HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 Global follow-up report2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 2012 GLOBAL FOLLOW-UP REPORT Outstanding recommendations – Administration, Assessor/Tax, Community Development, Finance, Health, Health Benefits Trust, Human Resources, Information Technology, Behavioral Health, Property & Facilities, Road, Sheriff’s Office and Solid Waste To request this information in an alternate format, please call (541) 330-4674 or send email to David.Givans@Deschutes.org Deschutes County, Oregon David Givans, CPA, CIA County Internal Auditor 1300 NW Wall St Bend, OR 97701 (541) 330-4674 David.Givans@deschutes.org Audit committee: Gayle McConnell, Chair - Public member Chris Earnest - Public member Jean Pedelty - Public member Greg Quesnel - Public member Michael Shadrach - Public member Jennifer Welander - Public member Anthony DeBone, County Commissioner Dan Despotopulos, Fair & Expo Director Scot Langton, County Assessor 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background ………………………………………...………………………........ 1 1.2. Objectives & Scope ……………………………………..……………….…… 1-2 1.3. Methodology …………………………………………………………..….……… 2 2. FOLLOW-UP RESULTS ………………………………………………....….... 2-5 APPENDIX I – Updated workplan for identified outstanding recommendations (Status as of August 2012) ……..…………….……………….....… 6-16 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 1 1. Introduction 1.1 BACKGROUND Audit Authority: The Deschutes County Audit Committee has suggested that follow-ups occur within nine months of the reports. The Audit Committee’s would like to make sure departments satisfactorily address prior recommendations that have not been completed at the time of the initial or subsequent follow-ups. This is the fourth annual global follow- up looking back to unresolved recommendations in prior follow-ups. 1.2 OBJECTIVES and SCOPE Objectives: The objective was to follow-up on previously incomplete recommendations. Scope: This 2012 Global follow-up included reports with incomplete recommendations that did not have a follow-up report completed in approximately a year. The audit reports in TABLE I were covered in this report. Status was determined through information provided by departments from June - August 2012. The original internal or external reports should be referenced for the full text of recommendations and associated discussion. MGT of America was an outside consultant who prepared a report for the Sheriff’s Office. 1.3 METHODOLOGY The follow-up report was developed from information provided by appropriate staff in the associated departments. . In cases where recommendations have not been implemented, comments were sought for the reasons why and the timing for addressing these. The follow-ups are, by nature, subjective. In determining the status of recommendations that were followed up, we relied on assertions provided by those involved and did not attempt to independently verify those assertions. It is understandable that some of these recommendations will take more than one year to be completed. Departments should be acknowledged for the work and commitment to address the recommendations. Since no substantive audit work was performed, Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States were not followed. DESCHUTES COUNTY INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT DESCHUTES COUNTY INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT DESCHUTES COUNTY INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 2 TABLE I Reports and number of recom- mendations included in follow-up 2. Follow -up Results The follow-up included sixty-five (65) recommendations made over nineteen reports. The number of recommendations followed up on increased by over 16% from the prior year. The number of outstanding recommendations represented eighteen percent (18%) of the original recommendations. For some of the reports, a couple of follow-ups have occurred. The follow-up indicates twenty-five (25) of these outstanding recommendations (or 38%) have been completed. It 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 3 is not unexpected that implementation takes time, but the idea would be to have these incomplete Figure I - How were recom- mendations implemented? recommendations resolved as soon as practicable. Figure I provides a breakdown of the status of these recommendations by department and audit report. After the follow-up only eleven percent (11%) of the original recommendations are still outstanding (see Table II). A detailed listing of all of the recommendations followed up on and their status i s included at the end of the report in Appendix I. In interpreting the status, the County Internal Auditor may sometimes raise or lower the status provided by the department based on the communication(s) received from the department. 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 4 Figure II - How has the status changed for outstanding recom- mendations? Figure II indicates where the recommendations were coming into this follow-up and whether they have moved from one category to another. Lack of movement does not necessarily mean that no work was performed, but that it hasn’t moved from one category to another. 