HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 - December 11 PHAB Meeting Minutes“To promote and protect the health and safety of our community.”
December 11, 2013
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
DeArmond Room, Deschutes Services Bldg.
Facilitator Kim Curley Reynolds, Chair
Meeting Coordinator Tom Kuhn
Scribe Lisa Michael
Next Meeting January 22, 2014, DCHS, Stan Owen
Agenda Items/Discussion/Motions
Topic and Lead
Approval of Minutes from October meeting
Katrina motioned to approve the minutes as submitted with a second by Holly. The motion carried
and was unanimously approved by all.
Brief Announcements
Tom mentioned making a list of discussion topics for the 2014 calendar. He will email a survey
monkey to the Board within the next few weeks for input.
Tom announced that the National Public Health Accreditation Board will arrive for the accreditation
site visit on March 11th and 12th. Tom asked for board member participation. Participants will be
asked to schedule anywhere between 2 to 4 hours of their time. Other statewide site visits taking
place in 2014 are Marion County in January and Crook County in February.
Scott commented that both Jason Conger and Tammy Baney have been appointed to a recently
formed 15 member task force called The Future of Public Health. Their goal is to make
recommendations to the legislature regarding the Oregon public health system.
Kate Moore expressed her gratitude towards Judith Ure for all her hard work on writing numerous
SBHC grants simultaneously. Kate was elated to find out that all the grants were at least awarded
at some varying levels. This funding will finance areas of capacity building, behavioral health and
special projects and will permit the SBHC’s to hire 3 full and 2 part-time BH employees in order to
support existing staff. These grants are a critical part of providing total client care. The BH grant
will provide funding for at least 18 months, while the “special projects” funding will be continued
based on each specific project. Kate also mentioned that the number of client visits has increased
dramatically, particularly at Lynch Elementary, where screenings for adult drug and alcohol abuse
and well child are being offered. The health center is now open 5 days a week to accommodate
the increase in client visits. Kate is now working on piloting a BH program using OCHIN and
training for the Teen Advisory Council on BH issues for adolescents.
Dr. Shirtcliff mentioned there are approximately 200,000 Medicaid patients in Oregon with
75,000+/- of those living in Central Oregon. For the first time, a combined state and federal tax
credit called the New Markets Tax Credit Program has been established to spur an increase in
investments into operating businesses and real estate projects located in low-income communities.
Deschutes County Health Services
Public Health Advisory Board
“To promote and protect the health and safety of our community.”
This program permits individuals and corporate investors to receive a tax credit against their
Federal income tax return in exchange for making equity investments in specialized financial
institutions called Community Development Entities.
PHAB Chair and Vice Chair Approval
Kim announced that she has fulfilled her term as Chair and that Dr. Pribnow and Susan Keys have
been nominated as Chair and Vice Chair respectively starting in January. The Board thanked Kim
for her outstanding service and voted for the change with a motion to approve by Kim and a
second by Keith. The motion passed unanimously.
Marijuana Prevention
Jessica gave a PowerPoint presentation on marijuana use in our community. She, along with Nick
Stevenson, DCHS Health Educator, and Barbara Cofer Stoefen, Author and Drug Prevention
Activist, has joined forces to serve as members of the BASAPC. Jessica explained that drug and
alcohol use is on the rise everywhere and Oregon is ranked #1 in the nation in marijuana use
among teens and 46th in low risk perception. Studies confirm that use amongst 11th grade students
in Central Oregon was statistically higher than the state average from 2004 to 2012. Yearly
student wellness surveys are conducted polling students on their drug and alcohol habits. Kate
Moore relies on this survey data for her SBHC grant writing. Jessica spoke of the controversy
surrounding legalization in Oregon and medical marijuana dispensaries. Not only is marijuana
addictive, it also impacts brain development and impairs judgment, and ultimately is a financial
burden to society. One in ten users becomes chemically dependent. SAM (Smart Approaches to
Marijuana) is an alliance of organizations that promote a health first approach to marijuana policy.
They support the research of marijuana medical properties and believe in a method that neither
legalizes nor demonizes marijuana. Jessica asked the Board to advocate with the BOCC on
marijuana prevention in our community.
Quality Incentive Metrics update
Kate Wells passed out a report for Board review and gave an update on the metrics program.
There are $3.3 million CCO incentive dollars at stake with 12.6 measures that must be met in order
to receive 100% payout. As of December 18th, 6 of these measures have been completed. Three
of the measures are either in the very beginning stages or yet to be started: SBIRT, follow-up care
for ADHD adolescents and colorectal cancer screening. Numerous measures are in the works and
moving towards completion, while six are already complete. Two of the measures are too difficult
to monitor or influence. Kate informed the Board that 75% of the measures must be met in order
to receive grant funding.
Public Health Performance Metrics
Stephanie gave a presentation on the PH metrics performance system. Five domains with 43 staff
selected indicators were used to track access to care, utilization, system performance, outcomes
and patient satisfaction. Target dates were set from July through September 2013. Stephanie
shared the results and areas of opportunity for each category with the Board and will continue with
quarterly updates. The next step is to revisit the targets and goals, continue with internal
monitoring and engagement, track the trends over time and disseminate to a wider community.
Strategic Plan Work Plan Review
Due to time constraints, Tom briefly touched on the Strategic Plan and will present on this topic in
more detail again in January. A spreadsheet of goals was passed out indicating goal progress.
8 Adjourn at 1:32 p.m.
“To promote and protect the health and safety of our community.”
Board Members present: Kim Curley Reynolds, Katrina Wiest, Keith Winsor, Holly Remer,
Charles Frazier, Jenny O’Keefe, Mike Shirtcliff and Kate Wells
Staff present: Scott Johnson, Tom Kuhn, Kate Moore, Lisa Michael
Guest speaker(s): Jessica Jacks, Nick Stevenson, Barbara Cofer Stoefen and Stephanie
SBHC = School Based Health Centers
BH = Behavioral Health
OCHIN = Oregon Community Health Information Network
DCHS = Deschutes County Health Services
BASAPC = Bend Area Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
BOCC = Board of County Commissioners
CCO = Coordinated Care Organization
SBIRT = Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment
ADHD = Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder