HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-03-01 - BPAC Minutes MEETING MINUTES DESCHUTES COUNTY BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thursday, March 1, 2018 - Noon to 1:30 pm ODOT, 63055 N Hwy 97, Building M, Diamond and Crater Lake Conference Rooms, Bend Audio recording of this meeting is archived for review and/or transcription. The purpose of this document is to outline topics of discussion and actions by the Committee. Members Present: Cheryl Howard, Brad Tower, Greg Svelund, Ann Marland, Rick Root, Wendy Holzman, Scott Ferguson, Christopher Cassard, Dave Thomson. Agency/Organization: Zechariah Heck (Deschutes County – CDD), Robin Lewis (City of Bend – Transportation & Engineering), Kim Curley & Kate Armstrong (Commute Options), David Amiton (ODOT), Laura Underhill (Bend Park and Recreation District), Derek Hofbauer (COIC/Cascades East Transit). Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. Introductions Attendees of the meeting introduced themselves and, if applicable, identified the organization they represent. Approval of Prior Minutes The February 1, 2018, were approved unanimously with the following edits:  Chris Cassard’s name was misspelled.  Kim Curley stated that Jeff Monson’s comments were not about safe routes to school, they were about Bend Open Streets. Low Stress Bikeway Facilities in Bend - Neighborhood Greenways Project in Bend Robin Lewis, PE Transportation Engineer, City of Bend Robin presented a Power Point presentation covering a new initiative the city of Bend is working on called “low stress bikeways”. Robin explained the city’s current standard for construction zones is to merge bikes onto travel lane and other potential conflicts for bicyclists and vehicles. Most people feel that people drive too fast within their neighborhoods, according to Robin. New information has been developed by the city to determine the stress level of each street Page 2 throughout the city for alternative transportation modes. The city wants to tailor their system to an analysis called Level of Traffic Stress (LTS). The range is from LTS 1 to 4, where one is low stress and four is high. Robin highlighted some of the following statistics and information:  A 2017 measurement of bend bicycling facilities shows that a vast majority of existing facilities are basic bike lanes.  Eleven percent of fatal crashes in Bend were bicycle related.  A goal of the City is to create more bicycle counters throughout the network. This would allow more data related to miles traveled and crash statistics.  Most existing low-stress bike networks are trails and not adjacent to roadways. The City is also looking at gaps in the transportation system. For example, how one gets from their neighborhood to the grocery store.  The city’s vision is to have an accessible transportation network where one can get to and from their destination without stressful situations. If one must be on busy street, there should be a separate, protected bike line.  The city’s recent urban growth boundary remand was focused on mixed use, increased density, jobs-housing services, complete streets, parking and low stress bicycling. Some of the design principles were: cohesive, direct, safe, comfortable, accessible, alternatives.  The city has created a bikeway design guide that highlights these goals and challenges. Another opportunity is the Transportation System Plan, which is likely to be adopted in 2019. Robin discussed the challenges with managing change. Planning and technical guides are important for communication and education. There is a focus on changing the message from a war between cars and bikes to one that is focused on the people utilizing the transportation. One tact is to use demonstrations, even if they are temporary. Demonstrations can help people visualize changes and warm up to the idea. The city wants to make choices easy for the community. Robin explained that citizen involvement will be important for the programs to be adopted. ODOT Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Projects David Amiton, Active Transportation Liaison, ODOT Region 4 David provided the group an update on three projects that ODOT will be applying for, or, already has applied for funding, under the FLAP funding. The first project is a re-paving project from the city of Sisters to the Dee Wright Observatory, along the McKenzie Highway. The project will not involve expanding the bike lanes, but they will be rebuilt. The Forest Service may include interpretive kiosks that would be included in the application. The project will not occur until 2022 or 2025. Page 3 The second project discussed by David was the Baker/Knott Road to Lava Butte shared use path. ODOT applied for funds for the project’s environmental review during the last cycle; the current FLAP funding cycle will focus on actual construction costs. The location of the path will not be determined for the next several years, 2022 at the earliest, according to David. The last project that David spoke to was the Lava Butte to La Pine multi use path. ODOT is talking with both the Forest Service and BLM to determine who would be the best manager of the project. Ultimately, the multi-use path will connect Bend to La Pine. David mentioned that support letters would be helpful in this effort. The BPAC members all expressed support to write a letter. David also provided a high-level summary of the FLAP process. There are different regions throughout the country and each state is allocated a specified amount. Oregon is awarded around $35 million, which is the highest in the nation. BPAC Business Tri-County Summit Planning  Members discussed who will help with the planning process. Some members expressed confusion on what the agenda involves.  Presenters need to be identified and reached out to.  The summit is scheduled to occur in Prineville. Cheryl explained that several terms will expire soon. Rick Root, Dave Thomson, Christopher Cassard and Mark Smith would all like to extend their terms; Michelle DeSilva stated that she does not want to extend her term. Subsequently, Cheryl stated that two seats will need to be filled (DeSilva’s and Howard’s). Committee Updates  Vision Zero Subcommittee – o The group is moving forward on what routes to take. o A subcommittee report was provided to the group that highlights what has been discussed and potential opportunities. o There was a discussion to include Vision Zero policies in the BPAC goals. o The next meeting is at 3pm, March 1, 2018, at ODOT. General Updates  South County o There was support around multi-modal transportation projects in Sunriver.  Bend o Greenways are being designed and implemented throughout the city. Greenways are low- stress networks for mixed modal transpiration facilities. Several meetings are scheduled to engage the public and inform them of the projects. Page 4  Sisters o The next BPAC meeting will be in Sisters at City Hall. The public works director will be speaking. A new multi-use path has been supported near the retirement development. Sisters is working on a visioning project to determine what the community envisions for the future.  Commute Options o A 2017 report was provided to the group. A Friendly Driver Program was highlighted. The program is focused on avoiding crashes with bicyclists and pedestrians. A kickoff event is scheduled for Wednesday, March 7th at Bend Electric Bikes – 5:30pm.  COIC/CET o Staffing changes, a position is available.  COAC – BPACs vision zero push was discussed at the committee. Transition Planning Cheryl explained the purpose of the agenda item is to identify an interim-chair to help with various tasks as Cheryl departs the committee. Cheryl provided an overview of what is required for the position. Chris Cassard explained what his abilities are as Vice-Chair and stated he could not serve as the interim chair. Chris also suggested that the chair needs to commit to a deep understanding of the nuances of bicycle and pedestrian policies. Dave Thomson mentioned he is willing to take on the responsibilities of interim chair. BPAC members unanimously supported the nomination. Open Floor No items were brought up from the general public. Meeting Adjourned at 1:35 pm Next Meeting: Thursday, April 5, 2018 12:00 to 2:00 pm West County – Sisters Agency Coordination Summit – Location TBD