HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL1ORDINANCE NO. pL _ | AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF DF_1S(1­_fljT1,__--, CREATING A PLANIN11",IG r"D'i'AIMISSION. The County Court of the County olDe-,c` utes, State of Orecon, do ordain as fo||ows: SECT I O"i I . I NTE'NT. It is the intent of the County Court by this Ordinance to establish a Planning Comoission in accordance vifh law. SECTION 2. CREATION. There is hereby created a Planning Commission for the County of Deschutes, State of 0nagon. SECTION 3. MEMBERSHIP OF PLAWINIG COMMISSION. The Planning Commission shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the County Court for four-year terms and shall be selected from districts of the County as follows: One (|) member from each of the Planning Commissions of the Cities of Bend, Redmond and Sisters; and four (4) members at large selected from unincorporated areas of the County so as to provide adequate urban and rural representation thereof. SECTION 4. STAGGERED TERMS OF INITIAL MEMBERS OF PLANNING COMMISSION. The terms of initial members sha|l be staggered; one from the Planning Commission of the Qfv of Bend for four (4) years; one from the Planning Commission of the City of Redmond for three (3) years; one from the Planning Commission of the City of Sisters for two (2) years; and four from the unincorporafed area of the County for terms of one, two, three and four years respectively. SECTION 5. TERMS OF SUCCEEDING The successors to the members first appointed, except those appointed to fill vacancies of portions of unexpired terms, shai 1 be for terms of 'lour (4) years. SECTION 6. COMMENCENENT OF TERMS. The ternis of office shall commenc,_� on July 1. SECTION 7. VACANCIES. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment for fhs unexpired portion of the term. SECTION 8. APPO|NTMENT OF CONN|5S|ON MEMBERS. �embers of the Planning Commission shall be appointed by the Chairman of the County Court with the approval of the County Court. SECTION 9. LIMITATION OF NUMBER OF TERMS. Members who have served two (2) consecutive terms shall not be eligible for appointment for o period of four (4) years from the termination date of the last farm, except that o member appointed to fill on unexpired portion of a term -~~ i which is less than two (2) years may be appointed for two (2) additional Terms. SECTION |O. REMOVAL OF MEMBER OF COMMISSION. A member of the Commission may be removed from office° after hearing/ for misconduct or nonperformance of duty by o majority vote of the County Court. SECTION ||. MEETINGS. The Planning Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month at a time and place fixed by if. The firsf meeting of the Planning Commission after appointment of members as provided by this Ordinance shall be within 30 days after the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 12, CHAIRMAN, V|CE-CH8|RMAN, The Commission appointed pursuant to this Ordinance shall elect a Chairman and a Vice -Chairman at its first meeting for terms of one year, and thereafter shall elect a Chairman and a Vice -Chairman each year for terms mf one year. SECTION 13. AD\; 11'-'�ORY MEMBERS. Ad-viisory members of the Planning Commission are as follows: o member of the County Court appointed by fhe Chairman of the Counfy Courf w|fh �pprova| of the Court, District Attorney, Roodmasfer, County Engineer and County Health Officer. Advisory members shall not have a vote. SECTION 14. D0��ENS8T10N, Members of the Planning Commission shall serve without compensation other than reimbursement duly authorized by resolution of the County Court for travel and transportation expenses incurred directly in connection with the performance of duties as a Planning Commission. SECTION 15. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF COMMISSION. The Planning Commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the transaction of business and sho|| keep o record of its minutes, resolutions, transactions, finding, reports, recommendations and determinations, which record shall be o public record. SECTION 16. PO`,�iERS AND DUTIES OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT. The Planning Commission and Planning Department shall have such powers and duties as provided by law. The County Court may refer matters to the Planning Commission for investigation and report. The Planning Commission sha|| be advisory to the County Court on a|| matters except as otherwise provided by law. The Planning Department shall serve as the staff of the Planning Commission. SECTION 17, EFFECTIVE DATE AND ADOPTION. This Ordinance shall become effective January |, 1908. Adopted by order of the Deschutes County Court and recorded in the Commissioners Journal, Vol. 12, Pg. 295^ ��� RE5OLUT|ON �� BEFORE THE PL8�1U|NG COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES, STATE OF OREGON WHEREAS, the County Planning Commission is required by Count,, of Deschutes Ordinance No. PL - |, to adopt rules for the transaction of business. NOW/ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Deschutes County Planning Commission, pursuant to the granted if, adopt the fol lowing rules for the conduct of its affairs. A. PLANNING C01MISSION MEET I NGS. |. Meetings of the County Planning Commission shall be held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p. m./ Courthouse Annex, provided, however, that whenever the Commission at a naOu|or meeting sets a different time and place fnr its meeting, such meeting shall constitute a regular meeting for all purposes, 2. Special meetings may be ordered by the Chairman or by a majority vote of the mambers. Notification by telephone shall be given by the secretary at least 24 hours prior to the special meeting time. 3. Any regular or special meeting may he adjourned to o time and place specified in the order of adjournment. Lass than a quorum may make an order for adjournment. 4. The order of business at regular Planning Commission meetings shall be: a. Chairman calls meeting to order. b. Roll call. o. Approval of minutes of previous meeting. d. Announcements. e. Agenda. f. Correspondence. g. Adjournment. 