HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 - 05 (May) Community Development UpdateCCCOMMUNITYOMMUNITYOMMUNITY DDDEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENT DDDEPARTMENTEPARTMENTEPARTMENT May 1, 2014 From the Director’s Desk: certifications, has been promoted to Assistant Building Official to provide Building Official Dave Pedersen much needed management support in our rapidly recovering building program. The volume and complexity of planning applications have skyrocketed over the past year. Please be sure to review recent decisions, as well as pending and new applications below under Current Planning/Development Review. Finally, we hope you join us in celebrating Historic Celebration Month this Friday (First Friday) in downtown Bend at the Liberty Theater, 831 NW Wall Street from 3:30-7:30 p.m. We will unveil a new interactive online “story map” for historic resources in unincorporated Deschutes County and in the city of Sisters (the cities of Bend, Redmond and La Pine have created separate historic preservation programs).  It will also be promoted on Monday, May 5 at 5:30 p.m. at the Deschutes Services Center, 1300 Wall Street, during the Deschutes County Historic Landmarks Commission meeting. South County Building & Development Services Move In May, CDD will relocate its one day per week South County operations/services from the South County Services Center at 51340 Highway 97 S across the street to co-locate with the City of La Pine in City Hall for a one-stop shop for development services in and around La Pine. La Pine City Hall is located at 16345 Sixth Street, La Pine, OR 97739. The move is expected to be completed by Memorial Day. For current information on upcoming meetings, hearings., etc., please refer to the following links: Board of County Commissioners: www.deschutes.org, click on “Board Meetings” Planning Commission Mtgs./Hearings Officer Hearings: http://www.deschutes.org/Community-Development/Events.aspx Happy Historic Preservation Month May is one of CDD’s busiest months each year. Application and permit volumes across all divisions are robust at the start of the peak building season, and the department’s draft work plan and budget for the next fiscal year (July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015) are under review and the subject of public hearings. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the Planning Division’s Draft Annual Report and Work Plan on Thursday, May 8, and the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will conduct a work session on the overall Draft CDD Annual Report and Work Plan on May 19. The document is available at www.deschutes.org/ cdd. The Budget Committee is tentatively scheduled to conduct a public hearing on CDD’s Fiscal Year 2014-15 budget on May 28 at 2:15 p.m. A few budget highlights include: No General Fund support for CDD operations, and a significant reduction in General Fund support for Long Range Planning; Increased revenue from permit volumes; Proposed 2% fee increase to partially offset estimated 3% inflationary costs; 2 new FTE – one in building and one in environmental soils – to meet business demands; Restoring vehicle and technology replacement budgets; and, Paying off building debt accrued during the economic downturn. The BOCC will conduct a public hearing on County-wide fees in June (the date is TBD). CDD will initiate a large scale public outreach program to gain public input about agricultural lands in the County (there is a link below to an online survey – please share your opinions!), and kick off a public process to update the Code Enforcement Policy and Procedures Manual this month. These projects are discussed below. We are pleased to welcome Building Inspector Jim Williams to our Building Safety team as a permanent, full time staff member. Jim has served CDD extremely well as an on-call inspector since early 2013 based in Sisters City Hall. In addition, Building Inspector Randy Scheid, who has earned his building official Central Oregon Large-Lot Industrial Land Need Analysis: Staff continues to coordinate with the City of Redmond regarding a site owned by the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) adjoining its Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) as a plausible location for a regional large- lot industrial campus. Redmond and DSL are currently coordinating with Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council (COIC) for an official endorsement. Following their approval, DSL will initiate a City/County