HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-2013 Work Plan & 2011 Annual Report Community Development DepartmentCommunity Development Department Annual Report & Work PlanAnnual Report & Work Plan 117 NW Lafayette Avenue Bend, Oregon Main Line: 541-388-6575 Fax: 541-385-1764 Website: www.deschutes.org/cdd Draft - June 5, 2013 Alan Unger, Chair Tammy Baney, Vice Chair Anthony DeBone Tom Anderson, County Administrator Erik Kropp, Deputy County Administrator Dave Pedersen, Building Official Dale Brieske, Building Inspector III Scott Farm, Building Inspector III Chris Gracia, Building Inspector III Steve Jensen, Building Inspector III Randy Scheid, Plans Examiner Dan Swarthout, Building Inspector III Dan Swarthout, Building Inspector III Building Safety Nick Lelack, AICP, Director 2 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 Lori Furlong, Administrative Supervisor Tracy Griffin, Permit Technician Judy Hackett, Permit Technician Marti Mello, Permit Technician Lisa Petersen, Permit Technician Martha Shields, Permit Technician John Griley, Code Enforcement Technician Tim Grundeman, Code Enforcement Technician Coordinated Services Todd Cleveland, Environmental Health Specialist III Environmental Soils AAADMINISTRATIONDMINISTRATIONDMINISTRATION Kevin Harrison, Principal Planner Peter Gutowsky, AICP, Principal Planner Paul Blikstad, Senior Planner Will Groves, Senior Planner Peter Russell, Senior Transportation Planner Cynthia Smidt, Associate Planner Sher Buckner, Administrative Secretary Tim Berg, GIS Analyst Programmer Planning BBBOARDOARDOARD OFOFOF CCCOUNTYOUNTYOUNTY CCCOMMISSIONERSOMMISSIONERSOMMISSIONERS CCCOMMUNITYOMMUNITYOMMUNITY DDDEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENT DDDEPARTMENTEPARTMENTEPARTMENT SSSTAFFTAFFTAFF Kathleen Stockton, Administrative Assistant Operations COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES & HEARINGS OFFICERS CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 3 Michele Sims Vice Chairperson Kevin Tanski Secretary Pam Hardy Mary Barron Bill Braly Jim Stone Matt Martin Phyllis Lewis DDDESCHUTESESCHUTESESCHUTES CCCOUNTYOUNTYOUNTY PPPLANNINGLANNINGLANNING CCCOMMISSIONERSOMMISSIONERSOMMISSIONERS DDDESCHUTESESCHUTESESCHUTES CCCOUNTYOUNTYOUNTY HHHISTORICISTORICISTORIC LLLANDMARKSANDMARKSANDMARKS CCCOMMISSIONERSOMMISSIONERSOMMISSIONERS Broc Stenman Unincorporated (Chair) Bill Olsen Pioneer Association (Vice Chair) Chris Horting-Jones Unincorporated (Secretary) Sharon Leighty Unincorporated Dennis Schmidling City of Sisters Kelly Madden Ex-Officio Ray Solley Ex-Officio Rachel Stemach Ex-Officio Bill Rainey Sisters (Chair) Christen Brown At Large (Vice Chair) Hugh Palcic At Large Ed Criss South County Matt Lisignoli Redmond James Powell Bend Todd Turner Bend DDDESCHUTESESCHUTESESCHUTES CCCOUNTYOUNTYOUNTY HHHEARINGSEARINGSEARINGS OOOFFICERSFFICERSFFICERS Karen Green Ken Helm DDDESCHUTESESCHUTESESCHUTES CCCOUNTYOUNTYOUNTY BBBICYCLEICYCLEICYCLE & P& P& PEDESTRIANEDESTRIANEDESTRIAN AAADVISORYDVISORYDVISORY CCCOMMITTEEOMMITTEEOMMITTEE Deschutes County Mission Statement & Policies ............ 5 CDD Introduction/Overview .......................................... 6 Department Goals ......................................................... 8 Accomplishments ........................................................ 9 Draft Work Plan ............................................................ 9 Accomplishments ...................................................... 11 Draft Work Plan ......................................................... 12 Accomplishments ...................................................... 13 Draft Work Plan ......................................................... 14 Accomplishments ...................................................... 16 Draft Work Plan ......................................................... 17 Accomplishments ...................................................... 18 Draft Work Plan ......................................................... 19 Accomplishments ...................................................... 20 Draft Work Plan ......................................................... 21 2012 Annual Community Involvement Report ............. 24 .................................................................................. 28 CCCOMMUNITYOMMUNITYOMMUNITY DDDEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENT DDDEPARTMENTEPARTMENTEPARTMENT CCCOORDINATEDOORDINATEDOORDINATED SSSERVICESERVICESERVICES CCCODEODEODE EEENFORCEMENTNFORCEMENTNFORCEMENT GGGEOGRAPHICEOGRAPHICEOGRAPHIC IIINFORMATIONNFORMATIONNFORMATION SSSYSTEMSYSTEMSYSTEMS BBBUILDINGUILDINGUILDING SSSAFETYAFETYAFETY EEENVIRONMENTALNVIRONMENTALNVIRONMENTAL SSSOILSOILSOILS PPPLANNINGLANNINGLANNING SSSTAFFTAFFTAFF DDDIRECTORYIRECTORYIRECTORY 4 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 5 DESCHUTES COUNTY MISSION STATEMENT Enhancing the lives of citizens by delivering quality services in a cost-effective manner Economic Vitality Promote policies and actions that stimulate economic development in Deschutes County Provide safe and effective infrastructure that supports local economic opportunities and livable communities. Support land use policies that promote beneficial utilization of the land for economic growth. Support beneficial management and access policies of publicly owned natural resources to promote tourism and recreation activities. Pursue interjurisdictional and interdepartmental cooperation to enhance service delivery and the cost effectiveness of public services. Healthy Environment Assess, protect and enhance the natural resources of Deschutes County Enhance and protect Deschutes County air, land and water resources. Effective Service Delivery Promote confidence in County government by ensuring fiscal responsibility, openness and accessibility in the delivery of County services Support employee development, productivity and safety through training, technology, resources and tools necessary to delivery quality public services. Support and promote Deschutes County Customer Service “Every Time” Standards. Provide ongoing evaluation of employee performance, job satisfaction and wellness. Provide comprehensive support services in an effective and efficient manner. Ensure accurate, secure and timely delivery of public