HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10 Follow-up Fair & Expo Trending costs (Final 6-7-21)Follow-up Fair & Expo – Trending Costs #20/21-10 June 2021
Fair & Expo – Trending Costs
(Internal audit report #19/20-12 issued August 2020)
To request this information in an alternate format, please call (541) 330-4674 or send email to David.Givans@Deschutes.org
Deschutes County,
David Givans, CPA, CIA
County Internal Auditor
1300 NW Wall St
Bend, OR 97703
Audit committee:
Daryl Parrish, Chair - Public member
Jodi Burch - Public member
Tom Linhares - Public member
Scott Reich - Public member
Summer Sears - Public member
Stan Turel - Public member
Patti Adair, County Commissioner
Nancy Blankenship, County Clerk
Nick Lelack, Community Development Director
Follow-up Fair & Expo – Trending Costs #20/21-10 June 2021
1.1. Background on Audit …………..………………………………………….……….……..…. 1
1.2. Objectives and Scope …………….………………………………….…………….………… 1
1.3. Methodology …………………………………….…..………………………….…………….… 1
2. FOLLOW-UP RESULTS …………………….……….……………………………………….…… 2
Appendix I – Updated workplan (status as of May 2021) …….…............ 3-6
Follow-up Fair & Expo – Trending Costs #20/21-10 June 2021
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Audit Authority:
The Deschutes County Audit Committee has suggested that follow-ups occur within nine months of
the report. The Audit Committee would like to make sure departments satisfactorily address
objectives” define
the goals of the
The objective was to follow-up on recommendations from the original audit.
The follow-up included sixteen (16) recommendations from the internal audit report for Fair & Expo
– Trending Costs (#1920-12), issued in August 2020. The original internal audit report should be
referenced for the full text of recommendations and associated discussion. The follow-up reflects
the status as of May 2021.
The follow-up report was developed from information provided by Geoff Hinds, Fair & Expo Director
and Greg Munn, Treasurer and CFO. Comments were sought for the status of the outstanding
recommendations. Follow-ups are, by nature, subjective. In determining the status of
recommendations that were followed up, we relied on assertions provided by those involved and did
not attempt to independently verify those assertions. The updates received are included in
Appendix I.
Since no substantive audit work was performed, Government Auditing Standards issued by the
Comptroller General of the United States were not followed.
Follow-up Fair & Expo – Trending Costs #20/21-10 June 2021
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2. Follow-up Results
Figure I -
How were
The follow-up included sixteen (16) outstanding recommendation agreed to by County departments.
Figure I provides an overview of the implementation status of the recommendations.
With this follow-up, all of the outstanding recommendations have been addressed.
The details of the follow-up is included at the end of the report in Appendix I. In interpreting the
status, the County Internal Auditor may sometimes raise or lower the status provided by the
department based on the communication(s) received from the department.
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APPENDIX Appendix I – Updated workplan for identifed outstanding recommendations for #19/20-12
(status as of May 2021)
# Recommendations Status
or Actual
Date of
Completion Updated Follow-up comments
1 It is recommended for the Department to
utilize the County accounting system for
sponsor receivables to provide better
transparency, accounting, and collectability.
Completed 1/1/2021 Fair & Expo is utilizing an updated process to account for
sponsor receivables, including using the County
accounting system for active and future sponsors and
2 It is recommended the department develop
an approach for addressing sponsors and
Completed 1/1/2021 F&E has developed a comprehensive list of contracts
that is managed monthly to keep track of sponsorship
contracts, status and revenue collection.
3 It is recommended the department consider
posting kitchen repairs to the food and
beverage division.
Completed 3/26/2021 All future kitchen repairs will be posted to the food and
beverage org in Munis.
4 It is recommended that capital purchases
not be split into separate transactions. This
can be accomplished by using the purchase
order or requisition process.
Completed 1/1/2021 All current and future capital purchases follow County
policies and utilize the Munis accounting system as
5 It is recommended for the Food & Beverage
Manager to establish some additional
processes over inventory including:
updating pricing to reflect first-in first-out
method and establishing additional
procedures for the inventory as noted.
Completed 4/15/2021 Fair & Expo has established additional process for
inventory, including a fully updated pricing list. Food &
Beverage has begun to utilize a first-n first-out method
for the utilization of inventory to minimize/reduce waste.
