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Minutes of the Meeting of the
Deschutes County Audit Committee
Thursday, January 6, 2022
I Facilitator: David Givans, County Internal Auditor
Audit Committee Public Members (6 members)
Daryl Parrish, Chair
I Tom Linhares
Scott Reich
Stan Turel
Jodi Burch
Summer Sears
Audit Committee County Management Members (3 members)
Patti Adair, Commissioner
I Charles Fadeley, Justice of the Peace
Lee Randall, Facilities Director
Others Present:
Nick Lelack, County Admin.
Greg Munn, CFO/Treasurer
Lealan Miller, Eide Bailly
Geoff Hinds, Fair & Expo Director
Jana Cain, Accounting Mngr
Carol Martin, BOCC Adm Asst
Tony DeBone, Commissioner
Whitney Hale, Depty County Adm
Elizabeth Pape, City of Portland
This meeting was audio and video recorded and held virtually via Zoom Conference Call
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Daryl Parrish called the meeting to order at 10:05 am.
Introductions/Announcements: Introductions were made.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the September 16, 2021 meeting were approved
by Scott Reich, and supported by Patti Adair. Motion carried.
Presentation of CounWs Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for Fiscal
Year ended June 30 2021, Eide Bailly LLP, Lealan Miller, Partner
Lealan Miller, Partner at Eide Bailly, gave a presentation of the Deschutes County
Audit. The report was issued to attendees and the presentation is attached to the
record. Mr. Miller thanked all who contributed their time in order to complete the
Audit in a timely manner. Issued an unmodified opinion on all entities that were
audited. Financial statements being presented are materially correct and based on
their procedure performed had come to that conclusion. In the County s report
there was an emphasis of a matter paragraph as a result of implementing a new
standard - GASB 84 which addresses any of the County s fiduciary activities. Mr.
Miller explained the meaning of this and that it did not affect the financial
Regarding Federal funds which come via the State, they are required to perform a
single audit. This has not yet been completed but will be issued within the next two
weeks. In answer to a question, Mr. Miller explained that the testing has been done
but there is a need to have a second partner review the findings as the funds are
very detailed. With the changes to rules and regulations by the Government, this
has taken a lot of additional time to complete.
He noted that internal controls were also reviewed within the accounting system
and there were no findings that needed to be reported to the Audit Committee.
With regard to significant and unusual transactions he reviewed what those were.
With regard to accounting policies and practices, there are a lot of estimates that
have to be made. They cover Pension, OPEB Liability, Self -Insurance and Landfill
Closure and Post closure. He explained what these were in detail and they are
included in the footnotes. They are also noted as significant risks. The financial
statements are reporting a year behind when it comes to unfunded liability.
Looking at significant risks, he was happy to report that no items in their review
came to their attention for potential fraud.
New for next year will be GASB 87 when Leases will be reviewed. Both as lessee
and lessor. They will work with the County on a process going into 2022.
Under Required Communications Mr. Miller covered the key points. Significant
accounting Policies and accounting estimates. He noted that there were no
difficulties encountered with management. That there were no corrected or
uncorrected adjustments identified or reported which meant that the year-end
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closing was catching everything that needed to be done as part of the audit. There
were no disagreements with management. They have received the signed letter
regarding Management Representations. There were no communications they
were aware of, with another independent accountant.
In answer to a question raised by Mr. Turel regarding large law suits, contingent
liabilities or employee law suits, Mr. Miller noted they were not aware of any at this
time but may be aware of in the future.
Mr. Miller reiterated that Eide Bailly is an Independent firm and he was not aware
of any non -independent relationships with the County as at June 30, 2021. He
noted that the audit is done from a risk basis and that nothing came to their
attention that caused concerns.
Mr. Miller answered questions on the report. With regard to negative fund
balances, he noted that this was a matter of accounting timing and no problems
were found. Regarding post -employment benefits and an outside actuarial firm
hired for a report, he noted that this was done every two years and thought it was
the alternative year but that the most up to date report would be reviewed as part
of the audit. No problems were found. Regarding post -closure landfill costs, there
hadn't been any significant changes for this year.
