HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920-2 Follow-up Health Services-Fiscal Revenue Controls report (8-9-19 FINAL)Follow-up Health Services – Fiscal Revenue Controls #19/20-2 August 2019
Follow-up Report
Health Services – Fiscal Revenue Controls
To request this information in an alternate format, please call (541) 330-4674 or send email to David.Givans@Deschutes.org
Deschutes County,
David Givans, CPA, CIA
County Internal Auditor
1300 NW Wall St
Bend, OR 97703
Audit committee:
Daryl Parrish, Chair - Public member
Tom Linhares - Public member
Scott Reich - Public member
Stan Turel – Public member
Patti Adair, County Commissioner
Nancy Blankenship, County Clerk
James Lewis, Property Manager
Follow-up Health Services – Fiscal Revenue Controls #19/20-2 August 2019
1.1. Background on Audit …………..……………………………………………………………. 1
1.2. Objectives and Scope ……………….………………………………….…………………… 1
1.3. Methodology …………………………………….………………………………………….…… 1
2. FOLLOW-UP RESULTS …………………….………..…………………………………………… 2
APPENDIX I – Updated workplan (status as of August 2019) ......................... 3-12
Follow-up Health Services – Fiscal Revenue Controls #19/20-2 August 2019
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Audit Authority:
The Deschutes County Audit Committee has suggested that follow-ups occur within nine months of the
reports. The Audit Committee’s would like to make sure departments satisfactorily address
objectives” define
the goals of the
The objective was to follow-up on recommendations.
The follow-up included twenty-three (23) recommendations from the internal audit report on Health
Services – Fiscal Revenue Controls (#17/18-8, issued in October 2018). The original internal audit report
should be referenced for the full text of recommendations and associated discussion. The follow-up
reflects the status as of August 2019.
The follow-up report was developed from information provided by the Health Services. In cases where
recommendations have not been implemented, comments were sought for the reasons why and the
timing for addressing these. The follow-ups are, by nature, subjective. In determining the status of
recommendations that were followed up, we relied on assertions provided by those involved and did not
attempt to independently verify those assertions.
The updates received are included in Appendix I.
Since no substantive audit work was performed, Government Auditing Standards issued by the
Comptroller General of the United States were not followed.
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2. Follow-up Results
Figure I -
How were
The follow-up included twenty-three (23) recommendations agreed to by Health Services. Health
Services agreed with all of the recommendations. Figure I provides an overview of the implementation
status of the recommendations. With this follow-up, fifty-seven percent (57%) of the recommendations
have been completed.
Health Services should be commended on their progress towards addressing the recommendations and
prioritizing the outstanding recommendations. They have established expectations for completing the
balance of the recommendations by June 2020.
A detailed listing of all of the recommendations followed up on and their status is included at the end of
the report in Appendix I. In interpreting the status, the County Internal Auditor may sometimes raise or
lower the status provided by the department based on the communication(s) received from the
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APPENDIX Appendix I – Updated workplan for Report #17/18-8 (status as of August 2019)
Items that are not completed are greyed out.
# Recommendations Completed Underway Planned Estimated
Date of
Updated Follow-up
Initial Comments
1 It is recommended for the
Department to actively utilize
and share information with the
Administrative Services
Division, County Finance, and
County Administration for all
financial discussions involving
the CCO on resource modeling,
reconciliations, and accounting
X Dec-19 CCO Contract discussions
have begun with Pacific
Source. These meetings have
been regularly attended by
the BH Deputy Director,
Admin Deputy Director and
Management Analyst on Data
Analytics team. Regular
communication and one face-
to-face meeting has occurred
with County Legal Counsel.
Deputy Director of the Administrative
Services Division, is a part of the
department’s team negotiating a new
contract with Pacific Source, the local
coordinated care organization (CCO).
