HomeMy WebLinkAbout2324-7 Follow-up Vacation and Sick Leave Report (Final 10-10-23)Follow-up Vacation and Sick Leave #2324-7 October 2023
Follow-up Report
Vacation and Sick Leave #2324-7
(Internal Audit report #2122-17 issued December 2022)
The Office of County Internal Audit:
Elizabeth Pape, CIA, CFE – County Internal Auditor
Aaron Kay – Performance Auditor
Audit committee:
Daryl Parrish, Chair - Public member
Jodi Burch – Public member
Joe Healy - Public member
Summer Sears – Public member
Stan Turel - Public member
Patti Adair, County Commissioner
Charles Fadeley, Justice of the Peace
Lee Randall, Facilities Director
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Follow-up Vacation and Sick Leave #2324-7 October 2023
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
Background on Department and Original Audit ......................................................... 1
2. Follow-up Results .............................................................................. 2
3. Appendix A: Updated workplan (status as of October 2023) ....... 3
4. Appendix B: Objective, Scope, and Methodology .......................... 7
Objective and Scope ....................................................................................................... 7
Methodology ................................................................................................................... 7
Follow-up Vacation and Sick Leave #2324-7 October 2023
Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor
1. Introduction
Audit Authority
The Deschutes County Audit Committee has suggested that
follow-ups occur within nine months of the report. The Audit
Committee would like to make sure departments satisfactorily
address recommendations.
Background on Department and Original Audit
The focus of the review was on analysis of vacation and sick leave
information contained within the NOVAtime (timesheet) and
Munis (accounting/ human resources) systems. Computerized
procedures can be used to extract employee timesheet
information and relevant employee data from County systems.
This allows the linkage of leave information and employee
information, such as identifying employee leave balances with
length of County service. Limitations within NOVAtime system
reporting prevented analysis of data prior to Fiscal Year 2021-
Overall, the County’s internal and management controls over the
employee leave operation are effective and working as intended.
The audit identified the following areas for further improvement,
• The NOVAtime system allows for leave adjustments to create
negative balances.
• Data could be used more effectively for decision-making.
• Differences exist between NOVAtime and Munis database
• Vacation and sick leave balances for separated employees are a
potential risk.
• Vacation and sick leave maximum balances are inconsistently
• Employees are not using sufficient vacation leave as directed by
• County policy for leave accrual timing is not in conformance
with Oregon law.
Follow-up Vacation and Sick Leave #2324-7 October 2023
Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor
• County policy and CBAs need to be updated to match current
practice for maximum vacation and sick leave timing.
• Cash out election provisions of time management leave may
accelerate employee taxable income.
A number of other analyses were performed but did not yield any
2. Follow-up Results
The follow-up included ten outstanding recommendations agreed
to by County Human Resources and Finance Departments, as well
as County Administration. Figure I provides an overview of the
implementation status of the recommendations. The details of
the follow-up are included at the end of the report in Appendix A.
In interpreting the status, Internal Audit may sometimes raise or
lower the status provided by the department based on
communication received from the department.
With this follow-up, fifty percent
(50%) of the outstanding
recommendations have been fully
addressed. As indicated in the
provided responses, many of the
policy recommendations are
underway and generally take the
longest to complete.
Figure I –
How were
Initial Follow-up
Follow-up Vacation and Sick Leave #2324-7 October 2023
Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor
3. Appendix A: Updated workplan (status as of October 2023)
Recommendation Status Date
Updated comments
It is recommended
the NOVAtime
system be configured
to not allow for
negative balance
adjustments or
alternative methods
should be explored.
Completed October-23 Finance – We have already
implemented enhanced review and
monitoring of timesheets and final
paycheck calculations. Since PTO is
provided before earned and the
practice has been to allow employees
to use the full balance before
prorations, until a policy change is
implemented to eliminate negative
balances, Finance will defer additional
consideration of alternative methods
related to negative balances.
Auditor- Finance has initiated an
enhanced review process to mitigate
the risk of negative leave balances for
employees. Although some employees
might be advanced leave they do not
have, Finance accepts this risk and the
recommendation is completed to the
fullest extent possible.