services. Monitor, analyze and report on the financial health of the Deschutes County organization. Promote policies and actions that provide open and transparent access to County government. EXCERPT FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 2013-2014 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Main Office 117 NW Lafayette Ave. Bend, OR 97701 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8-5, Wed. 9-5 South County Services Center 51340 Highway 97 S. La Pine, OR 97739 Tuesday 8-4 Deschutes County Fair & Expo 3800 SW Airport Way Redmond, OR 97756 Thursday 8:00-4:30 CDD MCDD MCDD MISSIONISSIONISSION SSSTATEMENTTATEMENTTATEMENT The Community Development Department facilitates orderly growth and development in Deschutes County through coordinated programs of Planning, Environmental Soils, Building Safety, Code Enforcement, education and services to the public. This Annual Report highlights the Community Development Department’s 2012 accomplishments, the work plan for Fiscal Year 2013-14, and implements the Board’s goals and objectives. CDD provides satellite office coverage in Redmond and La Pine, as well as services at the main office in Bend. The Department consists of four divisions as listed below, as well as Code Enforcement and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) programs, which provide coordinated planning and development services. The Department has 28.6 full-time employees and is managed by Nick Lelack, Director. INTRODUCTION 6 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 Coordinated ServicesCoordinated ServicesCoordinated Services Building SafetyBuilding SafetyBuilding Safety Environmental SoilsEnvironmental SoilsEnvironmental Soils Planning DivisionPlanning DivisionPlanning Division Code EnforcementCode EnforcementCode Enforcement Geographic Information SystemsGeographic Information SystemsGeographic Information Systems Full Time Equivalents FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 48.10 32.50 28.60 28.60 29.00 Community Development OVERVIEW N L CDD Director L F Administrave Supervisor B S D P D E S D C S D Commercial/Residenal Plan Review and Inspecons Current Planning Long Range Planning Geographic Informaon Systems Onsite Program Permit Technicians Code Enforcement D P Building Official T C Environmental Health Specialist B C C B P A C H O H L C P C D R M E C CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 7 Budget Summary FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 (Proposed) $5,912,932 4,292,013 4,476,213 4,457,366 5,000,870 Resources Requirements 5,299,901 4,160,237 4,476,213 4,457,366 5,000,870 K H P G Principal Planners COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GOALS Maintaining recently updated intergovernmental agreements and coordinating with cities, state and federal agencies. Enhance cooperative relationships and open dialogue with stakeholder organizations. Improving and expanding CDD’s communications with social media, the monthly newsletter, and this Annual Report. Developing a five-year CDD Department Strategic Plan with internal and external customers. Conducting a CDD fee study/audit as part of future work plan projects in 2014-2017. 8 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 WWWORKORKORK PPPLANLANLAN FORFORFOR 2014 I2014 I2014 INCLUDESNCLUDESNCLUDES::: SSSUMMARYUMMARYUMMARY The items listed below apply to all divisions within the Community Development Department. Customer service continues to be the highest priority. A proactive approach was undertaken in 2012 to encourage customers to complete questionnaires, and a significant number of these were returned to CDD, with an average rating of 4.52 (on a scale of 5). This achievement continued to occur for another year during which CDD maintained historical service levels despite staffing reductions. The increased availability of information on the CDD website and improved brochures helped to keep customer wait times to an average of 2.5 minutes, with an increased number of customer visits since 2011. Maintaining high customer service levels with increasing development activity in the rural areas of La Pine, Sisters, Redmond and surrounding counties. Seamlessly installing and transitioning the County’s ePermitting software program from AccuTerm to Accela. SSSIGNIFICANTIGNIFICANTIGNIFICANT IIISSUESSSUESSSUES INININ THETHETHE YYYEAREAREAR AAAHEADHEADHEAD COORDINATED SERVICES The Coordinated Services Division provides service to customers at the main office in Bend, as well as at satellite offices in Redmond and La Pine. The Division consists of five permit technicians and two code enforcement technicians. The goals of the Division are to ensure minimal wait times, provide accurate information to the public, and ensure the efficient operation of the front counter. The Coordinated Services Supervisor has been extensively involved with the state and Accela Automation Software (software vendor) to prepare, develop and convert CDD to a new statewide ePermitting system. In addition, this new system will be developed for the Building Divisions in the cities of Redmond and Sisters. CDD’s software for the Building and Environmental Soils Divisions will incur no cost to CDD. The Coordinated Services Supervisor has taken the lead role in organizing and developing training programs for CDD personnel as well as staff in Redmond and Sisters to prepare for the implementation of Accela. Another responsibility undertaken to launch this program was to organize and submit intergovernmental agreements and contracts from the state and software vendor to the County’s legal counsel, with ultimate approval of the BOCC. Staff has completed the database cleanup project needed for the conversion to Accela. Approximately 80% of the records have been corrected, with anticipated completion in 2013. GIS, Coordinated Services and IT support continued to assess equipment used by staff to ensure that operational needs were met. The team has developed project list that will enhance service, staff efficiency and communications. Projects include making data available to inspectors in the field, linkages to historical documents where parcel numbers have changed, new types of online permit applications, and reviews of business processes and procedures. Coordinated Services will lead CDD in the conversion to Accela and coordinate with the Planning and Code Enforcement Divisions and the cities of Redmond and Sisters to train staff and implement the new software program. AAACCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTS DDDRAFTRAFTRAFT WWWORKORKORK PPPLANLANLAN OOOVERVIEWVERVIEWVERVIEW CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 9 COORDINATED SERVICES, CONTINUED Staff will complete training (Crystal Reports) and continue to work with IT to coordinate and schedule this project for future implementation; and CDD staff will also assist the City of Sisters with Accela, as part of the new building services contract. Develop and implement public outreach and education on the Accela system and all related elements. Perform addressing duties in rural Deschutes County. 