodal Clothing tax increase was put into place by your legislators this past
Hillsdale,Oregon summer to balance Oregon's state budget.The Association of
David L.Vernier,CEO,Vernier Software&Technology Engineering Employees Political Action Committee strongly
Beaverton,Oregon urges you to vote in favor of this tax to support education,
health care and public safety and preserve federal matching
Brian Setzler,CPA-Owner money.
Portland,Oregon (This information furnished by Evan Burroughs,Treasurer,
Association of Engineering Employees Political Action
(This information furnished by Mike Roach,Co-Owner,Paloma Committee.)
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 25], mart b
p __ _�....._.
constitute an endorse- ..
The printing of this argument dads not constitute an endorse- y the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
. R ..,.
Argument in Favor serve all of society's most vulnerable populations.We need
Argument all of us to come together to ensure a healthy and prosperous
Common Cause Oregon is neutral on Measures 66 and 67,-but future for all Oregonians.
is,tracking campaign contributions. Ballot Measures 66 and 67 help protect the most vulnerable
The two chief petitioner committees that collected signatures to Oregonians and secure adequate funding for public education,
qualify Measures 66 and 67 raised$960,196 as reported by the health care and public safety programs.The national economic
signature turn-in deadline of September 25.Most of this money crisis has had a profound impact on all of us.But it has hit soci-
came from two political committees.Oregonians Against ety's most vulnerable—the working poor,seniors and children
Job-Killing Taxes gave 64 percent or$610,072,whileTaxpayer _particularly hard.
Defense Fund gave$194,280 or 20 percent of total chief peti- Measures 66 and 67 protect services like early childhood educa-
tioner fundraising. tion,residential care for seniors,Oregon Project Independence,
The largest single donation to Oregonians Against Job-Killing and health care for working families.They also help to provide
Taxes was$100,000 from Oregon Bankers Association. the solid foundation for quality public education that all of our
Associated Oregon Industries and its political committee gave, children deserve.
$125,300,Weyerhaeuser gave$51.,194,Common Sense for We urge you to Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67—the tax fair-
Oregon,Inc.gave$50,000 and Roseburg Forest Products gave r9 y
$45,000. s package that secures Oregon's future and protects those
in need.
The top two donors to Taxpayer Defense Fund were Nevada-
based Loren Parks,who gave$75,000,and,$22,752 from voting Join with Ecumenical Mlnistries'of Oregon and faith leaders in
FreedomWorks,Inc.in Washington,D.C.These contributions g Yes c Ballot Measures 66 and 67.
comprised 51 percent ofTaxpayer Defense Funds total fundrais- For more information on EMO's positions on ballot measures,
ing of$190,446. go to www.emoregon.org.
Detailed charts on the contributions to qualify Measures 66 (This information furnished by Kevin Finney,Public Policy
and 67 are available at wwW&gmMQDgdu1eALrgI at the Director,Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.)
research center.
In mid-November,when this statement was prepared,"yes" This space purchased for$500 in accordatce with ORS x57.255.
and"no"campaign money was just starting to flow so the fol- The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
lowing contribution information is only preliminary. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
The top three donors to Oregonians.Against Jab-Killing Taxes 'accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
after the.signature turn-in deadline through mid-November
were$50,460 from Associated General Contractors of America, Argument in Favor
$25,700 from the Oregon Restaurant Association and its affili- WORKING FAMILIES SUPPORT MEASURES 66&67
ated political committee,and$17,900 from the Portland
Business Alliance and its political committee. The 7,000-plus members of SEIU Local 49 are health care
The top three donors to VoteYes for Oregon,as reported. workers who transport patients,cook meals,draw blood,clean
hospital rooms,provide emergency care and answer patient
through mid-November,were$75,000 from the Oregon Public Calls;we are janitors who keep ourschools,universities,air-
Employees Union,SEIU Local 503,$50,000 from the American ports,sport facilities and downtown buildings'clean'and safe.
Federation ofTeachers-Oregon Issue PAC,and$25,000 from the
Oregon Health Care Association. We work hard every day to earn a living and provide for our
Updated"yes"and"no"campaign contribution information families.We pay our taxes and support our local communities.
will be at co n r at the research But too many Oregon corporations are.not paying their fair
center when you receive your Voters'Pamphlet.Common share.
Cause Oregon appreciates your interest in"following the Last year,the average Oregon family of four paid over$3,000
money"in these ballot measure campaigns. in taxes,but more than two-thirds of corporations doing busi-
(This information furnished by Janice Thompson,Common.) ness in Oregon paid just$10 in the corporate minimum tax.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. That's not fair for working families.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Measures 66 and 67 will protect almost$7 billion in funding for
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the the services working families need.By raising the corporate
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. minimum and the tax rates on households with income above
$250,000,we can preserve essential services like K-12 educa-
tion,in-home care for seniors,and the Oregon Health Plan.
Argument in Favor The working families of SEIU Local 49 urge you to VOTEYES to
Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67 make taxes more fair and protect essential services.
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Supports Making theTax (This information furnished by Felisa Nagins,SEIU Local 49.)
System Fairer for Working and Middle-Class Families
As a voice for many in the faith community and as a provider of This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
social services,we add our support to Measures 66 and 67 We The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
all have a solemn responsibility to care for those who cannot ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
do so for themselves,especially in challenging economic times accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
like these.We believe it is fair and just to ask corporations and
the most prosperous Oregonians to do their part in helping us Argument in Favor
through these tough times.
Those of us who operate faith-based charities and nonprofit
Now is the time to protect Oregon's critical services.
organizations know that we cannot meet the needs that exist in Measures 66 and 67 are simple.They protect about$1 billion
Oregon without a strong government role in providing health in funding for schools,healthcare,and public safety by raising
care,affordable housing,job training and other services that the$10 corporate minimum income tax(for the first time since
provide hope and opportunity.Support from private donors 1931)to$150 and raising the marginal tax rate on households
and business partners do not provide enough resources to that earn more than$250,000.
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These measures are vital to protecting the essential services and help put Oregon-and Oregon's most vulnerable-on
that all vibrant communities depend on:good schools,quality a path to recovery.Measures 66 and 67 eliminate taxes on
health and senior care,and the safety of our families and unemployment benefits,preserve funding for education and
homes.These three areas make up more than 90 percent of the health care,and other vital services-the services needed most
state's general fund budget.A small but critical portion of these by those hit hardest by the economic crisis.
revenues will also go to state and local planning services that Please join us in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67.
help keep Oregon's economy moving and promote our unique
quality of life. Find out more at www.empoweroregon.org. .
already f (This information furnished by Meghan Moyer,Empower
directly cause huge cWtbacks ti - Oregon.)
earn and other services.such as community p1aLlIIj04�
By voting YES on these measures in January,you will ensure This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
continued state assistance for important local job-producing . The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
functions,including planning for and construction of state and ment by the State of Oregon;nor does the state warrant the
'local transportation projects,planning for economic recovery accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
and continued efficient and cost-effective permitting.Further-
more,nearly$1 billion will continue to circulate in Oregon's Argument to Favor
economy,which will be spent at local businesses and will help 9
Oregon on the path to economic recovery. Do you care about Oregon's natural legacy?
Make your voice be heard by voting YES on Measures 66 and Vote YE$on Measures Bib and 671
67 to protect what makes our communities special. The Oregon Conservation Network is a coalition of more than
Mission of the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning 40 conservation groups around the state that works to pass
Association includes promoting the art and science of plan- laws that provide a legacy of clean air and water and protect
ning,promoting sustainable development objectives through our land and economy for future generations.Together,we
comprehensive planning for economic development,social represent more than 200,000 Oregonians who agree that con-
and environmental objectives,fostering social and environ- servation is an Oregon priority.
mental equity,and advocating for every citizen's opportunity to As Oregonians,we have a state to be proud of:Abundant
participate. farmland,lush forests,pristine public beadhes,clean rivers,
American Planning Association,Oregon Chapter and special places that provide fish and wildlife habitat as well
as some of the most beautiful and diverse recreation in the
(This information furnished by Jeannine.Rustad,American nation.
Planning Association,Oregon Chapter.)
Oregon has a history of protecting what makes our state
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. special.Measures 66 and 67 will help preserve Oregon's unique
quality of fife for future generations.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Measures 66 and 67 will protect funding for critical programs
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. that will help preserve a natural legacy we can pass on to
our children and grandchildren.This includes programs that
Argument Ih Favor In air quality and keep our waters free of toxic chemicals.
Yes In addition,without Measures 66 and 67,.programs that encour-
Join Empower Oregon in Voting
Protect Services for Oregon's otin oting Vulnerable age investment in local,clean energy could be eliminated
entirely.At a time when Oregon needs stable jobs and energy
Empower Oregon is a group of workers dedicated to provid- independence,we can't afford to go backward.
ing,quality human services and opportunities to live with Voting YES on Measures 66 and 67 is the responsible thing to
independence and dignity for the individuals we serve:People do for our families.
with mental,emotional or behavioral disorders;adults with
developmental disabilities;individuals struggling to overcome Measures 66 and 67 ask corporations and Oregon's richest
substance abuse addictions and people who are homeless. 2%to pay their fair share for the services we all benefit from.
The essential services we provide help our clients become Most big corporations in Oregon pay only the minimum$10
healthier,more productive members of our community. corporate tax,which hasn't been raised since the 1930s.That's
Measures 66 and 67 are necessary to fund these critical sew lust not fair.
vices to Oregonians who need them most.Oregonians with Protect Oregon.
mental illness,addiction,developmental disabilities or who Join the Oregon Conservation Network in 4oting YES
are experiencing homelessness count on state funding and on 66 and 67
services that Measure 66 and 67 provide.These services help Paid for by the following OCN member groups:
many Oregonians live with the independence and dignity they
deserve. Climate Solutions Or Environmental Council
At the same time,Wall Street banks and credit card companies Confluence Consulting Oregon League of Conservation
have taken billions in federal bailout dollars,yet thanks to the Voters
$10 dollar minimum,one customer.pays more in overdraft fees Friends of the Columbia Sierra Club
and outrageous credit card finance charges than these corpora Gorge
tions pay in Oregon taxes.
Friends of Mount Hood WaterWatch of Oregon
While our share of taxes keep going up,most corporations
still pay only$10 dollars-the same amount they've paid since (This information furnished by Katy Daily,Oregon Conservation
s no wonder - they're __._.. _..�
too much.The average Oregon family now pays more income
taxes than 300 corporations pay,all put together. This space purchased for$500 In accnrdahce with ORS 251.255:
These measures do what's right in difficult economic times- The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
They protect families who have been victims of the economy ment by the State.of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Argument in Favor Community colleges bolster the aconomy by training students
in skills that local businesses need.As Oregon strives to meet
As financial advisors in the western United States,it's our job the challenges and opportunities of the global economy,a
to help our clients maintain good access to the capital markets strong community college system is crucial to.deliver a highly
and to help them find the best possible financial solutions.We skilled,well-trained workforce.
work with our clients to assess the long-term financial strength
of their organizations arising from a sound financial strategy. Measures 66 and 67 will provide Oregon the well-trained work-
We've taken that$ame approach to analyzing these ballot mea- force needed for our economy to recover and grow.
sures,and we think the choice is clear:Voting Yes on Measures Help Oregonians Find Work and Provide for their Families.
66 and 67 is the right thing to do for Oregon's economy In Vote Yes on Measures 66 and 671
these tough times.
Chuck Clemana,member Clackamas Community College Board
The health and prosperity of Oregon depends on the smart -
Investments we make today.If we want to compete in the Dr.Ernest R.Keller-Member Columbia Gorge Community
global marketplace of tomorrow,we must make decisions College Board
today that protect our investment in education,from K12 Beverly Russell,Board Chair,Mt.Hood Community College
through community colleges and universities. Board of Education
Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67 will protect Oregon's educa- . Marilyn Lane,Clatsop Community College Board Chair
tion,including job training and higher education,when we
need it most. (This information furnished by Chuck Clemens.)
Oregon's small businesses depend on a well-trained,educated
workforce.Large businesses depend on basic services in order This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
to keep their doors open.The investments we make in Mea- the printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
sures 66 and 67 will pay off dividends for Oregon's economy. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
As business owners,we believe that we are most successful accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
when we are engaged,committed members of the communi-
ties we serve.We're supporting these measures because they Argument in Favor
are the right thing to do,because they are necessary to fund
critical services,and because they are a smart investment in A Message From Attorney General John Kroger
the future of our state:Please join us and other Oregon busi- When I fill out my ballot in January,I will be voting yes on
nesses in voting YES on Measures 66 and 67. Measures 66 and 67.The reason is simple:public safety.