Follow-up Vacation and Sick Leave #2324-7 October 2023
Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor
Recommendation Status Date
Updated comments
It is recommended
the County explore
the cost-benefit of
additional NOVAtime
data reporting
Completed August-23 Finance - In April 2023, phase one of
the Pay Period Alignment Project was
completed. Since that time, Finance,
Human Resources and Technology
Services explored the cost-benefit of
additional data reporting services and
enhancements within NOVAtime.
Given the limitations of the software,
and the desire of the County to
implement Phase 2 of the Payroll
Alignment Project (paying payroll by
actual hours worked, not average
hours), we concluded it would not be
beneficial nor cost effective to make
major customizations to the software
to meet the County's unique pay
methods. Instead, we should change
to actual hours worked first, and then
research new software options to
include the required data reporting
It is recommended
the County continue
to explore solutions
to transition test
employee accounts
outside of the
Completed June-23 Finance - The current version of the
software limits the functionality
related to testing employee accounts.
Payroll has inquired with the vendor
and solicited alternative methods of
testing outside of the production
environment. No alternatives are
offered at this time. However, Payroll
will continue to check with the vendor
semi-annually to verify if they offer a
test environment.
Follow-up Vacation and Sick Leave #2324-7 October 2023
Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor
Recommendation Status Date
Updated comments
It is recommended
Payroll develop a
system to ensure
NOVAtime and Munis
information are in
sync and correct.
Completed September-
Finance - A system has been
developed and a plan established to
complete semi-annually going forward.
Next review planned for March 2024.
It is recommended
Payroll eliminate
retained balances
from all separated
employees and
continue to work with
the vendor on a
solution to
discontinue system
generated leave time
for separated
Completed June-23 Finance - Off-cycle payroll review
already includes a secondary review of
TML balances being cleared out. It is a
system issue that TML system accruals
randomly reappear. Payroll continues
to work with NOVAtime to find a
solution. Payroll will continue to check
with the vendor for a solution to this
system issue on a semi-annual basis.
It is recommended
Human Resources
and Payroll establish
secondary review
processes for
employee leave
balance limit
calculations and
Planned June-24 Finance - Given the Pay Period
Alignment Project and the Tyler/Munis
Upgrade Project, this item was deferred
until June 2024.
Follow-up Vacation and Sick Leave #2324-7 October 2023
Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor
Recommendation Status Date
Updated comments
It is recommended
the County develop a
process to support
supervisors in
employees’ use of
vacation leave in
compliance with
Underway June-24 HR- The County has a policy covering
expectations for employee’s use of
vacation leave. It is a supervisor’s
responsibility to hold their employees
accountable to all policies, including
this one. Human Resources will update
the attendance expectations in the
employee performance evaluation
form to include this review. This will
prompt supervisors to review all
aspects of an employee’s attendance
and use of leave with respect to
County policies. The performance
evaluation update is still in process.
It is recommended
the County revise
leave policy HR-16 to
be in conformance
with State law.
Underway June-24 HR- We have drafted an Oregon Paid
Sick Time (OPST) Policy which will be
ready for consideration soon.
Additionally, HR will update HR-16 to
comply with the OPST law and will
present for consideration in
coordination with the OPST policy.
It is recommended
the County update
policy and CBA
contract language to
align with practice.
Underway June-24 HR- HR will engage with unions, as
each CBA is bargained, to align CBA
language with practice. This policy is in
draft and underway.
It is recommended
for the County to
consider adjustments
to the leave cash out
policies to further
address constructive
Underway June-24 HR- HR will engage with unions, as
each CBA is bargained, to align CBA
language with practice. This policy is in
draft and underway.
Follow-up Vacation and Sick Leave #2324-7 October 2023
Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor
4. Appendix B: Objective, Scope, and Methodology
Objective and Scope
The objective was to follow up on recommendations from the
original audit.
Scope and timing:
The follow-up included ten recommendations from the internal
audit report for Vacation and Sick Leave #21/22-17 issued in
December 2022. The original internal audit report should be
referenced for the full text of the recommendations and
associated discussion. The follow-up reflects the status as of
October 2023.
The follow-up report was developed from information provided
by Robert Tintle, Chief Financial Officer, and Kathleen Hinman,
Human Resources Director. Follow-ups are, by nature, subjective.
In determining the status of recommendations that were followed
up, we relied on assertions provided by those involved and did
not attempt to independently verify those assertions. The
updates received were included in Appendix A.
Since no substantive audit work was performed, Government
Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the
United States were not followed.
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“Audit objectives”
define the goals of
the audit.