HomeMy WebLinkAbout6-10-22 Minutes June 10 2022 Audit Committee (SK) ProposedAUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING June 10, 2022 Page 1 of 3 Minutes of the Meeting of the Deschutes County Audit Committee Friday, June 10, 2022 x Facilitator: David Givans, County Internal Auditor Audit Committee Public Members (6 members) Daryl Parrish, Chair x Tom Linhares Scott Reich Stan Turel x Jodi Burch x Summer Sears Audit Committee County Management Members (3 members) x Patti Adair, Commissioner x Charles Fadeley, Justice of the Peace x Lee Randall, Facilities Director Others Present: x Nick Lelack, County Admin. x Aaron Kay, Performance Auditor x Jana Cain, Accounting Mgr x Deevy Holcomb, Community Justice x Moss Adams: Kevin Mullerleile and Amanda McCleary Moore This meeting was audio and video recorded and held virtually via Zoom Conference Call and in the DeArmond Room. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chair Summer Sears called the meeting to order at 12:00 noon. AGENDA: Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Adair moved approval of the minutes of the March 11, 2022 meeting. Tom Linhares supported the motion. Motion Carried For Recording Stamp Only Audit Committee Meeting June 10, 2022 Page 2 of 3 EXTERNAL AUDIT PLAN for Fiscal Year 2022: Amanda McCleary-Moore and Kevin Mullerleile of Moss Adams presented (via Zoom conference call) the audit plan for Deschutes County. INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT:  Adult Parole & Probation Cash Handling: Aaron Kay presented and summarized the results of the report. Deevy Holcomb reviewed the outcome for the department noting the petty cash process will be eliminated from the department by July 1, 2022.  Administration Cash Handling: Aaron Kay presented and summarized the results of the report. A recommendation for check management was made for Risk Management. The fees collected through the Board of Commissioners front office and Risk Management were also reviewed. A recommendation was made to move the OLCC license application process from the BOCC front office to the Community Development Department due to focus of responsibility of the application review and to raise the fee for the various levels of application. A public hearing regarding the fee schedule increase is required to transition this process. COUNTY CODE UPDATES: Mr. Givans reported on proposed changes to County Code relative to the office of Internal Audit office as well as the Audit Committee. Motion: Commissioner Adair moves approval to recommend the proposed changes to the Board of County Commissioners. Tom Linhares supported the motion. Motion Carried. INTERNAL AUDIT WORKPLAN CHANGES: Mr. Givans reported on changes to the work plan to include the transition for the Treasurer and District Attorney. Motion: Tom Linhares move approval of proposed changes to the internal audit work plan. Commissioner Adair supported the motion. Motion Carried FOLLOW-UPS: Aaron Kay reviewed the following completed reports and recommendations.  County Clerk Transition  District Attorney – PCE Recommendations  Munis Part III Purchasing Cards Audit Committee Meeting June 10, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Chair: Tom Linhares took over as Acting Chair as Summer Sears excused herself for another appointment. COUNTY INTERNAL CONTROLS: Aaron Kay reported on continued discussions on policies regarding internal controls. UPDATE ON LEADERSHIP RECRUITMENTS: A report was given on the current recruitment for Health Services Department positions including Health Services Director, Public Health Director and Medical Officer. Recruitment is still in progress for the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer recruitment. Wayne Lowry has agreed to extend his contract through the recruitment process. UPDATES/OTHER ITEMS: David Givans reported on outstanding/upcoming items. There is a signed contract for the external auditor, Moss Adams. A request for applications for the Audit Committee membership will be posted. The Eide Bailey hours were reviewed over the past year. Mr. Givans noted a revision needs to be made to the CAFR dated June 30, 2021 and updated copies will be distributed. Criteria has been developed for priority recommendations for department audits. Audits in process include IT cybersecurity, Sheriff’s Office, Justice Court, Assessors Office, Treasurer transition, time management leave, and fair ticketing. Next Meeting is scheduled for September 8, 2022. Adjournment: Being no further issues brought before the Committee the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ______________________________ Sharon Keith BOCC Executive Assistant