UGB plan amendment. Staff contacts: Nick Lelack, Nick.Lelack@deschutes.org, Peter Gutowsky, Peter.Gutowsky@deschutes.org, Scott Aycock, ScottA@coic.org, and Heather Richards, Heather.Richards@ci.redmond.or.us. Destination Resort Tracking: Staff is preparing a table/matrix to monitor resort land use histories, requirements and agreements, and annual reporting obligations in coordination with Goal 8 Destination Resort representatives. Staff expects to conduct a work session with the Planning Commission and BOCC this spring. Staff contacts: Nick Lelack, Nick.Lelack@deschutes.org and Will Groves, William.Groves@deschutes.org Domestic Livestock: Keeping domestic livestock on small acreage has been identified as a use that can have detrimental impacts on livability and groundwater quality. Following a Planning Commission recommendation, last month the BOCC directed staff to make available to property owners a package of existing state and local education and enforcement programs to address livestock management on small rural residential properties in lieu of a regulatory approach. http://www.deschutes.org/Community- Development/Regional-Projects-and-Resources/ Domestic-Livestock.aspx. Staff contact: Matthew Martin, Matt.Martin@deschutes.org. Goal 11 (Sewer) Exception for Southern Deschutes County: The Planning and Environmental Soils Divisions continue to support the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) South Deschutes/Northern Klamath County Groundwater Protection Project. DEQ, with the assistance of the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, is finalizing the burden of proof to justify a Goal 11 exception for southern Deschutes County. Draft findings and work sessions with the Planning Commission and BOCC are expected later in the spring or early summer. Public hearings are expected to begin in early FY 14-15. Staff contacts: Nick Lelack, Nick.Lelack@deschutes.org, Peter Gutowsky, Peter.Gutowsky@deschutes.org, Peter Russell, Peter.Russell@deschutes.org and Todd Cleveland, Todd.Cleveland@deschutes.org. Code Enforcement The 1996 Code Enforcement Policy and Procedures Manual is being updated to incorporate current practices and to determine whether any policy changes are necessary. On May 19, the BOCC will conduct a work session on the draft Code Enforcement Policy and Procedures Manual Update. BOCC public hearings on the proposed update will be held later this spring/summer. Staff contact: Lori.Furlong@deschutes.org. Long-Range Planning Agricultural Lands Program: The Planning Division is holding community workshops in May to gather input about its agricultural lands program. The County is interested in understanding public, stakeholder, and landowner opinions about the opportunities and challenges facing Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) designated lands. By participating at any one of the six public meetings listed below, residents and community members can review existing conditions, understand emerging issues, and provide feedback that will help determine if changes are needed to Deschutes County’s agricultural land designations. May 6 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Alfalfa Community Hall 26155 Willard Road, Bend May 7 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Deschutes Services Building 1300 NW Wall Street, Bend May 13 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Brothers School 34400 Hwy 20 E, Brothers May 15 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Sisters High School 1700 McKinney Butte Road, Sisters May 19 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Terrebonne Community School 1199 B Avenue, Terrebonne May 21 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. La Pine Senior Center 16450 Victory Way, La Pine Please visit the County’s website to stay current with the planning process at www.deschutes.org/ CDDPlanProcess. Also, there is an opportunity to complete an informal survey at www.surveymonkey.com/s/Agricultural-Lands- Analysis. Staff contact: Matthew Martin, Matt.Martin@deschutes.org. Historic Preservation: (A-13-3 and DR-13-6) Cline Falls Power Plant - PacifiCorp v. Deschutes County, LUBA No. 2014-016. On February 18, 2014, PacifiCorp submitted a Notice of Intent to Appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) in regards to the BOCC’s Declaratory Ruling of the Cline Falls Power Plant historic site. LUBA acknowledged the motion by Central Oregon Irrigation District to intervene on the side of the Respondent (County). The record is