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# Recommendations Status
or Actual
Date of
Completion Updated Follow-up comments
6 It is recommended for Finance to consider
changing some of the information presented
for budget for the County Fair fund (Fund
616) in order to properly reflect the Fair
Completed 3/26/2021 In the monthly financial reports to the Board of County
Commissioners, Finance shows the County Fair fiscal
activity on both a fiscal year and on a calendar year to
better reflect the fiscal cycle of the fair.
7 It is recommended that Fair & Expo
management consider budgeting accounts
expected to have activity.
Completed 3/26/2021 F&E management has thoroughly reviewed their fiscal
activity and has developed their FY22 budget based on
where they believe activity will occur.
8 It is recommended for staff and Fair
Association to work together to manage
resources within the expectations of the
Completed 3/26/2021 An updated agreement between the County, Fair Board,
and the Association was developed and approved; this
updated agreement includes language regarding budget
specifics. This includes language that any/all fiscal
expenditures must be pre-approved by the Director, and
language that all expenditures must be in compliance
with all Deschutes County purchasing policies or
9 It is recommended for Fair & Expo staff to
provide more control over entertainment
additional requirements, manage
expectations for costs, and stay within the
provided budget.
Completed 3/26/2021 A full and complete review of entertainment expenses
was completed prior to the FY22 budgeting process.
RFP's were released for areas of significant
expenditures, and all Technical and other entertainment
"riders" were reviewed as part of the purchasing of
entertainment to assure these costs were appropriate
and expected.
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# Recommendations Status
or Actual
Date of
Completion Updated Follow-up comments
10 It is recommended for the Director to
communicate budget expectations to
volunteers and staff.
Completed 3/26/2021 An updated agreement between the County, Fair Board,
and the Association was developed and approved; this
updated agreement includes language regarding budget
specifics. This includes language that any/all fiscal
expenditures must be pre-approved by the Director, and
language that all expenditures must be in compliance
with all Deschutes County purchasing policies or
11 It is recommended for the County Fair to
contract individually with concert artists and
process those contracts through appropriate
legal and approval processes.
Completed 3/12/2021 Fair & Expo has worked with legal on the creation of a
new standardized agreement form for contracting. This
agreement will be utilized as part of any new and future
agreements with concert artists
12 It is recommended for Fair & Expo staff to
consider using the contract purchasing
process in the County’s accounting system
Completed 3/26/2021 Fair & Expo has and will continue to utilize the County's
accounting system, and any/all purchasing process. Fair
& Expo will also meet or exceed all purchasing quote or
bid requirements for any projects, including obtaining
multiple quotes or bids.
13 It is recommended for the County to
establish with County Legal Counsel what
the process should be to minimize risk for
these contracts.
Completed 3/12/2021 Fair & Expo has worked with legal on the creation of a
new standardized agreement form for contracting. This
agreement should minimize current and future risk for
contracts to the extent possible.
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# Recommendations Status
or Actual
Date of
Completion Updated Follow-up comments
14 It is recommended for transfers out of the
County Fair fund be justifiable in the context
of the statute (i.e. limited to reasonable
share of capital improvements and costs and
services not otherwise charged).
Completed 3/26/2021 Fair & Expo is adjusting current and future budgets
transfers to be justifiable in context of any/all statutes.
These include tying any expenditure to a reasonable
share of capitol improvements or other costs & services.
15 It is recommended the County Fair fund
retain some excess funds as an operating
reserve/contingency for future events for
use in planning and in case things do not
work out as intended. At a minimum, it
should develop an operating reserve to the
County minimums (8.3%).
Completed 3/26/2021 Fair & Expo is beginning to budget contingency in FY22
and will work to build toward County standard 8.3%.
Due to the impacts of Covid19 on the Fair Fund 616, this
may be a multi-year process to get to the full 8.3%.
16 It is recommended for the Fair & Expo
Director to consider what kind of agreement
should be used for working with the Fair
Association that best outlines the
responsibilities of the Fair Association during
the County Fair.
Completed 5/19/2021 A new agreement between the County, Fair Board and
Association was completed and approved by all parties.
This new agreement provides a solid framework for the
current and future relationship between all parties, and
should be a solid operational document for the years to
{End of Report}