HomeMy WebLinkAbout4_Draft Scope of Workrevdocx DRAFT South County Area Plan Scope of W o r k South County Plan DRAFT Scope of Work ABSTRACT This Scope of Work outlines the tasks and schedule for undertaking a Plan for South Deschutes County, as well as the outreach that will be used for this project. South County Area Plan |rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work 1 South County Plan DRAFT Scope of Work Prepared by Deschutes County Community Development Department October 2011 http://www.deschutes.org/Community-Development.aspx 2 South County Area Plan | rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work contents Introduction .................................... 3 Purpose of Plan ............................... 4 Policy Issues ................................... 5 Land Use Challenges ....................... 7 Outreach ......................................... 8 Next Steps ....................................... 9 Resources ....................................... 14 South County Area Plan |rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work 3 introduction Southern Deschutes County spans more than 125 square miles and is bounded by federal lands managed by the Deschutes National Forest and Bureau of Land Management. Approximately 15,000 lots were platted in the 1960s and 1970s, prior to the enactment of Oregon's land use planning laws. Many of the lots are proximate to floodplains, wetlands, riparian areas, deer migration routes and lodgepole pine forests. Most of these areas lie within tracts that extend roughly 25 miles south of Sunriver, adjacent to the scenic Deschutes and Little Deschutes Rivers. The water table is shallow - less than six feet for most lots and less than two feet for approximately 1,500 privately owned lots. Most are small 1 to 2 acre parcels. Only a limited number of lots are serviced by sewer or water districts, or paved roads. Other distinct areas in Southern Deschutes County include rural residential properties in Newberry Estates, near Paulina Creek, northeast of the City of La Pine, and tracts in Section 36, near Highway 31. During Deschutes County’s Comprehensive Plan Update, residents in these areas expressed interest in an area- specific plan. One of the Plan Update’s adopted policies is: Policy 3.10.2 - Develop a south county community plan and adopt it as a subsection of this Plan. 4 South County Area Plan | rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work purpose of plan An area plan is an integral part of the Deschutes County Comprehensive Plan and upon adoption by the Board of County Commissioners (Board) constitutes an official chapter that can only be changed though a legislative plan amendment. An area plan contains a vision statement and a detailed account of its public involvement process and land use inventories. These two elements shape the establishment of goals and policies, which then provide a guide to decision making for land use planning, capital improvements, and physical development during a 20 year period. Once adopted, an area plan can be implemented using regulatory and non-regulatory tools. One set consists of local police powers, including zoning, subdivision, and related land use ordinances. Others promote intergovernmental coordination and public-private partnerships. It is important to point out that these types of approaches must be consistent with Oregon’s Land Use Program and 19 Statewide Planning Goals. The Board establishes an annual work plan every fiscal year for the Planning Division. Citizens and stakeholders can engage the Board in the spring during the development of the budget to endorse Planning Division work tasks and implementation measures that directly relate to South Deschutes County. Introduction Community Input Vision Statement Land Use and Population Facilities and Services Surrounding Land Uses Goals and Policies Developing an Area Plan Implementing an Area Plan Community Plan Adopted by the Board Planning Division Drafts Annual Work Plan Public Testifies During Spring Budget Hearings Board Adopts Planning Division Work Plan Staff Initiaties Implementation Measures South County Area Plan |rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work 5 policy issues The South County Planning process will engage residents and stakeholders to understand their land use values and expectations for the area. Deschutes County is committed to involving citizens to ensure the plan reflects today’s values. Community input will provide the basis for developing goals and policies that describe the preferred course of action for guiding rural growth. The Plan will focus on several regional issues, including: roadways, rural and economic development, farms and forests, public health, fish and wildlife habitat, fire protection, water quantity and quality issues and other issues raised by the community. A Plan must account for future conditions regarding: * population growth * economic development opportunities * land demand * public facilities and utilities, and * natural resources and the environment Community Development staff will engage residents to explore and ultimately answer several policy issues, like those cited in this scope of work. 1 What is the community boundary? 2 3 Are natural resources (wetlands, riparian areas, wildlife, etc.) adequately protected? What are South County’s economic development strategies? 6 South County Area Plan | rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work Staff will encourage residents and stakeholders to explore integrative approaches to economic development, land use, transportation, energy, and natural resources. By providing a framework for citizens to understand and analyze the relationship between water resources, land use and the economy, the Plan may offer a unique opportunity to develop innovative land use policies that guide growth and development in a manner that is consistent with Oregon’s Statewide Planning Program and local expectations. 4 5 How should South County protect its drinking water supplies? 