currently being prepared to submit to LUBA. Staff contact: Cynthia Smidt, Cynthia.Smidt@deschutes.org. Historic Landmarks Commission (HLC). The HLC will hold a regular meeting on May 5 which coincides with Historic Preservation Month. Two projects will be highlighted at the meeting: a Reconnaissance Level Survey of local, state, and federal landmarks containing tourism and recreational features and an interactive website containing photographs of approximately 53 historic landmarks located in the rural county and Sisters. Staff contact: Peter Gutowsky, Peter.Gutowsky@deschutes.org. Housekeeping Text Amendments: On April 23, the BOCC conducted first reading of three ordinances that adopt “housekeeping” amendments that have been identified as necessary to correct scriveners’ errors and provide additional clarification to existing regulations, procedures, and the Comprehensive Plan. A second reading is scheduled for May 7, 2014. Staff contact: Matthew Martin, Matt.Martin@deschutes.org. Legislative Text Amendment: On April 28, the BOCC adopted an ordinance to incorporate changes in State law into the County Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) zoning ordinance (Deschutes County Code 18.16). Staff contact: Paul Blikstad, Paul.Blikstad@deschutes.org Sage-Grouse: As a cooperating agency, staff continues to participate with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), who last November released a draft programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for federal land use and resource management plan (RMP) amendments to incorporate sage-grouse conservation measures in Central and Eastern Oregon. Staff is also participating with the Governor’s Office, Sage- Grouse Conservation Partnership. This involves interagency and inter-stakeholder coordination on issues related to sagebrush and sage grouse habitat conservation on non-federal lands. The State’s goal is to demonstrate that listing the sage-grouse as a threatened or endangered species under the federal ESA is unnecessary. The Final EIS and Record of Decision (ROD) are scheduled for September 30, 2014. Staff contact: Peter Gutowsky, Peter.Gutowsky@deschutes.org. Transferable Development Credit (TDC) Advisory Committee: The Planning Division and Environment Soils will be reconvening the TDC Advisory Committee in late spring or early summer to discuss the existing program in light of the City of La Pine administering their zoning ordinance as it pertains to the Neighborhood Planning Area and a pending Goal 11 Exception for southern Deschutes County. Staff contacts: Nick Lelack, Nick.Lelack@deschutes.org, Peter Gutowsky, Peter.Gutowsky@deschutes.org, and Todd Cleveland, Todd.Cleveland@deschutes.org. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Community-Wide Brownfield Assessment Grant: The Planning Division is administering a $400,000 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Community-Wide Brownfield Assessment Grant. The project’s first phase, to conduct an inventory, started in December. The consultant team is also under contract to evaluate remediation options for the Demolition Landfill and Redmond Shooting Range, two sites deemed recently to be ineligible for the US EPA grant. Staff contact: Peter Gutowsky, Peter.Gutowsky@deschutes.org. Current Planning/Development Review NNP IV-NCR, LLC (“Newland”) Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Zone Change, PA-13-1/ZC-13-1. On April 28, the BOCC voted 2-1 to deny these applications proposing to amend the Deschutes County Comprehensive Plan designation from Agriculture to Rural Residential Exception Area, and a zone change from Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) EFU- TRB to Multiple Use Agriculture (MUA)-10 for a 171- acre parcel located near the intersection of Butler Market and Hamby roads east of Bend. A County Hearings Officer denied the applications on October 23, 2013. The BOCC found that the subject property constitutes agricultural land based on the criteria in Oregon Administrative Rules 660- 033-0020 and directed staff to complete a written decision, subject to their review and approval. The decision will likely be completed in May or early June. Staff contact: Paul Blikstad, Paul.Blikstad@deschutes.org Central Oregon Irrigation District (COID) Text Amendment (TA-13-4). COID applied to amend Title 19 of Deschutes County Code, Section 19.20.020 to add as a use permitted outright in the SR-2.5 zone the “operation, maintenance and piping of existing irrigation systems.” The Deschutes County Planning