Sincerely, As Attorney General,my highest priority is fighting crime.If
Patrick Clancy,Managing Member these measures do not pass,the legislature will have to make
Western Financial Group significant cuts to public safety(along with health care and
Lake Oswego,Oregon education)in order to balance the state budget.
(This information furnished by Patrick Clancy,Western Financial Those cuts would likely include a major reduction in number of
Group.) state troopers on the road.This would be particularly danger-
ous in rural Oregon,where troopers are often our first respond-
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 751.255. ers to crime scenes and accidents.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- The cuts would also result in the early release of large
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the numbers of prisoners from our prison system.Early release.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. of criminals--arbitrarily cutting their sentences—because we
cannot fund our corrections system is a step in the wrong
Argument in Favor direction.
Vote Yes an Ballot Measures 66 and 67 Because recidivism rates are high,many released prisoners
to give everyone in Oregon a chance at abetter future. will commit new crimes—ones we would have prevented if the
criminals were still Behind bars.It also sends a horrible signal
Across the state,Oregon's 17 community colleges provide to criminals when we ignore their original sentence and let
opportunity for people to get the training and skills they need them out early.Under our system of law,a judge's sentence
to get back to work.Today,$50,000 Oregonians receive educe- should be respected.
tion and vital skills training through their local community For these reasons,I will vote yes on 66 and 67.
AYes Veto an Measures 66 and 67 will help give displaced John R.Kroger
workers a second chance,by getting them the training and Attorney General
education they need to gat back into the workplace and (This information furnished by John R.Kroger.)
provide for their families.
Now more than ever,Oregonians are relying on community
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
colleges.This year alone,community college enrollment has The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
jumped by 10%,adding nearly 44,000 students. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Measures 64 and 67 will ensure that every student has access accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
to an affordable education. Argument in Favor
If Measures 66 and 67 were to fail,Oregon's community col-
leges would be-faced with untenable choices.Eliminate pro-
grams.Deny students.Close campuses.With the economy just Vote YES to Protect Oregon's Seniors.
beginning to improve,we can't afford those cuts.
This recession has been tough on all of us,but the pain has
Voting Yes on Measures 66 and 67 will help avoid hefty tuition been felt especially deeply by Oregon's seniors who live on
Increases,cuts to course offerings,and massive layoffs of fixed incomes.The crisis means many of us are forced to make
instructors and staff. unthinkable decisions,like choosing between paying for life-
saving medication and paying for food.
2A44 .1r�u�r ! k6r � 'F1phlt, ,
Measures 66 and 67 will protect seniors by preserving the VotingYES will protect middle class families who have been
basic services we need in these tough times,including: hurt by the economy.VotingYES means a small,fair tax
• Nursing home safety increase on the richest Oregonians and big corporations,and
tax relief for 270,000 unemployed Oregonians.
• Elder abuse enforcement
• Lifesaving prescription drugs Pease vote YE 6 ,U
• Affordable health care www r '
• Home care that helps low-income seniors remain independent
If your family eams less than$250,000 a year,you won't pay a (This information furnished by Tom Chamberlain,President,
single penny more., Oregon AF
These measures are designed to protect middle class families This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
and seniors on fixed incomes.Only those whg can afford to The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
so will nay more,like corporations and rich households who ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
are still doing well in this economy. accuracy,or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Most Oregonians—especially senior citizens—won't see any
increase in our taxes under these measures. Argument in Favor
VotingYES on Measures 66 and 67 is the right thing to do. A Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67:
Together we can ensure that Oregon's most vulnerable citizens
aren't hurt even more by this recession. Necessary,and the RightThing to Do
Qon'_ i v the s ics It's been a tough year for a lot of folks Oregon.As a local con-
tractor in Bend,I have seen firsthand the impact of the national
TWst the groups yQLi KnQw and—vote economic crisis.
Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens The good news is a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67 can protect
United Seniors of Oregon small businesses and middle-class families from being further
Save'Oregon Seniors victimized by the recession.
(This information furnished by Dr.Jim Davis,Oregon State Small business owners have long understood that quality
Council for Retired Citizens.) schools,access to health care and,an effective public safety
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. system are key to the success of local businesses.
Measures 66 and 67 protect about$1 billion in funding for nur
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- schools and other essential services.Plus,they'll keep hun-
.ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the dreds of millions of dollars circulating in Oregon—this money
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. will be spent at Oregon businesses,.putting us on the road back
to economic recovery.
Argument in Favor Measures 66 and 67 will help ensure that Oregon's students,
The Oregon AFL-CIO is Oregon's strong voice for the middle class. from districts large and small,get the education they deserve.
We urge you to<oteYES on Measures.66 and 67 As a parent and PTA volunteer,I know that strong schools are
The unions of the Oregon AfL-CIO represent over 225,000 critical to our children's future and key to Oregon's economic
middle class Oregonians from every part of the state.And it is recovery. For Oregon to thrive we need to offer businesses a
the middle class that will benefit with aYES.yote on Measures well-trained workforce,and provide our kids the tools to win
66&67 the good paying jobs of tomorrow.
A recent study showed that CEO pay has grown to 364 times These measures do what's right in difficult economic times.
higher than what the average American makes,the widest gap The unemployment crisis has hit harder in rural counties like
in the world by far. Deschutes than most places.in the-country.These measures
And while the middle class shrinks,bonuses and bailouts go protect families who have been victims of the economy and
to Wall'Street Banks,credit card companies,their CEOs and help put Oregon on a path to recovery.Measures 66 and 67
lobbyists--those who created this recession in the first place. eliminate taxes on unempl yment benefits._rve funding
Here in Oregon,thanks to the$10 minimum,one customer for edu ati n and health ca keep joobtraining_p�r grams
pays more in overdraft fees and outrageous credit card finance going at our loqal cQmmmniW colt —the services needed
charges than these corporations pay in Oregon taxes. most by those hit hardest by the economic crisis.
The rich get tax breaks and corporations pay only$10,the Please join me in standing up and voting Yes on measures 66
same amount they've paid since 1931. and 67.
It's no wonder middle class families think they're paying too Bart Mitchell,President-
much.The average Oregon family now pays more income taxes Deschutes Painting,Inc.
than 300 corporations pay...combined. Bend,OR
By passing Measures 66 and 67,�we can finally begin to make it (This informatior7 furnished by Bart Mitchell,Deschutes
right. Painting,Inc.)
Measures 66 and 67 are simple.They: This space purchased'for$500 in accordance with ORS 251:255.
--Finally raise the corporate minimum tax of$10; The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
--Tax the richest households making over$250,000 a year; ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
--Provide immediate tax Eglief for 27 I e
,,.,,� �iirarv_____y nr truth of any statement made in tha argument.
Oregonians; . . . . ..: .
--Fund the education and job training that wilt get our
economy back on track.
If your family eams less than$250,000 dollars a year,you won't
pay a single penny more.
Argument in Favor over 90%of the state budget goes to fund public safety,educa-
tion and health care.
Measures 66 and 67 Protect Oregon Schools
The 48,000Teachers and Education Professionals Without the money generated by Measures 66 and 67,Oregon
would be forced to make harsh cuts,which could include:
of the Oregon Education Association
UrgeYou to Vote"Yes" • Losing 35 statotroQoers and criminal detectives.plus
The members of the Oregon Education Association are cam several of the dispatchers who ensure that police are able
9 to quickly respond to emergencies;
miffed to assuring a quality public education for every student
-from pre-.Kindergarten to college.While we work hard every • Fewer prison beds and more prison closures,which means
day to do more with less,we need Oregonians to stand with us more convicted felons on our streets:
in ensuring that our schools have the resources they need to . Making a bad situation worse,the failure of these measures
help students achieve. means fewer parole and probation officials,making it
Measures 66 and 67 are both necessary and fair.They will help who
protect your local school's ability to keep class sizes manage- are released into our communities.
able,preserve a full school year,and attract and retain the best Measures 66 and 67 are fair and necessary.They simply ask
teachers. those who can most afford to pay a little more-the richest
Here is how students in four districts across Oregon could be Oregonians and big corporations-to do their part to keep
impacted if these.measures were to fail: Oregon safe,secure and heading in the right direction.
• Beaverton School District:a cut of$18.5 million-the VoteYES,to keep criminals in jail and our communities safe.
equivalent of reducing the school year by nearly 19 days or in Fire,Fighters and n the front
laying off 223 teachers; of Rr9tecting families.
• Salem-Keizer School District:a cut of$20.6-the equivalent V6teYEj on Measures
of laying off 249 teachers;
Kelly Bach,President Dan Weber,ProTem President
Bend-La Pine School District:a$76 million cut-the equiva- Oregon State Fire Oregon Council of Police
lent of Laying off 92 teachers; Fighters Council Associations
• Roseburg Public Schools:a$6.1 million cut-the equivalent (This information furnished by Kelly Bach,Oregon State Fire
of laying off 73 teachers. - Fighters Council.)
Oregon's schools cannot afford more teacher and school
employee layoffs. This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
We can protect our classrooms and vital services and shift the The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
burden away from middle-class families by asking corporations ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
and the rich to pay their fair share. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
For too long,middle-class and working Oregonians have been Argument in.Favor
shouldering the burden of supporting our schools and other
vital services.The average Oregon family pays$3,100 a year Small Business Owners Across the State
in taxes,while two-thirds of corporations doing business in Urge a Yes Vote on Measures 66 and 67
Oregon pay just$10.It's time for a changel "For me,voting yes is a matter of my values.What kind of
SupportYour Local School. Oregon do I want for myself,my family and my business7The
Join 48,000 teachers and education professionals answer is simple.I want to live in the kind of Oregon that does
in voting Yes on Measure 66 and 67 what's.right to preserve our unique quality of[He,protects
Gail Rasmussen . those hit hardest by the recession,and invests in our young .
President people's future so they succeed in getting the good jobs of
Oregon Education Association tomorrow."
(This information furnished by Gail Rasmussen,Oregon JudlTichenor,Owner
Education Association.) Educational Travel Services,Inc.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. "It's no wonder the middle class feel like they're paying more
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- than their fair share.While taxes keep going up for all of us,
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the most corporations still pay only$10—the same amount they've
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. paid since 1931.When I learned that the average family is
paying more than 300 big corporations combined,l knew it
Argument In Favor was time for a change.Passing these measures is the right
g thing to do"
Oregon Fire Fiahtem and Police-Urge&YESVote Peter Braun,Owner
on Measures 66 and 67 The Cobbler's Bench
Measures 66 and 67 provide critical funding to keep our com- Bandon,Oregon•
munities safe. "Business owners know that you don't get something for
The security of our communities depends on fire fighters, nothing.YetWall Street banks,credit card companies and rich
local police,parole officers,sheriffs and state police working corporate CEOs have taken billions in federal bailout dollars,
together to protect Oregon families.In order to curb crime and while they continue to pay just$10 in Oregon taxes thanks to
punish offenders,we need adequate funding for all facets of the$10 minimum.I'm voting yes on both measures because
our integrated public safety system. our schools and basic services are worth more than$10 a year."
In difficult economic timesi our communities see an Increase George Brown,Co-owner Melissa Brown,Co-owner
in crime. Klva Grocery Kiva Grocery
As Oregonians struggle to make ends meet,the last thing we Eugene'Oregon Eugene,Oregon
can afford is to cut funding for the services that protect (This information furnished by Peter Braun,Owner,The
Oregonians,their families,businesses and homes. Cobblers Bench.)
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. Argument in Favor
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- . Join the Vote Yes For Oregon coalition in voting YES
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the As educators,small business owners,healthcare providers,
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. public safety officers,community organizations and advocates
dedicated to doing what's right in tough economic times,we
Argument in Favor urge you to vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67.
Join the Vote Yes For Oregon coalition in voting YES Protect Education,Health Care and Public Safety
As educators,small business owners,healthcare providers, Faster Connections,Inc.
public safety officers,community organizations and advocates Full Access
dedicated to doing what's right in tough economic times,we Grant County Democratic Central Committee
urge you to vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67 Healthy Kids Learn Better Coalition
Protect Education,Health Care and Public Safety Human Services Coalition of Oregon
Impact Northwest
AARP Oregon Justice&Witness Minis"Team,Central
The Addiction Counselor Certification Board of Oregon Pacific Conference,UCC
Adelante Mujeres Juvenile Rights Project,Inc.