10 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 11 OOOVERVIEWVERVIEWVERVIEW The Code Enforcement program consists of two Code Enforcement technicians (1.6 FTE in 2012- 2013) plus volunteers, supported by a law enforcement technician from the Sheriff’s Department, management and the operating divisions. Code Enforcement is responsible for investigating code violation complaints associated with building, land use, onsite wastewater disposal and solid waste codes, with the overriding goal of achieving voluntary compliance. If necessary, Code Enforcement may issue citations for prosecution in circuit court or before a Code Enforcement hearings officer. AAACCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTS Code Enforcement staff successfully resolved 257 cases in 2012. The number of new Code Enforcement cases increased 46% in Year 2012. Accommodating this increase, staff maintained consistency in case turn around times and achieved an 85% voluntary compliance rate. Utilization of volunteers in the proactive code enforcement program was very successful. Work performed by volunteers directly enhanced productivity and efficiency. Coordinating with the County Weeds Program Specialist, staff extended proactive enforcement program focus to include identification of noxious weed-infested property. CODE ENFORCEMENT Cases Opened New Proactive Cases Total New Cases Percent Change 2010 221 3 224 (9%) 2011 181 7 188 (16%) 2012 252 24 276 46% Case Initiation Summary Compliance Total Cases Closed 30 Days 60 Days 180 Days 360 Days 2010 231 12% 23% 62% 82% 2011 197 10% 22% 50% 77% 2012 257 13% 26% 62% 77% Case Turnaround Voluntary Warning Citation Injunction 2010 89% 5% 6% <1% 2011 85% 11% 4% <1% 2012 85% 10% 5% <1% CODE ENFORCEMENT, CONTINUED DDDRAFTRAFTRAFT WWWORKORKORK PPPLANLANLAN Ongoing Projects: Complete the update of the Code Enforcement procedures manual, including revising sections to reflect current practices, deleting those sections which are no longer appropriate, and adding provisions for updated objectives. One discussion item will be a review of the policy on accepting anonymous complaints. The BOCC will consider adoption of the updated manual after conducting public hearings. Continue proactive effort in investigation of illegal second dwellings, review temporary use permits, and follow up on replacement dwellings. Continue to establish a relationship between CDD Code Enforcement and rural subdivision homeowners associations. Code Enforcement technicians make themselves available to speak at stakeholder meetings to share Deschutes County Code Enforcement information and operating procedures. Participate in land use text amendment process by providing information and insight to ensure code enforceability. Survey other code enforcement jurisdictions and incorporate innovative practices where appropriate. This effort includes direct involvement with the Oregon Code Enforcement Association (OCEA) conference participation and networking. Administer the Code Enforcement Volunteer Program, focusing on proactive, non-threatening case review. Potential Projects (listed in priority order, to be accomplished as time allows): In cooperation with the Building Safety Division, participate in the development of a text amend- ment on the County Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. The amendment will update tables to include compact florescent lighting options. 12 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is staffed by one Analyst/ Programmer and supports CDD divisions as well as providing direct service to the public via electronic and web-based mapping. GIS will assist Coordinated Services with the ePermitting (Accela) transition and adding the City of La Pine’s Comprehensive Plan designations and zoning districts into the County’s database. Continued to train employees and customers on the expanded use of the Local Area Virtual Atlas (LAVA) and Community Development’s Online Mapping (CDMap) applications. Worked with the Long Range Planning Division to complete all mapping and statistical analysis related to the Comprehensive Plan and South County Plan. Contributed to development of the Land Information System (DIAL 2) currently being developed within the Information Technology Department. Attended bi-weekly meetings and provided data, design criteria and feedback to DIAL 2 development team. Provided technical support, statistical analysis and mapping support for South Deschutes County Local Wetland Inventory. Worked with Oregon Department of State Lands and ESA Adolfson, the wetland consultant, to identify and map wetlands within the South Deschutes County region. Updated Deschutes County’s online mapping applications to display the South Deschutes County Local Wetland Inventory, correct graphing errors and modified printable maps and reports. Continued to work with the Senior Transportation Planner to update the Transportation System Plan. Created maps and exhibits for meetings, public hearings and final publication document. Updated and maintained GIS Metadata, a summary for all GIS data maintained by CDD for the County GIS program. Assisted with the successful conversion of CDD’s website to Kentico CMS. Compiled data, reports, maps, and technical analysis for the Environmental Soils Division and the Department of Environmental Quality in both Deschutes and Klamath Counties. Provided mapping and technical support to Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO) and