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 5 Generally, there is a natural progression seen as “planned” implementation moves into an “underway” status and then to “complete”. Figure II was designed to identify movement in recommendations. Behavioral Health has a number of their recommendations that are still awaiting implementation of an electronic records software solution. Table II indicates the extent that there are still outstanding recommendations by report. TABLE II Reports, number of recommendations included in follow-up and percentage still outstanding 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 6 APPENDIX Appendix I – Updated workplan for identiifed outstanding recommendations. (status as of August 2012) Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 1 Admin. 06/07-6 4 It is recommended that County Administration have a process for knowing who is administering grants and assisting those staff in need of training. Underway Completed 2 Admin. 06/07-6 5 It is recommended that County Administration and Finance develop some basic and consistent accounting procedures for departments that will be handling grant monies. Underway Underway Additional time needed to work through implementation with IT, Finance, and Admin. 12/31/2014 3 Admin. 09/10-3 1.1 The County might find additional written procedures are necessary when it comes to getting written reports of perceived or potential conflicts. When public officials make reports to the County, in addition to addressing the notice, a system should be developed to share reports with Finance. Planned Completed 4 Admin. 09/10-3 2 It is recommended for the County departments supporting non-profit organizations/associations develop a written agreement that defines the nature and extent of services to be provided; how sufficient internal controls will be employed; and how there will be sufficient segregation of duties. These agreements should be reviewed by Legal and Administration to make sure they are reasonable and appropriate. Planned Completed 5 Admin. 10/11-6 1 The updated calculation indicates with this lower level of SB1145 inmate population the composition now supported would be • 35% -Sheriff’s Office (Jail) and • 65%-Adult Parole & Probation (was 40%/60%). Planned New County Administrator to identify any policy changes. 12/31/2013 6 Admin. 10/11-6 2 It is recommended for the agreement with Deschutes County for Countywide law enforcement services include how revenues are to be paid over for certain services. Planned Will need Finance to assist with budgetary impacts of treatment before budget season to see how this would work. 12/31/2013 DESCHUTES COUNTY INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 7 Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 7 Admin. 10/11-6 3 It is recommended for a funding policy to be developed. This might be documented through an agreement between the departments on how these monies are to be shared and on what basis. Planned New County Administrator to identify any policy changes. 12/31/2013 8 Assessor/Tax 06/07-3 9 The consortium should encourage lead counties to develop written documentation for their projects in a timely manner. This will help ensure adequate documentation is maintained for users and potential buyers. Underway Underway Currently ORCATS and Helion are looking at changing the organizational structure of the software so a complete rewrite can occur. With this change, ownership of the software will be transferred to Helion. With the change in ownership will also be a change in who is responsible for many aspects of the software including Helion taking over the written documentation of the system. 7/1/2013 9 CDD 06/07-7 9 It is recommended the department document the host of assumptions and financial records and commitments so that there is a clear path of what will happen on into the future. It is recommended the Department consider involving Finance and Property management earlier on the process as they develop and structure financial arrangements for real property. Underway Underway The only remaining task is scanning and electronic archiving, which has been assigned to CDD's Administrative Secretary. 12/31/12 10 CDD 06/07-7 10 It is recommended the department consider developing a policy on the creation and use of reserves. Underway Underway The subject of subsidy repayment to the General Fund came up during CDD's budget hearing in May, 2012. No final decisions were reached, but the consensus was that CDD's reserve funds should be built back up prior to any General Fund repayment. It was agreed that this subject would be addressed further during FY 2013-14 budget deliberations. Therefore, a Reserve Policy would be logical to include in that process. It is anticipated that CDD will still recommend a reserve equivalent to at least six- months of its annual operating budget. 6/30/2013 11 Finance 04/05-5 11 It is recommended Finance work with Risk management to enhance physical controls over the front desk areas. These might include some combination of glass barrier, surveillance, and/or alarm system. In responding to this recommendation, Finance will have to weigh the benefits of customer access, communication and staff safety to develop a meaningful solution. Underway Completed A number of security measures have been rolled out and continue to be developed in response to this recommendation. (Ongoing) 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 8 Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 12 Finance 09/10-3 5 It is recommended that the Finance Department work with departments to review the purpose of invoice numbers and the various conventions, which should be followed. Planned Completed Finance held a meeting to review the various conventions to follow for use of invoice numbers. 