5. Procedure: The rules of par|iamenfary practice as set forth in Robert's Rules of Order shall govern of all meetings of the Planning Commission except as otherwise provided herein. O. 8 quorum for conducting fha business of the Commission shall 7. Minutes: The minutes of the Commission shall be kept by the secretary or such ofher�persnn as he m-_,,1 designate, with a record of each particular type of husiness trans- acted (variance, conditional use permit, el -c.) set off in paragraphs with proper subheads. A record shall be made of the names and addresses of persons addressing the Commission, the tit le of such matter to which their remarks related, and whethar 'they spoke in support of or in opposition to such matter. The secretary shall keep a public record of the minutes, resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations of the Commission, B. Distribution of the minutes: As soon as possible after each meeting, the secretary sha|| cause n copy of the minutes thereof to be forwarded to each member of the Planning Commission, including advisory members. 9. Reading of the minutes: Unless the reading of the minutes of o meeting is requested by o member, such minutes may be approved without reading if each member has previously been furnished a copy thereof. B. ELECTIONS & APPOINTMENTS )~ The Planning Commission shall, of the first regular meeting each January, elect from among the appointed members a Chairman and Vice Chairman. Election shall be by secret ballot with ballots cast separately for each office. Balloting for Vice Chairman shall follow election of the Chairman. In each case, the Commission members with the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. For purposes of rotating the Chairmanship, a Commissioner who has been elected for two successive terms is ineligible for a third successive term. 2. In case of the absence of, or the inability of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman to act, the members present at any meeting shall, by an order entered into the minufos, select one of the members as Chairman Pru Tem for that meeting. 3. The Director of Planning shall serve as Secretary of the Commission and shall fix the dates of public hearings and prepare the Planning Commission agenda. - 2 - n C. DUTIES OF OFFICERS' & F:'-i:`3ERS I. The Chairman, or in his absence, the `'ice -Chairman, or in his absence, tie Chairman Pro Tem, s1�all vote on all questions and shall be the presiding officer at all Planning Commission meetings. The presiding officer shall preserve oruer and decorum and s�ia!I decide quest lons of order. 2. Call to order: The Chairman shall ta'<e -he chair at the time and place appointed for the meetin,, and shall call the Commission to order. In the absence o the Chairman and the Vice -Chairman, the secretary of the C-ommission shall cal the Commission to order, whereupon a temporary chairman shall be elected by the members present. Upon the arrival of the Chairman or the Vice -Chairman, the temporary chairman shall relinquish the chair at the conclusion of the business then before the Commission. 3. All Planning Commission members wishing to make a statement or ask a question shall first gain recognition by the Chairman. 4. The Chairman shall facilitate the business of the Commission. He may limit the amount of time which a person may use in addressing the Planning Commission. 5. The Chairman shall appoint and discharge all committees. 6. With the approval of the Commission, the Chairman may suspend or vary the regular order of business. i. Members of the Planning Commission shall absent themselves from that part of the meeting w1henever items are being considered wherein there is a conflic-1 of interest. Such action may be taken voluntarily by a member. The conflict of interest may otherwise be determined only by a majority vote of all the Commission members present upon motion duly seconded. Before such a motion may be heard, an allegation of the conflict of interest must be stated and the member allegedly subject to the conflict of interesF must be heard. 8. The Chairman shall certify the approved minutes of the Planning Commission and shall sign such other documents as may be required and shall perform all other duties necessary or incidental to his office. 0 y. The Sa_-refary shall maintain minutes of the Cor, -mission 0 meetings and sha|| record t1 -'s officia| act ions o� 1 -he Planning Commission as required by law. He sha|| be respnnsib|e to certify all o'l'[c(o| documents and rnso|u��ons of the Commissiun. He shall exo�ine el | inouminj mai/ for proper referral and answer correspondenma for f�o Commission. He sha|1 eainfain records of operations and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the P|annin,� Commission. iO, The P|anning Director sha|! be i -he administrative head of fhe Daparfmenf of P/annin�. He shall furnish professional and technical advice to the Commission and sha!| assist the Commission in the discharge o� its responsibilities. |}. A|| ques'ions of law shall ",e referred in writing by the Secretary to the Deschutes County District Attorney. All contracts and ordinances sho/| be referred to the District A--,forney- D. GENERAL RULES OF PROCEDURE |, A|| Planning Commission meetings sha|{ be open to the public as provided by law. 2. Except as provided in D.3. herein, requests for appearance 0 before the Commission for non-scheduled items shall be made with the Planning Director at the Planning Deportment office at least one week prior to a Planning Commission meeting. Such requests shall be made in writing or on forms provided and shall state the nature of the business to be considered. 0 3. Any urgency matters may be considered by the Planning Commission upon request of any member of the Commi'ssion or u�on request of the Planning Director. In the interest of facilitating the Planning Commission meeting, a member of the Planning Commission requesting consideration of an urgency matter should notify the Secretary at fh* earliest time practical. 