La Pine Industrial GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS OOOVERVIEWVERVIEWVERVIEW AAACCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTS CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 13 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS, CONTINUED DDDRAFTRAFTRAFT WWWORKORKORK PPPLANLANLAN 14 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 Group for the La Pine Industrial Park. Created maps for brochures and packets to help market and advertise the Industrial Park. Assisted the Long Range Planning Division with mapping support and statistical analysis for the Regional Economic Opportunity Analysis (REOA). Supported Upper Deschutes River Coalition (UDRC) with data- base development used for landowner and member/ stakeholder notification purposes. Ongoing Projects Continue to educate CDD staff on the use of GIS data and products in their work objectives, and identify areas where they may assist, including enhanced linkages between the GIS and permit systems. Areas of particular emphasis include: Maintaining and enhancing GIS Metadata when necessary. P r o vid ing te c hn i cal s u p p ort, i n cl ud i ng mapping and analysis to the cities of Bend, La Pine, and Sisters for future Urban Growth Boundary (UGB)/Urban Reserve Area (URA) expansions. Update and enhance the Land Use Tracking System (LUTS) by incorporating and updating the spatial databases contained within LUTS. Projects Create pre-printed series of PDF maps for the website. Create bicycle route map/online guide. Create and inventory databases and maps for all surface mines in Deschutes County. Determine which surface mines no longer require Surface Mining Impact Area reviews; update LUTS, GIS and Deschutes Information Access Line (DIAL). Web Projects CDD will continue to work with IT to complete the following objectives: Online Ecommerce Application: Develop ability to process other types of permits online such as roof replacement permits using our e-commerce application. Develop a search system with IT staff to research child/parent tax lot number structure in order to retrieve data attached to cancelled tax lots. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS, CONTINUED CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 15 Recreate and expand the information center with SharePoint to provide a “one stop shop” for all CDD data. Add interactive forms such as: Legal Program/Quickstart Program Pages Online Address Request and Problems Forms Online Property Violation Report Form Online CDDStatistics SharePoint Application: Automate monthly statistics reports in a format to include dynamic charts and reports. Automate application with SharePoint to retrieve land use history maps and documents scanned by the Clerk’s office. OOOVERVIEWVERVIEWVERVIEW The Building Safety Division consists of a Building Official, six full-time inspectors and additional on-call staff and provides construction plan reviews, consultations and inspections to assure compliance with national and state building specialty codes. Inspectors are required to possess the following certifications: Oregon Specialty Code Certification for two A-level inspector certificates Oregon Specialty Code Certification for one- and two-family dwellings for structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical and plan review Manufactured home installation inspector certificates A-level electrical and one– and two-family dwelling electrical certifications The Building Safety Division also provides services to a number of cities and counties, including the State of Oregon Building Codes Division. Deschutes County has intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) in place with the following jurisdictions, with the length of service as far back as 2001: AAACCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTS During 2012, the Division processed 157 single family home permits, a 34% increase from 2011. Plan review procedures have been successfully reorganized, and inspection and turnaround times have been met, with a reduction in the timeframe for residential plan review. Field inspection response time of 24 hours has been maintained. Monthly meetings with the Central Oregon Builders Association (COBA) continue, and participation in other events with COBA has maintained an effective and open process. A review of the process for granting agricultural exemptions to structural permits has reduced the number of structures that would eventually be entered into the code enforcement process. Steps have been implemented to enhance electronic plan submittals for commercial and residential projects. City of Bend (2003) City of Sisters (2013) Jefferson County (2001) City of La Pine (2007) Crook County (2003) Klamath County (2012) City of Redmond (2002) Harney County (2011) Lake County (2002) State of Oregon (2003) BUILDING SAFETY 16 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 BUILDING SAFETY, CONTINUED Permit extensions will continue to be evaluated regarding the most efficient method for performing actual inspections to legally close and archive old permits. Critical state mandated training events for all of the division personnel have been organized and produced, to maintain active Inspector certifications. This was accomplished through the cooperation of the Central Oregon Chapter of the International Code Conference. Building Safety continues to provide information to customers on energy efficiency improvements that customers can incorporate into their construction plans. This program was funded by a two-year grant through the Department of Energy and ended in fall 2012. Updated Title 15 to include the most up-to-date versions of specialty codes, as well as the fire and dangerous building codes. Worked with the Code Enforcement Division to establish an administrative hearing process for violations of the Building Code, mandated by Senate Bill 960. DDDRAFTRAFTRAFT WWWORKORKORK PPPLANLANLAN The Division will explore opportunities for shared service delivery with other jurisdictions. Technology initiatives include launching Accela as part of Deschutes County’s ongoing effort to move toward a paperless office. The Division will also: Maintain field inspection turnaround time to meet a goal of 24 hours, with Plan Review