13 Health 05/06-4 37 It is recommended the department establish reasonable productivity standards. Underway Completed 14 Health Benefits Trust 03/04-6 21 It is recommended the Plan (in coordination with the TPA) consider another pharmacy benefits manager who will work to provide coordination of benefits for prescriptions. Underway Underway New onsite pharmacy alongside the clinic (operated by Walgreens) has been implemented after a successful RFP. Planning to still develop an RFP for the pharmacy benefit manager (PBM). 12/31/2012 15 Human Resources 08/09- 16 3 It is recommended for County Legal Counsel to evaluate whether the authorization/disclosure forms currently being utilized comply with FCRA. Planned Planned Legal will review and update forms and disclosures for FCRA purposes. 12/31/2012 16 Human Resources 08/09- 16 3.1 It is recommended the County train and work with departments to establish meaningful procedures to comply with the FCRA. This might require some revision to the current background policy (HR-3) or personnel rules. Planned Planned Legal will review and update forms and disclosures for FCRA purposes. 12/31/2012 17 Human Resources 08/09- 16 3.2 It is recommended the County develop standardized “pre-adverse action disclosures” and “adverse action notices” to provide to candidates whose applications are denied, in whole or in part, on the basis of information contained within a “consumer report.” Planned Planned Legal will review and update forms and disclosures for FCRA purposes. 12/31/2012 18 Human Resources 08/09- 16 5.1 It is recommended for the County to implement an authorization form for a driving history record check consistent with the spectrum of job positions. It is recommended the job application or authorization form have candidates identify the state(s) they have lived in over the prior five years. Planned Planned Will be looking at how to change form to collect this information and authorization. {Personnel and Legal} 12/31/2012 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 9 Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 19 Human Resources 08/09- 16 14 It is recommended the County establish policies around when and if performance evaluations should be performed for temporary, on-call, hourly and “limited duration” employees and criteria for step increases. Planned Completed Personnel rules were changed to address 12/31/2012 20 Human Resources 08/09- 16 15 It is recommended for Personnel to determine whether some of their manual processes could benefit from some computerization in order to better fulfill their duties in a timely and cost effective manner. Computerization might also provide opportunities to develop some monitoring and measurement tools as well as gathering statistics relevant to human resource practices. Planned Completed The Personnel Department has implemented a number of technology solutions such as NeoGov for applicant tracking and online life insurance enrollment. Considered an ongoing effort. 21 Human Resources 08/09- 16 16 It is suggested (not recommended) that Personnel consider updating the style of their personnel files to tab secured sections. Once an employee is termed, they may want to recycle the tabbed file and use a basic file for holding the information. Planned Completed No current changes anticipated. Pass on additional follow-up {Consider closed} 22 Information Technology 07/08- 14 2.1 It is also recommended for the information technology department, as it becomes necessary, to inform employees of how their usage affects bandwidth so they may make appropriate choices. Underway Completed We continue to view the overall usage as a non-issue and have no plans for further action. The IT Department does however react to the questionable practices of individuals and provides counsel on proper use of the internet as a resource. {Consider closed} 23 Information Technology 08/09- 11 2 It is recommended for IT to develop some written practices for the access card system, including: • creating access groups • setting up facilities, • coordinating with facility administrators, • removing and reissuing access card keys, and • monitoring Underway Underway The Property and Facilities Department with the assistance of Information Technology has acquired the services of an outside contractor to assist in the development of an overall facility security plan. We continue to work on this project and anticipate completion by the end of the calendar year. Development of written procedure in IT for the issuance of key cards will be created in conjunction with the consultants input. 7/1/2013 24 Information Technology 08/09- 11 3 It is recommended that IT review the current setups in each facility and assess whether additional access groups are warranted. Underway Completed A replacement key-card system has been implemented. The security access scheme for each area has been redesigned to take advantage to the updated technology. 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 10 Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 25 Information Technology 08/09- 11 4 It is recommended for IT to periodically review or monitor the system for users and settings to assure it is being managed as intended. Underway Completed The replacement systems are actively reviewed as needed. 