Commission held three hearings on the proposed text amendment, on February 13, March 13, and March 27, 2014. Additionally, the Planning Commission conducted an onsite tour of the proposed piping area on March 27. On May 8, the Planning Commission will deliber- ate and make a recommendation to the BOCC at this or a subsequent meeting. Staff contact: Paul Blikstad, Paul.Blikstad@deschutes.org Thornburgh Destination Resort Appeal (A-13-8). Loyal Land, LLC, filed an application asking the County to hold a hearing on the remand from LUBA on the issue of whether the conceptual master plan (CMP) for the resort has been initiated. The Hearings Officer found that the CMP has not been initiated and that the CMP is void. Loyal Land, LLC, has appealed that decision to the BOCC (A-14-1); the BOCC has agreed to hear the appeal on June 4. Staff contact: Kevin Harrison, Kevin.Harrison@ deschutes.org City of Bend Outback Facility Site Plan (SP-13-20). A County Hearings Officer approved the City of Bend’s Site Plan application to construct a new water treatment facility at its Outback Site, west of Bend. The decision was not appealed. It is now final. Staff contact: Kevin Harrison, Kevin.Harrison@deschutes.org Allied Show Services, LLC, (Peter and Gwen Newell), Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review (CU-13-31, SP-13-18). The Newells applied for commercial activities in conjunction with farm use to hold up to three horse shows/ events on 20 acres in the Exclusive Farm Use Zone. On April 21, 2014, a County Hearings Officer approved the request. Staff contact: Paul Blikstad, Paul.Blikstad@deschutes.org Leading Edge Aviation Site Plan (A-13-4, SP-13-7). On April 30, a County Hearings Officer approved Leading Edge Aviation's site plan approval (A-13-4, SP-13-7) to establish an aviation fueling station at Bend Airport. Opponents had previously appealed the decision to LUBA and LUBA remanded the decision back to the Hearings Officer for further proceedings.  Staff contact: William Groves, William.Groves@deschutes.org Deschutes Junction Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change (PA-14-2, ZC-14-2). The Deschutes County Hearings Officer will hold a Public Hearing on June 10, 2014, on a Zone Change and Plan Amendment to rezone 2.65 acres of property from Exclusive Farm Use to Rural Industrial located in Deschutes Junction (Tax Map 16-12-26C, Tax Lot 107). Staff contact: William Groves, William.Groves@ @deschutes.org Tetherow Destination Resort Text Amendment (TA-13-1). Tetherow Vacation Homes LLC has applied for a Text Amendment (TA-13-1) to amend Deschutes County Code Title 19 to change the number of weeks overnight units in destination resorts must be available for rental from 45 to 38. This change updates local code to meet state law. A hearing date is to be determined. Staff contact: William Groves, William.Groves@deschutes.org Sunriver Service District Plan Amendment and Zone Change (PA-14-1, ZC-14-1). Sunriver Service District has applied for a Plan Amendment and Zone Change for a 4.28-acre portion of a larger 332-acre parcel located along the eastern boundary of the Sunriver Urban Unincorporated Community. The request includes changing the plan designation and zoning of the 4.28-acre portion from Sunriver Forest District (SUF) to Sunriver Utility District (SUU), and for an exception to Goal 4, Forest Lands. The Deschutes County Hearings Officer held a public hearing on April 22, 2014. The record has been left open for new written evidence or testimony until May 6 at 5:00 p.m. Staff contact: Cynthia Smidt, Cynthia.Smidt@deschutes.org. Transportation Planning Bend Airport: On April 16, the City of Bend submitted a fee waiver request for $5,000 for an application for a zone change. According to the City’s request, “The purposes of this requested zone change are twofold. First, to ensure the correct boundary of the Airport Development (AD) Zone as applied to the Bend Airport property is reflected on the County’s official zoning map. Second, to correctly reflect the districts adopted for the Bend airport through Ordinance 2003-036 on the County’s official zoning map.” The BOCC will hold a work session on the fee waiver request at 1:30 p.m. on May 19 in the Allen Room of the Deschutes Services Center. Harper Bridge: Planning and Road department staff continue to work with Sunriver representatives and the general public on finding a solution to traffic issues related to summertime usage of Spring River Road for parking and pedestrian activity related to boat launchings. At