Advocacy Coalition of Seniors and People with Disabilities Kiva Grocery
Ainsworth United Church of Christ,Justice Commission La Ferme Noire Vineyards
Alliance for Democracy League of Women Voters of Oregon
Amallegory Productions,Inc. McMinnville Education Association
American Association of University Professors-Portland State Marion County Democratic Party
University.(PSU-AAUP) Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates
American Association of University Motel Del Rogue
Women-Oregon(AAUW-Oregon) Mt.Hood Community College Board of Education
American Federation of Teachers-Oregon NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon
Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs National Alliance on Mental Illness Multnomah
Association of Oregon,Faculties National Alliance on Mental Illness of Oregon
Basic Rights Oregon National Association of Social Workers(NASW),
Benton County Democratic Central Committee Oregon Chapter
Bus.Project Neighborhood House
CareOregon, Nonprofit Association of Oregon,a program ofTACS
Carpenters Local 247 Northwest Center for Educational
CAUSA Oregon Options(public charter schools)
Central Oregon Labor Council' Northwest Health Foundation
Children First for Oregon Northwoods Nursery/One Green World
Christine Rains Graphic Design OakTree Digital
CJGraphix ONE Voice for Child Care
Coalition for a Healthy Oregon Onward Oregon
Coalition for a Livable Future Oregon Action
The Cobbler's Bench Oregon AFL-CIO
Columbia.County Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council Oregon AFSCME Council 75
Communications Workers of America Local 7901 Oregon Alliance for Retired Americans
Community Action Partnership of Oregon Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children
Community Action Team,Inc. Oregon Board of Rabbis
Community Alliance of Tenants Oregon Conservation Network
Community&Parents for Public Schools Oregon Consumer League
Confederation of Oregon School Administrators The Oregon Developmental Disabilities Coalition
Cottage Grove Blackberry Pie Society Oregon Education Association
Democratic Party of Clackamas County Oregon Environmental Council .
Democratic Party of Multnomah County Oregon Health Action Campaign
Democratic Party of Oregon Oregon Health Care Association
Deschutes County Democrats Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Deschutes Painting,Inc. Oregon New Sanctuary Movement
Economic Justice Action Group of First Unitarian
To find out more and join the coalition,visit
Church of Portland
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon www.VoteYesForOregon.org
Educational Travel Services,Inc. (This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,Campaign
Elders in Action Commission /Manager,Vote Yes for Oregon.)
Empower Oregon
To find out more and join the coalition,visit This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251:255.
www.Vot*Y*sFor0regon.org The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
(This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,Campaign ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Manager,Vote Yes for Oregon.) accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
gd for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. rdument in Favor T_
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Join the Vale Yes For Oregon coalition in voting YES
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the educators,small business owners,healthcare
or truth of any statement made in the argument. public safety officers,community organizations and advocates
dedicated to doing what's right in tough economic times,we
urge you to vote Yes on Measures 66 and 67.
Protect Education,Health Care and Public Safety Yes on 66 and 67:Preserve Schools,Senior-Services and Safety
Oregon Nurses Association These measures help -
Oregon Opportunity Network moved"and avoid drastic cuts to health care,education and
Oregon Primary Care Association public safety.
Oregon PTA Strong schools are critical to our children's future and our eco-
Oregon Public Health Association nomic recovery.For Oregon to thrive,we must offer businesses
Oregon Rehabilitation Association a well-trained workforce,and provide our kids the tools to win
Oregon Safe Schools and Communities Coalition the goad-paying jobs of tomorrow.
Oregon School Boards Association Board of Directors
Oregon.Schools Employees Association. Yes on 66 and 67:Let the Voters Decide Who Should Pay
Oregon School-Based Health Care Network For too long,special interest lobbyists have succeeded in
Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens
Oregon State Fire Fighters Council getting their corporate clients off the hook for paying their fair
share in taxes.
Oregon Student Nurses'Association
Oregon Wild Wall Street banks and credit card companies have taken bil
Oregon Wild Conservation Leaders Fund . lions in federal bailout dollars.Yet thanks to the$10 minimum,
Oregonians for Health Security one customer pays more in overdraftlees and outrageous
Our Oregon credit card finance charges than these corporations pay in
Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters Oregon taxes.With Measures 66 and 67,you decide who
Pacific Rainforest Wildlife Guardians should pay.
Paloma Clothing Vote YES InJanuarv.Hold corporations and the rich account-
Parkinson's Resources,of Oregon able for paying their fair share.Protect our communities and
Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon our values through these difficult times.
Partnership for Safety and Justice
Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste(PCUN) It's the right thing to do.
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon www.goteY6sFor0regon.org
Portland Jobs with Justice
Portland Metro Chapter of the Pacific Green Party of Oregon Vote Yes for Oregon
Rural Organizing Project (This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,Vote Yes for
Save Oregon Seniors ' Oregon.)
SEW Local 49
SEW Local 503
Social Justice Council of First Unitarian Church This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Southeast District Senior Advisory Council,Portland The printing.of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Stand for Children ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Strictly Organic Coffee Co. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Tax Fairness Oregon
United Seniors of Oregon
Upstream Public Health
Voz Hispana Causa Chavista
Wasco County Democratic Central Committee
Washington County Democratic Party
Working America
Yamhill County Democrats
To find out more and join the coalition,visit
(This information furnished by Jessica Stevens,Campaign
Manager,Vote Yes for Oregon.)
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Argument in Favor
]won 66 and„B7:,Tho.RightIhil.1S to Do
The recession has hit Oregon hard.How we respond is a test
of who we are as a people.These measures,do what's right in
difficult economic times—protect families and put Oregon on a
path to recovery.
Together,we can preserve education and job training to get
our economy back on track,and provide immediate relief for
Oregonians who have lost their jobs and are looking for work.
Yes on(M and 61#Pro=Middle-Class Families
Under these measures,if your family earns less than$250,000
a year,you won't pay a single penny more.It's no wonder
middle class families think they're already paying top much.
The average Oregon family now pays more income taxes than
300 corporations pay—all put together.
t, ri,
>s, •,z d :s.,.. ? .... rat, F.,4�z�.=r=,rid ..<,. ,. z ,•'::Csr�s •:a= .'. ;., m< dam°'II�a ffi =a
Argument in Opposition tax increase will make Oregon's corporate minimum 20 times
IT'S EASY TO GET CONFUSED.MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT higher than Newyork—the nation's highest.
YOUR VOTE MEANS BEFORE YOU CAST YOUR BALLOT It bothers me that the$733 million in new taxes will help
fund the$269 million budgeted for state employee salary
Unfortunately,it's all too easy to get confused about What it increases.Instead of pinching pennies like the rest of us,
means to be for or against a referendum.Before you vote, legislators increased overall state spending by$4.7 billion-9%
please be sure to read the measures carefully and understand higher than the previous budget.
what the result of a"YES"and"NO"vote would be.
Public employee unions say the sky Will fall if the new taxes
VOTE YES if you want to: do not pass.I'm here to tell you that the sky is already falling
*Raise the$10 corporate minimum income tax for the first time on small businesses like mine.
since 1931. Let's send legislators a message that voters already.have
*Protect funding for our schools,public safety and social rejected job-killing income tax increases twice before.No
services. means no Vote NO on Measure 67.'
*Cut taxes on unemployment benefits for hundreds of thou- Sincerely,
sands of Oregonians. Carol Marie Leuthold
*Make sure Oregon gets its share of federal Matching funds Tillamook
to help pay for healthcare and social services during the (This information furnished by Carol Marie Leuthold.)
recession-money that would otherwise go to other states
instead of Oregon. This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251.255.
*Protect Oregon's.middle-class families and small businesses The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
while making sure that out-of-state corporations pay more than ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
$70 for doing business in Oregon. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
VOTE NO if you want to:
*Keep the 1930s law that allows corporations to pay just$10 a Argument in Opposition
year in the corporate minimum income tax. These Taxes WILL H1.[AT Small Businesses.in,Oregon
*Force additional cuts of nearly$1 billion dollars from schools, Take it from us-The National Federation of Independent Busi-
public safety and essential servicesJn a special February nesses represents almost 8,000 small businesses in Oregon.
session of the legislature.
It's true that all small businesses will be affected by these taxes
*Reject federal matching funds for'Oregon's healthcare and in one way or another.And small businesses will be forced to
social services. pass on that pain to regular Oregonians.
*Make out-of-work Oregonians pay taxes on their unemploy- Businesses will have to pay up to$100,000 in taxes,even if
ment benefits. they don't make a profit,it's the largest tax increase in Oregoh's
Our Oregon is a non-partisan non-profit organization history.Measure 67 would mean Oregon has the highest busi-
dedicated to promoting economic and tax fairness for all ness tax in the nation-2000%higher than any other tax.
Oregonians;protecting schools,public safety and healthcare; THESETAXES WILL AFFECTYOU:
and stopping unfair giveaways and loopholes that shift
the burden to the middle class. • Businesses will treat taxes as a cost of doing business,so
we'll all and up paying more for groceries,gas and other
(This information furnished by Kevin Looper,Our Oregon.) services. ,
This space urcha
psed for$600 in accordance with ORS 251.255. • Businesses will have to make a choice between paying the
taxes and keeping their employees,so the taxes will mean
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- people will lose their jobs.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the' In fact,economists estimate the taxes would wet 70,000
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Oregonians their jobs.That's.on top of the almost 130,000 jobs
that have already been cut since the recession started.Mean-
Argument in Opposition. while,government sector employment has continued to rise.,
Measure 67 is Harmful to Oregon Fanners How can the legislature tax the very 12001119 who create jofzs in
Five generations of our family have worked at ourTillamook Oregon?
dairy.It's our life and our business.Milk prices are plunging Please VOTE NO on Measure 67.Help almost 8,000 small
and it's now harder than ever to keep our business afloat.We're businesses save Oregon jobs.
worried that the new,permanent tax increases legislators
passed in June will hurt our fart and the families it supports. (This information furnished by Claudia Staton,Staton .
Economists estimate these tax increases will cost 70,000
Oregonians their jobs.We can't afford taxes that will cost more This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
jobs.I can't vote to send more pink slips to Oregonians.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Legislators say their plan only taxes the ri s de wrong. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state.warrant the
We'll all end up paying more for groceries,gas,,a an nd o other accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
services,and that impacts all Oregonians,especially the poor.
Facing higher taxes,small businesses like ours would be forced
o lay-6 wor ers,re uce wages an ene i ,-or - --- Opposition- - -
doors. Farmers are voting NO on Measure 67
Worse yet,the higher taxes would be retroactive to For many of Oregon's farming families and other family busi
January 1,2009,and no money to cover this increase has nesses that are hanging by a thread through the recession,
been withheld from Oregonians'paychecks in all of 2009. Measure 67 could be the fatal blow.
Retroactive tax bills will hurt businesses,too. Oregon family farmers and ranchers cannot afford the gross
Despite the bleak ecunumy,Measure 87 would Wx businesses revenue tax In Measure 67These permanent and retroactive
up to$100,000 a year,even if they didn't make a profit-This taxes passed by this legislature will impact Oregon's farmers
and ranchers exceptionally hard and are plain wrong.
By its very nature,farming and ranching is a high-volume, This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 261.255.
low-margin business.That means even though a farm or ranch The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
family can have high gross income,after we pay employee me.nt by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
wages and benefits,input costs,transportation,land,fuel, . accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
utility,equipment,and other costs,even in the best years our
net income is just,a tiny fraction of that gross revenue figure.
Argument in Opposition
• Measure 67 taxes farm families on this gross revenue
whether then makea pMM or not
Even President Obama knows it:
The economy makes things even worse,because in years like thing
this countless farm families across Oregon will not be in the middle of arapfision'
profitable. -President Bareck Obama,August 5,2009 on NBC
• A family farm that did not earn a profit and has to dip into Vote NO on Measure 67.its bad for business.
savings to make ends meet this year '
this new retroactive tax. www.topjobkillingtoxes.com
• Forcing'farming families,or any other Oregon family busi- (This information furnished by Erica Hagedorn,Oregonians
ness,to pay increased retroactive taxes when they did not Against Job-Killing Taxes.)
break even is wrong.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Believe it or not,it:gets even worse for farm co-ops,one of the
pillars of the agriculture community in Oregon.. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
• M mbem of agiricultural cogperatives accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
taxes twice.It is ridiculous to ask Oregonians to pay taxes
on taxes. Argument in Opposition
For the-sake of a healthy agricultural community in Oregon, Ask the Tax Professional:A CPA says this measure is bad for,
Rleaso Win us in voting NO an Measure_AZ Oregon.
(This information furnished by Barry Bushue,President As a certified public accountant,I have spent my career study-
Oregon Farm Bureau Federation,) ing Oregon's tax system,analyzing facts,and providing advice
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. to individuals,families,and small businesses.I have exten-
sively studied Measures 66 and 67 and will share with you the
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- factual information I am sharing with my clients:
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the *A"yes vote"on Measures 66 and 67 is a vote for the largest
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. tax increase in Oregon history.
Argument in Opposition *A"yes vote"on Measures 66 and B7 is a vote to give
Oregon the second highest income tax rate in the nation.