26 Information Technology 08/09- 11 5 It is recommended for IT to periodically provide departments a listing of those with access to their areas. Departments can then comment on access groups and users provided access. Departments with sensitive areas should be provided time sensitive reports on who is accessing areas and at what times (noting weekend and after-hours access). Underway Underway These reports are under development. 7/31/2013 27 InformationTe chnology 08/09- 11 7 It is recommended for IT to establish procedures for removing all employee/volunteer access on termination. A sweep of all facility databases should be performed to assure that all access has been turned off.Procedures might include mandatory notification to IT through a work order request, physically obtaining the access card key and forwarding to IT, and periodic reconciliation of access to personnel and volunteer records. Underway Completed IT adds and removed keycard accounts under the direction of the system's users. IT does not have the necessary information and cannot actively perform this process. The development of these procedures is the responsibility of those who track the coming and going of departmental employees. {Consider closed} 28 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 1.2 It is recommended the Department consider improvements to the Departments computerized business systems to track the handling of received monies before they can be posted to specific clients Underway Underway Electronic records process underway and on schedule to be completed in Fall 2012. 11/1/2012 29 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 2 It is recommended for the Department to develop a process to track and obtain service tickets for all clients provided with services. Underway Underway Electronic records process underway and on schedule to be completed in Fall 2012. 11/1/2012 30 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 3 It is recommended for Department management to establish performance standards for the turning in of service tickets and monitor for open tickets. Underway Underway Electronic records process underway and on schedule to be completed in Fall 2012. 11/1/2012 31 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 4 It is recommended the Department consider requiring support for information used to establish reduced client fees. This might include income tax returns or pay stubs. Planned Planned Will implement proof requirement when revising current procedures due to implementation of Electronic records system in Fall 2012. 11/1/2012 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 11 Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 32 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 7 It is recommended Department document its accounting policies and procedures. Underway Underway Flowchart process complete. Anticipate additional progress in documentation during Electronic Records implementation. 11/1/2012 33 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 8 It is recommended the programmer establish adequate tests for their changes to make sure they are operating as planned. Periodically other Information Technology staff should perform reviews of code and changes to code to make sure that IT Department policies and procedures are being met. Underway Underway Electronic records process underway and on schedule to be completed in Fall 2012. 11/1/2012 34 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 9 It is recommended the Behavioral Health Department periodically review their software needs and consider whether the internal software is the best choice for their operations. Underway Underway Electronic records process underway and on schedule to be completed in Fall 2012. 11/1/2012 35 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 9.1 The Department should develop a cost/benefit approach when analyzing potential software solutions. Underway Underway Electronic records process underway and on schedule to be completed in Fall 2012. 11/1/2012 36 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 13 It is recommended there be improvements to the Department’s internally developed billing software to include reports and logic checks to test for and identify any overpayment situations. Underway Underway Electronic records process underway and on schedule to be completed in Fall 2012. 11/1/2012 37 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 18 It is recommended that appropriate Behavioral Health staff maintain their appointments on the computerized business system. Reception staff should have the ability to add, move and delete appointments in the system. Underway Underway Electronic records process underway and on schedule to be completed in Fall 2012. 11/1/2012 38 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 19 It is recommended the Department should assess to what extent it can or will pursue collection of charges and develop a collection policy and procedures in line with that assessment. Underway Underway Topic will be discussed as we revise our procedures when implementing our Electronic Records system. 11/1/2012 39 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 19.1 Policies and procedures should establish performance standards for effective billing and collection of services. Underway Underway Topic will be discussed as we revise our procedures when implementing our Electronic Records system. 