completion within the stated time frames of 10 days for commercial and 7 days for residential. Continue to participate in regular meetings with the Central Oregon Builders Association and maintain an excellent working relationship with that group. Continue to review and refine the process for consistently determining Agricultural and Equine exemptions with the goal of all exemptions meeting the requirements of ORS 455.315. Continue to refine the permit expiration rules and practices with the goal of reducing the number of dormant or abandoned open permit files. Work with Planning and Environmental Soils to investigate the potential benefits and drawbacks of adopting a grading ordinance. This will entail examining the ICC model Grading Code, along with local adaptations utilized by other jurisdictions. Develop and coordinate a process to ensure that all necessary permits have been issued by the Building and Environmental Soils Divisions when inspections of wastewater sewer/septic system repairs and alterations are required. Work to develop a routine method of providing ongoing technical training for residential inspectors, in addition to the state mandated code change updates, and also provide an in-house electrical code cross training program . CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 17 The Environmental Soils Division is staffed by one Environmental Health Specialist III, who provides site evaluations, design review and inspection of onsite wastewater and dispersal systems. Staff also inspects sewage pumper trucks, reports on the condition of existing wastewater systems, maintains an operations and maintenance tracking system, provides the public with information on wastewater treatment systems and regulations, and investigates sewage hazards. Staff is also engaged in the proactive pursuit of protecting the groundwater in Deschutes County. In 2012, the Division: Assessed 74 sites for onsite wastewater treatment and dispersal systems, issued 726 permits and authorizations for new and existing onsite treatment and dispersal systems, up 7.1% from 2011. ENVIRONMENTAL SOILS AAACCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTS Regularly coordinated with Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), including the hydrologist in the Western Region office, to determine the circumstances in South County requiring protective onsite wastewater systems. Staff also attended DEQ South Deschutes/North Klamath Groundwater Steering Committee meetings and a soil scientist training seminar to maintain onsite wastewater certifications. Participated in drinking water well resampling with DEQ to compare data from previous samplings in 1999 and 2000. Replaced approximately 73 antiquated, leaky steel septic tanks within the groundwater protection area of South County. Permitted and inspected 17 new nitrogen reducing alternative treatment technology (ATT) systems, bringing the total to 151 homes which are reducing nitrogen loading from their wastewater to standards necessary to ensure safe drinking water in South County. In coordination with the Deschutes County/NeighborImpact Loan Partnership program, assisted a South County property owner, when a nitrogen-reducing ATT system was required to repair a failing onsite system. Provided five property owners in South County with rebates of $3,750 per property for upgrading conventional onsite systems to nitrogen reducing pollution reduction systems. Coordinated with the City of Bend to assess sites eligible for onsite wastewater treatment and dispersal systems due to their distances from a sewer collection facility. OOOVERVIEWVERVIEWVERVIEW 18 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL SOILS, CONTINUED Participated in the DEQ Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) work group for the upper Deschutes Basin and City of Bend Stormwater Quality Advisory Group. The Environmental Soils Division will continue to maintain or exceed service level goals and reduce permit application processing time for site evaluations, design review and inspection of onsite wastewater and dispersal systems. Staff will coordinate with the DEQ on its groundwater protection efforts, including implementing the South Deschutes/North Klamath Groundwater Steering Committee recommendation and participating in discussions regarding Statewide Planning Goal 11 (Public Facilities and Services). Staff will prioritize addressing sewage health hazards and protecting public health and the environment. Staff will continue working with the DEQ on permitting protective onsite wastewater systems in South Deschutes County. DDDRAFTRAFTRAFT WWWORKORKORK PPPLANLANLAN CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 19 PLANNING AAACCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTS CURRENT PLANNING OOOVERVIEWVERVIEWVERVIEW CURRENT PLANNING LONG RANGE PLANNING LONG-RANGE PLANNING The Planning Division is divided into two operational areas: Current Planning and Long Range Planning. The Division consists of eight employees: a Planning Director, two Principal Planners, two Senior Planners, one Senior Transportation Planner, an Associate Planner and an Administrative Secretary. Current Planning is responsible for reviewing land use applications for compliance with Deschutes County Code (DCC) and state law, including zoning, subdivision and development regulations, and facilitating public hearings with hearings officers and the BOCC. Staff are also responsible for signing off on building and septic permits; coordinating with Code Enforcement to respond to complaints and monitor conditions of approval for land use permits; performing road naming duties; and providing assistance at the public counter, over the telephone and via email. Long Range Planning is responsible for planning for the future of Deschutes County, including developing and implementing land use policy with the BOCC, Planning Commission, community and partner organizations. It is in charge of updating the County Comprehensive Plan and zoning regulations, and coordinating with cities and agencies on various planning projects taking place in the region. Staff participate in local, regional and statewide committees, primarily focusing on transportation, natural resources and economic development. Met with 1,614 customers