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For Recording Stamp Only
Minutes of the Meeting of the
Deschutes County Audit Committee
Friday, March 11, 2022
This meeting was held virtually via Zoom Conference Call
Facilitator: David Givans, County Internal Auditor
Aaron Kay, Performance Auditor
Audit Committee Public Members (6 members)
X Daryl Parrish, Chair X Tom Linhares
X Scott Re i ch Stan Turel
Jodi Burch X Summer Sears
Audit Committee County Management Members (3 members)
X Patti Adair, Commissioner X Charles Fadeley, Justice of the Peace
X Lee Randall, Facilities Director
Others Present:
X Nick Lelack, County Admin. X Greg Munn, CFO/Treasurer
X Camilla Sparks, Mgmt Analyst X Kathleen Hinman, HR Director
X Sharon Keith, BOCC Executive X Nahad Sadr -Azodi, Public Health Director
X Emily Freeland, Health Services X Erik Kropp, Deputy County Adm i n .
COVID Response Manager
CALL TO ORDER: Chair Daryl Parrish called the meeting to order at 12:03 p .m. and
introductions were made .
D eschutes Cou nty Audit Committee Mee tin g: March 11 , 2022 1
Meeting Minute Approval: Motion made by Commissioner Adair to approve the
minutes from the January 6, 2022 Audit Committee meeting. Motion supported by
Chair Daryl Parrish . Summer Sears abstained as she was absent from that
meeting. Motion Carried
Popular Annual Financial Report: Chief Financial Officer Greg Munn and Camilla
Sparks presented the report. Discuss ion held on methods of placing the PAFR out
in othe r paths for public viewing . Suggestion also to add the h igh level major
capital projects.
External Auditor Request for Proposals: David Givans reported on the process
fo r the RFP for external auditor services. Firms invited for interviews were Eide
Bailly and Moss Adams . Mr. Givans reviewed the scoring results . Jana Cain ,
Finance was out of office this week on vacation and Mr. Givans will contact her next
week for her opinion on the selection .
Summer Sea r s made motion to recommend to the Board of County Comm issioners
the selection of Moss Adams to perform the external audits for a five year period .
The motion was supported by Daryl Parrish. Motion Car r ied
Internal Audit Report: Management of Pandemic Case Investigation and Contact
Tracing : David Givans reported on the impacts of the pandemic on the contract
tracing efforts . HR Director Kathleen Hinman reported on the process for RFP
process for temporary staffing to find personnel for cont r act tracing services .
Health Services staff Nahad Sadr-Azodi and Emily Freeland commented on the
pandemic response .
Follow Up: Munis Part II Vendor Master: Aaron Kay reported on the internal
audit report relative to the County accounting system Munis vendor master. Greg
Munn commented on the recommendations and work plan .
County Internal Controls: Aaron Key presented the continued presentation on
the internal control policies .
Garner Audit Hot Spots: Dav id Givans reported on common themes showing
needs for internal audits . Discussion held whether to add any of the items into the
current work plan .
Desch utes County Audit Committee Meeting : Marc h 11 , 2022 2
Updates/Other Items: Mr. Givans reviewed the status list.
• The case investigation and call taking report was completed this week and
was sent out to the committee .
• The County code review is scheduled for the next meeting and he will send it
out for comments or edits .
Adjournment: Being no further issues brought before the Committee the meeting was
adjourned at 1 :44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted ,
Sharon Keith
BOCC Executive Assistant
D eschutes County Audit Committee M ee ting: March I I , 2 022 3