Measure 67 Punishes People for the Privilege of Lasing Money
*A"yes vote"on Measures 66 and 67 is a vote to retroac-
I've taken pride in creating jobs for fellow Oregonians as the tively increase taxes on some Oregonians to January 1,2009,
owner of a Medford-based trucking company.But this economy even though no money to cover this tax increase has been
has been hard on Oregon businesses.This year was hard on withheld from their paychecks all this year.
my company,and we will struggle again,next year.
*A"yes vote"an Measures 66 and 67 is a vote which may
I'm wonted about what will happen to my employees'jobs 6 force many small businesses to lay off their workers,reduce
the tax increases from Measures 66 and 67 pass.Companies wages and benefits and close their doors.
like mine could pay up to$100,000 in taxes,and t would be
forced to lay off people. I'm an accountant,not a politician.I have not told my clients
how to vote on Measures 66 and 67 1 have just given them
And because my business is a large C-Carp,the tax increaseB the above factual information and let them make up their own
will be pemtanent.This year,I would have to pay retroactive mind.There is no doubt I,will be voting.I have seen enough
taxes for 2009 even if my business loses money.My business tax returns to know that Oregon families and businesses are
-and other Oregon businesses haven't budgeted for an extra bill hurting.
from the Department of Revenue.
Now is not the time for the largest tax increase In Oregon
Despite Oregon's 12.2%unemployment rate,the legislature history.Vote NO on Measures 66 AND 67
voted to raise taxes and fees by nearly$2 billion.Economists
have estimated that the tax.increase from Measure 66 and 67 Sincerely,
would cost as many as 70,000 Oregonians their jobs. Daniel Kosmatka,CPA/PFS/CFF
The state is spending irresponsibly.Legislators Increased (This information furnished by Daniel A.Kosmatka,CPA/PFS/
overall state spending by 9%.And they already had$1 billion in CFF,Kosmatka Donnelly&Co.LLP,CPAs.)
extra cash reserves to spend without enacting$733 million in
tax increases.Measures 66 and 67 only protect state jobs,white This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
private sector businesses like mine have been forced to tighten The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
our belts. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the .
Help me protect Oregon from job-killing taxes.Vote no on accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Measures 66 and 62
Sincerely, Argument in Opposition
Michael S.Card Vote NQ on Measure 67
President The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce opposes Measure 67.
Combined Transport,Inc. Many of the Salem Chamber's 1,200 business members would
(This information furnished by Mike Card,President Combined be directly impacted by measure 67 and all people will be indi
Transport,Inc.) rectly affected by higher unemployment and higher prices for
food,goods,and services.Here is why:
b 4ffi b'n rx b � xb.
YAY�f8R%>k 8•ikA§$'HF� ga. ...f .ffie...'.. ..r.. .'1'wr <..x S..n%�b &¢x k:'s Y�n. .,..< .:.a..,.;t ID�.� ts:n3A4 Sn
• C-Corporations are not just major corporations like Master- that Measures 66 and 67's tax hikes will together cost Oregon
card,Sprint,and Macy's like proponents would like voters another 70,000 lost jobs.
to believe.G-(tnnporat[gn$are also flllmijy negyv d A611L Tell the legislature to tighten its own belt before it asks the rest
bUainesses that would be crigpled under this navy tax of us to send them our already-tightened belts.
• Measure 67 would create a brand new gross sales tax on Vote no Measure 67 so we all can get back to work,
c-corporations that make no nrofit.The new tax would (This information furnished by Lynelle Bushner.)
result in a$100,000 tax on some C-Corporations.The
state with the closest tax on this scale is NewYork with a This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
maximum tax of$5,000.Oregon's tax would be as much-$si- The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
20 times higher than the next closest statel ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
• A new tax on gross sales goes not make sense.Businesses accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
vary greatly in their profit margins and high gross sales
do not always equal high profits.Industries with very high Argument in Opposition
sales and low profit margins like car dealers,petroleum ,
dealers,and grocery stores would all be swmEaJy-hud by_ Oregon economists provide more than 70,000 reasons ta
this new tax. oppose Measures•66 and_67
• An increase in the corporate income tax rate from 6.6%to We are consulting economists who have studied the eco-
79%for C-Corporation income over$250,000 would be a nomic impact of the legislature's corporate and personal tax
Z0%increase on taxes currently_paid.Oregon's new tax rate increases,Measure 66 and 67's tax increases will cost more
would also be 20th worst in the nation,according to theTax than 70,000 jobs if you combine our separate calculations for
Foundation,a nonpartisan nonprofit.that collects data on the corporate and personal income tax increases.
tax policy. Pozdena concludes that the corporate tax rate increase would
Please say NQ to taxes that cause more hurt to Oregon's ability cost the state between 22,000 and 43,000 jobs in 10 years.
to recover from an economic recession.Hurting private busi- Conerly concludes the personal tax increase would cost 36,000
ness will only damage Oregon's economy,increase unemploy- in 10 years.No prediction is exact,but we both believe these
ment and have all citizens paying more for goods and services. tax hikes will cause growing job losses for-Oregon.
Vote NO on Measure 67 and protect Oregon jobs. The background for our opinions is on the web at:
Mike McLaran,CEO www.CascadePolicy,org,You will find that our Views are
Salem Area Chamber of Commerce shared by the OECD,a 30-country organization that studies
factors affecting economic development.But our conclusions
(This information furnished by Mike McLaran,Salem Area are also simple,common sense.
Chamber of Commerce.) Capital and people are mobile-especially for the corporations
-- - -- -- and high-income households targeted by the legislature.If
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. they move,we lose jobs that their businesses,spending and
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- investment create.Even for those staying,the higher rates sap
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the the motivation to work harder and create more jobs.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Pozdena's estimates of corporate tax effects are based on
analyses of country-to-country movements of capital,but state-
Argument in Opposition to-state movements are even easier for companies,His job loss
An unem looye c nstruction industry worker tells why she estimates,therefore,are probably low.
apposes Measure 67 People also do not want the benefits-aLx air a oftrt laagL
I'm one of the 130,000-plus Oregonians who've lost a job since may.Already,Oregonians selling businesses often move to
Washington to avoid Oregon's taxation of personal capital
the recession started. here to tell you it hasn't been easy: gains.Others can take their jab anywhere the Internet con-
My husband and I recently lost our house.f wouldn't wish this netts.Recruiting and motivating workers is harder with high
on anyone,which is why I'm urging Oregonians to vote no on income taxes.Targeting our economy's heroes-successful
Measure 67 The legislature's permanent corporate.tax increases business people and workers who've achieved success in 21st
will wipe out more private sector jobs and will only delay the century industries-'is job suicide.
day I can get back to work.
As the bookkeeper for Bend Fire Protection,I watched the com- Higher tax rates will cost Oregon jobs now;and slower growth
pony's bottom line go down as the unemployment rate went will hamper Oregonians'job prospects long into the future.
up.Fi Please vote no on Measures 66 and 67.
But that wasn't_enough.Then came the ip nk silos.Our payroll Randall Pozdena,PhD
'went from'19 to four workers. William Conerly,PhD
The people behind Measure 67 won't tell you what their new (This information furnished by Bill Conerly,Conerly Consulting
tax on a corporation's gross sales will do.it will gut a tax of up LLC,Randall Pozdena.)
to$100.000 an caml2anigS Ihat don!t make a profit.How fair Is
that? This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
It's a good deal only for legislators who want to keep spending The printing of this argument does not constitute an an reckless abandon.(Did you know that the legislature's meet by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
2009-11 budget is$4.7 billion or 9%higher than 2007-09's?) accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument
What do you think these struggling businesses will do when Argument in Opposition
the bill for higher taxes comes due?Reduce salaries and ben- Dese Measures will DELAY Economic Recovery
efits more,and cut additional workers to pay Measure 67's tax
increases. Oregonians may be focused on whether it's fair to increase
public employee jobs by nearly 2,700 at the expense of losing
permanent an estimated 70,000 private labor jobs in this year's Measure
Iiew jgbs that will,I keep hoping,provide a decent living for 66 and 67 debates.
me and my family soon.On the contrary,economists estimate
a I
¢ } � �
& 5 g � Y
au 40
But the threat to Oregon from increasing taxes on Oregon's legislative proposal would actually increase taxes on income
businesses in this economic climate is that It will delay rmQ-v-- earned before its bill passed-and before the 2009 Legislature
ery from this Wession. even convened.
The reality is that this recession has been devastating to all Worse,companies haven't been asked to set aside money to
Oregonians,including the Oregon business community.State- pay Measure 67's retroactive tax increases.What will happen if
wide unemployment is 12%.Unemployment in the construc- Measure 67 passes and Oregon businesses have to scramble to
tion industry is running above 18%. make these retroactive payments?As President Obama knows,
Over 220,000 Oregonians are without work,even before we it's going to take more demand out of the Oregon economy and
put put state's businesses in a further hole.
consider the employment impact from these two tax measures. '
The family suffering has to be considerable,and the people I'm with President Obama.Vote no on Measure 67.
affected deserve our prayers. (This information furnished by John Thomas.)
Taxing Oregon's corporations and small businesses will,
without question,further weaken the state's econorpy.It will This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
cost us more jobs,weaken business enterprise and assure The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
that recovery will be,atbest,anemic for years to come.What ment by the State of Oregoh,nor does the state warrant the
Oregonians are faced with is the reality that increasing govern- accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
ment at the expense of private business will never lead us out
of this recession.
Argument in Opposition
Only new money coming into the economy will begin to move
Oregon's economy forward.What that means is that Oregon Fellow Oregonians:
needs a healthy and robust business community.Capital Albany is a wonderful community in the heart of the
should be readily available to Oregon businesses to restruc- Willamette Valley,We think it is a great place in which to live,
ture,retool and,reinvest.Restricting capital.on our business work,and raise a family.While there are a few large employers
community at this crucial juncture,will have the opposite effect. in Albany,ours is a community that is made up of small busi-
The result:Oregonians will continue to find themselves in the nesses.The Albany Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to be
unemployment line;some businesses will look for states with the voice of those small businesses.
a better tax structure;businesses in the state will see limited It is no secret that times are very tough for small-businesses.
growth;and for those state employees reading this-state Many are just barely surviving economically each month.Tb&
revenue will decline.Ultimately,even the public employees last thing smal iness n w i s
supporting these two measures will lose.
The Albany Area Chamber has extensively studied Measures
We urge you to.vote"NO"on tire 66 and 67.It is bad for 66 and 67,and we have concluded that passage of these
business,bad for jobs,and bad for Oregon. measures will force many small businesses to close their
Rich Angstrom doors,to lay off employees and/or to,increase prices,meaning
Paul Hribernick that everyone in the community will end up paying more
for groceries,,gas,and other goods and services:For these
(This information furnished by Paul Hribernick and Rich rea estrongiv recommend a no vote on Measure—s-H
Angstrom,Oregon Concrete&Aggregate Producers and 6
_ Of course,the tax increases contained in Measures 66 and
This space purchased for$500 in accordance.with ORS 251.255. 67-the largest tax increases in Oregon history-won't just
harm small businesses in Albany.They will harm small busi-
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- nesses in.every comer and in every community in Oregon.They
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the will lead'to fewer jobs in every comer and in,every community
accuracy or truth of any statement made in.the argument. of Oregon.They will lead to higher prices for goods and set-
vices in every comer and every community of Oregon.
Argument in Opposition Please join with the members of the Albany Area Chamber of
-frQm In While-House Commerce in voting N_Q on Measures 66 and 67
1 manage a farm in Independence.I think of myself.as a plain- (This information furnished by Janet Steele,President,Albany
spoken man.But I couldn't express my opposition to Measure Area Chamber of Commerce.)
67's permanent tax increase any clearer than President _..
Obama's words to NBC News last August."The last thing you This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
wantto do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession,'because The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
that would just...take more demand out of the economy and ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
put businesses in a further hole." accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
That's precisely why I became a petitioner to overturn the
legislature's income tax increase.Oregon is the middle of the Argument in Opposition
worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.More that L
i d u The Portland Business Alliance urges a NO vote
million Oregonians are out of work We cannot afford to take on Ballot Measures 66 and 67
more demand out of Oregon's economy and put our state's The Portland Business Alliance,a coalition of nearly 1,400 small,
businesses in a further hole: medium and large employers in the Portland-metropolitan area,
Measure 67 will slap a permanent tax of up to$100,000 on urges you to vote n4 on Ballot Measures 66 and 67
businesses that don't make a profit.What will these struggling The Alliance and its members support schools and needed
companies do if Measure 67 passes?Increase prices,reduce public services.For more than five years,when Portland-area
salaries and benefits or cut workers.Those lost jobs will be schools faced unacceptable budget challenges,the Alliance
among the 70,000 jobs economists estimate will be wiped out backed temporary business tax increases,as well a temporary
by the legislature's two tax increases. local income tax,to keep schools open.In 2007,the Alliance,
We'll all suffer. with other business organizations,agreed to give up the cor-
porate kicker to fund the state's first-ever Rainy Day Fund,and
The legislature was so eager to raise taxes in order to raise in 2009 the Alliance was prepared to support temporary tax
spending-by$4.7 billion overall!-that it made Measure 67's increases to bridge the tempo M budget gap.