in 2012, compared to 1,472 in 2011. Received 403 land use applications in 2012, compared with 412 applications for 2011. Seven applications were reviewed by hearings officers in 2012. There were four appeals filed with the Land Use Board of Appeals in 2012. This compares with four appeals in 2011. A new Deschutes County-City of La Pine Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) was adopted that anticipates the transfer of land use permitting responsibilities within La Pine to the City. Received an $185,000 grant along with the Oregon State Parks and Recreation to design and construct a trail near Tumalo State Park. 20 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 PLANNING, CONTINUED Completed the Transportation System Plan Update, which replaces the one originally adopted in 1998. Participated in two sage grouse conservation programs, one led by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the other by the Governor’s Office. Completed the Central Oregon Large Lot Industrial Land Needs Analysis, which now provides a policy framework for the tri-county region to coordinate as a single entity promoting large lot industrial employment sites Completed a draft of Newberry Country: A Plan for Southern Deschutes County, which received a recommendation of approval from the Planning Commission, and has been submitted to the Board of Commissioners for their formal review. Adopted amendments to County Code to permit agri-tourism and other commercial events and activities under SB 960. Continue to improve pre-application conferences to provide the best available information (e.g., applicable standards, fees, processes) to customers at the start of their projects. Continue cost accounting system for current planning section and analyze data from that system. Information will be used to review fees and to quantify work tasks not directly tied to land use permits. Continue to issue all administrative decisions for land use actions requiring prior notice within 45 days of determination of complete application and for those that do not require prior notice, within 21 days of determination of complete application. Initiate a text amendment to prohibit the issuance of land use and building permits if a property has a pending code violation or is in violation with conditions of approval from a prior land use decision. Assist the City of La Pine in performing current planning services (currently performed by Deschutes County under contract) to implement its Comprehensive Plan and zoning and development regulations. DDDRAFTRAFTRAFT WWWORKORKORK PPPLANLANLAN CURRENT PLANNING CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 21 LONG-RANGE PLANNING PLANNING, CONTINUED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Support the DEQ South Deschutes/North Klamath County Groundwater Protection Project with the Environmental Soils Division. Explore programs (Non-Resource Lands, Secondary Lands, Big Look/HB 2229, and/or Regional Resource Definitions) with Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) staff to determine the best option to review and potentially change farm and forest land designations in Deschutes County. Some programs require state approval to initiate. Establish tracking and reporting systems, including annual updates to the Planning Commission and Board, on implementing and identifying necessary revisions to the Comprehensive Plan and Action Plan, community plans, and destination resorts. COORDINATION Local Governments Coordinate with the City of Bend to plan for urban growth; and to update, adopt, and implement the Bend Airport Master Plan. Coordinate with the City of La Pine and La Pine Park and Recreation District on the BLM land transfer for the events lands. Coordinate with the City of Redmond to amend the Comprehensive Plan and zoning map and urban growth boundary expansion for a regional large lot industrial site. Participate in the City of Redmond’s Southwest Area Plan process. Provide support to the City of Sisters and Sisters Airport owner to expand the Sisters UGB to include the airport property. Coordinate with the La Pine Park and Recreation District on land use and environmental health issues associated with parks facilities at Rosland Campground. State Government Participate in and monitor annual legislative sessions, committees and work groups regarding BOCC planning priorities. 22 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 PLANNING, CONTINUED Special Projects Support Deschutes County’s Property and Facilities Department to amend the Bend Area General Plan and zone map to allow for redevelopment of the Demolition Landfill site on Simpson Avenue. Assist Central Oregon jurisdictions implement the Central Oregon Large Lot Industrial Land Project. Coordinate with Assessor and Administration Office to complete Portland State University, Population Research Center, 2013 Housing Unit and Population Questionnaire Assist GIS staff regarding the Local Update of Census Addressing and annual annexation updates in Deschutes County. Maintain an up-to-date Deschutes County Economic Development Initiatives Report. Implement, in collaboration with the Deschutes County Property and Facilities Department, a 2013 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Community-Wide Brownfield Assessment Grant to inventory and prioritize sites with known contamination in Bend, Redmond and the rural county. Utilizing a technical committee and meaningful public input, evaluate the inventory to prioritize those sites for environmental assessments, like the Demolition Landfill that are in the best position to get redeveloped or reused for contributing to the tax rolls or other public purposes. Unincorporated Areas Participate in the process to develop solutions for safe access to the Deschutes River at or near Harper Bridge. HISTORIC PRESERVATION Administer 2013/2014 Certified Local Government (CLG) grant for historic preservation. Noteworthy projects include a Reconnaissance Level Survey (RLS) of local, state, and federal landmarks containing tourism and recreation features, photographing existing historic landmarks recognized in rural Deschutes County and Sisters, and providing technical support to the Deschutes County Historic Landmarks Commission. CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 