HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-2022 December 6 PHAB Minutes Deschutes County Health Services Public Health Advisory Board (PHAB) Minutes Minutes December 6, 2022 12:00 – 1:30pm Stan Owen Room, Health Services Building 2577 NE Courtney Dr., Bend Virtual option Facilitator Dave Huntley, Chair Staff Coordinator Tom Kuhn, Community Health Manager Scribe Aimee Burroughs Next Meeting February 7, 2022 Topic and Lead Gathering & Lunch Introductions – Note that multiple prospective PHAB Member Applicants in Attendance Approval of November Retreat Notes Colleen made a motion to approve and Sharity seconded; minutes approved as written and distributed. Announcements and Unfinished Business  By-Laws ad-hoc committee update; Dave asked people to volunteer for this committee and Colleen asked what the time commitment would be. Dave stated it depends on how they want to self-structure; expect an hour or 2 hour individual work and then 1 hour meeting; 4-5 hour commitment over a few months.  PHAB Priorities Data update; Dave asked people to volunteer for this committee; please reach out to Tom/Dave;4-5 hour time commitment for this committee over  Tom shared pictures from the presentation for 10 years of service for Charlotte DeHate. County Budget Process Dan Emerson, DC Budget Manager; Cheryl Smallman, Health Services Business Officer See presentation included; Any questions need to be directed to Cheryl and Dan. This presentation gave us an overview of the county budget process including the timeline and a more in depth overview of what happens at each stage. Health services has a budget briefing prior to the budget week; it allows HS to go more in depth of budget asks. Budget week is live- broadcasts and it goes through each budget and overall financial stability and each special request. Dave asked how to have influence over budget and when should the PHAB make their “To promote and protect the health and safety of our community.” Updated 1/30/24 requests; Cheryl’s answer was that there are 2 lenses to look at this, both commissioner’s timeline and the internal budget. Cheryl also said that after the Epi data is collected then maybe bring it to Tom on how to move forward and when to make requests. Carmen asked if the budget timeline that would be adopted in June for 2024? Dan answered that county budget is June to July; so coming up in June is for fiscal year 2024. Dave asked about how grants are figured into the budget and how we could get more of an understanding about that. BH and PH are funded dramatically differently and Cheryl could present on how PH is funded. It was asked if there were communities are underrepresented in the budget talks and what are general questions from the public. Dan answered that we follow the state law in reference to public notice; folks that don’t have the resources; only offered in English, Dan will look into it and follow up. Colleen asked Cheryl; how billing OHA and other looks like; Cheryl answered, always optimized on the billing; biggest billing in PH are maternal and child health and clinical services; outside fee organization is really in EH; largest source of revenue is through OHA through state grants; mandates what we serve regardless of it we cover it or not. Chery will follow up with more information if requested. Oral Health in Central Oregon Mary Ann Wren, Advantage Dental, Director, Integration and Community Programs See presentation Mary Ann walked us through Advantage dental and their programs and shared that membership has grown 35%. Questions: Sharity asked if the trends are showing improvements with lower rates of disease and Mary Ann shared that they were for a while but during COVID data couldn’t be collected Colleen asked about the Unite Us program and the experience has been with them; resistance on the patient side, platform has been great but resistance from community Ruth asked what communities are underserved; the urgent need is in adults who don’t seek treatment. Adjourn- 1:22 Dave adjourned In Attendance: Members: Steve Strang Tami Pike Dave Huntley Commissioner Phil Chang Lindsay Atagi Tom Kuhn Colleen Sinsky Sharity Ludwig Laura Hart Guests: Carmen Madrid from Central Oregon Health Council Ruth Vernotico from Bristol Hospice (she asked to attend) Erin Gage Fitzpatrick from La Pine Community Health Center (referred by Charla DeHate) Logan Clausen (COPA) Mary Ann Wren from Advantage Dental “To promote and protect the health and safety of our community.” Updated 1/30/24