LOA increase retroactive to January 1,2009.That's right,this
ar 5 sr Fa 3s
But the legislators in Salem ignored the pleas of Oregon's This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
employers not to hurt jobs in the middle of one of the deepest The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
budget in histo dramas took advantage of a short-term ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
budget shortfall s dramatically and permanently increase accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
taxes on business and individuals.
Two-thirds of taxpayers affected by personal income tax Argument in Opposition
increase are employers,many of them small--all of them
struggling to keep Oregonians employed.Some businesses Oregon Business Community Opposes Permanent Job-KillingTaxes
will pay a new gross sales tax of up to$100,000,even if they This didn't have to happen.,In order to help the Oregon legis-
are making no profit,laying off workers and fighting to survive. lature address its revenue shortfall,the business community
Economists estimate these retroactive taxes would oat proposed a modest,temporary 2-year tax increase to help state
Oregonians 70.000 jobs.According to the State Economist, government through these lean years.
Oregon ranked 47th among the states for job creation in July But the legislature rejected this proposal.Why?Because they
and it may be 2013 before Oregon's employment reaches pre wanted to raise taxes even higher,and they wanted their new
recession numbers. tax Increases to be permanent.
The small,medium and large employers of the Portland In short,the Oregon legislature exploited our state's worst
Business Alliance are ready to work with legislators to find a economic crisis in more than 70 years to pass permanent
reasonable and responsible approach to solving state budget tax increases on Oregon taxpayers and small businesses.As
issues. Oregon's unemployment rate soared above 12 percent-among
responsible. the worst in the country-the legislature chose to pass$733
Please join Portland-area employers in voting NO on Ballot million in,new,permanent,job-killing taxes.
Measures 66 and 67 The Measure 67 tax increases give Oregon the highest corpo
(This information furnished by Bernie Bottomly,Portland rate minimum taxes in the country-20 times higher than New
Business Alliance.) York-which has the next highest rates.The new corporate
minimum taxes in Measure 67 would tax businesses up to
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251255• $100,000 per year,even it they don't make a profit.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- What's more,Measure 67 implements a new gross sales tax
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the, on unprofitable Oregon businesses that will further stress
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Oregon's business community and force further layoffs and
reduced wages and benefits.A new gross sales tax that penal-
Argument in Opposition ices unprofitable businesses will make Oregon uncompetitive
for business expansion and job growth.
EXTRAI EXTRA]What Newspaper Editorial Boards Had to Say That's why economists predict that the Measure 67 business
About the only way they would pay the minimum$10 is if tax increases,in combination with the Measure 66 tax hikes,
they lost money.So the question becomes:Why would a state will kill over 70;000 Oregon jobs.
charge more,for the privilege of losing money in Oregon?" What's worse,the Measure 67 tax increases are retroactive to
-Albany democrat-Herald editorial,November 3 January 1,2009,and no money to cover this tax increase has
"Democrats picked a fight with business,recklessly spent been withheld from Oregon businesses during all of 2009.This
reserves and risked their majorities...They dared to raise taxes, will further dampen the prospects for Oregon businesses to
hundreds of millions of dollars on business and upper-income begin their recovery.
Oregonians,even as the state's unemployment climbed past At a time when entire famijies are out of work,we can't afford
10,11,12 percent,to the nation's second highest" taxes that will cost even more Oregon jobs.
-The Oregonian editorial,June 30
"Democrats ignored please from a unified statewide business Vote NO on Measure 67
community by enacting massive,permanent tax hikes,and (This information furnished by Jay M.Clemens,Associated
they over-protected their private and public union supporters at Oregon Industries.)
the expense of all tax-paying Oregonians..".
Yamhill Valley News-Register editorial,July 3 This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
"The legislature gave business a rude shock.It taxed gross The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
income and made the tax increases permanent.That ups the ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
odds that taxpayers will rebuke the tax increases at the ballot accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
-The Bend.Bulletin editorial,Julys Argument in Opposition'
"In important and symbolic ways lawmakers displayed breath- Oregon Restaurants Urge a NO Vote on Measure 67.
taking indifference to businesses,which provide jobs and,indi-
rectly,the income taxes upon which Salem relies sb heavily." Restaurants employ more people than any other private sector
-The Bend Bulletin editorial,July 1 industry,and we urge you to vote NO on Measure 67
"In contrast to Oregon's actions,Washington state plugged Local restaurants are already closing their doors and laying off
its$9 billion budget gap without a general tax increase,to the workers because of the bad economy.
credit of Gov.Chris Gregoire and the 2009 Legislature.The The average full-service restaurant that closes in Oregon eliml=
resulting biennial budget was tough on college students,public nates between 35-50 jobs.
employees and Washingtonians in general,but it didn't single
out and punish the better-off residents or the business Measure 67 will impose a hew corporate minimum tax of up to.
community" $100,000 on companies that do not make a profit.Many restau-
--The Columbian editorial,July 29 . rants are already operating on zero profit.
Vote No on Measure 67.It's bad for business. Measure 67 imposes three tax increases:(1)an increased filing
wwwsto obkillin axas.com fee on all business filings;(2)an increase in new corporate
pJ, 9t minimums on LLCs that currently pay income taxes;and(3)a
(This information furnished by Erica Hagedorn,Oregonians new business entity tax on all businesses.
Against Job-Killing Taxes.) These tax increases are retroactive to January 1,2009.If this
passes,business ow.rei s wM 6 tave to pay eve, more
W ..
money on their 2009 taxes-money they haven't been setting This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
aside. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Economists estimate Measure 66 and 67 will cost 70,000 ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Oregonians their jobs.Economists also warn that businesses accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
generally won't hire employees back until they show positive
income growth for two consecutive quarters. Argument in opposition
We need to stop business closures and stop increasing taxes Oregon Chambers of Commerce,Measure 67 is bad for
on businesses that are not profitable.And,we need to stop business
increasing fees on small businesses that are currently paying Thousands of businesses in Oregon are facing a terrible eco-
taxes. nomic situation.They've had to downsize their businesses and
Tax increases in Measure 67 will cost jabs:We cannot afford lay off employees.
any more closures in Oregon.
At a time when business owners and working Oregonians have
Getting more people to work is what increases revenue to the had to tighten their belts,the state government increased its
state;taxing small business and unprofitable companies will spending by 9%.
cost jobs and lose tax money. In the midst of the worst economic crisis in more than 70 years,
Get Oregonians back to work.Please vote NO on Measure 67. the legislature voted to permanently increase income taxes on
(This information furnished by Bill Perry,Oregon Restaurant businesses and high-income Oregonians.
Association.) Businesses would be taxed up to$100,000 per year-even if
they didn't make a profit.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. Please i n State Ch timber pf Commorce and you
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse local In
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the LIST OF CHAMBERS
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
Albany Area Chamber of Commerce
Argument in Opposition Bay area Chamber of Commerce
Common Cause Oregon is neutral on Measures 66 and 67,but Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce
is tracking campaign contributions.
Brookings-Harbor Chamber of Commerce
The two chief petitioner committees that collected signatures to
qualify Measures 66 and 67 raised$960,196 as reported by the . Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce
signature turn-in deadline of September 25.Most of this money Greater Hillsboro Area Chamber of Commerce
came from two political committees.Oregonians Against
Job-Killing Taxes gave 64 percent or$610,072;whi.leTaxpayer The Chamber of Medford/Jackson County.
Defense Fund gave$194,2$0 or 20 percent of total chief peti North Clackamas County Chamber of Commerce
tioner fundraising.
The largest single donation to Oregonians Against Job-Killing Portland Business Alliance
Taxes was$100,000 from Oregon Bankers Association. Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce
Associated Oregon Industries and its political committee gave Salem Area Chamber of Commerce
$125,300,Weyerhaeuser gave$51,194,Common Sense for
Oregon,Inc.gave$50,000 and Roseburg Forest Products gave The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce
$45,000. Linda Moholt,CEO,Tualatin Chamber of Commerce
The top two donors toTaxpayer Defense Fund were Nevada- Wilsonville Chamber of Commerce
based Loren Parks,who gave$75,000,and$22,752 from
FreedomWorks,Inc.in Washington,D.C.These contributions (This information furnished by Debra L.Fromdahl,Chair-elect,
comprised 51 percent ofTaxpayer Defense Funds total fundrais- Oregon State Chamber of Commerce.)
ing of$190,446.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
Detailed charts on the contributions to qualify Measures 66
and 67 are available at at the The printing of this argument does.not constitute an endorse.
research center. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
In mid-November,when this statement was prepared,"yes"
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
and"no"campaign money was just starting to flow so the fol- Argument in Opposition
lowing contribution information is only preliminary.
Phen tboy LOSE mangy
The top three donors to Oregonians Against Job-Killing Taxes 11
after the signature turn-in deadline through mid-November with
were$50,460 from Associated General Contractors of America, I'm a third-generation cherry grower inThe Dalles.I'm also a
$25,700 from the Oregon Restaurant Association and its affili- member of the Oregon Cherry Growers,the largest producer
ated political committee,and$17900 from the Portland and processor of maraschino cherries in the world.This grower-
Business Alliance and its political committee. owned cooperative formed in 1932 and supports approximately
The top three donors,to VoteYes for Oregon,as reported 70 cherry farms inThe.Dalles and the Willamette Valley.Yet,
through mid-November,were$75,000 from the Oregon Public as an individual and as a part of this industry,I can attest that
Employees Union,SEW Local 503,$50,000 from the American we're facing hard times.
Federation of Teachers-Oregon Issue PAC,and$25,000 from the Measure 67 is just wrong.Taxing businesses based on gross
Oregon Health Care Association.' revenues rather than profit ensures one'thing-I'll be paying
Updated"yes"and"no"campaign contribution information the Oregon Department of Revenue,whether or not I can repay
will be at www,Gommoncaljse.org/oreg at the research my annual operating loan at the bank.This tax philosophy
center when you receive your Voters'Pamphlet.Common seems to say,"We'll take the money,whether your farm is
Cause Oregon appreciates your interest in"following the going to make it or not'
money"in these ballot measure campaigns. This season,the market price for my fresh-pack cherries didn't
(This information furnished by Janice Thompson,Common even cover the cost of picking and packing the fruit.But my
Cause Oregon.)
OU,0 ¢ 000
farm did receive revenue.It's not right that I pay taxes on that Argument in Opposition
revenue before I pay my operating expenses. of the family owned _
On the process side,the world price this year was 20%less business.Blue Lone Transportation,Blue Line has been an
than 2008.Yet,my labor costs increased.Fertilizer and fuel Oregon business since the 1940's.We transport:animal feeds,
costs increased.But,my farm did receive revenue.Negative fertilizers,de-icers,gas,diesel,jet fuel and asphalt for road
margins pr not,under Measure 67 my farm will pay additional construction and maintenance.We have a proud history of
taxes—in a loss yearl servicing our customers.Awesome employees provided these
Unfortunately,t am not unique in struggling to feed my family services.We provide family wage jobs,full medical,vision,
and keep my farm running.Now,these predatory taxey might dental and profit sharing benefits for employees and families.
force me to sell the very farm that's allowing me to put food on Running a heavy regulated small business has been fun but
my table and yours. challenging.Unfortunately,if Measures 66 and 67 are approved,
Vote NO on Measure 67.When farms and small businesses It will add to these challenges.The additional taxes would
like mine hang it up,Oregon's economic base and the jobs It force us to cut benefit packages and lay off employees.We will
creates will disappear as surely as my orchard. also be forced to join other small businessmen and women to
collect these new taxes and pass these expenses on to YOU I
(This information furnished by Greg Johnson,Renken Orchard.) We have experienced many ups and downs over the years
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. but this current economic recession is very frightening.We
have already been forced to cut back and we have seen many
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- of our customers do the same.H9w many know
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the someone who has lost a job in recentmontb&Instead of
accuracy or truth of any Statement made in the argument. helping businesses to expand and create,jobs,the Legislature
has put in place four different tax increases that will make our
Argument in Opposition current economic condition worse.
Oregon Small Business Coalition asks you to support small The tax increases contained in Measures 66 and 67 are the
businesses- largest in Oregon history.Oregon cannot get back on track
VOTE NO ON MEASURES 66&67 if the Legislature continues to recommend policies that will
lead to further job losses in the private sector.Private sector
We at the Oregon Small Business Coalition represent 40,000. employment growth must outpace government employment
Oregon businesses.Many of those businesses will lose money to have any stability in tax revenue.
this year.
