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BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON An Ordinance Amending Ordin- ance No. 81-016, Adopting The * C Oregon Solar Specialty Code, * Ap and Declaring an Emergency. * R o ROSE ©19 ORDINANCE NO. 82-021 4cSCh,(/FSRY pqT 8? CO&RC0 WHEREAS, Deschutes County is authorized to enforce the oo Building Specialty Codes of the State of Oregon Department of Commerce; and WHEREAS, the State of Oregon Department of Commerce has adopted an Oregon Solar Specialty Code in accordance with ORS 456.755 and 456.770; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for Deschutes County to adopt said Code by Ordinance; now, therefore, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, ORDAINS as follows: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 81-016 is amended by the addition of Section 19, which reads as follows: "A certain book or publication, a copy of which is on file with the Deschutes County Clerk, marked and entitled Oregon Code For Solar Heating, Cooling and Hot Water Systems, hereinafter referred to as "Oregon Solar Specialty Code", hereby is adopted in its entirety as the Solar Specialty Code for unincorporated Deschutes County, Oregon, for regulating and controlling the installation, alteration and maintenance of solar systems in unincorporated Deschutes County; and said Solar Specialty Code so adopted on file in the office of the Clerk hereby is referred to, and by this reference made a part of this Ordinance as though fully set out herein." Section 2. This Ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this Ordinance takes effect on its passage. 1 - ORDINANCE NO. 82-021 ' VOL 42 ''r,vt DATED thisj4day of _� r-," 1982. -azLBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFDES UTES COUN Y, OREGON CLAY SHEPA Chairman A. YOUNG,( Coyni.94,roner ATTEST: kn ABETH C. YOU Re ording S cret ry 2 - ORDINANCE NO. 82-021