A meeting of the Local Public Safety Coordinating Council was held at 3:30 p.m. on
Tuesday, September 3, 2019 in the Allen Conference Room of the Deschutes Service
Tony DeBone, County Commissioner
Patti Adair, County Commissioner
Ken Hales, Community Corrections
Wells Ashby, Judge
Tom Anderson, County Administrator
Don Wagner, Oregon State Police
Shane Nelson, Deschutes County Sheriff
Keith Witcosky, City of Redmond
Sara Crosswhite, 9-1-1 Operations
John Hummel, District Attorney
Aaron Brenneman, Defense Attorney
Erin Taylor, Citizen Member
George Conway, Health Services Director
Jim Porter, Bend PD Chief
Jeff Hall, Court Administrator
Donna McClung, Oregon Youth Authority
Justin Livingston, Bend City Council
Brian McNaughton, Redmond PD
Shelly Smith, KIDS Center
Also present were Holly Harris, Health Services; Captain Shults, Lt. Michael Gill, and Jessica
Vanderpool, Deschutes County Sheriff's Office; Deevy Holcomb, Community Justice; Trevor
Stephens, Adult Parole and Probation; Kathleen Meehan Coop, District Attorney's Office;
Curtis Chambers, Redmond Police Department, Roger Olson, NAM1, Misty Groom, High
Desert Education Service District, Julianne Repmon, Safe Schools; Jeff Pickens Adult Parole
and Probation, Richard Coe, Bend Bulletin; Laura Skundrick, Administrative Assistant.
1. CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS: Chair Judge Wells Ashby called the meeting to
order at 3:32pm at which time introductions were made.
2. APPROVE PSCC MEETING MINUTES: Commissioner DeBone suggested a small change
to the August 6th minutes clarifying a comment he had made. Motion to approve
August 6th meeting minutes as amended, made and supported. Motion Carried.
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overviewed attachments two and three, explained that Adult Parole and Probation is
applying for two grants this year, one formula and one supplemental. Historically, only
the formula grant was applied for. The supplemental is a competitive grant that would
provide funding toward expanding the program to include a pretrial component
focused on prison eligible drug and property defendants. Mr. Stephen's request is for
approval of the application and letter of support. Mr. Hales moved to approve and
authorize signature, Mr. Brenneman seconded. Motion carried.
ADULT THREAT ASSESSMENT TEAM: Lieutenant Clint Burleigh, Misty Groom, and
Julianne Repman presented the attached powerpoint regarding the multi -agency
Threat Assessment Team. They explained the national push for threat assessment, and
that Salem-Keizer has built a nationally recognized model, so they are greatly used as a
resource for the team.
Mr. Hales asked how a subject is brought to the attention of the team, and Lt. Burleigh
replied members of the group typically bring subjects forward, and the team meets
when the need arises. Ms. Repman added that team members learn about potential
cases through various avenues within their own agency, and she encourages people to
report concerns, including elected officials who may receive threats. Lt. Burleigh added
these can be reported by calling the police department, using the idea of "see
something, say something". Holly Harris, Behavioral Health Program Manager, stated
this group does great preventative work, adding that often behavioral health is
reactive, but this group is very proactive. County Administrator Tom Anderson
mentioned there had originally been concern around HIPAA information, and Judge
Wells Ashby added some may pose concern of government surveillance. Ms. Repman
replied to both, stating they have remained HIPAA compliant and don't cross that line.
The idea of surveillance was addressed during training, and were taught to be based on
best practice, not doing whatever they want. They remain transparent, and each entity
still does their same job, they are just all in a room together which helps tremendously
to expedite problem solving.
Ms. Smith said she is excited about this group and suggested other agencies that may
have interest in joining such as DHS Child Welfare and Mary's Place. Ms. Repman
agreed those would be great additions and they are working to expand. Lt. Burleigh
stated their plan was to start small then expand if successful, which is the point they
are at now. Mr. Anderson asked, given the difficulty of measuring actions prevented by
the team, how can you tell this story and demonstrate the success. Lt. Burleigh replied
it is anecdotal, then he and several others shared examples of potential incidents that
were prevented, and that it becomes clear that there are victims that don't exist due to
the actions of this group. He stated it has been truly beneficial for these agencies to be
in the same room together.
Chair Judge Ashby stated the open application period for the judge seat has concluded
and applications are now in the Governor's office for review.
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Chair Judge Ashby stated that Shelly Smith is leaving KIDS Center after 11 years, and
thanked her for her service, in the community and on this council.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:17
Respectfully submitted,
Board Assistant Secretary
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