23 NATURAL RESOURCES Participate as a cooperating agency with the Bureau of Land Management and the Governor’s Office Sage Grouse Conservation Partnership to coordinate federal, state, and local efforts to address the multiple threats to sage-grouse across Central and Eastern Oregon in anticipation of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service review of the bird’s “Warranted But Precluded” status under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). Monitor and participate in a state-led process to address the effects of the U.S. District Court decisions related to the ESA and floodplain development. PLANNING, CONTINUED 24 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 2012 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT REPORT BACKGROUND 201220122012 CCCOMMUNITYOMMUNITYOMMUNITY IIINVOLVEMENTNVOLVEMENTNVOLVEMENT AAACCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTSCCOMPLISHMENTS CCCURRENTURRENTURRENT PPPLANNINGLANNINGLANNING MMMONTHLYONTHLYONTHLY UUUPDATEPDATEPDATE Statewide Planning Goal 1, Citizen Involvement, requires cities and counties to create a citizen involvement program to provide opportunities for community participation in land use planning processes and decisions. Land use legislation, policies and implementation measures made by Oregonians 40 years ago helped shape Oregon’s urban and rural environments. Likewise, choices made today will ultimately shape these areas in the future. Successful land use planning occurs through an open and public process that provides room for information gathering, analysis and debate. Deschutes County’s Community Involvement program is defined in Section 1.2 of the Comprehensive Plan. This chapter identifies the County Planning Commission as the committee for citizen involvement. It also contains the County’s Community Involvement goal and corresponding five policies that comply with Goal 1. This report briefly discusses the noteworthy community involvement actions undertaken by the Planning Division in 2012. The report is intended to provide county residents and stakeholders with a tool to assess its effectiveness and offer additional suggestions the County can utilize to ensure that its diverse communities remain actively involved in land use planning discussions. As noted in the Community Development Department’s (CDD) 2013 Annual Report, administering the zoning code requires the Current Planning Division to process individual land use applications, zoning review and signoff for building and septic permits. Land use applications are subject to state mandated public notice requirements; public hearings are subject to public meeting requirements. These laws ensure public participation in the land use permitting process. The Current Planning Division also follows public records law to ensure access to County records. In 2012, the Deschutes County Planning Director distributed a monthly update containing current and long range planning projects; Historic Landmarks Commission, Planning Commission, and Board of County Commissioners’ calendars; noteworthy land use issues and decisions; and legislative subcommittee discussions. This update is emailed to hundreds of residents and stakeholders who have requested copies, and it is also posted on the CDD website. CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 25 County staff created a website for the Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update where reports and draft versions were posted for public review, and held several work sessions with both the Planning Commission and the BOCC in 2012. The Planning Commission held three public hearings in the spring of 2012, including one in Sisters, as the public had identified several transportation issues unique to that area. The BOCC then conducted three more public hearings in the summer of 2012 to provide ample opportunities for public input on the TSP Amendment. One of the hearings occurred in the evening to accommodate those who work during the day. A joint work session also took place between the Sisters City Council and the BOCC. Coordination with the Road Department and continual involvement by members of the public led to several meaningful revisions in the TSP’s bicycle and pedestrian policies and goals, triggers for improvements on US 20 west of Sisters, and in the unincorporated community of Tumalo, as well as prioritizations of selected road projects. The BOCC adopted the TSP Update on August 20, 2012, completing the multi-year project and the first major amendment to the TSP since 1998. Ordinance 2012-005, the TSP Update, took effect November 19, 2012. Deschutes County is amending its Comprehensive Plan to formally recognize an area-specific plan entitled Newberry Coun- try: A Plan for Southern Deschutes County. The Plan encompasses the rural areas south of Lava Butte with two exceptions: Sunriver and La Pine, which are governed separately. It addresses the area’s unique assets, local values and preferences for growth and development, the environment, natural hazards, transportation and more. The Plan represents a legal framework for implementing a vision for building stronger, more resilient rural communities by managing growth in this region to 2032. This Plan recognizes the realities facing rural Deschutes County, while acknowledging what governments can and cannot influence. It demonstrates leadership for improving the ways in which collaboration can occur among all sectors—government, businesses, non-profits, and residents—to achieve a shared vision. This Plan presents the results of the planning process that led to the development of its goals and policies. As shown in the list on the next page, a significant amount of in-house resources were expended to assure active public participation from January to August 2012. Two public hearings with the Planning Commission took place in the fall. In December, the Planning Commission concluded their deliberations, recommending the Board adopt the Plan. 2012 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT REPORT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN AMENDMENT NEWBERRY COUNTRY: A PLAN FOR SOUTHERN DESCHUTES COUNTY 26 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 CENTRAL OREGON LARGE LOT