Oregon is my home..I want our business to remain,here in
Why would so many companies operate at a loss?In these dif- the hands of our family members and employees.I plan to help
ficult economic times,they may not have a choice.They need this happen with my"NO"vote on Measures 66 and 67 and I
to keep food on their tables.They need to keep their employees hope you will join.ma with your"NO"vote in defeating job-
working. killing taxes.
Even with no profit,many will have tax burdens similar to the GharlieTindall
cost of one month of health insurance for,their employees.
Why?Because our Legislature has even into the simplistic (This information furnished by Charlie Tindall,Blue Line
y 9� 9� P Transportation.)'
notion that the solution to a budget deficit is to pile more taxes
onto the backs of Oregon businesses regardless of whether This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
those businesses are turning a profit.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Measures 66 and 67 engage in the kind of.generalized think- ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
ing that holds up businesses as poster children for corporate accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
.greed,that decides that firms providing jobs and selling goods
in Oregon should be held accountable for the government's Argument in Opposition
inability to balance its books.
Where does that money come from for a company with-no Fellow Oregonians:
profit?Do they cut jobs or health carb or just close down It was the privilege of my life to serve two terms as Governor
entirely?One can only imagine the choices that small business of this great state.I remain indebted to the people of Oregon,
owners will have to make in order to meet this new tax liability. and I look back at my eight years in the Governor's office with
The mission of the Oregon Small Business Coalition is to protect great pride.
and enhance Oregon's small business environment.To some While I was Governor,Oregon was faced with one of
extent,that should be the mission of our Legislature,as well. the greatest economic recessions in our state's history.A
Instead,if Measures 66 and 67 pass,Oregon stands to lose Republican Governor and a Democrat legislature compromised
70,000 more jobs,in addition to the 130,000 we've already lost. to cut state-spending and enact a temporary;short-term tax
increase.Because we put partisanship aside to do what
Isn't that enough?Vote NO on knee-jerk reactions to complex needed to be done,Oregon survived the recession and soon
problems that risk jobs in your community.Join small.busi- returned to many years of economic growth.
nesses across Oregon in voting.NO on Measures 66 and 67
Oregon is in the midst of another serious recession,but this
(This information furnished by Jeff Stone,Oregon Small legislature is responding very differently.
Business Coalition.)
Instead of cutting spending,the legislature Increased overall
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. state spending by 9%,or$4.7 billion.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- Instead of enacting a temporary tax increase.to help get
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the the state budget through a shortfall,the legislature enacted a
ent .
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. perman $733 million tax increase—the largest tax increase
in Oregon history.
And instead of reaching across parry lines,the Democrat
party that controlled the legislature refused to work with the
_Republicans on a compromise.-plan that all legislators could
I love Oregon.I've lived here all my life,Dolores and l raised Argument in Opposition
our children here,and now our grandchildren are being raised Loading Economists Recommend No Vote on Measure 67
here.I cannot support policies that I believe would harm
Oregon.I believe Measure 67 would cause many employers to As economists,we believe the legislature's permanent personal
eliminate jobs or move out of Oregon,and would lengthen our and corporate tax increases will slow Oregon's recovery from
economic recession. the current recession and permanently damage job growth in
know it the state.
won't be easy for the leadership when these fail.It was not Oregon has lost more than 130,000 private-sector jobs in this
easy for us.It was painfully difficult.But it.is'not easy for those recession.We cannot afford tax increases that will mean more
who today are unemployed.It will not be easy for those now lost jobs.
working to take a cut in income because of the proposed "The last thing you want to do Is raise taxes in the middle of a
permanent tax increase.
recession;'.President Obama said.this summer,"because that
Sincerely, would...take more demand out of the economy and put busi
Vic Atiyeh nesses in a further hole" His view is supported by dozens of '
Oregon Governor,1979.87 academic studies tying higher income taxes to lower employ-
ment and economic output.
(This information furnished by VicAtiyeh•) Edmund Phelps,awarded a Nobel Prize for his study of eco-
This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251255. nomic impacts of government policies,states,"Big increases in
payroll and personal-income taxes in most countries have been
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- mass job-killers"
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the Corporate income taxes are passed an to employees in lower
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument compensation or reduced employment,to consumers in
higher prices and to investors(retirement and college savings
Argument in Opposition accounts)in lower stock prices,Such taxes also stifle economic
growth.As Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz states,"Of
special interests. course,individuals pay the corporate income tax"
In 2007,the governor and legislature joined forces to create a Higher personal income taxes reduce incentives for employees
bipartisan group dedicated to finding solutions to the revenue to work and entrepreneurs to take the risks leading to job cre-
problems that loomed over Oregon's future. ation.Nobel Prize-winning economist Edward Prescott states,
"If we establish rules that punish the winners,entrepreneurs
That committee,theTask Force on Comprehensive Revenue will take fewer risks and we will have less,innovation,less
Restructuring,faced a daunting challenge.Their goal was to output,less job growth.The whole economy suffers under such
suggest ways to promote stability for state and local govern a scenario—not just those few individuals who are taxed at a
ments,create positive economic benefits for Oregon,and build higher rate."
a financial foundation that would increase Oregon's,competi-
tiveness in a global economy.: Measures 66 and 67's permanent tax increases will prolong
Oregon's recession.All Oregonians will feel their negative
Over the course of a year,the task force read and discussed impacts.
hundreds of pages of studies,data and economic analysis.It
issued a massive report that contained both short-and long- Oregon cannot afford the short and long-term harm these tax
term recommendations on vital issues. increases will do to Oregon's economy.We recommend$No
vote on Measure&Z
Not a single on2 of these recommendgtions was ad24 on by-
Ralph R.Shaw,Anthony Rufolo,John W.Mitchell and other
economists listed at:
Instead,the legislature ignored the hard work and advice given mm.stopiobkillingtaxes.colp.
by theTask Force that they created just,two years earlier,They
gave into special interests by passing the largest tax increase (This information furnished by Pat McCormick Oregonians
in Oregon's history,and they did it in the middle of the worst Against Job-Killing Taxes.)
economic crisis in 80 years.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
In doing so,they have set in motion events that will cost
Oregon•jobs,increase the instability of our tax system and The printing of this argumentdoes not constitute an endorse-
make Oregon less competitive in the world economy. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
x Increase-
choice3-we Argument in Opposition
Vote NO on Measures 66 and 67.Tell the legislature to work for Nursery and Greenhouse growers oppose Measure 67
meaningful,long-term changes in Oregon's taxing'and budget
laws.Teil them to work to create jobs and opportunity and to Measure 67 does not provide tax reform-it only harms
provide a fair and stable basis for paying for necessary public struggling businesses
services. The nursery and greenhouse industry is a high transaction,
(This information furnished by Jon Chandler,Oregonians low margin sector of agriculture.We employ a year-round
Against Job-Killing Taxes.) workforce and export over 80%of our product out of state-
bringing important dollars back to Oregon.The cumulative
This space purchased for$500 In accordance with ORS 251.205. effect of Measure 67 will make it harder-not easier-for the
industry to continue being a national economic force.We are
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- facing shrinking demand,increased competition from Eastern
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the nursery states located closer to our primary markets,and
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. geographical disadvantages regarding labor and transpor-
tation costs.With these competitive pressures,we cannot
embrace a modified"gross receipts"tax.Tax fairness is a topic
worthy of conversation,but it is not found in Measure 67 It's
short-sighted to cut down businesses that hire the workers who This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
contribute to the very foundation of state revenue. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
Sales do not equate profit ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Taxing business activity draws the erroneous conclusion that accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
sales equal profit.A$100 million corporation should not object
to a corporate minimum based on companies in states compet- Argument in Opposition
ing for the same market share.However,it would be a tremen-
dous miscalculation to assume that agricultural businesses Measure 67 will make a bad situation worse
whose sales exceed certain dollar figures result in burgeoning for Oregon Loggers
profit margins.Clearly,it is time to change the$10 corporate I am Executive Vice President of Associated Oregon Loggers,
minimum for multi-million dollar companies.But calculating an organization representing over 1,000 family-owned contract
a new corporate minimum based on gross sales,instead of a logging companies and businesses associated with the logging
measure that keeps Oregon businesses competitive,will only industry.
further burden Oregon's struggling economy.
Our members employ over 12,000 Oregonians.Due to the
Join other states that have rejected large tax increases worst recession since the Great Depression,half of our
Oregon,like many other states-including our neighbors in members are sitting at home instead of doing what they love,
California-rejects tax increases that do not lay a foundation using state-of-the-art knowledge and equipment to manage
for certainty for public services.Send a message to our elected Oregon forests.
officials to do what is needed to be done-tax reform.
Vote no on Measure 67 Measure 67 will make that situation wormer.
(This information furnished by Jeff Stone,Oregon Association Measure 67 will force my members to lay off even more folks
of Nurseries.) in the face of the worst wood products market in 80 years.
Economists estimate that if Measures 66 and 67 pass,70,000
more jobs will be lost.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 2$1.255.
Even though I am not an economist,I understand why a tax
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- increase would lead to more lay-offs.My members log for
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the corporations that will face a tax increase if Measure 67 passes.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. The first thing they will do is pay loggers less for the logs they
deliver.Next,in order to stay in business,my loggers will have
Argument in Opposition to let some more employees go.If the mills don't pass on the
Thelesession has been especially painful in rural Oregon costs of the tax increase to their loggers,they will need to lay
—including Douglas County, off more of their own workers.
Unemployment in Douglas County exceeds 16%.Many small What is the other option?Everyone,from loggers to sawmills
businesses have been forced to shut down,putting people out to lumber wholesalers,is losing money in this recession/
of work.Many more are barely surviving. depression.Companies have no tragical pot of money sitting
around waiting to pay higher taxes.Cuttingjobs will be the
Despite the tough times,members of the Roseburg Area direct result of increasing taxes in this economy,Oregon's
Chamber of Commerce continue to generously donate to our statewide unemployment rate,which is even higher in logging
community.Chamber members are proud to live,work,and communities,shows that jobs are hit the hardest in the reces-
raise families in Roseburg.We love living close to the beautiful sion.Increasing taxes on corporations will hurt workers.
Umpqua River.We love the spirit of"neighbor helping neigh
bor"that can be found in Roseburg and so many other rural riven president he middle of a recession:'
knows that"the last thing we want to
in the
do is raise taxes n t
towns and cities.We like the schools our kids attend,and want
them to be even better and stronger. For the sake of ysur R4jghbors,gleasg vote no on Measure 67,
We believe the best way to build a strong Roseburg is to work (This information furnished by James C. Geisinger,Associated
for a community that is economically strong.— with growing Oregon Loggers,Inc.)
businesses that offer good paying jobs.More people working
and paying taxes means more money for our schools,roads This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
and police. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
The Roseburg Chamber agrees with many experts that ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Measure 67 will lead to fewer people working,which will keep accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
out economy in a recession for a longer time.
Many businesses in rural Oregon struggle to make payroll, Argument in Opposition .
and making a profit is even tougher.Measure 67's new,higher The residential construction in is drowning in this great
minim recession.
NO profit.Businesses will have to pay high taxes to the state of
Oregon in good times and bad! • Housing starts are at their lowest levels in decades
The new corporate minimum in Measure 67 is a permanent • Over 35,000 construction jobs have been lost
tax increase of up to$100,000 on businesses that don't make a . Thousands more jobs in related fields-lumber mills,real
profit.Worse,this tax increase is retroactive to.January 1,2009. estate,banking,title companies,home furnishings,lumber
Businesses will be getting a second bill for more taxes. yards-have been eliminated
Measure 67 is bad for the owners of small businesses,bad . Most new homes being sold are being sold at or below the
for employees of small businesses,bad for consumers and cost of construction
bad for Oregon.
Please loin withseburg Area Chamber of Commerce in Yet the legislature imposed:taxes that will make things worse
siting-no on Measure 67 Measure 67 imposes a new corporate minimum tax based on
(This information furnished by Debra L.Fromdahl,Roseburg Oregon sales(not profit),which hits construction'right between
the eyes.
Area Chamber,of Commerce.)
In a home uilding com any-where houses are sold r-.........-
_ _
hundreds of thousands- 4 dollars even when tho.buiider.)eae$...._--
money--this will result in further layoffs or reduction of benefits. Argument in Opposition
The Associated General Contractors Oregon-Columbia Chapter
An income tax system should tax income,not sales.Changing UrgesYbur No Vote on Measures 66 and 67
the system now,in the middle of an economic catastrophe, Mike Salsgiver,Executive Director,
Is not only unfai iL it will eliminate thousands of jobs as buss- AGC Oregon-Columbia Chapter
nesses reduce their costs to pay the state's Increased taxes. .
