HomeMy WebLinkAbout2425-1 Follow-Up Facilities and Property Cash Handling (Final 8-12-24)Facilities and Property Cash Handling – 24/25-1 August 2024 Follow-up Report Facilities and Property Management Departments– Cash Handling (Original report #23/24-2 issued October 2023) The Office of County Internal Audit: Elizabeth Pape, CIA, CFE – County Internal Auditor Aaron Kay – Performance Auditor Audit committee: Daryl Parrish, Chair - Public member Phil Anderson – Public member Jodi Burch – Public member Joe Healy - Public member Summer Sears – Public member Kristin Toney - Public member Patti Adair, County Commissioner Charles Fadeley, Justice of the Peace Lee Randall, Facilities Director To request this information in an alternate format, please call (541) 330-4674 or send email to internal.audit@Deschutes.org Recommendations 4 Facilities and Property Cash Handling – 24/25-1 August 2024 Table of Contents: 1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 1 Background on Departments and Original Audit ....................................................... 1 2. Follow-up Results .............................................................................. 2 3. Appendix A: Updated workplan (status as of August 2024)......... 3 4. Appendix B: Objective, Scope, and Methodology .......................... 4 Objective and Scope ....................................................................................................... 4 Methodology ................................................................................................................... 4 Facilities and Property Cash Handling – 24/25-1 August 2024 Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor Page 1 of 4 1. Introduction The Deschutes County Audit Committee has suggested that follow-ups occur within nine months of the report. The Audit Committee would like to make sure departments satisfactorily address recommendations. Background on Departments and Original Audit The Facilities Department (Facilities) oversees County-owned buildings and facilities. Facilities programs include facility management, building and grounds maintenance, and custodial services. The Property Management Department (Property Management) manages County-owned real estate, including the acquisition and disposition of holdings, leasing activity, and project management. The audit was a periodic review of internal controls over handling of external customer payments and collections. Recommendations were developed to help both departments comply with County policy and follow prudent business practices for cash handling. The following areas were identified for further improvement, including: • Additional controls within the Facilities department accounting procedures could improve oversight over receipts. • The Property Management department’s accounting procedures were outdated. • The Property Management department did not have a process for when to charge filing and recording fees. Additionally, a routine disclosure of a potential conflict of interest in a land sale prompted a review of the County’s conflict of interest policy. This policy, in contrast to Oregon State law, restricts the organization's flexibility and its ability to openly acknowledge such conflicts when they arise. Facilities and Property Cash Handling – 24/25-1 August 2024 Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor Page 2 of 4 2. Follow-up Results The follow-up included four outstanding recommendations agreed to by the departments. Figure I provides an overview of the resolution status of the recommendations. With this follow-up, seventy five percent (75%) of the outstanding recommendations have been fully addressed. As indicated in the provided responses, Facilities and Property Management have implemented accounting procedures to resolve the recommendations. Updates to the Human Resources Personnel Rules are still planned. The details of the follow-up are included at the end of the report in Appendix A. In interpreting the status, Internal Audit may sometimes raise or lower the status provided by the department based on communication received from the departments. Figure I – How were recommendations implemented? Facilities and Property Cash Handling – 24/25-1 August 2024 Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor Page 3 of 4 3. Appendix A: Updated workplan (status as of August 2024) Recommendation Status Date Completed Updated Comment The Facilities Department should complete documentation of their accounting policies and procedures to address identified concerns. Completed Oct 2023 Written cash handling policies and procedures have been completed in response to the audit recommendation. The Property Management Department should revise its written accounting policies and procedures for monies collected. Completed Aug 2024 Written accounting procedures have been completed in response to the audit recommendation. The Property Management Department should document the process and criteria for charging filing and recording fees. Completed Aug 2024 Written fee schedule procedures have been completed in response to the audit recommendation. The Human Resources Department should align Section 8.020 with State conflict- of-interest laws and establish a standardized disclosure procedure. Planned No updates on resolution from the prior management comment: Human Resources agrees with the auditors’ comments and recommendation and will work on updating HR-Personnel Rules to better establish expectations and procedures. Facilities and Property Cash Handling – 24/25-1 August 2024 Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor Page 4 of 4 4. Appendix B: Objective, Scope, and Methodology Objective and Scope Objective: The objective was to follow up on recommendations from the original audit. Scope and timing: The follow-up included four recommendations from the internal audit report for Facilities and Property Management Departments– Cash Handling 22/23-2 issued in October 2023. The original internal audit report should be referenced for the full text of the recommendations and associated discussion. The follow- up reflects the status as of August 2024. Methodology The follow-up report was developed from information provided by Kristie Bollinger, County Property Manager, and Kathleen Hinman, Human Resources Director. Follow-ups are, by nature, subjective. In determining the status of recommendations that were followed up, we relied on assertions provided by those involved and did not attempt to independently verify those assertions. The updates received were included in Appendix A. Since no substantive audit work was performed, Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States were not followed. “Audit objectives” define the goals of the audit. Facilities and Property Cash Handling – 24/25-1 August 2024 Deschutes County Office of the Internal Auditor If you would like to receive future reports and information from Internal Audit or know someone else who might like to receive our updates, sign up at http://bit.ly/DCInternalAudit.