Once the new contract with Pacific
Source has been finalized, the
Business Intelligence Team will
develop modeling and reporting
supporting for the tracking of services
provided and the distribution of
revenue from Pacific Source.
2 It is recommended for the
Behavioral Health Division in
coordination with their
Administrative Services
Division revise the collection
policies and procedures to
collect the required copays and
balances due from all
programs (while taking into
account appropriate sliding fee
scales) and take steps to
educate staff on the changes.
X Billing Supervisor has
completed policy/procedure
update submitted to
compliance after review and
signoff by Admin & BH
Deputy Directors. Billing
Supervisor has attended staff
meetings to provide
education on changes.
Once the new process has been
finalized, all relevant policies and
procedures will be updated to reflect
the changes. Any changes to the
sliding fee scales will require approval
from the Board of Commissioners.
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# Recommendations Completed Underway Planned Estimated
Date of
Updated Follow-up
Initial Comments
3 It is recommended the policies
developed above include the
process for considering
waivers of fees for financial
hardship. It is recommended
for those situations where
waivers are being considered
for financial hardship, that staff
document the initial rationale
and periodically revisit that
assessment over time. The
policy in developing a case for
financial hardship should
consider factors, which might
include local cost of living,
income, assets, expenses, and
scope of the individual’s
medical bills.
X Billing Supervisor has
completed a new document,
Financial Exemption Waiver,
was created and
implemented that consider
the client's financial situation,
changes to their income, the
quantity and frequency of
services, etc.; Reporting
dashboards that include
tracking of services to targets
related to contract terms
developed by Business
Intelligence Team and rolled
out to all Behavioral Health
A workgroup will be created to identify
means to collect payments from all
programs and eliminate any
programmatic exemptions. The
current guidelines (a statement every
30 days and two past due letters) will
be used for all clients, which should
meet requirements to attempt to
collect payments. Simultaneously, the
sliding fee scale amounts and
thresholds will be reviewed in
response to concerns about the billing
of a delicate and sometimes unstable
population of clients. The current
individualized exemption process
relies on medical criteria in
determining exceptions. This process
will be revised to remove medical
criteria and replace it with financial
hardship criteria. This may require
renewed authorization from the client
to release financial information to their
insurance company.
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# Recommendations Completed Underway Planned Estimated
Date of
Updated Follow-up
Initial Comments
4 It is recommended for the
billing manager to develop
written procedures for staff on
billing and collections
procedures including how to
properly process and apply
payments received.
X Dec-19 This is currently in process.
Time commitment was
greater than originally
anticipated due to the
number of
policies/procedures that will
need to be written from
scratch. The anticipated
completion date is December,
Upon completion of the training, the
Billing Team will begin applying copays
to date of service paid. A procedure
addressing the distribution and
application of copays and payments to
client accounts will be created.
5 It is recommended for
copayments collected to be
attributed by date of service.
X Billing team was re-trained on
how to apply copays and
where to attribute that copay
if one was paid but ultimately
not needed for that date.
The Billing Team will receive training
on the requirements regarding
attribution of a copayment to date of
service paid rather than carrying an
outstanding balance.
6 It is recommended for the
department to establish a
periodic review to correct
overridden income and family
members entered.
X Annual Federal Poverty Level
(FPL) report is pulled and
updated by billing team.
The Billing Supervisor will review a
Federal Poverty Level (FPL) report
annually to identify and correct
overridden income and family
members entered. The review of this
report will correspond with the annual
update to the Federal Poverty
Guidelines, released March 1 of each
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# Recommendations Completed Underway Planned Estimated
Date of
Updated Follow-up
Initial Comments
7 It is recommended for the
department to default to no
sliding scale to reinforce the
receipt of support for financial
X All divisions have
implemented the standard
"dummy" Federal Poverty
Level of $99,999/family size 1
when income data is
A new default to no sliding fee
schedule will be established. Any
clients currently defaulting to a sliding
fee schedule will be expired and
replaced with the new default system.