INDUSTRIAL LAND NEED ANALYSIS South County Plan Public Outreach: Community meetings Planning Commission field trip Focus groups Frontier Days (4th of July) booth in La Pine Government agency meetings Homeowner association meetings Interviews with community leaders Non-governmental organization meetings Road District meetings Informal survey Three Rivers Elementary School PTA meeting Radio interviews (KBND/KITC) Website updates Regular work sessions (PC/BOCC) Funded by two DLCD grants totaling $75,500, Deschutes County hired a consultant in 2010 and convened a Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) to develop a Regional Economic Opportunity Analysis (REOA) for the tri-county area of Central Oregon. The RAC consisted of Central Oregon cities and counties, Johnson-Reid LLC, Business Oregon, DLCD, Department of State Lands, Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council, 1,000 Friends of Oregon (1,000 Friends), Economic Development for Central Oregon, Central Oregon Association of Realtors and private area developers. The RAC met officially six times before the REOA was finalized on May 31, 2011. Responding to a lack of large lot industrial sites, 50 acres or larger that prevent site selectors from visiting the region, the BOCC in November 2011 adopted a Comprehensive Plan amendment to officially recognize the REOA as a technical study, and a series of policies that establish the legal basis to encourage cities to address this unmet employment land need (Ordinance 2011-017). The BOCC, by exercising its statutory coordination authority, chose to identify and implement a program to create a large lot land supply that enables Central Oregon to compete for industrial recruitment. The community development objective is to establish a short term supply of six large lot industrial sites. Policies also establish a planning framework for creating a regional entity to oversee the program. COIC is the beneficiary of a third DLCD grant totaling $35,000, and is now using it to establish a regional authority to promote the large-lot industrial land strategy. 2012 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT REPORT CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 27 Ordinance 2011-017 was subsequently appealed to the Land Use Board of Appeals by 1,000 Friends. However, the appeal was stayed in early 2012 to allow Deschutes County, the Governor’s office, and 1,000 Friends to explore a settlement, which was ultimately reached in April. During that process, Deschutes County collaborated with Crook and Jefferson counties, cities of Bend, La Pine, Madras, Prineville, and Redmond, DLCD, Department of State Lands, Central Oregon Association of Realtors, and Economic Development for Central Oregon. The settlement consisted of policy concepts focusing entirely on Central Oregon’s short-term need for large lot industrial sites as well as a commitment from DLCD to initiate rulemaking over the summer. Following recommendations from a rule making committee, two hearings on the proposed permanent rules were held. A hearings officer conducted a hearing in Redmond on September 27. The other was held during a regularly scheduled Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) meeting on November 15 in McMinnville. LCDC took public testimony and then unanimously adopted the new administrative rules to 660-024-0040 and 660-024- 0045 to recognize Central Oregon’s short-term need for large lot employment land. The rules went into effect on December 10. In January 2013, Deschutes County adopted a new ordinance in its Comprehensive Plan, justifying Central Oregon’s short term need for a critical mass of competitive and diverse vacant, developable industrial sites. Adopting the ordinance creates a policy framework to enable municipalities within Deschutes County to apply the new administrative rules adopted by LCDC to identify land to meet this regional need for large lot industrial sites. It also allows Jefferson and Crook counties to adopt similar ordinances to tie the region together from a policy standpoint. 2012 DESCHUTES COUNTY COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT REPORT 28 CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 STAFF DIRECTORY NNN TTT PPP EEE Nick Lelack Director (541) 385-1708 Nick.Lelack@deschutes.org Tim Berg GIS Analyst/Programmer III (541) 330-4648 Tim.Berg@deschutes.org Paul Blikstad Senior Planner (541) 388-6554 Paul.Blikstad@deschutes.org Dale Brieske Building Inspector III (541) 388-6614 Dale.Brieske@deschutes.org Sher Buckner Administrative Secretary (541) 617-4736 Sher.Buckner@deschutes.org Scott Farm Building Inspector III (541) 385-1402 Scott.Farm@deschutes.org Lori Furlong Administrative Supervisor II (541) 317-3122 Lori.Furlong@deschutes.org Chris Gracia Building Inspector III (541) 388-6578 Chris.Gracia@deschutes.org Tracy Griffin Permit Technician (541) 388-6573 Tracy.Griffin@deschutes.org John Griley Code Enforcement Technician (541) 617-4708 John.Griley@deschutes.org William Groves Senior Planner (541) 388-6518 William.Groves@deschutes.org Tim Grundeman Code Enforcement Technician (541) 385-1707 Tim.Grundeman@deschutes.org Peter Gutowsky Principal Planner (541) 385-1709 Peter.Gutowsky@deschutes.org Judy Hackett Permit Technician (541) 317-1713 Judy.Hackett@deschutes.org Kevin Harrison Principal Planner (541) 385-1401 Kevin.Harrison@deschutes.org Steven Jensen Building Inspector III (541) 385-1700 Steven.Jensen@deschutes.org Marti Mello Permit Technician (541) 317-3148 Marti.Mello@deschutes.org Dave Pedersen Building Official (541) 385-3200 Dave.Pedersen@deschutes.org Lisa Petersen Permit Technician (541) 317-3188 Lisa.Petersen@deschutes.org Peter Russell Senior Transportation Planner (541) 383-6718 Peter.Russell@deschutes.org Randy Scheid Building Inspector III (541) 317-3137 Randy.Scheid@deschutes.org Martha Shields Permit Technician (541) 385-1706 Martha.Shields@deschutes.org Cynthia Smidt Associate Planner (541) 317-3150 Cynthia.Smidt@deschutes.org Kathleen Stockton Administrative Assistant (541) 317-3193 Kathleen.Stockton@deschutes.org Dan Swarthout Building Inspector III (541) 385-1745 Dan.Swarthout@deschutes.org Todd Cleveland Environmental Health Spec. III (541) 617-4714 Todd.Cleveland@deschutes.org CDD ANNUAL REPORT AND WORK PLAN 2013 29