6 How should South County maintain its roads? How should South County residents reduce their risk to wildfire? South County Area Plan |rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work 7 land use challenges An area plan is conducted to create a desired product: a highly livable community for current and future residents. Planning at the community level helps residents and stakeholders to resolve competing land use, development, and resource issues. Citizens must carefully consider the fiscal, environmental, energy consumption, public service, infrastructure, and land resource impacts associated with future growth. Competing land use values are pervasive in the formation of any community planning process. One of the reasons for establishing an area plan is reconciling South County’s land use values so they can be translated into policies and ultimately, implementation measures. Natural Resources Fish and wildlife resources in the La Pine sub-basin play an important role in the maintenance of the environment that many local residents enjoy, and which attracts so many visitors. Many properties are within a wildlife area management zone for Elk Habitat, Deer Migration, and North Paulina Deer Winter Range. Rural Development Approximately 15,000 lots and 200 subdivisions were created in the 1960s and 1970s before state enabling planning legislation. Many of lots have minimal public services available. Water Resources The Department of Environmental Quality, the US Geological Survey and Deschutes County have determined that the safety of the groundwater in southern Deschutes/ northern Klamath counties is at risk due to nitrate concentration from traditional onsite septic systems. The groundwater aquifer provides the drinking water for most area residents. Economic Development In previous community meetings, residents noted the need for local economic development. The challenge is to encourage jobs while maintaining the rural character and complying with State rules. 8 South County Area Plan | rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work public outreach The Long Range Planning Section will work with citizens and stakeholders to develop a South County Community Plan. Outreach efforts will be tailored to the needs of the community and will include: Designating the Planning Commission as the citizen advisory committee. Enlisting County and state agencies to address existing problems raised by the community and other stakeholders during the planning process. Attending frequent local community group and association meetings or events. Periodic updates to neighboring communities, associations, chambers of commerce, and local businesses. Using the Community Development Department and South County Community Plan website and emails to provide discussion opportunities for residents. The website will also be used to share updates, meeting notices, and Plan progress. Public notices and press releases to periodicals such as the Newberry Eagle, Sunriver Scene, Frontier Weekly, Wise Buys and Bend Bulletin. South County Area Plan |rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work 9 next steps Phase 1: Scope Project (August – December 2011) Hold organizational meetings with Planning Commission Initiate community outreach and public engagement Determine Plan area boundary Conduct background research Create land use inventory and maps Develop community profile (community demographic and socio-economic analyses) Establish website and email listserv Begin transportation and environmental analysis (determine existing land use and transportation baselines for analysis) Product: Land Use Maps and Community Profile Finalize public participation program Receive Planning Commission support for Scope of Work Receive Board support for Scope of Work Product: Final Scope of Work, including community outreach plan 10 South County Area Plan | rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work Phase 2: Community Profile and Issue Identification (January 2012 – April 2012) Conduct community/stakeholder meetings, including question and answer forums Discuss South County characteristics o Population & Housing o Wildlife Inventories & Water Resources o Transportation system & Special districts o Zoning & High groundwater lots Identify Land Use Issues of Concern Product: Existing Conditions Chapter Phase 3: Analysis and Draft Plan (May 2012 – August 2012) Conduct community and stakeholder meetings Develop and analyze various policy approaches Discuss policy approaches with the community Product: Evaluation of policy approaches Develop draft land use goals and policies Discuss, examine, and refine preliminary policy recommendations with the community Product: Preliminary policy recommendations for discussion with the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners South County Area Plan |rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work 11 Phase 4: Planning Commission Work Sessions (September– October 2012) Review Draft Plan with the Planning Commission Set public hearing date, advertise and distribute Product: Advertise the Planning Commission public hearing date Phase 5: Legislative Amendments (November 2012 – June 2013) Conduct Planning Commission public hearings and deliberations Conduct Board of Commissioners work session, public hearings, and deliberations Product: Adopted South County Community Plan 12 South County Area Plan | rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work timeline SOUTH COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN PROPOSED SCHEDULE phase 1 organizational meetings draft scope of work and receive feedback community profile & baseline analysis planning commission recommendation board of commissioners input and support finalize scope of work & outreach plan phase 2 community & stakeholder meetings planning commission input discuss existing conditions identify land use issues of concern aug sep oct nov dec jan feb 2011 2012 aug sep oct nov dec jan feb Planning Commission Staff work Community meetings Board meetings mar mar apr apr South County Area Plan |rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work 13 jun phase 3 community & stakeholder meetings analyze & discuss policy approaches draft goals & policies refine goals & policies with community planning commission input phase 4 planning commission reviews draft plan set public hearing date phase 5 planning commission public hearings board public hearings may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec jan feb mar apr may 2013 may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec jan feb mar apr may jun 14 South County Area Plan | rev. Nov. 2011 | Scope of Work resources The approved Planning Department work program commits 1.5 FTE to this project in FY 2011/2012. No funds have been reserved for consultant services, including translations services, studies, or renderings. For more information Nick Lelack Deschutes County Planning Director 541-385-1708 nick.lelack@co.deschutes.or.us Peter Gutowsky Principal Planner 541-385-1709 peter.gutowsky@co.deschutes.or.us Terri Hansen Payne Senior Planner 541-385-1404 Terri.payne@co.deschutes.or.us Peter Russell Senior Transportation Planner 541-383-6718 peter.russell@co.deschutes.or.us South County Plan DRAFT Scope of Work Prepared by Deschutes County Community Development Department October 2011 http://www.deschutes.org/Community-Development.aspx