11/1/2012 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 12 Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 40 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 20 In order to improve collections the Department should consider the following: Providing front desk staff with information on the amount owing so clients can be asked if they can make a payment. Having front desk staff and clinicians confirm current addresses. Having the billing statements improved so that it shows the age of the unpaid balance. Considering whether a collection service should be used for some client unpaid balances. Providing more effort on identifying why insurance has not paid to improve collection efforts. Obtaining pre-authorization from some insurance providers. Reviewing insurance requirements before additional services are performed. Assigning appropriate clinicians to provide care based on their licensing and credentials to maximize collection when possible. Establish procedures for handling insufficient fund checks. Underway Underway Electronic records process underway and on schedule to be completed in Fall 2012. 11/1/2012 41 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 27 It is recommended staff develop procedures to provide oversight of the Department's activities as maintained in the computerized business system. Underway Underway Topic will be discussed as we revise our procedures when implementing our Electronic Records system. 11/1/2012 42 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 29 It is recommended the Department strive to have data in the system to report on internal benchmarks/standards for its operations. The Department might consider adding to the system manual data gathered for certain performance reports. Underway Underway Topic will be discussed as we revise our procedures when implementing our Electronic Records system. 11/1/2012 43 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 29.1 Management should receive monthly data of key operating data and benchmark performance to evaluate operations. This “scorecard” approach can be useful in evaluating key data for internal operations on a monthly basis. Underway Underway Topic will be discussed as we revise our procedures when implementing our Electronic Records system. 11/1/2012 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 13 Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 44 Behavioral Health 04/05-6 30 It is recommended for the Department to develop collection procedures identifying the extent of collection efforts. Underway Underway Topic will be discussed as we revise our procedures when implementing our Electronic Records system. 11/1/2012 45 Behavioral Health 05/06- 11 1 It is recommended that management consider tracking all client encounters regardless of funding. Planned Once we get out in front of our OHP business lines we will extend our efforts to non-OHP lines of business (internal and external). 11/1/2012 46 Property & Facilities 09/10-6 1 It is recommended the County train all staff handling construction bids on the requirements for determining a responsible bidder and reporting the responsible bidder to the state construction contractors’ board. Planned Completed Property & Facilities has developed a checklist of all required activities to complete public contracts. The requirement for responsible bidder determination is on the checklist and has been followed. 47 Property & Facilities 09/10-6 4 It is recommended for the County to make sure they consistently contract for inspection and oversight services in accordance with the new law. Planned Completed Property & Facilities always contracts with an independent third-party special inspections firm. 48 Property & Facilities 09/10-6 5 It is recommended for County departments to look at the anticipated overall cost for the changes involved to determine whether they have obtained the appropriate level of approvals for the change order. Planned Completed Property & Facilities Department is aware of levels of approval, and this authority limit is established by county policy as well. 49 Property & Facilities 09/10-6 6 It is recommended for the County to consider developing capital project policies and procedures to provide guidance and define responsibilities related to change orders in contracts. Planned Planned No progress 7/31/2013 50 Property & Facilities 09/10-6 6.1 It is recommended the County consider with construction contracts how change orders will be administered, including • acceptable subcontractor markup rates and on what goods and services, • acceptable prime contractor markup rates for various goods, services and on subcontractors. • handling for markups on credits and • identification and handling of markups when they are with related parties. Planned Planned Projects administered by Property & Facilities use a standard set of general conditions that specifically address markups. 7/31/2013 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 14 Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 51 Property & Facilities 09/10-6 6.2 It is recommended for bid and contract documents to have prime contractors disclose any related party subcontractors they will be using. The term “related party” should be defined (such as the IRS rules for related parties – such as companies owned by greater than 50% by brothers, sisters, spouse, and lineal descendants. ). It is further recommended the contract language specifically identify how that will impact the administration of the contract (i.e., the subcontractor will be treated as part of the prime). Underway Completed The public works contract form was amended to address this. 52 Property & Facilities 09/10-6 7 It is recommended for the County to consider a process to recording construction change orders to Board approved