4. Scheduled agenda items shall take precedence over urgency matters and non-schedu|ed ifems, however, the Chairman may allow consideration of an urgency matter at such time as he deems appropriate. 5, Any of -the rules and procedures specified herein and which otherwise aro not required by law may be suspended, changed or mod ifi ed by reso|ufion of fhe P|anning Comm i7,s17on by a majority vote of the Commission. - 4 - E. PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCT OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman announces -the hearing, stating the nature of the hearing, 'the general location and the applicant's nam* (as if appears on -the agenda). 2. Planning Director or his designated officer shall present a staff report describing the physical situation and other facts bearing on the case, read or note communications received and present evidence of due notice of the public hearing. The staff report shall, where appropriate, include recommendations for -the consideration of the Commission in taking its action on the hearing matter. ]. Chairman declares the public hearing by calling for testimony from applicant or his representative. The applicant or his representative shall be given the opportunity to supplement his application and present witnesses for the purpose of presenting oro/ and/or documentary evidence to support the application. 4. Chairman calls for further testimony of proponents. 5. Chairman calls for testimony of opponents. Persons who wish - to testify in opposition shall be heard in order and the privilege of argument sbo/} be afforded. S. Chairman calls for closing statement by applicant or his ropresenfafivm(nof necessary where no opposition appears). The applicant shall have the right to present rebuttal testimony and shall be afforded the privilege of argument. 7. Chairman declares the hearing closed. 8. Chairman ca/|s for discussion or examination by members of the Commission. No -testimony sbo|| be heard from the floor unless questioned by the Commission or the Planning Director. g. Chairman shall call upon 'the Planning Director for any closing recommendations or alterations based on hearing testimony. (8s a matter of required procedure, this assures the Commission that it will have the further views of its staff which are developed as a result of hearing testimony presented. 0 - 5 - -- |O. Motion is made. |l. Chairman asks 'he Commission mombers if there is furfher discussion on fhe motion. 12' Chairman calls for the question. (Second to motion) |]. Vote is fake,-. 14. Chairman annoonces the decision of Commission and proceeds to the next item on agenda. He advises the applicant that he will be ooiifiod of the decision in writing. F. MISCELLANEOUS RULLES FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS |. Addressing fha Commission: All ques-ions and comments shall be direcfad through the Chairman, giving their name and address. Whenever any group or parsons wish to address the Commission on the same subject matter, the Chairman shall have the right to request that e spokesman be chosen to represent the group so as to avoid unnecessary repetition. No person other than a Commissioner shall be permitted to enter into any discussion without the permission of the Chairman. 2. Hearsay testimony shall not be admitted as evidence. Findings of the Commission shall not be based on unsupporfed hearsay evidence alone. The Chairman shall rule on the admissabi)itv of all evidence upon any objection made to the fi | ing thereof - such rulings shall be referred to the Commission for review and determination. 3. Oral or documentary testimony not received in an open hearing shall be disregarded. 4. Findings of facf shall be relied upon in making o motion. 5. As provided by Oregon Revised Statutes, 'he Commission and/or staff she || be pennifted -o enfer upon any property, which is the subject of an app|ioafion, in order to make a proper field review of the site. However, discussion in the form o' a commitment on a mat ter, prior fu the hearing, in the cmnpany of either on app |icant or his reprosaf n��ive or an oppo:enf without the company of the other Commissioners or staff sha|/ be prohibited. (This assures objectivity and fair freEitmanf.) The need for a field review by 'he majority of the Commission Is shall be valid reason to postpone a decision, _6_ C. COAIM |SS|0N D|RECT!VES The Commission sha| |, from film* to �T,/-e' by directives issued by if, establish procedures the processing of the business of the Commission. Such _-'irecfives shall be binding upon fho staff of the Commission and all persons having business before the Conmissicn. (Directives may cover the handling of correspondence, affendenoe at other public meetings, the operation of i�fees of the Commission, and a variety o/ other matters relating to the business of the Commission.) Adopted, as amended, this 2V -day of 1971. �� DESC S COUNTY PLA�NNING­GOIAIMI SS !I 01N 11 CJ 1�1 BEFORE THE DESCHUTES COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION In the Matter of AMENDMENT TO DESCHUTES COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. PL -1 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has, since Ordinance PL -1 was adopted, hired a County Counsel to handle civil law matters for the Countz NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that procedural rule C(11) of the Planning Commission Resolution of July 27, 1971, is amended to read as follows (words in parenthesis are deleted; words underlined are added): "C. Duties of Officer and Members. 11. All questions of law shall be referred in writing by the secretary to the Deschutes County (District Attorney) Counsel. All contracts and ordinances shall be referrEM to the (District Attorney) County Counsel." ADOPTED this day of .144tt4 1979. DESCHUTES COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION 1-.0,r14Z ..* —n� UI&pw_ Cha3*-rza'npzf - WR PAGE -1- RESOLUTION