Home building has been a mainstay of Oregon's'economy for The Associated General Contractors,Oregon-Columbia
many years but the industry is barely treading water. Chapter,is a full service construction trade association
With over 1,100 members serving-Oregon and Southwest
With these taxes,the legislature throw.us an anvil Washington since 1920.
instead of a rope. Of AGC's membership,86 percent is composed of small,family
run businesses with 10 employees or less.It is those union and
(This information furnished by Jon Chandler,Oregon Home ran-union employees that build the roads,bridges,freeways,
Builders Association.) office buildings,schools and other structures we all use every
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS.251.255. With,those family run businesses and valued employees in
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- mind,AGC Oregon-Columbia Chapter members urge your
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the strong opposition to Measures 66 and 67.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. Simply put,the legislature's$733 million in permanent tax
increases is a job-killer,particularly for employees in the
Argument in Opposition already struggling commercial construction industry.
FACTSYOU NEEDTO KNOW Virtually all AGC members are suffering losses this year.Many
are struggling to sustain businesses that were founded in
Our televisions,newspapers and mailboxes are being flooded Oregon generations ago.These cgm,panies are seeing their
with politically slanted information on the tax increases.With gross•receipts.drop by between 30 and 70 percent compared
such political rhetoric,it can be difficult to tell fact from fiction. to just 18 months ago.In Oregon alone,construction jobs are
Here are some simple but important facts you should know down by 35,000,from 110,000 in December 2007 to just under
about these proposed taxes: 75,000 today.
Taxes are permanent The legislatively approved taxes require our members to pay
The tax increases imposed by the Legislature are permanent, up to$100,000 even when they are losing money.Businesses
not temporary.They will continue to stifle Oregon's economy struggling with the worst economy,since the Great Depression
long after the recession ends driving businesses and jobs out can ill afford any added expenses,let alone a$100,000 tax bill
of Oregon.We have learned from serving several years in the when they're not earning a profit.
Legislature that there is never enough rnoney'for Oregon gov-
ernment.Our government must learn to live within its means, p
just as Oregon families do. little choice but to curtail benefits,consider additional layoffs,
or,sadly,close down entirely,Most of these companies have
Taxes are retroactive nowhere left to cut and for the commercial construction busi=
These taxes on families and small businesses apply retroac- ness,the end of this recession may be two or more years away.
tively on income dating back to the beginning of 2009.Many
have had taxes withheld expecting the current lower tax rate.If Please vote no on Measures 66 and 67 and save your friends
adopted by the voters,these tax increases would unfairly apply• and neighbors from falling prey to the 70,000 lost jobs econo-
to all 2009 income leaving taxpayers stuck with an unexpect- mists believe the$733 million in permanent tax Increases will'
edly large tax bill. cost Oregonians:
Taxes are a hidden sales tax (This information furnished by'Michael Salsgiver,Associated
On nine occasions,Oregon voters have overwhelmingly General Contractors Oregon-Columbia Chapter.)
rejected a sales tax.Yet hidden here is a tax on business sales
that will drive increased consumer prices.Businesses may This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
write the tax checks to the'government,but it is Oregon con- The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
sumers who will pay the bill. ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
Taxes increased by over 10,000 fold accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
The new corporate minimum tax is based solely on sales
Fevenue,not profitability.Currently,some businesses that Argument in Opposition
aren't making a profit pay a minimum tax of$10 a year.That Oregonians have the right to know key facts
"minimum"tax could increase to$100,000 for businesses with about Measures 66 and 67
high sales volume.Even if they lose money their minimum tax
bill could be multiplied by 10,000 timesl YOU have a right to know the Legislature's tax increases are
We hope these facts are helpful as you make your decision. permanent.Voters are given no clue that legislators exploited a
short-term economic crisis to pass permanent tax increases.
Senator Doug Whitsett Representative Dennis Richardson YOU have a right to know that the tax increases are retroactive.
(This information furnished by Senator Doug Whitsett and Proponents of the measures fail to clearly explain that the tax
Representative Dennis Richardson.) increases reach back to Jan.1,2009,and that no money has
been withheld from Oregon taxpayers to cover these retroac-
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251,255. .tive tax increases.
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse- YOU have a right to know that the tax package includes a new
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the tax of up to$100,000 on businesses that do not make a profit.
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. YOU have a right to know that defeat of these measures will
NOT mean automatic cuts to current budgets.Legislators have
$1 billion in other options they can use.
obis s 'd c ;'i a�t n 31ixp
s isu 1'm&^(R4Lss,{d€ r di•'is zyrA.., .'� .. $`'.,k^f y
Ramming through shortsighted tax increases is part of the leg- This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
islative leadership's pattern of delay,denial and deceit.. The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
First,the leaders denied requests to send the measures out for ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
a vote.Then they tried to change the law so a"yes"vote would accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
mean no and a"no"vote would mean yes if the taxes made
it to the ballot.Then they said nothing as Gov.Ted Kulongoski Argument.In Opposition
delayed signing the measures so citizens would have less time
together signatures to put them on the ballot.They even spent NOWTHATYOU'VE HEARD FROM BOTH SIDES,IT'S`UPTOYOU
taxpayer dollars to hire private investigators to spy on signa- TO DECIDE WHO SHOULD PAY MORE:BIG CORPORATIONS
It seems like an awful lot of effort to hurt the very people the Please be sure to read the measures carefully and understand
-Legislature is supposed to be serving.Makes you wonder what what the result of a"YES'"and"NO"vote would be so your
was so rotten with the measure in the first place that they had vote counts in the right column.
to go to all that trouble to cover It up. VOTE YES if you want to:
Vote no on Measures 66 and 67 Vote no on dishonest govern- . Raise the$10 corporate minimum income tax for the first
ment.Vote no on unnecessary,hurtful taxes;
time since 1937: ,.
Sincerely, Ensure that only the richest.households making over
Sharon Livingston $250,000 are paying more not middle class families.
Chief Petitioner
• Preserve funding already budgeted for our schools,public
(This information furnished by Sharon Livingston.) safety,health care and seniorservices.
This space purchased for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255. • Cut taxes on unemployment benefits for hundreds of thou-
The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
sands of Oregonians.
ment by the State of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the • Protect Oregon's middle-class families and.small busi-
accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument. nesses while making sure that big corporations—including
Wall Street banks and credit card companies—pay more
Argument in Opposition than$10.
Save Oregon Jobs,Support Small Business, VOTE NO if you want to:
Grow the Economy • Keep the 1930s law that allows-corporations to pay just$10
Vote Noon Job-Killing Taxes a year In the corporate minimum income tax.
Oregon has.lost almost 130,000 jobs since the recession began • Force additional cuts of nearly$1 billion from schools, .
in November 2007 While tens'of thousands of quality private public safety,senior care and other essential services in a
sector jobs have vanished,the state government's employ February special session of the legislature.
ment has increased by two percent.Rather than working to • Make out-of-work Oregonians pay taxes on their unemploy-
put our economy back on track,the 2009 Legislature passed ment benefits.
$733 million in permanent,job-killing tax increases.These tax THE RIGHTTHINGTO DO IS UPTO YOU.
increases will threaten Oregon jobs and prolong the state's
economic recovery. Our Oregon is a non-partisan non-profit organization
Protect Oregon's Job Creators,Don't Punish Them dedicated to promoting economic and'tax fairness for all
With PermanentTax Increases Oregonians,protecting schools,public safety and healthcare,
and stopping unfair tax giveaways and loopholes that shift
These tax increases are targeted at those who create quality, the burden to the middle class.
family-wage jobs.Many Oregonians affected by these tax (This information furnished by Kevin.Looper,Our Oregon.)
increases are small business owners,family farmers and
others who're struggling to survive this recession.By increas, This space purchased-for$500 in accordance with ORS 251.255.
ing taxes during an economic downturn,there will be fewer
resources for job creation and reinvestment in Oregon equip- The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorse-
ment and services.Faced with having to send more dollars ment by the Stare of Oregon,nor does the state warrant the
to Salem,many businesses will be forced to lay off workers,. accuracy or truth of any statement made in the argument.
reduce wages and benefits,raise prices,or even close their
Balance the Budget by Growing.the Economy,
Not Passing Job-Killing Taxes
Oregon can't balance the budget when the economy is poor
and people aren't working.Rather than raising taxes during a
recession,the Legislature should focus on improving Oregon's
competitiveness and helping small businesses succeed.When
the economy is healthy,'businesses and employed Oregonians
will generate the tax revenue necessary for funding critical
services.These tax increases will cost Oregon jobs,and their
negative effects on our economy will generate significant
budget shortfalls far into the future.
Please Join Us in Voting No on Measures Job-Killing Taxes
As state legislators,we believe government should focus on
what matters:growing.the economy,creating family wage jobs
and spending your tax dollars wisely.Permanent,job-killing
taxes are not the answer.Please join us in voting No.
Rem Came.
11 his Informa Min forntsho y Sen�for ruse tart -�
T Rtresentative_Kevin Cameron.___
Voters with Disabilities
The Oregon Secretary of State and the Elections D.ivision
are committed to making voting more accessible to people
with disabilities.
Alternate Format Ballots
The Alternate Format Ballots (AFB) are new voting tools that are available to voters
with disabilities.There are two types of AFB's.The e-ballot allows voters with.
disabilities who are unable to mark a printed ballot to vote privately and independently
at home if they have, or have access to, a computer with a web browser and a printer.
The Large Print Ballot (LPB) can be provided to voters with print disabilities who are
unable to read and, mark the standard ballot.
Call 1-866-OREVOTE/ 673-8683 or,your county elections official for more information.
Accessible Computer Stations
To accommodate voters with disabilities that do not have, or have access to, the
required technology to vote the e-ballot from home, every county elections office
will have at least two Accessible Computer.Stations (ACS), one permanent and one
.,portable.The permanent ACS is located at the county elections office and voters can
go to the office and vote privately and.independently using the e-ballot.The portable.
station allows county election officials to, upon request, take. the ACS to remote'
locations or a location agreed upon by the voter and the county elections officials to,
accommodate participation in the voting process. using the e-ballot.
Voting AssistanceTeams
Any voter with a disability who needs assistance can request assistance from the
county elections office:A nonpartisan voting assistance team can provide assistance
marking a' ballot, usinV the ACS to mark an e-ballot, providing a LPB, or completing a
voter registration card.
Call 1-866-OREVOTE/ 673-8683.or your county elections official to request assistance.
Educational Videos
Go online at www.oregonvotes.org to view two educational videos about the Alternate
Format Ballot/Accessible Voting,Station and Assisting Voters with Disabilities. If you
are an organization that provides services to people with disabilities you can request a
copy of the videos on DVD by calling 1-866-ORE VOTE/ 673-8683.
.. . x.,.,<,,,,d ...6'. .,., .,d.,�•vh�a, '.s.tv,raas z I,�.u,`' M..
Signature Stamp Attestation Card
If, because of a disability, a person is unable to sign a ballot or registration card,
they may use a signature stamp or other indicator that represents their signature. A
signature stamp attestation form must be completed along,with an updated (or new)
voter registration'.card.
Call .1-866-ORE VOTE/ 673-8683 or your county elections official for more information.
Large Print Voter Registration Card
Large print voter registration cards are available for voters with visual disabilities.
,Call 1-866-ORE VOTE/ 673-8683 or your county elections official for more information.
Statewide Voters' Pamphlet
Digital audio and accessible text versions of the Statewide Voters' Pamphlet are
available on the web at: www.oregonvotes.org. A CD version (MP3 audio files) of the
Statewide Voters' Pamphlet is available by request.
Call 1-866-OREVOTE/ 673-8683 or 503-986=2352 to request a copy.
Other Voter Guide Resources (for statewide elections)
The SOS, with the help of HAVA funds, partners with Talking Book,and Braille Services,
Disability Rights Oregon and the League of Women Voters of Oregon Educational
Fundao produce, print and distribute alternate formats of the Easy Voter Guide and
Standard Voting Guide.
Easy Voter Guide
Available in digital audio and accessible text versions on the web at
www.lwvor.org/votersguide.htm. Printed versions in both English and Spanish are
also available from the partner organizations listed above.
Standard Voters' Guide
Available in digital audio and accessible text version on the web at
www-1wvor-org/voters9u1de.htm. Large print, Braille, CD and NSL compatible 4-track
cassette versions are also available.
ContactTalking Book and Braille Services at 1-800-452-0292 to request this voting guide.
Registering to Vote
What are the identification requirements?
To vote in Oregon,you need to be registered in the county 1. If you have a current,valid Driver's License or ID number
where you reside: issued by the State of Oregon Division of Motor Vehicles
You can register if.you can answer yes to these three questions:
(DMV),you must provide it in Section 4 of the card.