construction contracts at the end of the contract. Planned Planned This will be incorporated into the development of a project management manual (#11 below) 12/31/13 53 Property & Facilities 09/10-6 10 It is suggested the County consider establishing a policy for capital construction management. The policy should address the centralized or decentralized management of capital construction projects. It seems appropriate for all construction projects to be centralized through the Property and Facilities department. Depending on the size, scope and complexity of the construction project, Property and Facilities could assemble an appropriate project team. The policy should identify anticipated roles and responsibilities. Planned Planned Agree with this recommendation. Adoption of a policy that establishes responsibility of construction oversight and contracting with one central department (i.e., Property & Facilities) will address many of the recommendations here because we will no longer have numerous persons/departments handling construction projects. 7/31/2013 54 Property & Facilities 09/10-6 11 It is also suggested that those involved with construction management develop a project management manual to assist those less experienced in the process. One other suggestion noted in numerous reports and which seems like a good idea is to have a post project review to identify what could be improved in the management of the project and share lessons learned among those that can benefit. Planned Planned If 10 is implemented, there is no need for this item. 12/31/2013 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 15 Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 55 Property & Facilities 09/10-6 12 It is suggested for the County to consider a project management practice of reporting on the cause (designer, contractor, unforeseen, and/or owner) for change orders. This is a proactive recommendation aimed at measuring the cause for changes. Planned Completed Projects managed by Property & Facilities have backup material and cause/reason for each change order. 56 Road 08/09-3 8 It is recommended for management to consider whether additional efforts are needed in improving the cost information in CAMS. Underway Underway New pavement management program and associated partnership/collaboration goals will keep more focused. 12/31/2012 57 Sheriff's Office 2003-3 7 Management should evaluate the current accounting systems to determine if it can provide an ongoing balance and bank reconciliation function. If the cost of adding this functionality is prohibitive, an updated computerized accounting system might be an a Underway Completed Jail Tracker, the new JMS system implemented May 15, 2012, provides for an on-going balance and bank reconciliation function. 58 Sheriff's Office 2003-3 13 Staff should develop a system for submitting outstanding checks to the State in a timely manner. This should be done at least annually in accordance with the State deadline. Underway Completed On May 15, 2012, prior to the "go-live" of Jail Tracker, all outstanding checks dated prior to June 30, 2009, were submitted to the State. This reporting will be completed annually as the new JMS processes are more efficient and less staff intensive. 59 Sheriff's Office MGT of America (2007) 3 Add a transport deputy position. Planned Completed Additional transport needs are being met from other jail operations teams. Not an issue. 60 Sheriff's Office MGT of America (2007) 4 Implement the security relief factor, resulting in three additional correctional deputies. Planned Completed All staffing needs are being met by current staff and monitored by supervisory staff. Not an issue. 61 Sheriff's Office MGT of America (2007) 10 Jail leadership should identify the relief factor for the jail on an annual basis. Planned Completed Being done annually using operational log maintained by Jail management staff. Not an issue. 62 Sheriff's Office MGT of America (2007) 11 Develop data systems that can make data on staffing patterns and trends readily available and easy to communicate to the Deschutes County stakeholders. Planned Completed Currently use the daily operational summary which provides current jail staffing for each mandated post and up to date jail population levels. Not an issue. 2012 Global Follow-up report #11/12-13 August 2012 Page 16 Count Department Audit# Rec# Recommendation Prior or Original Status New Status Updated Comments Estimated Date 63 Solid Waste 03/04-1 2 Office staff should document in writing all accounting policies and procedures. These policies and procedures should be available to all employees and should detail the responsibilities of each employee. The procedures should emphasize the areas of revenue and deposit handling, monitoring, supervision and segregation of duties. Underway Underway Will continue to work on. 12/31/2013 64 Solid Waste 03/04-1 4 The supervisor should approve (in writing) all new, changed, or deleted customer credit accounts. The supervisor’s initials should evidence approval. A new report should be developed to identify all new, modified or closed credit customers between certain dates. The report can be approved and retained for support. Planned Completed New system to be coming online in July should help with this. 65 Solid Waste 03/04-1 10 Office staff should routinely reconcile internal records of security deposits retained with those held in the County trust account. Underway Planned Low priority and haven't had time. 12/1/2013 {END OF REPORT}