Greg Munn recognized Mr. Miller's work that had gone into the report and thanked
him for his presentation. He also recognized Jana Cain's work on the report and
introduced her to the Committee. Ms. Cain briefed on the work involved. There
have been challenges and hopefully some new software may help the process to be
automated next year. Adding additional funds is difficult, so new software might
help. Mr. Munn briefed on problems encountered so will review software and bring
back to the Board. He hopes this will enhance staff time.
Ms. Cain also noted answers to questions raised. All lawsuits have been accounted
for in the loss calculations, so no change after November 1, 2021. Last actuarial
report was done in 2019. For Landfill, the last actuarial report was done in July
Mr. Givans noted that we usually follow up the ACFR with a popular Annual
Financial Report that is more of a public view of the County's Financials. When
available this will be shared with the Committee. It is prepared by Finance.
Commissioner DeBone thanked everyone for their input, especially Jana, who
worked with our long time external auditors. He looks forward to the popular
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Annual Financial report. There was discussion about Federal funding and how it
may impact our budgeting in the future.
In answer to a question from Commission Adair regarding our Moody's rating, Mr.
Munn noted we are still Aa1 rating and it has not changed.
Mr. Turel raised a query about how many employees may be currently working
from home and if there is any sense on how many may doing this? Mr. Munn
noted there is no specific detail on this. Nick Lelack noted that a policy for remote
working will be taken to the Board later this month.
Mr. Parrish thanked all for their presentations and for the questions raised.
Audit Committee 2020/21 Annual Accomplishments Report
Mr. Parrish directed members to the report attached to the agenda and reviewed
the work that has taken place. There were no questions or comments.
2021 ALGA Peer Review Report
Dave Givans introduced Elizabeth Pape from the City of Portland, Leader of the
Peer Review team. Carol Holley, the other team member from the City of Surprise,
Arizona, could not be present for today's meeting. Mr. Givans noted that we are
subject to a Peer Review Process under the GAO which calls for peer reviews every
three years. It was delayed one year by the pandemic but it finally took place
during the week of October 18th, 2021.
Ms. Pape presented the review and findings. She first noted the Government audit
standards. The Peer review is one of the Quality Control standards. It is designed
to assess the organization's overall level of compliance with Government Auditing
Standards based on the answers to two questions:
1. Did the audit organization have an internal quality control system that
provided reasonable assurance that audit work conducted was in accordance
with applicable government auditing standards?
2. Did the audit organization follow its system of internal control and comply
with applicable government auditing standards in the work it conducted
during the period under review?
She briefed on the Association of Local Government Auditors and gave background
on the team and their experience and the scope of the review. Overall, there was
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full compliance with standards. A management letter was issued with a single
recommendation under Standard 8.27 - Document inquiry of management about
the status of any legal proceedings. In response from Deschutes County, they will
make inquiry and documentation of this standard a part'of normal engagement
start process. Also, observations were made that the Internal Auditor added value
through extensive knowledge of the County s financial systems, was productive with
a high number of audits, had a good relationship with Administration and the
Board of County Commissioners, and personally contributed to the professions
through his ALGA activities.
Committee members thanked both the Review team members and Mr. Givans for
their work on Peer review and the work they do on Audits.
Internal Audit Report: 2021 County Fair - Ticketing and selected areas
Mr. Givans presented a report on this Audit. It was not on the work plan but added
as a request. Is the only event the County hosts at the Fairground and Expo Center
and a significant revenue generator. New ticketing system software had been
introduced and new contract support employed. Mr. Givans was brought in to see
if improvements could be made. He reviewed procedures for the ticketing
machines and sales oversight, for handling monies, change and deposits, and to
review and observe oversight over third party food concessions sales.
He noted the increase in revenue over the last three years and the estimates for
this year. He gave background information and areas of recommended changes
for the future.
Geoff Hinds thanked Mr. Givans for his input. He briefed on the background and
short run up to the fair and the new system - Saffire, and the audit highlighted
areas that it could be improved upon. The data from the system provided was
excellent and will enhance the fair going forward.
Mr. Parrish thanked Mr. Givans and Mr. Hinds for their briefing, in answer to a
question they noted that this audit only covered the fair ticketing and did not cover
anything externally such as RV and boat storage. Commissioner Adair thanked Mr.
Hinds and his staff for their preparation, planning and running of the fair with such
a short run up.