8 It is recommended for the
Department with support from
the Administrative Services
Division consider updating to a
consistent single sliding fee
scale, further developing the
parameters around its use, and
assessing the impacts from the
scale to County resources.
X A review was completed and
it was determined that based
on the different governing
regulations and rules for the
two divisions, as well as the
variance in how fees are
charged, a single sliding fee
scale for the two divisions is
not appropriate to
Based on the unique funding
requirements and the variable nature
of billed rates in between Public Health
and Behavioral Health, the Health
Services Department does not see a
viable means to establish one sliding
fee scale to serve both the Public
Health Division and the Behavioral
Health Division.
Public Health and Behavioral Health
receive funding through two different
divisions of the State and are required
to follow different federal guidelines.
Reproductive Health funding is from a
Title X grant from the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services office.
Behavioral Health funding is by Title
XIX reimbursement through Medicaid.
Although one consistent sliding fee
schedule for both the Public Health
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# Recommendations Completed Underway Planned Estimated
Date of
Updated Follow-up
Initial Comments
Division and Behavioral Health Division
may not be viable, both schedules will
be reviewed by the Administrative
Services Division for both operational
and fiscal considerations. Monitoring
of fiscal implications of each sliding fee
scale will be ongoing. Based on this
review and monitoring, necessary
revisions will be made to create more
consistent and financially equitable
sliding fee scales across both divisions.
9 It is recommended for the
Department to consider
centralizing the overall
department collection
supervision duties.
X Dec-19 This has not been initiated. The Health Services Department will
assess the feasibility of means to
centralize, track and report on all
collections activities.
10 It is recommended for the
Department to put in place
appropriate controls over
adjustments to any collections.
X Dec-19 This has not been initiated. The Health Services Department will
assess the feasibility of means to
centralize, track and report on all
collections activities.
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# Recommendations Completed Underway Planned Estimated
Date of
Updated Follow-up
Initial Comments
11 It is recommended for the
billing manager to have the
ability to collect, analyze and
report data on the activities
they supervise/oversee.
X Billing Supervisor was given a
Business Objects reporting
license as well as some access
to different reporting tools
within Epic and is utilizing
these reports to oversee work
within her team.
The Billing Supervisor has been
provided with access to reporting
tools, usually limited to the Business
Manager, in the Epic electronic health
records (EHR) system. Additional
software tools and applications will be
assessed to enable the Billing
Supervisor to more effectively access
and analyze data regarding billing and
12 It is recommended for the
Department to understand,
evaluate, and monitor the
audit trails available for its
collection system.
X The Business Intelligence
Team and Billing Team met,
and it was determined that
Epic reporting tools were
sufficient for current needs.
Additional tools will be
evaluated annually during the
Billing Team's action planning
process and incorporated into
the Business Intelligence's
annual workplan, as
Leveraging the Business Intelligence
Team, tools will be developed to
enable the Billing Team to track and
report on collections activities.
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# Recommendations Completed Underway Planned Estimated
Date of
Updated Follow-up
Initial Comments
13 It is recommended for the
Department to develop written
policies and procedures over
the billing and collection
oversight activities.
X Dec-19 This is currently in process.
Time commitment was
greater than originally
anticipated due to the
number of
policies/procedures that will
need to be written from
Once the previous responses have
been completed, billing policies and
procedures will be revised or
developed to reflect current practices.
14 It is recommended for the
Administrative Services
Division (or selected
supervisors) periodically audit
gift card accounting in a
comprehensive way and
periodically check custody logs
for completeness and
X Jan-20 The Administrative Services
Division piloted auditing of
one program's gift cards and
is revising to ensure a
sustainable process. Review
of all gift cards is expected in
January 2020.
The Administrative Services Division
will establish an annual process to
audit gift card accounting.
15 It is recommended staff use
another procurement method
(petty cash, purchasing cards,
or employee reimbursement)
with receipts to make
approved purchases for the
benefit of clients.
