An Ordinance amending section
1.030 Definitions and Section
5.240 Rimrock Setbacks, Ord-
inance No. PL -15, Deschutes
County Zoning of 1979.to define
Rimrock and Provide for Con-
struction of Structure within
sight of the Deschutes and
Crooked Rivers; and Declaring
an Emergency.
ORDAINS as follows:
Section 1. Section 1.030. DEFINITIONS, Ordinance No. PL -15
Deschutes County Ordinance of 1979 is amended by
the addition of the following provision:
(105-A) Rimrock. Rock or rocks on the rim
forming a natural and usually a precipitous
boundary of an elevated land form. For the
purpose of this ordinance, rimrock is further
defined as an increase in elevation of at least
sixty feet(60") within six hundred fifty feet
(650') of the mean high water mark of the Crooked
or Deschutes River, as measured from the side of
the river nearest the rimrock.
Section 2. Section 5.240. RIMROCK SETBACKS. Ordinance No.
PL -15 Deschutes County Zoning Ordinance of 1979
is amended to read as follows:
Section 5.240. RIMROCK SETBACKS. Any structures
which will be erected along the rimrocks
bordering the Crooked and Deschutes Rivers so as
to be visible from the river, viewed from the
mean high water mark on the bank farthest from
the rimrock area being considered, shall be
subject to site plan approval based on the
following criteria. This provision shall not
apply to decks constructed in conjunction with
other structures so long as the railing around
any deck does not exceed four feet in height and
is not of solid construction except as specified
1 - ORDINANCE NO. 82-013
in the following subsections. In approving a
structure to be built on the rimrock pursuant to
this provision the following factors shall be
(a) The structure and deck shall be designed
and placed to minimize its visual impact
when viewed from the mean high water mark
on the far side of the river.
(b) The materials used in construction
including type and color, shall be
intended to blend into the immediate
surroundings. The amount and coloring of
glass on the face of any structure, as
well as the height and bulk of the struc-
ture, shall be designed so as to reduce
its impact while still allowing for
creativity in architectural design.
(c) Existing
be used
with the
(d) Existing
shall be
and additional landscaping shall
to the extent feasible consistent
proposed use so as to reduce the
ty of the proposed structure.
trees, rocks and other land cover
retained to the maximum extent
consistent with the proposed use.
(e) Additional landscaping may be required
as may be reasonably necessary to shield
the proposed structure while still
permitting reasonable views from the
(f) Where multiple structures are proposed
on a parcel of land, the structures
shall be grouped or clustered so as to
maintain a general appearance of an open
landscape for a majority (51% or more)
of the affected area. This shall be
determined by viewing the property from
the mean high water mark immediately
across from the center of the river
frontage on which the structures are
proposed, with like evaluations being
made one hundred yards on either side
of that point over the entire length
of the river frontage on which the
structures are proposed.
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VOL ,v 42 ray€ �"7
(g) No decks or other structures shall
extend closer than three (3) feet from any
edge of the rimrock, nor shall the
building, exclusive of those items listed
in Section 6.040 (2) which may extend
into the setback up to three feet, be
located closer twenty (20) feet from any
edge of the rimrock. In no case shall
the height of the building exceed the
setback from any edge.
(h) Adjustments in the criteria set out
herein may be made, at the discretion
of the Planning Director, based on
particular characteristics in the
terrain where the use is proposed
with particular attention being given
to lands visible from state parks and
highways designated as landscape
management areas by the Deschutes
County Comprehensive Plan. The Planning
Director shall stringently protect the
visual aspects of the landscape.
Section 3. This Ordinance being necessary for the immediate
preservation of public peace, health and safety,
an emergency is declared to exist, and this
Ordinance takes effect on its passage.
DATED this A2day of 1982.
CLAY C. PARD, Cha rman
Susan Stoneman
Recording Secretary
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