Internal Audit Report - County Accounting System (Munis) Purchasing Topics -
Part IV - Analyses
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Mr. Givans presented a report on the fourth installment on Munis. Most of these
came up during implementation of the system. He briefed on the background of
selection of the system and the analyses. His Audit objectives were to analyze
purchases in a number of areas, including:
a) Effectiveness of approvals
b) Duplicate payments search
c) Whether transactions have been split to avoid proper approvals or
purchasing requirements
d) Benford's analysis - identifies unusual disbursement amounts.
Duplicates were very small number - 19 - representing .04%, one recommendation
made for billed invoices that do not have an invoice number, that staff add
descriptors to make them unique.
For Requisition and Purchase order process - more use of the purchase order
system could improve processes and staff could be given more guidance on how to
use this system. More use could be more efficient for bulk invoices, contracts and
routine payments.
For Approvals, a recommendation of more training for approvers to actually review
invoices, not just batch approve without review.
Use of accountable plan should be limited to employee payments.
Mr. Munn thanked Mr. Givans for his review and recommendations, Finance will
work on a plan and come back to the Committee when it is complete.
Follow-ups and updates
Mr. Givans briefed on the 2021 Global Follow-up, (#21-22-2), which is the annual
catchup on outstanding recommendations for a year or more. Went well, less than
last year. He briefed on specifics but overall the Countys implementation rate is
90% for the last three years which is outstanding.
On Munis Part 1, (#21-22-4). Finance are working on these, new hires within the
department will help the follow up, of these. 6% complete, 94% underway.
On the PCE recommendations for DA's office (321-22-3). There were a lot of
recommendations - 86 - and the goal was to provide feedback to the Budget
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Committee on how the DA was responding to these so that budgetary decisions
could be made. The office has completed 29% in six months. Another follow up
will take place in April/May. Mr. Turel raised concerns about the lack of prosecution
of serious cases. He would ask for an analysis on the ratio of charges brought to
those dismissed and would ask that this be noted in the minutes. Mr. Givans noted
that this may be a request for the Budget Committee, not the Audit Committee.
Lee Randall briefed on the Clerk's Office security consultation. There were 30
recommendations, of which 25 have been completed. Two are underway and
should be completed in the next few months. The remaining three relate to
downtown campus and buildings and are not specific to the Clerk's office. Those
that are higher cost will have to be worked through the Budget process.
Performance Auditor recruitment update
Mr. Givans briefed on the process. He had two applicants and interviews would
take place shortly.
Update - County leadership recruitment/changes
Mr. Lelack briefed on the changes of department heads. Three hired recently. CDD
Director - Peter Gutowsky, Director of Community Justice - Deevy Holcomb and
Director of Solid Waste - Chad Centola. We knew that Chad will retire in June 2023,
so have been able to hire an Interim Director who will transition into the role when
he retires. Dr. George Conway has moved from Health Services Director to Health
Officer. Erik Kropp, will serve as Interim Health Services Director while recruitment
takes place.
Internal audit program - budget request & succession planning
Mr. Givans briefed on budget planning for coming year.
External auditor RFP update
Mr. Givans briefed that he had sent this out through Constant Contact. There is
some interest from firms and a sub -committee for this process. The deadline for
questions is January 31. Proposals are due by February 14. Following this, one
month to come up with a recommendation. He will prepare some scoring
templates for the sub -Committee to bring a recommendation to the full Audit
Committee and the need to set up any interviews.
County Internal Controls (fiscal - continued)
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Mr. Givans briefed on Fiscal Policies for Capital Assets. The policies are F-4, F-5 and
F-6. Capital asset is anything over $5,000. He briefed on each policy.
Updates/other items
Mr. Givans directed members to the list on the back of the agenda to review the
status of the list.
Audits and follow ups - Case investigation and Call taking. He is experiencing a
delay in getting information from the State which he is working through with
County Counsel. He hopes to get the information, should he not, it will limit his
scope of the work.
Mr. Givans shared the three month report on Audit work undertaken. Is planning
some audits for the future covering IT and Cyber security and also ARPA funding.
Other Business/closine
Committee members thanked Mr. Givans for all the work he does to keep the
Departments on track.
Next Meeting: March 11, 2022 at 12-3 pm
Adjournment: Being no further issues brought before the Committee the meeting was
adjourned at 12:22 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Martin
BOCC Administrative Assistant
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