X Staff are no longer using gift
cards to make approved
purchases for the benefit of
clients. This is an item to be
included in revised Fiscal
policies and procedures that
are still underway.
The Administrative Services Division
will conduct a review of gift card
utilization and examine possible
alternatives with program leadership.
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# Recommendations Completed Underway Planned Estimated
Date of
Updated Follow-up
Initial Comments
16 It is recommended for the
County to rescind the checking
account authority by
X Checking account is closed
and all checks are destroyed
per Finance Department
The Business Manager will work with
the Finance Department to rescind
authority for the closed checking
17 It is recommended for the
petty cash custodians
periodically be educated on the
usage and documentation
required for petty cash.
X The Department conducts
random audits of petty cash
(last conducted department-
wide in June 2019). During
that time, the process,
purpose, and documentation
is reviewed with petty cash
custodians. This will continue
on an annual basis.
Petty cash custodians will be required
to receive annual training on the usage
and documentation required for petty
18 It is recommended
Administrative Services
Division staff re-establish the
control for assuring monies
received are deposited in
accordance with County policy.
X Mail logs are reviewed daily
by an on-call staff hired after
the audit to ensure Health
Services monies received are
deposited within 24 hours.
Tracking of where each
receipt is deposited occurs
The Business Manager will review
current process and make necessary
changes to ensure monies received by
mail are deposited in accordance with
County policy.
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# Recommendations Completed Underway Planned Estimated
Date of
Updated Follow-up
Initial Comments
19 It is recommended for the
Environmental health program
and Vital Records Program to
consider how they might
consolidate receipting. This
might allow them to eliminate
the duplicate receipting efforts
through importing those
transactions to Munis.
X Dec-19 Health Services worked with
the IT Department to
consolidate receipting from
Environmental Health
program's receipting system
to Munis. The Vital Records
program plans to move to
invoicing directly from Tyler
Munis. Staff are trained and
this recommendation is still in
The Administrative Services Division
will work with leadership in the Public
Health Division to examine the
feasibility of receipt consolidation
including the use of Munis.
20 It is recommended for
Administrative Services
Division to consider including
in workflow a daily or periodic
reconciliation of revenues in
the two systems to the
amounts deposited.
X Revenues are reconciled daily
with OCHIN, and electronic
checks received and posted.
Environmental Health checks
received by mail are
compared to the ones that
have been deposited to the
The Administrative Services Division
will implement revenue reconciliation
processes for all programs where
multiple systems of tracking are
21 It is recommended for the
department to update their
fiscal policies and procedures.
X Jun-20 No yet initiated. Anticipated
to begin in 2020.
Fiscal policies and procedures will be
update and/or created to reflect
current practices.
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# Recommendations Completed Underway Planned Estimated
Date of
Updated Follow-up
Initial Comments
22 It is recommended the
department update their billing
to follow the County fee
schedule and/or develop and
propose in the budget process
a new fee schedule for these
X Jun-20 Medical Records forms are
revised to be in line with the
approved FY20 fees. The
Oregon Revised Statutes
allow for different fees, and
FY21 fees will be in line with
A comparison of current billing
practices to county fee schedules will
be conducted with any disparities
corrected in the FY 2020 fee schedule.
This process will be repeated annually
to ensure ongoing compliance.
23 It is recommended for the
department to periodically
review their billings for
compliance to the County fee
X Jun-20 A comparison of current
billing practices to County fee
schedules was conducted in
February 2019, which resulted
in one new fee and revisions,
as appropriate. The
Department plans a kick-off
meeting with all program
managers for the FY21 fee
process to review County fee
policies and ensure all fees
are accurately captured.
A comparison of current billing
practices to county fee schedules will
be conducted with any disparities
corrected in the FY 2020 fee schedule.
This process will be repeated annually
to ensure ongoing compliance.
{End of Report}