an April 24 work session, the BOCC agreed to a smaller boat ramp, even if such a ramp would not meet the size requirements for grant funding by the Oregon Marine Board. The BOCC has encouraged Sunriver to include non-Sunriver residents as part of the Sunriver task force looking into this issue. The BOCC also agreed the County’s focus is on finding a public access solution at Harper Bridge and not at another location. Sunriver is compiling a draft list of stakeholders for the task force and will send it to the County for input. Traffic Study Amendment Text Amendments: The BOCC will hold a public hearing on June 4 at 10 a.m. on proposed changes to the County’s traffic study requirements. The two major elements were moving the traffic study requirements from the subdivision and master plan section of the development code (17.16.115) to the supplemental provision section of the code, creating a new subsection (18.116.310). The reason is many uses which are not subdivisions or master plans trip the traffic study threshold of 50 new weekday trips. The other action is to change the Level of Service (LOS) for new roads from LOS C, the current standard, to LOS D. The reason is the County’s standard will then be consistent for both new and existing roads. Additionally, the County has never defined a “new road” and how long that status lasts. Expansion of Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC): Due to expanding demand for members to serve on state and local technical committees and the incorporation of La Pine, BPAC has proposed expanding from 9 to 13 members. At an April 9 work session the BOCC was supportive of this proposal, which would add one member for the La Pine area to be consistent with how the other three cities are represented and then add three more at-large members. The BOCC held a public hearing and conducted a first reading on April 23 to expand BPAC. A second reading is scheduled for May 7. Transportation staff contact: Peter Russell, Peter.Russell@deschutes.org STAFF DIRECTORY NNNAMEAMEAME TTTITLEITLEITLE PPPHONEHONEHONE EEEMAILMAILMAIL Nick Lelack Director (541) 385-1708 Nick.Lelack@deschutes.org Tim Berg GIS Analyst/Programmer (541) 330-4648 Tim.Berg@deschutes.org Paul Blikstad Senior Planner (541) 388-6554 Paul.Blikstad@deschutes.org Dale Brieske Building Inspector III—Electrical (541) 388-6614 Dale.Brieske@deschutes.org Sher Buckner Administrative Secretary (541) 617-4736 Sher.Buckner@deschutes.org Todd Cleveland Environmental Health Spec. III (541) 617-4714 Todd.Cleveland@deschutes.org Scott Farm Building Inspector III (541) 385-1402 Scott.Farm@deschutes.org Lori Furlong Administrative Manager (541) 317-3122 Lori.Furlong@deschutes.org Chris Gracia Building Inspector III (541) 388-6578 Chris.Gracia@deschutes.org Tracy Griffin Permit Technician (541) 388-6573 Tracy.Griffin@deschutes.org John Griley Code Enforcement Technician (541) 617-4708 John.Griley@deschutes.org William Groves Senior Planner (541) 388-6518 William.Groves@deschutes.org Tim Grundeman Code Enforcement Technician (541) 385-1707 Tim.Grundeman@deschutes.org Peter Gutowsky Principal Planner (541) 385-1709 Peter.Gutowsky@deschutes.org Judy Hackett Permit Technician (541) 317-1713 Judy.Hackett@deschutes.org Kevin Harrison Principal Planner (541) 385-1401 Kevin.Harrison@deschutes.org Steven Jensen Building Inspector III—Plumbing (541) 385-1700 Steven.Jensen@deschutes.org Jennifer Lawrence Permit Technician (541) 385-1405 Jennifer.L.Lawrence@deschutes.org Matt Martin Associate Planner (541) 330-4620 Matt.Martin@deschutes.org Marti Mello Permit Technician (541) 317-3148 Marti.Mello@deschutes.org Dave Pedersen Building Official (541) 385-3200 Dave.Pedersen@deschutes.org Lisa Petersen Permit Technician (541) 317-3188 Lisa.Petersen@deschutes.org Peter Russell Senior Transportation Planner (541) 383-6718 Peter.Russell@deschutes.org Randy Scheid Assistant Building Official (541) 317-3137 Randy.Scheid@deschutes.org Martha Shields Permit Technician (541) 385-1706 Martha.Shields@deschutes.org Cynthia Smidt Associate Planner (541) 317-3150 Cynthia.Smidt@deschutes.org Kathleen Stockton Administrative Assistant (541) 317-3193 Kathleen.Stockton@deschutes.org Dan Swarthout Building Inspector III (541) 385-1745 Dan.Swarthout@deschutes.org Richard Wright Building Inspector III (541) 617-4746 Richard.Wright@deschutes.org Jim Williams Building Inspector II (541) 323-5221 James.Williams@deschutes.org To request this newsletter in an alternate format, call (541) 617-4747 or email ken.harms@deschutes.org.