� Are you a resident of Dragon? •A suspended Drivers License is still valid;a revoked
Driver's License is NOT valid.
4 Are you a US citizen?
--> Are you at least 17 years of age? 2. If you do not have a current,valid Driver's License or ID
number issued by the State of Oregon Division of Motor
If you are 17 years of age,you will not receive a ballot until an Vehicles,you must affirm this on the card by marking the
election occurs on or after your 18th birthday. circle in Section 4 and you must then provide the last four
digits of your Social Security Number in Section 4a of the
How to register card.
If you do not have a Social Security number,you must
You can get a voter registration card at any of the following 3. affirm this on the card by marking the circle in Section 4a of
places: the card.
-> in this Voters'Pamphlet
� any County Electi ons Office 4. .If you do not have a Driver's License or ID number,or a
4 the Secretary e tote's Office Social Security Number,and you are registering by mail,
� some state agencies such as the-givision you must provide a copy of one of the following:
-) valid photo identification
of Motor Vehicles
a.paydteck stub
a voter registration drive
� a utility bill
You can fill the card out in person or send it in by US mail, a bank statement
You can also print out a registration card online at: a'government document
www.oregonvotes.org. 4 proof of eligibility under the Uniformed and Overseas
To vote in the January 26,2010,Special Election,your com- Citizens Absentee Voting Act(UOCAVA)or the Voting
plated voter registration card must be either: Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act
postmarked byTuesday;January 5,2010
a delivered to a county elections office byTuesday, If you do not provide valid identification,you will not be eligi
January 5,2010 or ble to vote for Federal races.You will,however,still be eligible
-� delivered'to any voter registration agency(e.g.,DMV) to vote for state and local contests.
byTuesday,January 5,2010_
Selecting a political party
What information is required to register? You may want to select a political party when you register but it
To complete your registration you will provide your: is not required.
Full legal name Major political parties require you to be registered as a
Home address member of their parry in order to vote for their candidates in
• Date of birth , the Primary,Election.
• Signatures
-a Valid identification Updating your voter registration
Once you have registered,you are responsible for keeping
your information up to date.You can do this by completing and
returning a voter,registration card with the new information.You.
should update your registration if you do any of the following:
4 change your home address
4 change your mailing address
4 change your name
4 change your signature
-� want to change or select a political party
If you notify your county elections office of your change of resi-
dance address aker'January 21,2010,you must request that a
ballot be mailed to you or go to your county elections office to
get your ballot.
r ia< xg,4 a Es €'
,na mn fxa�„k'E
aax€x ask&9
g Are you a citizen of the United States of America? Oyes Ono
F E A 8,•pA b4P
$i k Are you at least 17 years of age? Oyes Ono
Ifyou are 17 years ofage,you will not receivea*allot until an election occurs on orafteryour 18th birthday.
rffi& r .�st E%&saga, a
• information
of sBr s name last first middle
Oregon residence address(include apt.or space number) city zip code
date of birth(month/day/year) county of residence*
phone number" —. '.. ._.._.—._ email address"mm
a -
mail ng address(required if different than residence address) city zipcode
O Mnstitution.Party O DemocraticParty O Independent Party O Libertarian Party
�i#v t °' =gig O Pacific Green Party O Progressive Party O Republican Party O Working Families Party
O N of a mem ber of a pa rty
O Other
x� Egs EE s �sa� Oregon DMV r r nurnber If you fill in this section,do not senda copy of10.
gs aataafr8��,a�aaN, �aF �ffiY
valid Oregon DMV Driver's License/ID number
k E FQg 4Y4.ids 3MW $,,°'� $8
a � O Mark here only if you do not have a valid Oregon DMV Driver's License/lD and go to step 4a.
Yu.'.SsSII'�Y�$ ug&Sr�� Elk
s4 pPpif3 A>9
irRC ppR R $�$ ? X X X"X X-
�atis ua last four digits of Social Security number
O Mark here only if you do not have a valid Oregon DMV Driver's License//D or
a Social Security number.If you are registering by mail,please include a copy of
acceptable identification,listed to the left,
sign here date today 0ifyousi gnthiscardendknowittobefalse,youconbefinedupto$125,000and/orlailedforuptoSyedrs.
previous registration name previous county and state
g home address on previous registration date of birth(month/day/year).
' If you have any questions, or if you would like more
information on voting in Oregon:
call 1 866 ORE VOTE/673 8683
se habla espanol
4- visit www.oregonvotes.org
11F 1 800 735 2900
or the hearing impaired
�y ASON,1 .,(>$ �,w...
Baker Columbia Deschutes Hood River
Tamara J. Green Elizabeth(Betty) Huser Nancy Blankenship Brian D. Beebe
Baker County Clerk Columbia County Clerk Deschutes County Clerk Director,
1995 3rd St.,Suite 150 Courthouse,230 Strand St. 1300 NW Wall St., Records/Assessment
Baker City,OR 97$14-3398 St:Helens,OR 97051-2089 Suite 202 . •601 State St.
541-523=8207 503-397-7214 Bend,OR 97701 Hood River,OR 97031-1871
TTY 541-523-9538 TTY,503-397-7246 541-388-6547 541-386-1442
tgreen @bakercounty-org fax 503-397-7266 TTY 1-800-735-2900 fax 541-387-6864
huserb @co.columbia.or.us fax 541-383-4424
Benton www.co.columbia.or.us elections @deschutes.org Jackson
www.deschutes-org Christine Walker
James Morales Coos Jackson County Clerk
Benton County Clerk Douglas
Elections Division Terri L.Turi,CCC 1101 W. Main St.,Suite 201
120 NW 4th St., Room 13 Coos County Clerk Barbara Nielsen Medford,OR 97501-2369
Corvallis,OR 97330 Courthouse,250 N. Baxter Douglas County Clerk 541-774-6148
541-766-6756 Coquille,OR 97423-1899 PO Box 10 TTY 541-774-6719
TTY 541-766-6080 541=396-3121 ext;301
Roseburg,OR 97470=0004 fax 541-774-6140
fax 541-766-6757 TTY 1-800-735-2900 541-440-4252 walkercd @jacksoncounty-org
bcelections @co.benton.or-us . fax 541-396-6551 TTY 1-800-735-2900 www.co.jackson.or.us
www.co.benton.or.us/ elections @co.coos.or.us fax 541-440-4408
admin/elections www.co.coos.or.us pkhitt @co.douglas.or.us Jefferson
- Kathy Marston
Clackamas Crook Gilliam Jefferson County Clerk
Sherry Hall Deanna(Deed Berman Rena Kennedy 66 SE"D" St.,Suite C
Clackamas County Clerk Crook County Clerk Gilliam County,Clerk Madras,OR 97741
Elections Division 300 NEThird, Room 23 PO Box 427 541-475-4451
1710 Red Soils Court, Prineville,OR 977541919 Condon,OR 97823-0427 fax 541-325-5018
Suite 100 541-447-6553 541-384-2311 . kathy.rnarston@
Oregon City,OR 97045 TTY 541-416-4963. co.jefferson.or.us
503-655-8510 fax 541-416-2145 Grant
TTY 503-655-1685 dee.berman @co.crook.or-us Kathy McKinnon Josephine
fax 503-655-8461 www.co.crook.or.us Grant County Clerk Art Harvey
elections @ co.clackamas.or-us 201 S. Humbolt, Suite 290 Josephine County Clerk
www.clackamas.us/elections Curry Canyon City,OR 97820 PO Box 69
Renee Kolen 541-575-1675. Grants Pass,.OR 97528-0203
Clatsop Curry County Clerk
TTY 541-575-1675 541-474-5243.,
Cathie Garber PO Box 746 fax 541-575-2248 TTY 1-800-735-2900
Clatsop County Clerk Gold Beach,OR 97444 mckinnonk@ fax 541-474=5246
Elections Division 541-247-3297 or grantcounty-or.gov clerk @co.josephine.or.us
820 Exchange St., 1-877-739-4218 — P
Suite 220 TTY 1-800-735-2900 Harney Klamath
Astoria,.OR 97103 fax 541-247-6440
Maria Iturriaga Linda Smith
503-325-8511 www.co.curry.or.us/Clerk Harney County Clerk Klamath County Clerk
TTY 1-800-949-4232 Courthouse, 305 Main St.
fax 503-325-9307 450 N. Buena Vista Klamath Falls, OR 97601
clerk@ co.clatsop.or.us Burns,OR 97720"
www.co.clatsop,or.us 541-883-5157 or
541-573-6641 1-800-377-6094
fax 541-573-8370 fax 541-885-6757
clerk@ co.harney.or.us pharris @co.klamath.or.us
www.co.harney.or.us www.co.klamath.or.us
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Lake Marion Tillamook Washington
Stacie Geaney Bill Burgess Tassi O'Neil Mickie Kawai
Lake County Clerk Marion County Clerk Tillamook County Clerk Elections Division
513 Center St. 4263 Commercial St.SE, 201 Laurel Ave. 3700 SW Murray Blvd.,
Lakeview,OR 97630-1539 #300 ' Tillamook,OR 97141 Suite 101
541-947-6006 Salem;OR 97302-3987 503-842-3402 or Beaverton,OR 97005
503-5$$-5041 or 1-800-488-8280 ext.4000 503-846-5800
Lane 1-800-655-5388 fax 503-8424599 ' TTY 503-846.-4598
Roxann Marshall TTY 503-588-5610 toneil @co.tillamook.or.us elections@co.washington.orus
Elections Program Manager elections @co.marion.or.us www.co.tillamook.or.us www.co.washington.or.us/
275 W. 10th Ave. www.co.marion.or.us/co/ _ elections
Eugene,OR 97401-3008 elections Umatilla
Patti Chapman Wheeler
541-682-4234 Morrow p an
TTY 541-682-4320 Director of Elections Barbara S.Sitton
fax 541-682-2303 Bobbi Childers PO Box 1227 Wheeler County Clerk
elections'.customer@ Morrow County Clerk Pendleton,OR 97801 PO Box 327
co.lane.or.us PO Box 338 Fossil,OR 97830-0327
Heppner,OR 97836-0338 541-278-6254
www.co.lane.or.us/elections fax 541-278-5467 541-763-2400
541-676-5604 pattic @co.umatilla.or.us TTY 541-763-2401
Lincoln TTY 541-676-9061 www.co.umatilla.or.us fax 541-763-2026
fax 541-676-9876 bsitton @co.wheeler.or.us
Dana Jenkins
Lincoln County Clerk bchilders @co.morrow-or-us Union
225W.Olive St., Room 201 Robin Church Yamhill
Newport,OR 97365 Multnomah Union County Clerk Rebekah (Becky)Stern Doll
541-265-4131 Tim Scott 1001 4th St.,Suite D. Yamhill County Clerk
TTY 541-265-4193 Director-of Elections LaGrande,OR 97850 414 NE Evans St.
fax 541-265-4950 1040 SE Morrison St.P McMinnville,OR 97128
Portland,OR 97214-2495 541-963-1006.
www.co.lincoln.or.us/clerk fax 541-963-1013 503434-7518
503-988-3720 rchurch @union-couhty.org TTY 1-800-735-2900
Linn fax 503-988-3719 www.union-county.org fax 503-434-7520.
Steve Druckenmiller elections @oo.multnomah.orus elections@co.yamhill.or.us
Linn County Clerk www•mcelections.org Wallowa www.co.yamhill.or.us/clerk
300 SW 4th Ave. Polk Dana Roberts
Albany,OR 97321 Wallowa County Clerk
541-967-3831 Valerie Unger 101 S. River St., Room 100
TTY 541-967-3833 Polk County Clerk Enterprise,OR 97828-1335 .
fax 541-926-5109 850 Main St. 541-426-4543 ext. 158 '
sdrudcenmiller@co.linn.or.us Dallas,OR 97338-3179 fax 541-426-5901
503-623-9217 wcclerk @co.wallowa.or.us
Malheur fax 503-623-0717 www.co.wallowa.or.us
Deborah R. DeLong unger.valerie @co.polk.or.us
Malheur County Clerk wvwv"co.polk.or.us Wasco
251 "B"St.West,Suite 4 Sherman Karen LeBreton Coats
Vale,OR 97918 arman Wasco County Clerk
541-473-5151 Jenine McDermid 511 Washington St.,
TTY 541-473-5157 Sherman County Clerk Room 201
fax 541-473-5523 PO Box 365 The Dallas,OR 97058
ddelong @malheurco.org Moro,OR 97039-0365 541-506-2530
www.malheurco.org 541-565-3606 fax 541-506-2531
r fax 541-565-3771 karenl@co.wasco.or.us
jeninem @co.sherman.or.us
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Kate Brown U.S.Postage
State Capitol PAID
Salem,OR 97310-0722 Portland,OR
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Voters' Pamphlet
• Oregon Special Election
January 26, 2010